Sporting Lucas Terrier



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Sporting Lucas Terrier Breed Standards








  Breed Description
  Height: The Sporting Lucas Terrier male's height ranges from 11-13 inches; females 10-12 inches.
  Weight: The Sporting Lucas Terrier male's weight ranges from 14-18 lbs.; females 11-15 lbs.
  Colors: The Sporting Lucas Terrier is either predominantly white bodied with markings of any shade of brown, grizzle or badger-gray, and black, with or without tan, or colored any shade of brown, black and tan, or grizzle and tan. Small white markings are acceptable on the chest, brisket and feet.
  General Appearance: The Sporting Lucas Terrier is a low and sturdy dog. Compact but free-moving with a wiry outer coat and a thick dense undercoat. The broad head is in proportion to the body with high-set, half-pricked ears. The tail is set high and is usually docked.
  Temperament: The Sporting Lucas Terrier is a determined dog that is very confident. This dog is lively, alert, and spirited.  It is an active dog but is not hyperactive. This breed is loves other dogs and children. Sporting Lucas Terriers are not immediately welcoming with strangers but not immediately submissive either. This dog has a stable temperament and is not overly excited. It is willing to hunt ground vermin above and below ground, persevering in difficult working conditions. When hunting, this breed displays no hesitation in tackling ground quarry, without being too hard or oblivious to instruction. It has an offensive approach without ever being out of control.
  Care: The Sporting Lucas Terrier needs to only be bathed when it is necessary. Brush this dog weekly.
  Training: The Sporting Lucas Terrier is an independent breed but does well with training and commands.
  Activity: The Sporting Lucas Terrier requires moderate exercise.
  Life Span: --
  Litter Size: --
  Country of Origin: The Sporting Lucas Terrier originated in Great Britain.
  Brief History: The Sporting Lucas Terrier was named for Major Sir Jocelyn Lucas, MC, KBE, MP, a Baron's son with a keen interest in hunting dogs. After returning from World War I, he began breeding Sealyhams. Concerned about the increasing size of the show-bred Sealyhams, Sir Jocelyn began crossing his hunting Sealys with Norfolk Terriers. With his partner, the Hon. Mrs. Enid Plummer, they carefully developed this small, workmanlike Terrier, designed to work in a pack and push game out of thick cover. Today, the breed is maintained primarily as a working Terrier in Great Britain, where it is used to hunt ground vermin and go to ground when required.
  Registries: UKC


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