The Bad News Bears

Walter Matthau plays a Little League coach with a dysfunctional team. However, if he can recruit some terrific ball players (including Tatum O'Neal,) the team will strike gold! "The Bad News Bears" is remarkable because it's better than it really should be. Instead of it faltering due to a lack of acting, direction, or an uneven balance between the two, it excels with flying colors in all of the above. A recommended view.

Movie reviewed by Michael Lawrence



Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal, Vic Morrow, Joyce Van Patten, Ben Piazza, Jackie Earle Haley, Alfred Lutter, Brandon Cruz, Shari Summers, Joe Brooks, Maurice Marks

Directed by:

Michael Richie


1976 sports/comedy

Rated PG.


Don Ignacio's score: A

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