Gordon Setter

 Gordon Setter


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Gordon Setter Breed Standards










  Breed Description
  Height: The Gordon Setter's height ranges from 23-27 inches.
  Weight: The Gordon Setter's weight ranges from 45-80 lbs.
  Colors: The Gordon Setter is black with tan markings, either of rich chestnut or mahogany color.
  General Appearance: The Gordon Setter is a good-sized, sturdily built, black and tan dog, well muscled, with plenty of bone and substance, but active, upstanding and stylish, appearing capable of doing a full day's work in the field. He has a strong, rather short back, with well sprung ribs and a short tail. The head is fairly heavy and finely chiseled. His bearing is intelligent, noble, and dignified, showing no signs of shyness or viciousness. Clear colors and straight or slightly waved coat are correct. He suggests strength and stamina rather than extreme speed. Symmetry and quality are most essential. A dog well balanced in all points is preferable to one with outstanding good qualities and defects. A smooth, free movement, with high head carriage, is typical.
  Temperament: The Gordon Setter is alert, gay, interested, and confident. He is fearless and willing, intelligent and capable. He is loyal and affectionate, and strong-minded enough to stand the rigors of training.
  Care: The Gordon Setter needs moderate coat care. Check the ear passages on a regular basis and trim excess hair beneath the ears to avoid infection.
  Training: The Gordon Setter can be stubborn on occasion, but if you are consistent and loving in your approach they are not difficult to train.
  Activity: The Gordon Setter's dark coat absorbs heat very quickly so owners should watch for signs of overheating. They love a good long run, however, daily walks will work for them.
  Life Span: The Gordon Setter lives about 10-12 years.
  Litter Size: The Gordon Setter averages about 8 puppies per litter.
  Country of Origin: The Gordon Setter originated in Scotland.
  Brief History: The Gordon is the only gun dog developed in Scotland. The breed was stabilized by Alexander, the fourth Duke of Gordon, between the years of 1770 to 1820. It was originally called the Gordon Castle Setter. The Duke wanted a heavier type of setter of pleasing conformation, with keen scenting power and well adapted to his Scottish environment. Some of the breeds mentioned in the dogs ancestry are the "colley" and bloodhound. This may account for the dogs coloring. He may be a slower hunter than the English Setter, but there is less variation within the Gordon bench and field type than there is between the bench and field type of the English and Irish Setters. This is to the breeders' credit.
  Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 7), KC(GB), UKC


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