


Pekingese Puppies for Sale

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Pekingese Breed Standards








  Breed Description
Also Called: Lion Dog, Peking Palasthund
  Height: The Pekingese's height ranges from 6-9 inches.
  Weight: The Pekingese weighs up to 14 lbs.
  Colors: The Pekingese can be any color.
  General Appearance: The Pekingese is a well-balanced, compact dog with heavy front and lighter hindquarters. It must suggest its Chinese origin in its directness, independence, individuality and expression. Its image is lion like. It should imply courage, boldness and self-esteem rather than prettiness, daintiness or delicacy.
  Temperament: The Pekingese is a dignified little dog who can sometimes be stubborn. It is a combination of regal dignity, self-importance, self-confidence that make for a good natured, lively and affectionate companion to those who have earned its respect. It is a good dog for a small city apartment, but will be just as happy in a rural setting.
  Care: The Pekingese has long, straight, thick profuse coats which requires regular brushing to prevent knots and mats from forming.
  Training: The Pekingese's training can be difficult. You should not be overly bossy with the Pekingese. They need basic training to be a well adjusted companion. Praise them when they do something right, but do not punish harshly when they do something wrong.
  Activity: The Pekingese needs short daily walks.
  Life Span: The Pekingese lives about 13-15 years.
  Litter Size: The Pekingese averages about 2-4 puppies per litter.
  Country of Origin: The Pekingese breed originated in China.
  Brief History: Folklore has a wonderful little story that the Pekingese was an offspring of a lion and a marmoset, but they are actually believed to be descendants of the ancient, lion-like Chinese "Fo Dogs" that were believed to ward off evil spirits. They date back some 1,500 years to China. For centuries they were the sacred dog of China, being coveted and treasured for their quaintness and individuality. They were so protected by the royal palaces it was said that death was the punishment for those who tried to smuggle them into the outside world. They were a favorite of the Chinese Imperial Court and only select people were allowed to own them. In 1860 five Pekingese were left behind during an attack by Britain and France on the Imperial palace in Peking. These five little dogs were taken back to England. Little is know of the breed after this until 1896 when a famous pair of black Pekingese were imported by Mrs. Loftus Allen.
  Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 9), KC (GB), UKC


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