As Good As It Gets

This is a hilarious romantic comedy starring Jack Nicholson as a man with problems that no mortal man can count, but most notably, he is pretty much the most insensitive and the most rude man in the world. He goes to a diner everyday for breakfast demanding that only single mother, Helen Hunt, serve him; he has taken a liking to her. It's interesting, very well written, nicely acted (both Helen Hunt and Jack Nicholson won Academy Awards for this movie), and very funny. Recommended entertainment!

Movie reviewed by Michael Lawrence



Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding, Skeet Ulrich, Shirley Knight, Jesse James, Yeardley Smith, Lupe Ontiveros

Directed by:

James L. Brooks


1997 romance/comedy

Rated PG-13.


Don Ignacio's score: A

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