Grand Bleu de Gascogne



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Grand Bleu de Gascogne Breed Standards





  Breed Description
  Also Called: Large Bleu Gascony Hound
  Height: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne male is 25.5-27.5 inches tall measured at the withers; females are 23.5-25.5 inches tall.
  Weight: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne weighs between 71-77 lbs.
  Colors: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne has irregular shaped black patches upon a white background, which is speckled with black. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne looks like it has a blue reflection.
  General Appearance: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne's color, build and head combine to form an impression that is very noble and very French.
  Temperament: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne has an even temperament and is essentially friendly. Some individuals may be very outgoing, while others are somewhat reserved in nature, but never shy or vicious. Their bark is loud, but they do not bark frequently.
  Care: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne needs to be brushed frequently.
  Training: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is an independent dog. If it is trained properly and not pushed too hard, it will train easily.
  Activity: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is used to hunt wild boar, deer, fox and hare. It hunts in a leisurely, methodical manner and possesses, in the extreme, a great amount of determination, tremendous endurance, desire, self confidence, sagacity, remarkable scenting ability, a deep, powerful melodious voice, a distinct coat color and an aristocratic form. The Grand Bleu de Gascogne needs lots of exercise, but beware of letting him run off because he may chase after wild game.
  Life Span: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne lives about 10-14 years.
  Litter Size: --
  Country of Origin: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne originated in France.
  Brief History: The Grand Bleu de Gascogne is a Scenthound of ancient line-age, eminently French. They are descended from the original scenting dogs of Gaul and the Phoenician hound trade, and are one of the two types from which most modern hound breeds developed. The Grand is probably the closest, of the four Blue de Gascogne breeds, to the ancient hounds in size and build. Gascony Province, the specific area of their rootstock and development, is located on the southwestern coast of France.
  Registries: UKC, CKC


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