Dogue de Bordeaux

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  Breed Description
  Also Called: French Mastiff
  Height: The Dogue de Bordeaux is 23-30 inches in height.
  Weight: The Dogue de Bordeaux weighs between 120-145 lbs.
  Colors: The Dogue de Bordeaux come in all shades of fawn.
  General Appearance: The Dogue de Bordeaux is a well-balanced, massive, powerfully-built dog with a very muscular body and a short coat. The Dogue is somewhat low in stature with a huge head, furrowed by wrinkles, topped with small, pendant ears. The tail is thick at the base and tapering to the tip and is set and carried low. The breed is presented in a completely natural condition and should be evaluated equally for correct conformation, temperament, gait, and structural soundness.
  Temperament: The Dogue de Bordeaux has a good calm temperment today, but used to be a ferocious dog.
  Care: The Dogue de Bordeaux is an average shedder that requires very little grooming.
  Training: The Dogue de Bordeaux requires early obedience training due to his powerful strength.
  Activity: The Dogue de Bordeaux needs a lot of exercise.
  Life Span: The Dogue de Bordeaux lives about 8-10 years.
  Litter Size: The Dogue de Bordeaux averages about 6-8 puppies per litter.
  Country of Origin: The Dogue de Bordeaux originated in France.
  Brief History: The Dogue de Bordeaux is one of the oldest French breeds. Its actual origins are obscure but it is probably descended from one of the strains of Mastiff-type dogs that accompanied Macedonian and Roman armies through Asia, Europe, and Britain. A 14th century writer describing the Alaunt Veutreres, a probable ancestor of the Dogue de Bordeaux, wrote that this dog "holds his bite stronger than three sight hounds." By the middle of the 19th century, the Dogue de Bordeaux was little known outside of Aquitaine where it was used to hunt large animals, such as boar; to fight; to guard homes and cattle; and in the service of butchers. The Dogue de Bordeaux was entered under its present name in the first dog show held in France in 1863. The breed narrowly missed extinction during the two world wars but enjoyed a resurgence in the 1960's. Sometime in the early 1980's, the first Dogue de Bordeaux was imported to the United States. The breed is used today almost exclusively as a family companion and house guardian.
  Registries: ANKC, FCI, NKC, NZKC, CKC, UKC


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