Doberman Pinscher

 Doberman Pinscher


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Doberman Pinscher Breed Standards




  Breed Description
  Also Called: Doberman
  Height: The Doberman Pinscher's height is 24-28 inches tall.
  Weight: The Doberman Pinscher's weight is 66-88 lbs.
  Colors: The Doberman Pinscher can be black, red, blue, and fawn with rust markings on their head, body and legs.
  General Appearance: The appearance of the Doberman Pinscher is that of a dog of medium size, with a body that is square. Compactly built, muscular and powerful, for great endurance and speed. Elegant in appearance, of proud carriage, reflecting great nobility and temperament. Energetic, watchful, determined, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient.
  Temperament: The Doberman Pinscher is an energetic, elegant, fearless, loyal, and obedient dog who will make a devoted companion. Good with older children and other pets (but may show dominance toward pets).
  Care: The Doberman Pinschers should be groomed a couple of times a week with a soft cloth or brush.
  Training: The Doberman Pinschers are easy to teach and quick to learn. If you do not have time to properly train your Doberman you should consider a different breed.
  Activity: The Doberman Pinschers need daily extensive exercise, particularly running.
  Life Span: The Doberman Pinscher  lives about 12-15 years.
  Litter Size: The Doberman Pinscher  averages about 3-8 puppies per litter.
  Country of Origin: The Doberman Pinscher originated in Germany.
  Brief History: The Doberman Pinscher was developed in Germany toward the end of the 19th century. The Germans wanted to create a functional protection and guard dog that would also serve as a family companion. Dogs were selected for their courage and intelligence. One of the most well-known early breeders was Louis Dobermann, from whom the breed takes its name. It is uncertain how many and exactly which breeds were used to create the Doberman Pinscher. Most authorities include the Rottweiler, the old (and now extinct) German Shepherd, the German Pinscher, the Manchester Terrier, and the Greyhound. What is certain is that the breed assumed its present appearance fairly rapidly and was recognized by the German Kennel Club in 1899.
  Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 2), KC (GB), UKC


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