Return to Richard & Lydia (Brawn) McKenney
INTRODUCTION – Some Origins of McKINNEY (Myths & Reality)
Researcher: Donald Earl McKinney Jr
INTRODUCTION: Immigrant ancestor John Mackenny/Mackanny of Black Point, Scarborough, Maine
The exact area in Scotland where John Mackenny may have resided, (i.e. Isle of Skye, etc), the identity of his parents or any possible clan affiliation, (i.e Mackenzie, Mackinnon, etc) are ALL UNKNOWN. He was married 1668/1672 at Black Point, Scarborough, Maine, however, the name of his wife is UNKNOWN. Some erroneously claim his wife was named ALICE or various other names. There is no actual documented evidence for his wife's name.
These notes were compiled from material gathered since 1978 by personal research & correspondence. Original source material will be highlighted below for each entry. As we all know, ancient records from early Maine are typically quite sketchy, incomplete & confusing. Dates & spellings from the old records or depositions could be misleading & were not as precise or properly transcribed compared to accurate modern day record keeping.
Over 40 years ago I was inspired by our distant cousin Mac McKenney of Jerome, Idaho. He used "Isle of Skye" as John's birthplace. He referenced the printed book from the 1880's "Descendants of Edward Small" by Lora Underhill that mentioned some Maryland descendants claiming John was from Isle of Skye. No mention of who these Maryland descendants were & no real evidence. Also, Mac referenced the unreliable book "Saco Valley Settlements" by Ridlon that assumed John was Irish & his name was McKenna. Totally erroneous. I spent many years of correspondence with distant cousins, other researcher, long hours of hard work in the court houses, archives, libraries, etc
Over the years, I was able to expand on Mac's research as I tried to verify family traditions & resolve contradictory information concerning our ancestors. Mac was never able to verify to my satisfaction that our ancestor came from the Isle of Skye or if he was Scottish or Irish. The paper trail was very scarce during the time Mac was researching our family as it still is today.
The foremost and most reliable researchers of Maine, Noyes, Libby & Davis, as well as Underhill & several others, offer specifically cited source material such as land, court & tax records, etc which shows his name was Mackenny, sometimes “phonetically” transcribed as Mackanny, Mackane, Mackshane, Mackany, Makenny, Mechene, or Mackshawine etc which in the early Scottish dialect was most likely pronounced in several different ways.
Many other reliable researchers & local New England historians, including those mentioned above, have over many decades analyzed & documented all available information. Most have concluded that the following men were all "ONE AND THE SAME" with "John Mackanny/Mackenny " who settled at Black Point, Scarborough, Maine during the 1660's.: "John Mackane" was transported to Boston in 1652 on the ship John & Sarah after the Battle of Worcester----"John Mackshane" listed in 1653 with 35 Scots at the Saugus Iron Works, Lynn MA---& "John Mackshawine" in various records at Saugus, Salem & Scarborough, Maine. After researching this direct line ancestor for several decades, I definitely agree with these conclusions & offer my own observations below.
I highlight in RED the spelling of the names as recorded or transcribed from original records.
John's only known son was Robert, who married Rebecca Sparks in New Hampshire 1692, returned to Black Point near Scarborough to reclaim his father's land during the early 1700's. The Indians became too dangerous during 1690's & they all settled in New Hampshire, Kittery & Wells, Maine area where John drowned in the Ogunquit River in 1697. (See below)
I am grateful to other "cousins", also descendants of the Mackenny/McKenney family of Scarborough, Maine, whose research, photographs, stories & oral traditions, along with my own, helped us all gain a better understanding of our family heritage.
I am especially grateful to the late Mervil "Mac" McKenney (mentioned above) from Jerome Idaho for his inspiration & wonderful contributions to the information we have gathered over the years concerning our McKenney family in Hawaii, Utah, Wyoming & the ancient ancestors of Maine.
(Mac is a descendant of Richard & Lydia McKenney’s son Andrew Jackson McKenney (born 1840) of Stetson, Maine who settled in Kaneohe, Hawaii during the 1860’s. Mac’s ancestor, Andrew Jr, settled in Utah during the 1880’s & was an older brother of my Great-Grandfather Edward Coffin McKinney (born 1866) who left Oahu in 1876 as a child & eventually settled in Wyoming during the early 1880's.)
Dorothy "Dotty" (McKenney) Chapman, of Maine
Dotty & I often correspond as we continue our attempts to locate & compile reliable information concerning our early Mackenny ancestors from Maine. I visited Dotty & her family in 2003 who took us on a tour of the Scarborough where our ancestors settled over 350 years ago.
(Dotty is a descendant of my GG-Grandfather Andrew Jackson McKenney’s brother Horace Sullivan McKenney (born 1837), who left the Newport/Stetson area of Maine during the 1860's & settled in Bangor where he died.)
The late Ora Herbert McKenney Jr, who published “Many Maine McKenney
(A descendant of my ancestor Richard McKenney’s older brother George McKenney (born 1784). Richard (born 1787) & George both left Scarborough about 1810 & settled in the Newport/Stetson area of Penobscot County, Maine)
As a descendant of John Mackenny of Scarborough, Maine, I had the opportunity in 2010 to submit my 32 marker Y-DNA to FTDNA & join the McKinney project. This initial 32 marker test was courtesy of descendants of Daniel McKenney. I later upgraded to 67 & 111 markers on my own. Daniel McKenney resided near Kittery during the early 1700's & they were attempting to prove a connection to my ancestors John of Black Point, Scarborough, Maine & his son Robert who married Rebecca Sparks.
These descendants of Daniel also provided me some miscellaneous material concerning John's son Robert in the Kittery area before he & family returned to the 2d settlement of Scarborough in 1720. I greatly appreciate their help & for introducing me to the world of Y-DNA research. (Ted Mills, Carol Boswell, Kevin McKinney, John Wengarden)
Court records & other evidence proves that
Daniel McKenney was NOT descended from or related to John or his son Robert/Rebecca of Scarborough.
Also, Y-DNA tests for Daniel’s descendants DO NOT MATCH the tests for me or other descendants of John of Scarborough.
Another "Unrelated" ?? McKenney family in early Georgetown, Maine is connected to Matthew McKenney, born abt 1707, an immigrant from Ballymoney, Northern Ireland.
There was only 1 Mackenny/McKenney family at Black Point, Scarborough during the 1600's/early 1700's---John, his only known son Robert & wife Rebecca & their descendants.
Also, a man named "John Maccane" who married Elizabeth in 1695 Wrentham, Massachusetts was NOT related to John Mackane/Mackenny of Black Point, Scarborough, Maine decades. This man named John Maccane was born 1664 in Dedham, Massachusetts & was the son of William Maccane/Maccaine & Ruth Kilham of Dedham/Wrentham, MA. He was born about 12 years after John Mackane/Mackenny landed in Boston aboard the ship "John & Sarah". There is no known connection between the Maccane/Maccaine family of Wrentham. MA & John of Scarborough, Maine.
If these notes, or excerpts, are copied, shared with others, published or displayed on the internet, it will be appreciated that proper genealogical etiquette be observed, acknowledging this researcher as a direct descendant of John Mackenny of Scarborough & his only known son Robert.. Any "legitimate" additions or corrections, etc. will also be greatly appreciated.
John Mackenny, our earliest known "immigrant" ancestor, was a soldier in the Royalist army of Scotland during the English civil wars of the mid 1600's. They attempted to "restore" their own Charles II of Scotland to the throne of Great Britain as the rightful heir of the Stuart monarchy that ruled Great Britain since the late 14th century. The Scottish army was defeated by military dictator Oliver Cromwell & the "New Model Army" of the English parliamentary forces after the battles of Dunbar & Worcester where thousands of Scots were killed & wounded.
John Mackenny was believed captured at the Battle of Worcester & taken prisoner in September 1651. Several thousand survivors were force marched to London with many expiring of exhaustion & starvation during the march & after imprisonment for months under harsh conditions. This is evidently an example of "survival of the strongest".
Thousands of these prisoners from Dunbar & Worcester were transported as "indentured servants" to the British plantations in the West Indies, Barbados. A few hundred were transported to Virginia & New England. John Mackenny (spelled John Mackane) was among about 270 prisoners who were transported to Boston on board the ship "John and Sarah" & left the Downs port near London on 8 Dec 1651, arriving in Boston before 24 Feb 1652.
During the previous decade, Oliver Cromwell had transported thousands of "Irish Catholic" political & military prisoners from northern Ireland to the Caribbean area. Most of these prisoners from Scotland & Ireland served 6 to 8 years as "indentured servants" & eventually became productful citizens in their new homes in the British colonies.
The excerpt below is from an article written by:
Rapaport, Diane. “Scots for Sale, The Fate of the Scottish Prisoners in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts,”
“Few of the Scots who survived Worcester ever returned home. Thousands of prisoners were “driven like cattle” to London. As one witness described the convoy, “all of them [were] stript, many of them cutt, some without stockings or shoes and scarce so much left upon them as to cover their nakedness, eating peas and handfuls of straw in their hands which they had pulled upon the fields as they passed.” At temporary prison camps in London and other cities, many prisoners died of starvation, disease and infection, while the Council of State debated what to do with the defeated multitudes. A thousand prisoners were put to work draining the fens in East Anglia; 1500 shipped out to the gold mines of Guinea; others were sent to labor in the Barbadoes and Virginia; and in November [1651], 272 Scots were herded aboard the John and Sara, bound for New England.”
I originally believed his surname was probably a variant spelling of Mackenzie which was pronounced with a "soft G" & "silent Z" in Gaelic, i.e. “Machkainy or Machkanny, etc”. The clan Mackenzie originated in the 13th Century as MacCoinneach or MacChoinnich which is the original Gaelic version meaning “son of Kenneth”.
However, based on DNA analysis & comparisons (See Below), I no longer believe his name was derived from Mackenzie. Also, No DNA clues concerning Clan MacKinnon. . It could have been derived from any similar sounding name, i.e. Mackane, Mackean, MacEain, etc.
As most authorities noted, nearly every name on this list was transcribed and spelled inaccurately, mostly because of the strong Gaelic accents of the men stating their names to the record keepers. The phonetic renditions became quite distorted in that early ship record.
That spelling of "Mackane" on that ship led another descendant, Dorothy "Dotty" McKenney Chapman (from Maine) & I to consider the possibility that his name was indeed Mackane, a variant form of MacEain or Mackean, associated with 2 of branches of the ancient Clan Donald or Macdonald. This is quite possible & Dorothy joined the Clan Donald Society in an attempt to learn more. I joined the Clan Donald DNA Group Project. My recent Y-DNA testing with FTDNA resulted in the closest "matches" (105 of 111 markers) with individuals named McKeehan, McKeown & other "matches" (63 of 67 markers) with MacDonald which may indicate a possible ancient connection to clan Donald which may help support that theory;
The "TIP" clue provided with those FTDNA matches suggests a range estimate of between 95.69 & 97.1 percent chances of me sharing a "common ancestor" within the last 12 generations.
Since my ancestor John Mackenny/Mackane, born ca 1630, was 10 generations back in my "tree", it seems possible?? that John's grandfather, (2 generations back from him, mid 1500's), would have a surname that was a variation of "MacEain", "Mackean" ?? & associated with Clan Donald (Macdonald)??
As mentioned above, I recently had a Y-Chromosome 111 marker DNA test that traces the DNA markers of my father’s paternal direct line. These markers are passed directly from father to son & remain basically unchanged for thousands of years except for small periodic mutations that can occur within haplotype clusters through the centuries. I am confirmed "Haplogroup R1b, R-L1065", but after testing the L1065 SNP Pack, updated to "R-FGC18441 & more recently "R-BY177077". This Confirmed Haplogroup "R-BY177077" may? possibly be a "dead end" with no clues to Clan affiliation. I am among very few testers with this Confirmed Haplogroup & until more closely related people test resulting in this same "Confirmed Haplogroup", there may be no more clues to specific origins in Scotland.
I recently "upgraded" to Y500 SNP testing with FTDNA, however, the initial results did not lead to more clues to clan affiliation or specific area in Scotland where the Mackenny ancestors resided.
Analysis & various interpretations from DNA researchers of markers similar to mine identified a particular “Scots modal” pattern most common in the highlands of Scotland. My DNA markers closely match the haplogroup markers associated with those ancient Gaelic Celtic tribes, the “Dalriada Scots” (Scoti) from Ireland. These ancient Irish Celts had already established a kingdom of Dalriada in the extreme northeast part of Ireland which would be present day Antrim in Ulster. Late in the 5th Century they also established Dalriada in Argyll located in the highlands & isles of western Scotland. During the 9th Century, these “Scots” eventually united with the aboriginal “Picts” who had established themselves in the northern part of Scotland many centuries before the Irish “Scots“ arrived.
The actual clans with which John Mackenny may have been associated or from which clan his original family surname was derived may never be known. However, he was undoubtedly from the highlands of Scotland & his ancient paternal ancestors were Irish "Scots" (Scoti), Gaelic Celtic tribes who began their invasion/settlement of what is now the highlands & isles of western Scotland sometime around the end of the 5th century A.D. These Irish "Scots" gave Scotland its name, also bringing with them the Gaelic language & Celtic traditions such as bagpipes, kilts, etc as well as the Mac prefix (meaning "son of") used later during the 13th & 14th centuries in the development of surnames & the clan system in Scotland. (Note: These ancient "Irish tribes, the "Scots", should not be be confused with the "Scots-Irish/Ulster-Scots" who settled in Ulster Northern Ireland from Scotland during England's resettlement & "replantation" of Ulster during the 17th Century. However, many of the modern day people of Scotland, Ireland, Ulster & Wales share an ancient Celtic heritage.)
Some descendants from Maryland during the late 1800's (mentioned in Underhills’s book) claimed that John Mackenny of Scarborough, Maine was from the Isle of Skye, Inverness, Scotland, in the western highlands, however, no documented evidence can be found. Skye was a stronghold of the MacKinnon Clan as well as some of the Macdonalds of Clan Donald but not MacIan/Mackean from that clan who were in Ardnamurchan & Glencoe of the western highlands. The Mackenzie Clan had a large stronghold in the Inverness area east of Skye on the mainland. During the 1600’s, families associated with Mackenzie, Mackinnon, MacIian/Mackean (Macdonald/Donald) as well as other clans most likely drifted into various other areas outside of their traditional strongholds. It seems likely our John Mackenny resided somewhere in the western highlands/isles, however, it is possible that he or his family drifted into other areas. Since the “paper trail” has all dried up for this era, the specific area of Scotland where he resided may never be proven. Perhaps further DNA testing & analysis of other highland descendants of the various clans will established more cluster groupings & subclades which may provide more substantive clues to John Mackenny‘s clan affiliation or his specific area of residence in Scotland prior to his removal to Boston in 1652.
There are those who claimed that John McKenney was captured at the Battle of Dunbar & transported to Boston in 1651.
I believe this "Dunbar myth" began over a century ago by G.T. Ridlon in his book " Saco Valley Settlements" where he "assumed" that John McKenney of Scarborough was named "John McKenna" & was captured at Dunbar.
(Ridlon Quote): "It is claimed that this John was identical with a John MacKenna mentioned by Drake as Scotchman who was a prisoner of the battle of Dunbar & was transported to New England in 1650." (Endquote)
Actually, Ridlon's book was unreliable, with numerous errors & assumptions without using original source material. There were no individuals or families named McKenna in this area during the 1600's.
There is no known list of prisoners on board the ship "Unity" after the Battle of Dunbar in 1650.
Also, Samuel Gardner Drake was referring to Scottish prisoner "JOHN MACKANE" (not McKenna) who was on the ship "John & Sara" after the Battle of Worcester that arrived in Boston in 1652.
Carl Boyer attempted to clear some of this up with his work "Ship Passenger Lists, National & New England(1600-1825)":
"Early in September 1650 the Scots supporters of Prince Charles lost the battle of Dunbar to Cromwell's English forces, with the resulting loss of thousands of Scots killed and wounded, and thousands more taken prisoner, to be marched to England and then shipped to varying parts of England, Ireland, and the colonies. - - - Early in September 1651 the English forces won another victory over the Scots in the battle of Worcester, and it was prisoners from this battle, not that of Dunbar, who were sent to Boston on board the "John and Sarah", consigned by John Becx and others to Thomas Kemble.- - At any rate, the "John and Sarah" is said to have left the Downes on 8 Dec 1651, arriving in Boston before 24 Feb 1652."
This ship was commanded by Captain John Greene. A list of 278 of these Scotch prisoners who were transported to Boston appeared in the Suffolk County Deeds in Boston, Libre 1, Pages 5 & 6, dated 13 May 1652. This list was later printed in the 1847 publication New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol 1 pages 377-380 entitled "Scotch Prisoners sent to Massachusetts in 1652 by order of the English Government".
Samuel Gardner Drake, mentioned above, printed this list of prisoners from the Battle of Worcester onboard the ship "John & Sarah" in his book entitled "Result of Some Researches among the British Archives for information relative to the Founders of New England“ (1858-1860)
Painting: Battle of Worcester, 1651, by Chris Collingwood. Charles II & Scottish Royalist Army
Col. Charles Edward Banks wrote an article, "Scotch Prisoners Deported to New England by Cromwell, 1651-52" on the fate of the deported Scots which was published in "Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings," Volume 61 [1928]. He published his version of the spelling of these Scotch names listed on that ship roster.. Some of the names as entered into the original Suffolk County record & transcribed in these lists, include the following individuals: "JOHN MACKANE"; Alester Mackhene; Patricke Mackane, Robert Mackajne, Daniel Mackajne, Samuell Mackajne, Neile Mackajne, William Mackajne.
"Directory of Scots Banished to the American Plantations, 1650-1775" by David Dobson also listed "JOHN MACKANE", Alester Mackhene; Patricke Mackane, Robert Mackajne, Daniel Mackajne, Samuell Mackajne, Neile Mackajne, William Mackajne & similar surnames who were transported to Boston on the ship "John & Sarah" after the Battle of Worcester.
It seems possible that some of these individuals were closely related to John Mackenny/Mackane, however, there is no evidence of any connection.
Official histories of the Clans Mackenzie, Mackinnon & clan Donald/Macdonald in Scotland claim that representatives from their clans supported Charles II and participated in the battles of Dunbar & Worcester. The individuals mentioned above, are possibly members of either of these clans, some of them perhaps MacIian/Mackean from the Clan Donald/Macdonald.
From "New World Immigrants: A Consolidation of Ship Passenger Lists" edited by Michael Tepper
"Prisoners from the Battle of Worcester"
"As a result of various proposals, an unknown number, perhaps three hundred of the Scotch prisoners captured at the Battle of Worcester then encamped at Tothill Field, were selected for transportation to New England. Becx of the iron works was again interested in this transaction and the ship "John & Sarah" was chartered to bring them to Boston." The master of this ship was John Green of Charleston and they were consigned to Thomas Kemble , also of Charleston, a merchant who owned lands in Maine, was a dealer in lumber and interested in sawmills at Durham & Newmarket, New Hampshire."
Michael Tepper also makes the following observation in his book, page 150. "This list is not to be accepted as a true record of their correct names. - - - -many puzzles left by the scribe in his attempts to spell out Clan names of Gaelic origin, spoken in a dialect that defied reproduction in English- --and as a result their names have undergone curious transformations."
As already discussed, he most likely pronounced his name with a strong Gaelic accent & his name must have been very difficult to transcribe by the various records keepers in New England & Maine. It was "phonetically" spelled in the various records as Mackeny/Mackshane/Mackane/Mackany/Machanny/Mechenne/Markany & even odd transcriptions such as Mackshawine, Mackemich, Macham/Machann, Mackerral/Macral.
The various spellings are also a result of other transcriptions of difficult to read handwriting of the original record takers.
According to various documents, John Mackenny's grandsons, including Robert II, born ca 1700, later dropped the a in Mac during the mid-1730's & used the abbreviated version of Mc. Succeeding generations standardized the name to McKenney, the spelling now used by most Maine descendants. The practice of using the abbreviated version of Mc became quite common in Scottish, Irish & Scots-Irish/Ulster-Scots families whose surnames began with Mac, including those families who immigrated to America, Canada, Australia & elsewhere.
From: National Park Service, "An Incomplete List of Scottish Prisoners of War Sent to New England in 1650
According to Colonel Banks' 1927 paper presented to the Massachusetts Historical Society, in the aftermath of the Battle of Dunbar, 900 Scots were to be sent to Virginia. Another 150 prisoners were sent to New England aboard the Unity through Joshua Foote and John Becx, owners of the Saugus (Lynn) and Braintree (Quincy) Iron Works. There is no known passenger list for the Unity. On April 2, 1651 an account appears in the Iron Works Papers for "a weeckes Dyett to ye 7th of 61 Menn" By June 9, 1651 the Iron Works has 38 Menn remaining on these rolls. The rolls continue to dwindle as these indentured workers are sold to others. The only surviving list of Scots by name is in the 1653 Iron Works inventory. It lists 35 names. As a result, the following Scots are known to have worked at the Iron Works. John Archbell, John Banke----James Mackall, "John Mackshane", William Mackwater, John MacMallen----(note: many others). In addition to the Scots listed above, there were many more Scots in New England that arrived on the Unity. Some of them went through the Iron Works and may have even worked with or for Iron Works employees. James Adams, Archibald Anderson, Robert Dunbar, ?????? Davison (died just before or shortly after arrival), James Hage, Robert MacIntire, Alexander MacMallen, James Moore, John Paul.
To complicate matters further, another 270 Scots were sent to America one year later on the John and Sara following the Battle of Worcester. That list is fairly complete although some names are not readable. Many times it is difficult to sort out Scots from the John and Sara from the Unity. Were there other boats? Who were the Scots sent to Virginia? We will never know all of them."
From “Scots at Hammersmith” by Stephen P. Carlson (Saugus Ironworks material)
"Some Scots had worked at Lynn and others at the branch work in Braintree. Lynn Plantation at Hammersmith [the name of ironworks at Lynn---
James Mackall, "John Mackshane", and Thomas Tower became forge hands under the tutelage of John Vinton, John Turner, JR, and Henry Leonard and Quentin Pray, respectively.
He may have lived with farm manager Daniel Salmon & in 1653 he lived with firer John Turner Jr. from whom he learned the forge workers trade. In June 1653 he was fined by Magistrate Robert Bridges for two oaths. He later moved to Salem where he took the oath of Fidelity 1677."
(The mini bio of "John Mackshane" from Carlson's book about Hammersmith & referencing him later in the Salem records from 1677-79, verifies this "John Mackshane" is the same person who was the "refugee" John Mackshane (Mackenny) from Black Point, Scarborough, Maine who was wounded & temporarily relocated to Salem after Indian attacks during King Phillips War.
(See information below)
(Don’s note: As previously discussed, many researchers & local historians also believe this John Mackshane was the same individual listed as John Mackane onboard the "John & Sarah", transported to Boston in 1652 after the Battle of Worcester. As noted by Michael Tepper, John Becx as owner of the Saugus Iron Works, was also interested the prisoners from the "John & Sarah" after the Worcester battle & was mentioned in the ship charter.
It seems likely Scots from both the battles of Dunbar & Worcester worked at the various Iron Works near Boston.)
From Everett Stackpoles original notes, John Mackshane was among the 35 scots at Lynn Iron works 1654
John Mackshame was fined for two oaths at salem court 30:4:1:1653 ( probably mass hist coll)
(Note: probably Mackshanne. I have seen numerous transcribed records where 2 n’s looked like m.)
Researchers from the newly published book (2018) "LOST LIVES, NEW VOICES--Unlocking the Stories of Scottish Soldiers from the Battle of Dunbar 1650" concerning the prisoners captured at Dunbar, acknowledged there was no ship roster for the ship "Unity", however, they listed John Mackshane/Mackshawine from the Saugus Iron Works, as a "Definite" aboard the "Unity".
He should have been listed as "Doubtful" where they had listed several others who were transported on the "John & Sarah". Their "reasoning" was that he was not listed on the "John & Sarah". They definitely overlooked "John Mackane" from the "John & Sarah" ship roster who was listed as a prisoner at Worcester in several works, including Charles Edward Banks, Samuel Gardner Drake, Michael Tepper, David Dobson, Carl Boyer as well as the ship list in Suffolk County Deeds & printed in the New England Genealogical & Historical recorder. (all referenced & discussed above). As I previously discussed, this "John Mackane" is believed by many reliable researchers & New England historians to be John Mackenny/Mackshane/Mackshawine of the Saugus Iron Works at Lynn, MA who later settled in Scarborough, Maine. This book, "LOST LIVES/NEW VOICES" definitely "implied" that John Mackshane/Mackshawine at the Iron Works was indeed John of Scarborough, Maine, however, they may not have realized that John Mackshane/Mackshawine was John Mackenny/Mackanny (McKenney, modern spelling).
Excerpts from "LOST LIVES, NEW VOICES"
The farm at Hammersmith---George Darling, Malcolm MacCallum, John Mackshane & John Pardee all labored here planting & harvesting. (Pg 188)
Different tasks at the ironworks were suited to different items of dress. John Clarke, the smith, needed thicker cloth stockings while John Mackeshoune had a pair of breeches made for him by Joseph Armitage, quite possibly to protect himself from Sparks in the forge. (Pg 190)
Making wrought iron--Scots James Mackall & John Mackshane worked here on a site to the east of the furnace & these two must gave been familiar with the sight & sounds of the four rotating water-wheels, bellies, the seven anvils, 38 hammers & 10 hursts, as well as the many small tools that can be found in the forge such as tongs of different sizes, iron shovels & rakes, weights & the wheelbarrows for carting the charcoal to the two hearths. Under a roof pitched for snow, their working space was smoky & dimly lit so that workers could pick out the colours of the heated metals, with exposed timbers inside & a dirt floor. (Pg 196-197)
Naughtie works---At Hammersmith, John Mackshane was fined for two oaths & all other recorded misdemeanours are similarly minor. Pg 205
Book Notes on Chapter 11 from "LOST LIVES, NEW VOICES":
112. John Mackshane first appears as a soldier in Scarborough in 1663
Appendix A: The book's "Definite" list of Scots at the Iron Works who were captured at Dunbar & transported to Boston on the ship "Unity". Mackshane/Mackshame/Macshawn/Mackshawin/Mackeshoune, John
Residences: Lynn, Scarborough, Saco.
Appears: 1653 (Don's note: List of 35 Scots at Saugus Iron Works)
Died after 1676 (Don's note: He drowned 1697 in Ogunquit River near Wells, Maine)
Sources: Scotch Exiles in New England (Stackpole 1922)
Scotch Prisoners Deported to New England by Cromwell 1651-1652 (Charles Edward Banks)
Working List of Early New England Scots (Rappaport 2015)
Scottish Prisoners of War Society website for George S. Stewart
(Don's notes):
Concerning book notes in Chapter 11: They state that John Mackshane "first appears" as a soldier in 1663 at Scarborough. This date is actually when he (Makshawne) witnessed a land transaction between Foxwell & Peckett in Scarborough, Maine. He was not a soldier in 1663, however, he was a soldier under Capt Scottow at Scarborough in 1676-77 during King Phillips War. (spelled Makenny & Mackshawine)
They mentioned several spellings of his name, Mackshane, Mackshame, Macshawn, Mackshawin, Mackeshoune that were also used in Scarborough. As previously noted, the conclusion is that John of the Iron Works & John of Scarborough were "one and the same".
This book states that his residences were Lynn (Iron works), Scarborough & Saco & first appears at the Saugus Iron Works in 1653, referencing George S. Stewart's list of 35 Scots in that year. Stewart used an extreme abbreviation of "McShane", & claimed these men were Dunbar prisoners from the ship "Unity". However the original document had "Jno. Mackshane" with no actual evidence or source that he was a Dunbar prisoner or was on the Unity. He or others on this list could have been captured at Worcester & transported on the ship John & Sarah. There is no roster for the ship Unity.
From the Blog at the Scottish Prisoners of War website:
George Sawin Stewart Documents
"-------- based on genealogist Diane Rapaport’s research, it appears Mr. Stewart’s lists do not have sources to verify his findings. He most likely compiled his lists based on an understanding of the Scottish workers and their associations during those early dates in Massachusetts Bay. Further research is required and it may well be that we will never know with certainty which men arrived on the Unity."
Below are the names of thirty-seven Scottish prisoners of war listed as company property on a 1653 ironworks inventory. "Mackshane" looks almost like "Mackshame". (Courtesy of the Baker Library, Historical Collections, Bloomberg Center, Harvard University Business School.) From "Hammersmith Through the Historical Texts" by Janet Regan and Curtis White. As mentioned above, George S. Stewart's "transcribed" list used an extreme abbreviation of "McShane"
(Dorothy "Dotty" McKenney Chapman located some information concerning the Iron Works & has seen John listed as a "Nailer" somewhere in the Lynn and Braintree ventures.)
Dotty also advised me of several other books concerning the Scots at Saugus Iron works.
Hammersmith Through the Historical Texts by Janet Regan and Curtis White.
"Daniel Salmon and Scots James Adams, George Darling, Malcolm Maccallum, John Mackshane, and John Pardee ran the ironworks’ farming operation. “Daniell Salmon did plow & sow the ground with ye Scotts, & ye Scotts men did make hay & Labor about planting & getting in the Corne.”59 The Scottish workers lived with the Salmon family in Dexter’s farmhouse. Providing food for the animals and the people employed by the ironworks was a critical part of the operation."
Social and Economic Networks in Early Massachusetts" by Marsha L Hamilton
Chapter 2 Laborers in Early Massachusetts Ironworkers at Saugus
"Undated partial accounts also indicate that James Mackall. John Mackshane & Thomas Tower learned different aspects of forging & founding which saved the company seven shillings for every ton of iron. Scots frequently lived with the free employees with whom they worked."
----Aside from their work at Hammersmith, Scots "kept Gifford's & the people's cattle , fifty or sixty head, two summers, for which they were to pay 5s p cow to the keeper"
In other words , they did odd jobs for residents of Saugus & Lynn. Work that paid wages , allowing these men to accumulate small estates during & after their terms of service."
-----Several of the Scots known to have been at Hammersmith disappear from the records in the mid 1650's. Some of them moved to New Hampshire and Maine where a fairly large community of former captives developed around the sawmills."
The early records for Scarborough & southern Maine are quite sketchy & the various spellings are also a result of transcriptions of difficult to read handwriting of the original record takers. His name was sometimes spelled & probably pronounced with a strong E ending & a Y ending as early as 1665 (Mechanny) & Mackanny in 1668.
1659 Scarborough Town Records was the first mention of John Mackenny in Maine.
"Duncan Jesson fined for being drunk & fighting with John Maccham" (Machann)
The "Genalogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire" by Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby & Walter Goodwin Davis note the various versions of their names: Duncan Jesson, Jessom, Chesson or Chessmore/Chessemore was actually "Duncan Chisholm". John Maccham/Machann (in this record) & John Mackshane, Mackshawine in other records was actually "John McKenney". They were evidently close neighbors at Chessmore's Hill or Duncan's Hill on the Nonesuch River at Black Point near Scarborough.
This was exactly 7 years after John Mackenny (Mackane) arrived in Boston (1652) on the prisoner ship "John & Sarah" after the Battle of Worcester. Both men were evidently granted some land at Black Point after serving their indentures.
It was also suggested by the "Scottish Prisoners of War" website that Duncan Chisholm was possibly a Scottish prisoner after the Battle of Dunbar in 1650 & transported to Boston in 1651 on the ship "Unity".
Also, according to the "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine/NH", Chessemer's Hill was later called Dunkin's Hill, the rising ground east of and circled by Nonsuch River 1/8 mile north of Scarborough Beach station & took its name from Duncan Chisholm (Chessmore).
His son Daniel Chessmore, born 1672, moved to Newbury before 1690. He married Cyprian Sampson, born 1672, whose father John Sampson lived across the river from "Chessemer's Hill". She deposed at Newbury in 1745 that
she had raked hay on the McKenney meadow near Dunkin's or Chessmore Hill. (Probably as a teen before 1690).
(Note: "Genalogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire" by Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby & Walter Goodwin Davis was originally published as a series from 1928 through 1939 by these foremost & most reliable historians & researchers in that area of New England. More "sketchy" information & clues have been discovered since then.)
1663: John Makshawne & Samuell Cheever witnessed a deed of 100 acres of “upland & meddowe” between Richard Foxwell Senr in “ ye Towne of Scarborough alis Blew Point“ & Christopher Peckett --23d of February 1663
(York Deeds Vol 2 pg 54-55)
(“Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” indicates this was "John McKenney" )
1665: Maine Province and Court Records, 2:207: "Att a Court houlden at Sacoe by the Justices of the peace appoynted by speciall Commission from the Right Honorable Sir ROBERT CARR Knight, Collonell GEO. CARTWRIGHT & SAMUELL MAVERICKE Esquire, for the province of Mayn this 7th day of November, 1665, In the seaventeenth yeare of our Soveraign Lord the King. “Mr. Nathaniell Philllips is plaintiffe as Atturney for Kenny Mechanny of Boston In an Action of debt Contra John Mechanny defendant. The Jury finds for the plaintiffe nine pounds, 1s, 9d, damages 5s & Cost of Court."
1668: From York County Deeds, Book 4, Page 40, dated 1 Aug 1668, Joshua Scottow conveyed land at "Blacke Poynt- - -bounded on the west with Christiphr Peckitt's & John Mackanny's line."
From "Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora A.W. Underhill
"- - - -The land belonging to Captain Scottow consisted of the "Cammock Patent" and seven hundred and fifty acres bordering upon it, together with all his houses, fishing-houses, cattle, etc., which Scottow had purchased from Henry Joselyn had leased portions of it to "divers persons," who later "had leases made unto them by the said Scottow." From these premises it is safe to conclude that "John Mackenny", who lease from Scottow was dated "1668", may have been a tenant of Jocelyn previous to that year. His lease of fourteen acres from Scottow, in which his "family" is mentioned as consisting of one, show that he was still unmarried.- - - - This family of Mackenny, or Mackenney, modernized McKenney, and almost invariably appearing in the early records with the Scotch prefix "Mac", has been held by the Maine branch to be of Scottish origin, though regarded Irish by several authorities; but the Maryland descendants go still further, claiming that their first ancestor, whom they supposed to have been John, of Scarborough, was from the Isle of Skye, County Inverness, Scotland."
(Note: I have found no evidence that John came from the Isle of Skye. All we have is this mention of a Maryland “family tradition”--whoever they were.)
Below is the Nonesuch River at Black Point near Scarborough
(Immigrant ancestor, John Mackenny, settled there 1660's
(Part of the original land is close to where the condos are now located.)
1670: The only known child of John Mackenny and Mrs Mackenny:
Robert, born Abt 1670 in Scarborough(York) ME; died 22 Jul 1725 in Scarborough(York) ME; married Mrs Rebecca Sparks, 1 Dec 1692 in Portsmouth NH.
Sources for Children of John Mackenny:
“Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis
“Saco Valley Settlements” by G. T. Ridlon, Sr.
"Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill
“Many Maine McKenney Families” by Ora Herbert McKenney Jr
(Note: There is no record of Robert's birth which is estimated between 1670-1675. It seems likely he was born closer to 1670 rather than 1675 since he was married late in the year 1692.)
From "History of Gorham" (Maine) by Hugh D. McLellan, page 657, "The family of McKenney is of Scotch origin. It is claimed that the name is only another form of McKenzie, and that the McKenneys are a branch of that clan. It seems probable, that John McKenney, who was in Scarborough as early as 1668, and who was the first of the name of whom we have certain record in this part of the country, is identical with John Mackanne, whose name is found in a list of Scotch prisoners captured at the battle of Dunbar, and who came to America about 1651."
(Note: Actually, his name was spelled "John Mackane" on the ship "John & Sarah", a list from the Battle of Worchester, that arrived in Boston 1652)
The deed transaction, mentioned above, was printed in the Maine Historical and Genalogical Recorder, vol I, Page 193, entitled "Scarborough Land Grants, 1663". Other neighbors of John Mackenny who leased land from Scottow in 1668 were Samuel Oakman 50 acres, Peter Hindson 33 acres, Richard Moore 12 acres, Christopher Busset 16 acres & Ambrose Boaden junr 26 acres.
1673: Also from the York County Deed records, Book 4, dated 12 Jan 1673 is the following: "John Mackanny purchased of Robert Jordan a tract of land on the Nonsuch River near Chessemores Hill."
From Bodge's book "Soldiers in King Philips's War" concerning the Indian wars:
(John of Black Point, Scarborough--his name was spelled John Markany, Makenny, Macshawin, Macshawine)
1676: --“Scottow was very angry with Mackshawine for saying that Captaine Winscoll & his company were all cutt off, telling him though some might be killed and the rest ffled yet it might be to gain y advantage of ground as it proved---”. From Bodges “Soldiers in King Phillips War” pg 334
1676: John Makenny signed a petition in October 1676 circulated among the settlers of Scarborough defending Capt Scottow who was under some local criticism concerning his actions during the Indian wars of that area. From Bodges "Soldiers in King Phillips's War" pg 334.
1676: Nov 19, 1676 "drove cattle for John Macshawin inhabitant of Sacho" journal of Capt. Joshua Scottow. From Bodges “Soldiers in King Phillips War” pg 331
1677: "John Markany was listed on a roster dated Sep 1677 as among those credited with active service under Captain Scottow at the Black Point garrison. From Bodges “Soldiers in King Phillips War” pg 339
From Bodges "Soldiers in King Philips's War" .
"Whereas Mr Scottow of Boston Stood by us in all our streights and distresses during the late Warr with the Indians and not only encouraged us with his presence from April until January last, but alsoe releived us with a barrell of powder and all sorts of ammunition as it cost him in Boston near to twenty pounds for which he is not yet paid, - - - - -and your petitioners shall further humblie pray for your honors peace and prosperity.
John Makenny ,Henry Jocelyn, Ambrose Bouden, John Libby Sr,- - - -" (several others, 27 citizens in all)
Again from Underhill's book: "With the renewal of Indian hostilities, all differences were removed, since on August 1, 1677, among those credited with active service under Captain Scottow were "John Markany," "Ambrose Boden," John Tenney, Thos. Cummings, Richd Honywell, the Libby's, Andrew & John Brown & others."
From “Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis:
“McKenney, the Scotch prisoners may account for this family, which has also been consid. Irish.- - - - -
JOHN, Scarboro, - - - - - - In 1675 (deed antedated to 1 Aug 1668) Joshua Scottow confirmed to him 14 a. at Black Point, 1 a. of it adj. to his home("John Mackenny") - - - - As a refugee Salem aided him in 1677-8 ("John Mackshane") and paid in 1679 for carrying the fam. to Black Point, where in 1681 he had a goodly amt. of livestock.”
(Note: Other records indicate he owned cattle)
During King Philip’s War, an official casuality list indicates our ancestor, John Mackenny, was wounded thru the chest & back at Black Point near Scarborough during an ambush of 90 settlers in 1677. He and about 50 survivors escaped to the fort at Garrison Cove. Later, John Mackenny & other wounded men were transported to Salem along with the wives & children of the settlers. When Indian hostilities appeared to taper off in 1679, John moved his family back to Black Point. However, during the Indian wars of the next decade, the settlers were forced to defend themselves during periodic attacks.
From “Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis:
"The Battle at Moore’s Brook, Scarborough, Maine, June 29, 1677 by Sumner Hunnewell"
Originally published in two parts in the May 2003 and August 2003 issues of The Maine Genealogist.
"John McKenney------Although he got into a row with Captain Scottow, the owner of the garrison, McKenney supported the captain while others in the town spoke against him. McKenney and his family fled the war and became refugees in Salem.- - - - - - -
John McKenney (Mechenne) was shot through the breast and back, and was sent back to Salem where his family waited for him. There they stayed until the town paid to have them returned to Black Point in 1679."
(Note: Dorothy "Dotty" McKenney Chapman, a descendant of my GG-Grandfather Andrew’s brother Horace Sullivan McKenney advised me of this article during my 2003 visit with her in Scarborough.)
"Honord: Sr._ :Salem: the: 4th:July 1677.—
Undrstanding, pr doctor Barton, tht yor: honoer
desires, & Expected, to receiue a pticular acctt.
of the mens names tht are wounded, as alsoe the
place they belong to, wth the manner of their
wounds, haue accordingly, made Inquiry, & Sent
you acctt as followeth—
Daniell: Dike: of Milton : through the Arm boan Splintrd
Ben : Rockett of Medfield . two Shots In thigh
Jacob: parker of Chensford: shott through the shouldr.
Tho: Dutton of Bellricke: shott In the knee & belly
JNO: MECHENNE, of Blackpoint: throug the brest & back
James Veren of Salem: Through the upr: part of thigh
Anthony waldern Salem: In the neck
Morgan: Joanes of Newberry: through the thigh—
Caleb : pilsberry of Newberry: In the back
Israell Hunewell of Ipswich In the Legg & Shoulder"
Below is the 1677casualty list from"The Battle at Moore’s Brook, Scarborough, Maine. The transcriber's "e" looks smilar to "o", but is actually "e" & the "double n's" look like "m". "Mechenne".
Below is Garrison Cove monument
Site of the first blockhouse fort which defended the Black Point settlers from the hostile Indians during the 1670's. Casuality lists indicate ancestor John Mackenny was wounded thru the chest & back during an ambush of 90 settlers in 1677. He and about 50 survivors escaped to the Fort. Later, John Mackenny & other wounded men were transported to Salem along with the wives & children of the settlers. When Indian hostilities appeared to taper off in 1679, John moved his family back to Black Point.
From the files of the SALEM Commissioners' court, Dec 5 1677, at Salem:
"Hana, wife of John Mason, was fined or to be whipped for drunkenness, and abusing by words and offering to strike Hen. West, a tithingman. Richard West deposed that he heard an outcry at Mason's house, " the Rogue will Kill me," and going in found it was John Meckene who was much in drink. Peeter Joy was there and Goody Mason, all drunk, and Joy, after the uproar, owned that he struck Mekene twice. Henry West testified that Mr. Samuell Gardner came along looking for his man and they went in together, whereupon Goody Mason tried to strike him with an andiron, call- ing " thou West, thou Harry, thou Deuill," several times. Someone took the andiron away from her and then she took up a chair. She was very much in drink, not being able to stand upon her legs, but fell down. Mackene and one Humphry Wilhams were also observed to be much in drink. Urged by Mr. Gardner to do his duty as tithingman, deponent requested assistance of Joy, as he appeared to be the soberest, but he refused. Sworn in court. Constable Samuell Beadle, Jon. Cook and Walter Skiner deposed that they saw John Makene drunk that day. Goody Mason's bill of cost. John Bly mentioned.
Peeter Joy, for refusing to assist Hen. West, tythingman, for drinking, and
striking Mackene, was fined, which Mr. Hasket was to pay."
1677--John Mackshane took Oath of Fidelity (SALEM)
(Essex County Records 7 Files Vol.VII.)
1678-- John Mackshane
(History of Salem Mass Military by Sidney Perley--Vol. 111 1671-1716)
(Note: His name was spelled Mackshane, Meckene, Mackene, Makene, Mekene in the various Salem records 1677-1679. He was a "refugee" & abandoned his home soon after being wounded during the first Indian hostilities of 1677 & had to relocate his family to Salem for a couple of years before returning to Scarborough in 1681.
1680: John Mackeral listed on Major Shapleigh’s Petition to the council in London. From “Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis with footnote indicating his name was McKenney
1681: Jo. Markenney listed as resident of Scarborough-22 Sep.
(Scarborough Town Records)
1681: John Macrell was listed on
Scarborough Tax List of 28 Nov 1681 Town Book P. 7 as owing 4
(Noyes, Libby & Davis indicate this was John McKenney)
1683: From “Maine Historical & Genealogical Recoder“ Vol 7, pg 80
"Elisha Hutchinson of Boston in behalf by himself and (ye heirs of) Mehetabell Warren Claims a certain plantation Situat at Black Point als, Scarborough containing twenty five acres of land in one parcell, and ten acres more of upland and woodland near adjoining in another parell bound by ye land of Peter Henchman with marked trees at the North East by ye land of John Mackanny on the west and by a Swamp run ing by M’ Joshua Scottows-----Delivered ye 18th day of Decembr 1683"
1690: John Mackenny & his family evidently moved to Portsmouth, New Hampshire during King William’s War. Indian attacks had again become overwhelming & all settlers were forced to move to the relative safety of New Hampshire, Massachusetts or other areas in southern Maine.
(From "History of Scarborough"----“In 1690, the town was abandoned due to Native American uprisings, with inhabitants going to Portsmouth and other settlements further south.”
Underhill, pg 497: 'The destruction of Falmouth May 15, 1690, was the signal for a general retreat of the inhabitants of Scarborough & they wisely resolved to save their lives by flight. A letter from Portsmouth, NH under the date of May 22, 1690, stated that three or four hundred people, mostly women & children, had arrived in that town from the settlements along the Maine coast."
1692: While in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, John’s son, Rob: Mac-Kenney married widow Rrbec: Sparkes Dec. 1, 1692.
(From "Dover, New Hampshire Vital Records, 1686-1850" Dover Historical Society--Marriages by Rev. John Pike 1686-1709)
(Note: Rebecca was the widow of Thomas Sparkes of the Portsmouth area who witnessed a 1683 deed in Kittery & also purchased some land 1685 in Cape Elizabeth. Noyes, Libby, Davis state that Rebecca after her marriage to Robert Mackenny set aside a tract of land for son Henry in 1732 next to the Thomas Sparkes house in Cape Elizabeth. Henry did eventually move to Cape Elizabeth.
From York Co Deeds, Book IV, page 3: "I William Goodhue Senior, of Ipswich In New England in the County of Essex Mrchant--authorized, my well beloved frejnd Joseph Hammonds of Kittery, In the Province of Mayne Carpenter, to bee my true sufficient & lawfull Atturney,----to Enter into all y' house & Land, that came unto mee by way of Morgage, from William Oliver of the ysles of shoales, scituate, & lijng & being in the province of Mayne in Kittery aforesayd, at a place called Tompsons Poynt, abbutting upon Pischataqua River---this 3d day of Decemb' 1683 : William Goodhue---" Thomas Wade, Thomas Sparke, Samell Appleton Assistant"
From Noyes,Libby,Davis in the Thomas Sparks narrative: "One Rebecca, wid., married Robert McKenney (5) at Dover in 1692. In 1732 land was laid out to their s. Henry McK out of the land deeded by Mr Fryer to Mr Hollicomb; (Thomas) Sparks' old ho. was nearby."
From York Deeds, Book IV, page 38: "Know all men by these Presents, that I Clement Swett of Cape Elizabeth fisherman, In ye Province of Mayne, haue barganed sould Enfeofled & Confirme unto Thomas Sparke now rescident at Cape Elizabeth, for & in Consideration of Twenty foure pounds, well & truely to mee in hand paycl, before ye signeing & sealeing hereof, a tract of Land vidz' upland, lijng & being on Cape Elizabeth, to the valew of Twenty Acres more or less----togeather with one single dwelling house standing----To have & to hould the sd Tract according to ye limitts & bounds above expressed, to the soole & proper vss of Thom Sparks his heyres executors Administrators & Assignes for Ever---A true Coppy of this Instrument aboue written transcribed & with the originall Compared this 27th day of May 1685"
Sources for Parents & Children of Robert I & Rebecca:
“Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis
“Saco Valley Settlements” by G. T. Ridlon, Sr
"Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill
“Many Maine McKenney Families” by Ora Herbert McKenney Jr
Children of Robert I and Rebecca Sparks are:
i. John, born 7 Dec 1693 in Wells(York) ME; married Margaret Wright 1728 in Scarborough(York) ME.
ii. Hannah, born 15 Jul 1695 in Wells (York) ME; married Robert Foye(1) 1717; married William Groves(2)1723/24
iii. Robert II, born Abt 1700 in York Co ME; died 6 Feb 1757 in Scarborough(York) ME; married Margaret Jameson 1 Apr 1727 in Scarborough(York) ME.
iv. Isaac, born Abt 1702 in York Co ME; married Elizabeth Drisco 1 Apr 1731 in Scarborough(York) ME.
v. Henry, born Abt 1705 York Co ME; died before 1782 Cape Elizabeth, ME; married Sarah Hanscom 15 Mar 1728/29 Scarborough, ME
vi. Rebecca, born Abt 1707 in York Co ME; died 27 Dec 1793 in Scarborough, ME; married Daniel Burnham Mar 1726/27 in Scarborough(York) ME;
1693: Evidently, the entire family moved to Wells (York County) Maine where Robert & Rebecca’s first 2 children, John & Hannah, were born.
Wells, Maine Vital Records, Robert and Rebecca McKenney's children are listed as John (7 Dec 1693) and Hannah (15 Jul 1695).
1690’s: While residing in the Wells, Maine area: "Wee present Robert Mackeny for not frequenting the public worship of God. ... "
"Rob Makeny appearing to answer his presentment for not frequenting the public worship of God is for his offense admonished and to pay fees of Court 6s. …"
1696/7 Wells:
Rebeckah Mackanney the wife of Robert Mackanney for not frequenting public worship of God upon the Lords Day.""
(York Co Deeds, Vol 4 & 5 by Maine Historical Society)
(Allen., "Province and Court Records of Maine", York County, Maine)
1693: From York Deeds Nov 1693 book X fol. 74--deed description "Some part of ye land os ye sd Hickson and some part upon the land of John Mackemeck otherwise called John Mackerill"
(Noyes, Libby, Davis indicates this was John McKenney)
1697: Court Records--Wells, York County, ME--April 1697
Mackanay, John
Index Number 605386//Court SESS
Volume/Page NR//Box/File 2-4
Drowned in the Ogunquit River because of his unacquaintance with the river.
(Note: This was during the period after the Indian hostilities of 1690 when John Mackenny moved his family (along with many other families) to Portsmouth NH & the southern area of York Co Maine near Kittery & Wells.)
1698: Robert Mackenny was in Boston per Noyes, Libby, Davis
1702-1703: ROBERT may have returned to Scarborough during the 2d settlement to claim his father JOHN‘s estate. If ROBERT was indeed in Scarborough for the 2d settlement, he & the other men abandoned the town again for another dozen or so years because of Indian hostilities. Robert would have returned to the “relative” safety of the Kittery or Portsmouth area where his family still resided.
("Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill
pg 343--"Robert McKenney, the only son to John McKenney of whom we have authentic information, was married in 1692, at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, to the widow Rebecca Sparks. He is said to have returned to Scarborough at the time of the second settlement of the town, and to have taken possession of his father's estate on the Nonsuch River; but the precise date of this settlement is unknown. Some place it in the fall of 1702, or the spring following."
1705: Robert Mackenny was in Sagamore Creek (Portsmouth)--Kittery in 1707 & York in 1718 per Noyes, Libby, Davis
(Note: Descendants of Daniel Mackenny (unrelated/resided in Kittery early 1700's), located original documentation that placed Robert on the North Side of Spruce Creek in Kittery in 1707 & 1714)
From "History of Scarborough"--From A Gazetteer of the. State of Maine By Geo. J. Varney Published by B. B. Russell, 57 Cornhill, Boston 1886
"By October, 1676 Scarborough, a town with three settlements of more than 100 houses and 1,000 head of cattle, had been destroyed -- some of its people killed and others taken captive by Native Americans. These settlers tried repeatedly to rebuild but peace was impossible. In 1690, the town was abandoned due to Native American uprisings, with inhabitants going to Portsmouth and other settlements further south.
The second settlement of Scarborough is regarded as dating to 1702. A fort was erected on the western shore of Garrison Cove, Prout's Neck. Other stockades were at Spurwink and Blue Point. The Hunnewell House was known as the “outpost for the defense of Black Point.” Richard Hunnewell, and eighteen other men were killed in 1703 at Massacre Pond. This incident took place after peace negotiations had been made."
1714: The estate of Joseph Wilson of Kittery on page 46 of York Co probate records a debt owed to "Robert Mocaney" (and others) in 1714.
1717: Robert’s daughter Hannah married Robert Foye from No. Spruce Creek, Kittery.
(Don’s note: Robert & Rebecca‘s daughter Hannah was born 1695 in Wells, married Robert Foye in Kittery & remained in Kittery when her parents & siblings returned to Scarborough sometime around 1720. Hannah married William Groves after her husband Robert Foye died & they moved to Wiscasset Point in 1731. Daniel Mackenny (unrelated), who resided in Kittery early 1700's, was in Berwick during this time, but coincidentally also moved to Montsweag in the Pownalborough/Wiscasset area around 1750.
Tracy Blagden made the following comments in “In an old Wiscasset record, Robert Foye states that he and his step father, William Groves, came to Wiscasset Point in 1731. They found only one other white man, Mr. Hooper. For some time they were they only white men on the point.--William Groves was a French Huguenot. He came to Pownalborough, Maine in 1731, probably from Kittery, Maine. He was one of the first to this area. William's name appears often in the records of Pownalborough and he was allotted Lot #1 in the division of lands.”
1718 October 1 1718 to October 1 1719 Robert rented a house from John Hinckes.
This rental house was in Portsmouth, NH or nearby New Castle, NH.)
1718: Robert Mackeeny (Makonney) did inventory for estate of Joseph Whinnick (Winnock) of Blackpoint. 25 Mar 1718)
1720: "Robert Mackeny" appeared on a list of Scarborough proprietors dated 22 June 1720.
When hostilities lessened in 1713 or 1714, the former inhabitants of Scarborough began returning. Some men, including Robert Mackenny, most likely traveled back & forth to Scarborough from southern Maine & NH without their families several times during that 1703-1720 period. When they felt safe, they brought their families back. In 1720, town meetings were re-established, roads were laid out, a church organized, a school master hired, and forts and garrison houses were built nearer together, however, Scarborough was sparsely populated for many years.
(Note: During the years 1718-1720, Robert Mackenny appeared in various records for both Scarborough & the Kittery/Portsmouth area since he had interests in all of those places. There was only one (1) Robert Mackenny/McKenney in sparsely populated Scarborough during its struggle for resettlement.)
From William D. Williamson's History of the State of Maine, Vol 2: ”Scarborough, prior to 1714, had been without inhabitants for about ten years… In December, 1719, a town meeting was holden, and the next year the records, which had been preserved in Boston, were safely returned; the number of families resettled at that time being about thirty.”
1720: Robert Mackeney of Kittery was sued for debt by John Hinckes of “New Castle” in a York County Maine Court action--19 Sep 1720. His name was spelled “Meccaney” in the summons & “Maccanny” in the settlement.
This action is evidently related to Robert’s rent of a house in New Castle NH from John Hinckes 1718-1719.
Carol Boswell had stated in her timeline: "In the Fall - Court action against Robert McKenny for debt in Kittery.
1720/21: Robert Mackiny sworn for tiding man (thithing man) 20 Mar 1720 Town Meeting.
(Scarborough Town Records)
1722: "Robard Mackny, juner" & his brother John, both sons of Robert & Rebecca, had their "creature marks" described in Scarborough Town Records: "His [John's] creturs mark, a swalors tail in the top of the right ears, and a hapenny cut out of the same one the underside of the same ear..." and "Creturs mark of Robard Mackny juner, a halpenny cut out of the left eare and a splet in the underside of the right." Entered 10, March 17".
1722: Robard Mackiny his creature’s mark 10 May 1722
(Scarborough Town Records)
1724: Robert Mckanny, a son of Robert & Rebecca, appeared on a military list, sworn to at Falmouth, May 28, 1724, of men in service at Scarborough under Sergeant Nathan Knight, He was "reported taken from Hilton's (garrison) September 13, (1723) and served until May 28, 1724. The following year he enlisted June 1, in the company of Captain John Gray, of which Nathan Knight was Sergeant, and served until November 22, a period of twenty-five weeks.
(He served with brothers Henry & Eleazer under Capt Gray
1724: Robert’s wife Rebecca died in Scarborough 19 April 1724, the day after being wounded in an Indian attack.
("Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill)
1724 The death of Rebacakuk Mackiny the 19th day of April 1724, the wife of Robard Mackiny
(Scarborough Town Records)
1725 The death of Robard Markiny, widower, July the 22 day anno domini 1725.
(Scarborough Town Records)
(Note: "Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill show Robert’s death as 23 Sep 1725, a date they probably referenced from Ridlon's earlier book which is an error. Who knows where they obtained that death date of 23 Sep 1725 & they provide no source. Evidently another example of a record that is quoted or transcribed incorrectly, but there is only 1 death record for Robert in the Scarborough town records--22 July 1725.)
Below is the 1746 document at the Massachusetts Historical Society that lays out definitively the children of Robert and Rebecca: "John McKenney, Robert McKenny, and Isaac McKenney all of Scarboro in the county of York, yeomen and Henry McKenny of Falmouth in said county yeoman Daniel Burnam of Scarborough aforesaid yeoman and Rebecca his wife in her right and William Groves of a place called Damariscotta within said county but without the bounds of any township husbandman and Hannah his wife in her right." The document is from a proceeding in the Superior Court, meeting at York 26 June 1746, in which the McKinney family is challenging the right of Elizabeth Dearing to a 25 acre plot of land in Black Point. In the document, "Robert McKenny late of Scarborough aforesaid yeoman" is mentioned as "their father." The struggle over that land lasted for many years, and in one of the depositions taken, from Mary Jordan in 1750, she says she “always understood that John McKenney who was the reputed grandfather of the present McKenneys did live with her husband's father Robert Jordan”. Robert Jordan was a large land owner in the area & owned the 2000 acre "Nonesuch Farm". John Mackenny, who resided in that area during the 1660's, purchased some land from Robert Jordan in 1673 on the Nonesuch near Chessmore's Hill.
The 1746 court document confirms the death date of July 1725 for Robert & lists the 6 surviving children of Robert & Rebecca Mackenny: John, ROBERT, Isaac, Henry, Hannah Groves & Rebecca Burnham. Son Eleazer was evidently deceased in 1746. They DID NOT have a son named DANIEL who died many years after this 1746 transaction. .
(From "Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill, pg 343-344)
1726: Robard Mackiny and Henry Mackiny sworn for field drivers. 22 Mar 1726
(Note: Sons of Robert I & Rebecca)
(Scarborough Town Records)
1727: Robert Meckeny and Margaret Jemison published their intentions April 1 1727.
(Scarborough Town Records)
(Don’s Note: Robert II son of Robert I & Rebecca, married Margaret Jameson)
(Sources: "Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & NH", Vital records of Charleston, Massachusetts & Ancestry site)
Margaret (Jameson) McKenney was born ca 1703 in Charleston, Massachusetts, the daughter of William Jameson Jr who was born 20 Jan 1682 in Charleston, Massachusetts. He married Elizabeth Golding 20 June 1700 in Wayland, Massachusetts. Elizabeth was born ca 1673 & died 1728 in Scarborough, Maine.
William Jameson Jr had a 1720 land brant in Scarborough, Maine & purchased 50 acres in Spurwink, Maine from Jeremiah Jordan in April 1723. William Jameson Jr later deeded his Scarborough grant in 1734 per his will to grandson William McKenney, a son of daughter Margaret & Robert McKenney. William Jameson Jr died 1734 in Falmouth or Scarborough, Maine.
William Jameson Jr was a son of William Jameson Sr who a tailer in Charleston, Massachusetts. He was born ca 1645. Per ancestry site, some claim he was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, others claim Edinburgh or Leith in Midlothian Scotland.
He married Sarah Price, of Salem, Massachusetts, in Charleston 18 Oct 1677. She died 24 Mar 1691 in Charleston, Massachusetts . He later purchased 100 acres at Purpoodock Point near Cape Elizabeth, Maine from Joel Maddiver in Mar 1697. "William Jamison dyed Febr 1713/1714 taylor" in Charleston, Massachusetts.
1729: Henery Mackenney and Sarah Hanscom were marryd March 13 1729 by Rev. Mr. William Thompson.
1731: Isaac Mackiny and Eliza Driscow were marreyed Apr 1 1731 by Rev. Mr. William Thompson.
(Scarborough Town Records: Sons of Robert I & Rebecca)
Sources for Parents & Children of Robert Mackenny II & Margaret Jameson
“Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis
“Saco Valley Settlements” by G. T. Ridlon, Sr.
"Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill
“Many Maine McKenney Families” by Ora Herbert McKenney Jr
Children of Robert Mackenny (Robert II) & Margaret Jameson:
i. "Robt McKeney" (Robert II), "& Margret McKeney, his wife their first son Robert was born 28th day of February in the year 1728/29"---- in Scarborough(York) ME
Robert III died Bef. 1800 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; married Jane Holmes 25 Feb 1750/51 in Scarborough(York) ME.
ii. William, born 24 May 1730.
iii. Mary, born 6 May 1733 in Scarborough(York) ME; died 22 Nov 1805 in Limerick, ME; married John Hodgdon 1754 in Scarborough, Maine.
iv. Jane, born 1 Apr 1736.
v. Hannah, born 7 Jan 1738/39 in Scarborough(York) ME; married Robert McLaughlan 28 Nov 1759 in Scarborough, Maine.
vi. Rebecca, born 4 Jul 1743 in Scarborough(York) ME; died Unknown in Cornish, ME ?; married James Holmes 1762 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; born Abt 1737; died 9 Mar 1831 in Cornish, ME.
1730-1743: "Robert & Margaret Mackinney" (Robert II)--Their children were baptized.
(Baptisms of the First Congregational Church of Scarborough)
Children of Robert & Margaret Mackinney
June 14, 1730 - Robert & William Mackinney
May 6, 1733 - Mary
Apr 1, 1736 - Jane
Jan 7, 1739 - Hannah
Jul 4, 1743 - Rebecca
29 Oct 1735--"Robert Mackenny" (Robert II) purchased land in Black Point, Scarborough from Joseph Poak--"Situate lying and being on ye Westward Side of Black Point River & in the Township of Scarborough & Biddeford" (Name also spelled Mackenney & Mackeney in this deed)
30 Oct 1735--Robert II also witnessed deed from Joseph Poak to Paul Thompson---signed "Robert X Mackeny"
(From York County, Maine Deeds, Vol 17)
1739: "Robert McKeny" chofe (chosen) surveyer of highway & John McKeney chofen as hogreaves 7 Mar 1739/40
(Scarborough Town Records)
1748/1749? "Robert Mikeney" chosen as field driver and fence viewer
(Scarborough Town Records)
1751:"Feb 25 1751-"Robt McKenny" (Robert III) married "Jane Holmes" in Scarborough
Sources for Parents & Children of Robert III: b 1729:
“Genealogical Dictionary of Maine & New Hampshire” by Noyes, Libby, Davis
“Saco Valley Settlements” by G. T. Ridlon, Sr.
"Descendants of Edward Small & Allied Families" by Lora Underhill
“Many Maine McKenney Families” by Ora Herbert McKenney Jr
Children of Robert III and Jane Holmes
i. Laura A., born 25 Feb 1753.
ii. George L., born 20 Nov 1756.
iii. Cora, born 11 Jul 1757.
iv. Robert IV, born 8 Oct 1759 in Scarborough(York) ME; died Bef. 1820 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; married Joanna "Hannah" Cummins 17 Oct 1782 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME.
v. Jane, born 20 Dec 1760 in Scarborough(Cumberland)ME; married Richard Carter 27 May 1778 in Scarborough(Cumberland)ME.
vi. Jonathan, born Abt 1762.
vii. Hannah, born 6 May 1766 in Scarborough, ME; died 18 Dec 1835 in Limington, ME; married Benjamin Meserve 2 Jan 1794 in Scarborough, Maine.
viii. William, born Abt 1767
1753: Robert III & his brother-in-law Joseph Holmes witnessed the Last Will & Testament of Charles Pine in Scarborough--probated 2 Jul 1753.
"Signed Sealed published pronounced & declared by the Said Charles Pine as his last Will & Testament, in presence of us the Subscribers. Joseph Holmes, Robert X McKenny, Richard King"
(Maine wills: 1640-1760 By William Mitchell Sargent, pg 708)
1755: "Robert McKiney" chosen as tithing man 7 Mar
(Scarborough Town Records)
1757: Robert II died 6 Feb 1757 in Scarborough
(Letters of Administration were granted to his widow Margaret July 11, 1758 & an inventory of his estate was returned Oct 2 1758.--York County Probate, Book 10)
1759: Robert IV, a son of Robert III & Jane was born 8 Oct 1759 in Scarborough
(Scarborough Town Records)
1763 15 Mar Allowance voted for Robert McKeaney “for what he did to Avery” (Scarborough Town Records)
(From "Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors in the American Revolution")
"McKeney, Robert, Scarborough. Private. Capt. Benjamin Larrabe's co., Col. Mitchel's Regt.; marched July 9, 1779; discharged Sept. 12, 1779; service, 2 mos. Marched on the Penobscot Expedition." (Probably Robert IV, born 1759)
"Robert McKenny jun" (Robert IV) and "Joanna Cummins" were married 17 Oct 1782 in Scarborough
Children of Robert & Joanna “Hannah” (Cummins) McKenney
i. Mary McKenney, born 27 Nov 1783 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; married James Foss 7 Dec 1809 in Scarborough, Maine.
ii. George McKenney, born 21 Feb 1784 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; died Unknown in Stetson(Penobscot) ME; married Nancy Abt 1810.
iii. Jane McKenney, born 11 Apr 1785 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME.
iv. Richard McKenney, born 16 Jan 1787 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; died Abt 1870 in Stetson(Penobscot) ME; married Lydia Brawn 20 Jan 1814
v. Elias McKenney, born 19 Dec 1790 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME.
vi. Benjamin McKenney, born 12 Nov 1792 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; died 7 Jul 1860 in Bangor, ME; married Sally Ridlon 12 Feb 1812 in Saco, ME.
vii. William McKenney, born 9 Dec 1795 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; died 2 Jul 1860 in Newport(Penobscot) ME; married Anna Cole Abt 1820 in Scarborough, Maine.
viii. Grace McKenney, born 18 Apr 1797.
ix. Hannah McKenney, born 11 May 1798 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; died 31 May 1815 in Portland, ME.
x. Dorcas McKenney, born 3 Jun 1800 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME.
xi. Henry McKenney, born 5 May 1803 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME.
xii. Jonathan McKenney, born 24 Aug 1805 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME; died 1863 in ?; married Martha Collins 11 Jun 1834 in Cornville, ME
xiii. Oliver McKenney, born 26 May 1806 in Scarborough(Cumberland) ME.
(Sources for Parents & Children of Robert & Hanna (Cummins) McKenney):
“Saco Valley Settlements” by G. T. Ridlon, Sr
“Many Maine McKenney Families” by Ora Herbert McKenney Jr who also references Scarborough Town Records)
During the next several generations in Scarborough, the surname gradually became standardized as "McKenney" with the Mac prefix abbreviated to Mc by John's grandsons John, Isaac, Robert II & Henry during the late 1730's.
My direct line from John Mackenny of Scarborough was Robert born 1670, Robert II born 1698, Robert III born 1729, Robert IV born 1759 & Richard McKenney, born 1787, Andrew Jackson McKenney born 1840, Edward Coffin McKinney born 1866, Earl McKinney born 1895, Donald E. McKinney Sr born 1920.
John's GGG-Grandson Richard McKenney, born 1787, married Lydia Brawn & left Scarborough, settling in Stetson, Maine farther north about 1815. Their youngest son Andrew Jackson McKenney was born in Stetson in 1840 & stowed away aboard a ship before the Civil War & ended up in Honolulu on Oahu of the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) in the opposite ocean where be became a uniformed member of the King's Guard. Andrew married widow Louisa (Richards) Rowan, originally from Cornwall, England & resided on a small plantation & cattle farm near Kaneohe, north of Honolulu. Their children were Andrew Jr, Edward, Lydia & Catherine.
Their youngest son Edward, born 1866, (our ancestor), left Kaneohe at age 9 with older brother Andrew Jr & joined half-brother Charles Rowan in Utah. Edward traveled to Wyoming on a cattle drive in 1881 at age 15. He eventually established several horse & cattle ranches with wife Lenora "Nora" (Gaylor) McKinney near Lander, Wyoming. Their children were "Bax" born 1894, Earl born 1895, Lloyd born 1897, Elsie born 1899, Bill born 1901, Ida born 1905 & Viola born 1912.
Our ancestor, Earl McKinney, was born 1895 when his parents resided on a ranch in the Sweetwater River area of Fremont County. In 1913, He married Amelia Grace "Dottie" Farthing, born 1892 in Lander.
Earl & Dottie's children were Lenore born 1915, Edward born 1917 & Donald born 1920. Earl & Dottie established several ranches in the Lander, Wyoming area before leasing & eventually purchasing a ranch on Twin Creek near Derby Dome during the 1940's.