


Leonberger Puppies for Sale

Leonberger    Dog Breeders

Leonberger Breed Clubs

Names for Leonbergers

Leonberger Breed Standards







  Breed Description
  Height: The Leonberger male is 29-31 inches tall; females 27-29 inches tall.
  Weight: The Leonberger male weighs from 130-170 lbs.; females 100-130 lbs.
  Colors: The Leonberger has a black mask and it's coat is tawny to reddish brown in color.
  General Appearance: The Leonberger is a very large majestic dog with a black mask. Males being larger than females. The mask should not extend over the eyebrows; it can be up to the eyes or above the eyes but never the whole head. The Leonberger's nose and lips are black in color. Their skull is domed and their eyes have a gentle expression to them. They have a rough waterproof coat with a mane that can take up to 4 years to develop. This dog's tail is bushy and set low at the hocks. Their feet have black pads with webbing to aid in swimming.
  Temperament: The Leonberger is very affectionate with a stable temperament. Their gentle eyes convey their love for everyone. Extremely intelligent and loyal, these dogs have the ability to be loving and kind to even the worst of children. In most cases, this dog will walk away from a child that is annoying it. The Leonberger gets along with other animals as well.
  Care: The Leonberger requires weekly brushing. Bathe this dog only when necessary to avoid drying the dog's skin. The Leonberger is a seasonal shedder that sheds heavily, during this time it may need to be brushed daily.
  Training: The Leonberger requires training with patience.
  Activity: The Leonberger does not need a lot of exercise. If used for pulling or hiking, it is recommended that you wait until the dog is at least 18 months of age.
  Life Span: The Leonberger lives about 8-9 years.
  Litter Size: --
  Country of Origin: The Leonberger originated in Germany.
  Brief History: The Leonberger has been in existence since 1846, where it came from crossing the Landseer Newfoundland, St. Bernard, and Great Pyrenees. Named after the small town of Leonberg, Germany, the Leonberger's origin is credited to the mayor of the town, Herr Heinrich Essig, who lived from 1808 to 1889. Herr Hessig was an avid animal lover who had a particular fondness for very large dogs. It was his goal to breed a dog that resembled the lion that graced the town's crest.


Leonberger Books


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