
Certainly one of director Alfred Hitchcock's best, "Notorious" is an exciting thriller starring Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman. Cary Grant is an intelligence agent who oversees the actions of Ingrid Bergman who married Claude Rains (he was nominated for an Academy Award for this performance) to spy on him and figure out what wicked things he's been up to. It's thrilling and it's definitely recommended.

Movie reviewed by Michael Lawrence



Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Louis Calhern, Mme. Konstantin, Reinhold Schunzel, Moroni Olsen, Ivan Triesault, Alexis Minotis, Wally Brown, Gavin Gordon

Directed by:

Alfred Hitchcock


1946 spy/thiller

Not Rated.


Don Ignacio's score: A+

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