Norwegian Lundehund



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Norwegian Lundehund Breed Standards






  Breed Description
  Also Called: Norwegian Puffin Dog, Lundehund
  Height: The Norwegian Lundehund male is 13.75-15 inches tall; females are 12.5-13.75 inches tall.
  Weight: The Norwegian Lundehund's weight is between 12-15 lbs.
  Colors: The Norwegian Lundehund's color is reddish brown to fallow, with black tipping; black or grey. White with black tips are also seen.
  General Appearance: The Norwegian Lundehund is the most unique of all dog breeds. It's rare traits are found in no other breed of dog. It has six toes on each foot, can shut the ears to protect against dust and moisture. It is jointed at the nape of the neck, which enables it to bend its head right down onto its back (180°). Also it has a very moveable shoulder-joint, so the forelegs can be moved out at right angles to the sides. Much like looking at a bear rug. This dog was bred to hunt the puffin bird which is a lot like a penguin.
  Temperament: The Norwegian Lundehund is friendly, lovable and good in the house. Alert, energetic and lively this charming dog has a gentle nature, getting along with both humans and other animals.
  Care: The Norwegian Lundehund's coat is dense but rather short, making it easy to groom and care for.
  Training: --
  Activity: --
  Life Span: The Norwegian Lundehund lives about 10-14 years.
  Litter Size: --
  Country of Origin: The Norwegian Lundehund originated in Norway.
  Brief History: This is Norway's oldest purebred dog. It was used to hunt Puffins, which are birds a lot like the penguin. Their build and unique characteristics allowed them to scale cliffs and maneuver through caves where the Puffins lived. It is thought that the Norwegian Lundehund or a close relative survived the last ice age!  A descendent of the primeval dog - Canis Forus. They were noted as early as 1432 by Italian fisherman. At one time this breed was almost extinct with only five dogs remaining. All Norwegian Lundehund that live today descended from those five. Through the efforts of Mrs. Christie and Monrad Mostad, they have been kept alive. There are about 1,000 in the world. At present, we have about 150 in the Unites States, with the first litter born in New England in December 1987.
  Registries: FCI, CKC


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