


Greyhound Puppies for Sale

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Greyhound  Breed Standards







  Breed Description
  Height: The Greyhound's height ranges from 27-30 inches.
  Weight: The Greyhound's weight ranges from 60-70 lbs.
  Colors: The Greyhound can be any color.
  General Appearance: That of an athlete, built to run efficiently. Superb temperament, excellent as house dog and companion. Elegant stature.
  Temperament: The Greyhounds are very affectionate, but will not overly dote on you. The Greyhound's gentle nature makes him a good children's dog. They have a natural tendency to chase anything small that moves and may be aggressive toward other dogs.
  Care: The Greyhound needs soft places to rest and sleep as they can develop pressure sores. Minimal grooming of their short coat is required. A firm bristle brush or comb or a rub down with a chamois will ensure a coat that gleams. Shampoo only when necessary. Nails should be cut regularly.
  Training: The Greyhound needs to be trained carefully because it is easy to break their spirit if treated harshly.
  Activity: The Greyhound's need proper attention and exercise. If they don't have it they will find other outlets for their energy, which may include chewing. They need to be exercised regularly (such as a daily walk) and the opportunity to run free in an open space occasionally.
  Life Span: The Greyhound lives about 10-12 years.
  Litter Size: The Greyhound averages about 10-15 puppies per litter.
  Country of Origin: Not Known.
  Brief History: The Greyhound is considered to be the oldest pure breed in existence. Various theories estimate it to be as much as 7,000 years old, but it is generally accepted to be about 4,000 years old. As far back as pre-Christian times, the Greyhound had become a world traveler, having been taken to Europe, including England, throughout Greece and to the Orient. The breed was universally regarded for its sighthound capabilities and was always the favorite in coursing competitions. Greyhound racing is well known throughout the world even though negative connotations have recently been applied to the sport because of the alleged mass production of Greyhounds for racing, while only a small percentage are actually used and the remaining are disposed of.
  Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 10), KC (GB), UKC


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