Buzz Bombers

Game Rating: 8
While Buzz Bombers is not a spectacular game as far as game play, or originality, basically a centipede clone, it does show some impressive programming. The game is fast, very fast, and it includes some of the best graphics that Intellivision Inc had at the time. The game is simple, you are a can of bug spray, and there are bees flying back and forth across the screen. You have a limited amount of spray in each can, so you have to make it last. When you hit a bee, it turns into a honeycomb, which acts as a barrier to the bees, which then change their flight around it. If a bee reaches the ground it makes a flower, which blocks you in. Your “friend” the humming bird flies around and eats the honeycombs, but he basically just gets in the way. The reason why I added this to my favorites is because of the graphics, and soundtrack. “Flight of the Bumble Bee” plays in the background the entire game, and they threw in a few intermission screens. There are a few different screens involving a bear and bees after 5 completed screens, and one generic screen between each level.

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