Part I: The Tenach  (Old Testament/First Covenant Tnch., F.C.) 

 The Torah (The Law of Moses) Tor. 
 Genesis (B'Reyshith, Beginnings) Genesis, Gen. 1 
 Exodus (Shemoth, The Words) Exodus, Ex. 
 Leviticus (WaYiqra, And He Said) Leviticus, Lev. 
 Numbers (BaMidbar, In the Wilderness) Numbers, Num. 
 Deuteronomy (Devarim, Rep. of the Covenant) Deuteronomy, Deut. 
 The Nevi'im (Prophets) Prophetic Books, Nev., Proph. 

 Yeshayahu (Isaiah) Yesh., Ysh., Yeshay. 
 Yirmyahu (Jeremiah) Yir., Yirm. 
 Lamentations of Yirmyahu (Eychah) Lamentations, Lam. 
 Book of the Prophet Yechezqel (Ezekiel) Ychzql., Ych. 
 Book of the Prophet Daniel, Dan. 
 Book of the Prophet Hoshea (Hosea) Hos., Hosh. 
 Book of the Prophet Yoel (Joel) Yo. 
 Book of the Prophet Amos, Am. 
 Book of the Prophet Ovadyah (Obadiah) Ov., Ovad. 
 Book of the Prophet Yonah (Jonah) Yon. 
 Book of the Prophet Micha (Micah) Mic. 
 Book of the Prophet Nachum (Nahum) Nach. 
 Book of the Prophet Havaqquq (Habakkuk) Hav. 
 Book of the Prophet Tsefanyah (Zephaniah) Tsef., Tsf. 
 Book of the Prophet Haggay (Haggai) Hg., Hag. 
 Book of the Prophet Zecharyah (Zechariah) Zech., Zch. 
 Book of the Prophet Malachi, Mal. 

 The Ketuvim (Writings) Historical/Poetical Books, Ket., Ktvm. 
 Yehoshua (Joshua) Yeh., Yehosh. 
 Judges (Shoftim), Jdg., Judg. 
 Ruth, Ru. 
 Books of the Prophet Shmu'el (I & II Samuel) I Shm., 2 Shm. 
 Books of the Kings (Melachim), I K., 1 K., 2 Kgs. 
 Chronicles of Israel/Yehudah (Dibri HaYamim), I & II Chronicles, I Chr., 2 Chron. 
 Book of the Prophet Ezra, Ez. 
 Book of Nechemyah (Nehemiah) Nech. 
 The Magillah of Hadassah (Esther), Had. 
 The Story of Iyov (Job) Iy. 
 The Psalms (Tehillim) Ps. 
 Proverbs of Solomon (Mashley Shlomo) Pr., Prov. 
 Qoheleth Ecclesiastes (The Preacher) Qoh. 
 Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim), Song of Solomon, Song/S., S/S 

Part II: The Renewed Covenant (New Testament), R.C. 

 (B'rit Chadasha)  The Good News as Recounted by The Gospels G.N. 
 Mattithyahu (Matthew) Mat., Matt. 
 Markos (Mark) Mk., Mark. 
 Lukas (Luke) Lk., Luk. 
 Yochanan (John) Yoch. 
 Deeds of the Holy Spirit through the Envoys (Acts of the Apostles) Env. 
 Letters from the Envoys (Apostolic Epistles) Ltrs. 
 Letter from Rav Shaul (Paulos/Paul) to the Romans, Rom. 
 Letters from Shaul to the Korinthians (I & II Corinthians) I. Kor., 2 Kor. 
 Letter from Shaul to the Congregations in Galatia (Epistle of Paul to the Galatians) Gal. 
 Letter from Shaul to the Congreg. in Efesos (Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians) Ef., Efes. 
 Letter from Shaul to the Congreg. in Filippi (Epistle of Paul to the Philippians) Fil. 
 Letter from Shaul to the Congreg. in Kolossae (Epistle of Paul to the Colossians) Kol. 
 Letters from Shaul to the Cong. in Thessaloniki (I & II Thessalonians) I Thess., 1 Thes. 
 Letters from Shaul to Timotheos (I & II Timothy) I Tim., 2 Tim. 
 Letter from Shaul to Titos (Titus) Tt. 
 Letter from Shaul to Filemon (Philemon) Flmn. 
 Letter to the Hebrews (Messianic Jews) Heb. 
 Letter from Yaakov (James) Ykv. 
 Letters from (Shim'on) Kefa (I & II Peter) I Kf., 2 Kf. 
 Letters from Yochanan (I, II, & III John) I Yoch., 2 Yo., 3 Y. 
 Letter from Rav Yehudah (Jude) Yeh., Yhd. . 

 Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah (Revelation to St. John the Divine) Rev. 

Other Common Proper Names and their meanings: 


 Andreas (Andrew) 
 Avimelech (Abimelech) = My father is a king =  Mein Vater ist ein König
 Aviyah (Abijah) = Yahweh is my Father  = Yahweh ist mein Vater
 Avraham (Abraham) = Father of Many Nations = Vater vieler Nationen
 Avram (Abram) = Exalted Father 
 Bar-Abbas (Barabbas) = Son of Abbas  = Sohn von Abbas
 Binyamin (Benjamin) = Son of my right hand/son of many days 
 Cham (Ham) 
 Chananyah (Hananiah, Ananias) 
 Chanokh (Enoch) = Teaching  = Lehren
 Chavvah (Eve) = Living  = Das Leben
 Dawid (David) from teh word for "beloved" 
 D'vorah (Deborah) = Bee  = Biene
 El'azar (Eleazar) = Elohim helped  = Elohim hilft
 Elisheva (Elizabeth) = My Elohim promised 
 Elohim Emphasizes that Yahweh is a judge (a plural word with singular grammatical usage) 
 Ever (Eber > Hebrew) = crossing over  = Hinübergehen
 Filippos (Philip) = Horse-lover  = Pferde-Liebhaber
 Gid'on (Gideon) 
 HaSikkaryoth (Iscariot) = Cut-throats  = Kehlen-Durchschneider
 Hevel (Abel) 
 Hizqiyahu (Hezekiah) = Yahweh is my strength  = Yahweh ist meine Kraft
 Kayafa (Caiaphas) 
 Kefa (Cephas, Peter, Petros) = A stone  = Ein Stein
 Lavan (Laban) = white one  = Der Weisse.
 Levi = My heart  = Mein Herz
 Manoach (Manoah) = Comfort, Strengthening 
 Mashiach (Messiah) = The Anointed One 
 Menashe (Manasseh) = Forgetting  =  Vergessen
 Methushelach (Methuselah) = With his death, it [the deluge] will come  = Mit seinem Tod kommt die Flut
 Miryam (Mary, Miriam) 
 Nachor (Nahor) 
 Noach (Noah) = Rest, Comfort = Behaglichkeit
 Pinchas (Phinehas, Phineas) 
 Qayin (Cain) 
 Rechav'am (Rehoboam) 
 Reuven (Reuben) = Look, a son!  = Guck mal, ein Sohn!
 Rivqah (Rebekah) 
 Sheth (Seth) = Appointed 
 Shim'on (Simon, Simeon) = Really, truly hearing  = Das wahre Hören
 Shlomo (Solomon) = His peace  = Sein Friede
 Stefanos (Stephen) = Crown  = Die krone
 Terach (Terah) 
 Tsadoq (Zadok > Sadducees) = Righteous  = gerecht
 Ts'daqyah (Zedekiah) = Yahweh is (my) righteousness  = Yahweh ist meine Gerechtigkeit
 Ya'aqov (Jacob) = Heel-grabber, supplanter = Verdränger
 Yafeth (Japheth) 
 Ya'ir (Jairus) 
 Yarav'am (Jeroboam) 
 Yared (Jared) = Shall come down  = Soll herunter kommen
 Yehoshafat (Jehoshaphat) = Yahweh is watching/looking  = Yahweh wacht
 Yehudah (Judah, Judas > Jew) = Praise  = Lob
 Yisrael (Israel) = One who struggles with Elohim/Prince with Elohim  = Der mit Gott kämpft
 Y'shua, Yeshua (Jesus) = Yahweh is salvation  Yahweh ist die ErLösung
 YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah) = I will be what I will be  ('Ich bin das Leben')
 Yishai (Jesse) 
 Yishmael (Ishmael) = Elohim will hear  = Gott wird hören
 Yissaschar (Issachar) = There is recompense  = Es ist eine Entschädigung da.
 Yitzhaq (Isaac) = Laughter  = Das Lachen
 Yochanan (John) = Yahweh is gracious  = Yahweh ist wohlwollend
 Yoseyf (Joseph) = Yahweh will add  = Yahweh wird  dazu geben
 Yoshiyahu (Josiah) = Yahweh is my salvation  = Yahweh ist meine ErLösung
 Zakkai (Zacchaeus) 
 Zavdi (Zebedee) 
 Zecharyah (Zechariah, Zacharias) = Yahweh remembered  = Yahweh erinnert


 Amarah (Gomorrha) 
 Bavel (Babel) = Gate of Elohim =  Das Tor zu Gott
 Beyth Anyah (Bethany) = House of unripe figs  = Das Haus der unreifen Feigen
 Beyth Fagey (Bethphage) = House of ripe figs  = Das Haus der reifen Feigen
 Beyth Lechem (Bethlehem) = House of bread (food)  = Das Haus des Brotes
 Beyth Tsaydah (Bethsaida) 
 Eilat (Elath) 
 Ferath (Euphrates) 
 Galil (Galilee) = The circle  = Der Kreis
 Giv'ah (Gibeah) 
 Giv'on (Gibeon) 
 Hatzor (Hazor) = The Rock  = Der Felsen
 Kanaan (Canaan) 
 Karmel (Carmel) 
 Kaysria (Caesarea) = Caesar's place  = Deer Platz des Cäsars
 K'far Nachum (Capernaum) = Village of Consolation  = das Dorf des Trostes
 Moav (Moab) = From the father  = Von meinem Vater
 Moryah (Moriah) = Myrrh of Yahweh  = Die Myrre des Yahweh
 Natzereth (Nazareth) = Branch  = Zweig
 S'dom (Sodom) 
 Shiloah (Siloam) 
 Shomron (Samaria) 
 Soreq (Sorek) 
 Tsarfath (Zarephath, Sarepta) 
 Tsi'on (Zion) 
 Tsiydon (Sidon) 
 Tsoraa (Zorah) 
 Yafo (Joppa, Jaffa) = Beautiful  = Schön
 Yarden (Jordan) = Runs downward from Dan  = Das was herunterströmt von Dan
 Yehudah (Judea) = land of the Jews  = Das Land der Juden
 Yericho (Jericho) 
 Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) = Light and peace, or He sees (two kinds of) peace = Licht und Friede oder Er sieht zwei Arten des Friedens
 Yizre'el (Jezreel) = Elohim will help = Elohim wird helfen

Tribes and National groups   Chittites (Hittites)   Chiwites (Hivites)   Yevusites (Jebusites)

Namen und astrologische Symbole

<=> Hören <=> Merkur: Sprechen, Hören,schreiben,lesen.
Levi <=> Binden <=> Saturn: Binden, Festhalten, fest
Judah <=> Güte <=> Jupiter: Güte,Vater, Gerechtigkeit, Fülle
Naphtali <=> Kämpfer <=> Mars: Kampf,Stärke
Gad <=> Schicksal,Glück <=> ~
Asser <=> Fröhlich,Feuer <=> Venus: Feuer,fröhlich,Schönheit (Venus=Ashera)
Issachar <=> käuflich <=> ~
Sebulaon <=> Wasser <=> ~ (fische/scorpion/krebs)
Josef <=> Das Leben geben <=> Mond









'um' Schraubenmutter





AYN ajin



AYNSVF eynsov







Großer Baum


ALH ela



ALHYM elohim

weibliche Götter 


AM 'em




Stamm, Geschlecht 



Sklavin Magd



Nation, Volk









Lang lang andauernd



bar rein Sohn offen



erschaffen von Gott





BTVLH betula



BG gov

Grube, Höhle


GYNH gina






ganah, ginnah






Monate / Month

1. Tishri
2. Heshvan
3. Kislev
4. Tevet
5. Shevet
6. Adar
7. Nisan
8. Iyar
9. Sivan
10. Tammuz
11. Av
12. Elul




Literal meaning



first, #1,Strength Leader



household, in, into, family



to lift up, pride, animal



pathway, to enter




'the', to reveal



'and', to add, to secure



cut, to cut off



private, to separate






work, a deed, to make



to cover, to open, allow



control, authority, the tongue



liquid, massive, chaos



activity, life



support, twist slowly, turn




to see, know, experience



to speak, a word, to open



catch, desire, need



behind, the last, the least



a person, the head, the highest




to consume, to destroy




to seal, to covenant


       Greek Alphabet







Hebrew initials for: Adonenu Morenu VeRabenu (Our master, Our teacher our Rabbi). This is a title commonly used with Chassidic Rebbes. Admor of Ger, Admor of Satmer etc.



1. Hebrew literally ‘binding’ Refers to the binding of Yitzchok on the altar.
2. Jewish scholarly book dealing with the funda mentals of the Jewish religion al Kiddish HaShem: Heb. for the sanctification of HaShem.
Refers to someone who is killed for being a Jew.



Jewish Biblical commentator Rabbi Moshe Al Sheich


 Am HaAretz:

Hebrew means ‘people of the land’ and refers to those who are ignorant of the Torah.



Refers to the main silent prayer said standing



Rabbis of the period of the Mishnah



Biblical city filled with wicked people Anshei Knesses



Hebrew for Men of the great assembly.



Heretics who reject the teachings of the Rabbis


 Ari Z’L:

Hebrew initials of the words: Adoni Rabbenu Yitzchok Zechorono LeVaracha our master Rabbi Yitzchok. Better known as Yitzchok Luria the great 16th century Kabbalist


 Aron Kodesh:

Hebrew for ‘the holy ark’ place in the synagogue where the Torah scrolls are kept. avodah: Hebrew word meaning ‘service’.
Refers to any type of service to HaShem


 Avraham Aveinu:

Hebrew name of Abraham


 Baal Shem Tov:

Founder of the Chassidic movement


 Baal Tshuva (Baalei    Tshuva):

Hebrew for someone who is a repentant sinner.


 Baal(es) Tzaddakah:

Hebrew word meaning a philanthropist



Fourth book of the Torah. Called in English “Numbers”


 Bava Basra:

Tractate of the Talmud


 Bava Kama:

Tractate of the Talmud



a subdivision of an *Inyan. Every Inyan has many bechinos.


 Beis HaKnesses:

Jewish house of worship


 Beis HaMedrash:

Jewish house of study


 Beis HaMikdash:

Heb. The Holy Temple


 Beis Midrash:

Jewish house of study



First book of the Torah. Called Genesis in English



Tractate of the Talmud



Tractate of the talmud



Hebrew for circumcision



Hebrew/Yiddish for young men who are learning in a Yeshiva



Type of long garment worn by Chasidim


 Chas V’Shalom:

Hebrew for ‘G-d forbid’



Hebrew for a ‘pious person’



Hebrew/Yiddish for a man who is engaged to be married



Hebrew initials for: Chochmenu Zichrona Levaracha (Our sages of Blessed memory) Used to refer to Rabbis of the Talmud



School for young Jewish children



Hebrew word meaning acts of mercy



Eighth month of the hebrew calendar


 Chocham (Chochomim):

Hebrew for ‘sage’ or scholar


 Chol HaMoed:

Intermediate days of a holiday



Hebrew for leavening



Hebrew/Yiddish for groom


 Chovos HaLavavos:

a moralistic and philosophical sefer



Hebrew for seer (prophet). Rebbe Yakov Yitzchok of Lublin was called the Chozeh because of his *Ruach HaKodesh.



Weekly portion where the Torah is read from Bamidbar (Numbers) 19:1-22:1



Hebrew word meaning knowledge



Hebrew for judge. Refers to religious judges.


 Days of Awe:

The days around the holidays of Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, so called because they are days of judgement.



Heb ‘way’ refers to a path in serving HaShem



Fifth book of the Torah. Called in English ‘Deuteronomy’.



Yiddish for pray.



A method of Biblical interpretation ascribing moral or ethical meaning to verses in the Torah.



The Hebrew name for the book of Lamantations


 Eliyahu HaNavi:

Hebrew for the prophet Elijah



Sixth month of the Jewish year



A legal act that causes different residences to be considered as one.



Tractate of the Talmud



The Hebrew name for the book of Job



Hebrew for an attendant


 Gan Eden:

Hebrew name for paradise



Numerical value of the letters of the Hebrew words


 Gemilos Chasadim:

Hebrew word referring to acts of mercy.


 Ger Toshiv:

A ‘partial’ convert who agrees not to worship idols



Tractate of the Talmud



Hebrew title of one who is an especially learned scholar in Torah



Place where one is punished for one’s sins after death. The Talmud says that except for especially wicked souls, the normal stay is up to one year.



The numerical value of the Hebrew letters.



A portion of the Tenach read after the Torah is read on Shabbos



Sefer that relates the story of the Exodus from Egypt and other things related to the night of Pesach.



Hebrew for ‘the Priest’ refers to someone who is a direct paternal descendant from Aaron in the Torah



Hebrew word meaning ‘law’



The Rov (see Rov).


 HaRav HaKodesh:

The Holy Rov (see Rov)



Noun used in place of G-d. Lit. The Name


 house bocher:

Young man who lived in the house of a Rebbe and took care of private matters as needed.


 Hoshanah Rabbah:

Last day of the intermediate days of Succos. It is considered to be similar to Yom Kippur in that it is a time of repentance.



Heb. HaShem Yimkom Domov: HaShem should avenge their blood.



A spiritual concept or idea. A general idea as opposed to specifics. The specifics would be *bechinos.



A story that shows or teaches a specific method of serving HaShem



Hebrew/Yiddish for bride



Hebrew word for ‘intention’.



Third part of the Tenach. Lit. Writings



Ceremony performed on Friday night over a cup of wine.



One of the books of the Tenach, called in English Ecclesiastes.



Hebrew for ‘the Priest’ refers to someone who is a direct paternal descendant from Aaron in the Torah


 Kol Nidrei:

First prayer of Yom KIppur kol v’chomer: Inference from a thing that is lesser/lighter to a thing which is greater/more stringent


 kosel marovi:

Hebrew for Western Wall, the only remaining standing part of the Temple.



Heb. fit. Refers to food that is permitted to eat.



A note with names given to a Rebbe for him to pray for these people



Refers to a custom of drinking and wishing L’Chaim - to life one to the other



Yiddish word that refers to ones child’s in-laws



Hebrew initials for : Moreinu HaRav Shmuel Eliezer (our teacher Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer) a famous Talmud commentator



In Europe this was a person who would give sermons on moral subjects. Many of the first Rebbes were Maggidim (pl. of Maggid).



One of the books of the Tenach.



Hebrew for manna. The bread that fell from Heaven in the desert.


 mazel tov:

Hebrew for ‘good luck’. Used for a wish of congratulations on various occasions


 matonos l’evyonim:

Hebrew for gifts to the poor. One of the mitzvos of Purim.



1. Tractate of the Talmud
2. Another name for the Biblical book of Esther


 Megillas Esther:

Hebrew for the book of Esther



Hebrew for a teacher of young children



Tractate of the Talmud


 mesiros nefesh:

Hebrew for self sacrifice



parchment with various portions of the Torah which is hung on the side of the door.



A character trait, either good or bad.


 midah kenegid midah:

Heb. measure for measure



Rabbinical work with homiletic interpretations


 Midrash Pleah:

A specific Midrash which contains Midrashic teachings that are difficult to understand.



Hebrew of temple, lit. place of holiness



Hebrew word referring to a ritual bath used for purification



Name of the afternoon prayer



Group of Jewish men (at least ten) who have gathered for prayer.



Hebrew for tabernacle



One of the books of the Tenach, called in English Proverbs.


 Mishloach Monos:

Hebrew for the sending of delicacies. One of the mitzvos of Purim.



An ancient Jewish work made of specific laws.


 Mispor Katon:

Type of gematria where the value of the letters is added. For example 26= 2 + 6 = 8.



Hebrew name for the land of Egypt



One of the commandments of the Torah.



Hebrew/Yiddish word for the person who performs a circumcision



Hebrew for my teacher.


 Moshe Rabbeinu:

Hebrew for Moses our teacher. A common Jewish way of referring to Moses.



Heb. Messiah


 Motzeh Shabbos:

Hebrew for Saturday night



Hebrew for moral instruction.



Hebrew word for soul.



Second part of the Tenach. Lit. Prophets



Hebrew for songs. Usually used to refer to tunes composed and sung by Chasidim and their Rebbes.



First month of the Hebrew calendar



Hebrew initials for the words: Olav HaShalom (may he rest in peace)


 Orach Chaim:

One of 4 sections of the Shulchan Aruch. This deals with the laws that apply to each person on a daily basis, throughout the year.


 Or HaChaim:

Jewish Torah commentary



Tractate of the Mishnah


 Parsha (Parshos):

lit. ‘portion’ refers to the portion of the Torah read each week.


 Parshas HaChodesh:

Special Parsha of the Torah read on the Shabbos before the first of the month of Nissan.


 Parshas Porah:

Special Parsha of the Torah read the Shabbos after Purim.



A type of prayer similar to a poem said on Jewish holidays



Tractate of the Mishnah



Hebrew for Passover



One of the Tractates of the Talmud



A method of Biblical interpretation based on finding the simple meaning in the Torah.



A verse in the Torah or Tenach



Hebrew for Philistines


 pilpul (pilpulim):

Method of learning which involves hair-splitting logic.


 Pirkei Avos:

A Tractate of the Mishnah



Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon also called Maimonides



Rabbi Nachman ben Moshe, also called Nachmanides



The primary commentary on the Tenach.



An official rabbi who renders legal decisions. Many of the Rebbes were both a Rebbe of Chasidim, and the Rov of the city in which they lived.



A title added to a persons name as a sign of respect.



Leader of a Chassidic group or a teacher


 Rebbe Reb:

A title added to a few special Rebbes as a sign of their higher spiritual stature.



A method of Biblical interpretation based on finding hints in the Torah for various concepts.


 Rosh HaShanah:

1. Heb. New Year Holiday at the beginning of the year.
2. A tractate of the Talmud



see Rav


 Ruach HaKodesh:

Heb spirit of holiness. Refers to one who can see events, and understand things that are not apparent to the human eye.



Hebrew name the book of Ruth


 amech Mem:

Two Hebrew letters from the traditional name of the angel also called Satan. They are used instead of the name itself.



Tractate in the Talmud



Meal eaten the night of Passover where the Exodus from Egypt is remembered.



A Jewish religious book.


 Sefer Yitzerah:

Hebrew Kabbalistic work.



The mitzvah of counting the days from Pesach to Shevous



Hebrew for ‘Segan L’Kohen’ assistant to the priest. refers to one who is of the tribe of Levi.



1. Tractate in the Talmud
2. Seventh day of the week


 Shabbos Chazon:

Shabbos before Tisha B’Av


 Shabbos Hefsakah:

The Shabbos between Shabbos Shekalim and Shabbos Zachor.


 Shabbos Nachmu:

Shabbos after Tisha B’Av


 Shabbos Shekalim:

Shabbos before the 1st of Adar


 Shabbos Tshuva:

Shabbos between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur


 Shabbos Zachor:

Shabbos before the holiday of Purim


 Shalom Bayis:

Hebrew phrase referring to peaceful relations between husband and wife



Hebrew word denoting the divine presence.



See Shabbos Shekalim



Second book of the Torah. Called Exodus in English


 sheiner yid:

Yiddish phrase referring to a Jew who considers himself better then others.


 Sheolos v’Tshuvos:

Heb. Questions and Answers. This refers to Jewish scholarly books which are based on legal questions asked of Rabbis and their answers.



Jewish holiday


 Shemini Atzeres:

Eighth day of the holiday of Succos. it is a holiday for itself y 50 days after Pesach



Main Jewish prayer of the confession of faith. Contains 3 parshas. Devorim 6.5-9; 11.13-21 and Bamidbar 15.37-41



The second book of the Torah. Called in English Exodus.


 Shevi’i Shel Pesach:

Seventh day of the holiday of Pesach


 Shir HaShirim:

Hebrew name for the Song of Songs


 Shir HaShirimRabbah:

Rabbinic Midrash on Song of Songs



Jewish scholarly commentary on the Torah, and Jewish holidays by Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz



Hebrew Initials for the words: Sh’Yichiya L’Aruch Yomim Tovim Amen. (He should have a good long life amen)



Hebrew name of the book of Samuel



Hebrew word for a person who performs ritual slaughter of animals.



A ram’s horn blown on Rosh HaShanah



A stand of lectern, where books were placed during learning, or where a prayer book was placed by prayers.



Yiddish name for a synagogue


 Shulchan Aruch:

15th/16th century book of Jewish law



Jewish prayer book.



Midrashic work on Devorim


 Simchas Torah:

Second day of Shemini Atzeres (in Israel there is only a single day), where one celebrates the completion of the readings of the Torah for that year.



Penitential prayers said on the days before Rosh HaShanah and Yom KIppur



A method of Biblical interpretation based on describing secret teachings in the Torah.



Biblical city filled with wicked people



A tractate of the Talmud



Strips of velvet sown into the garments of some of the Rebbes, or great Rabbis.



Holiday after Yom Kippur where people sit in booths



One of the tractates of the Talmud



One of the tractates of the Talmud.



A special garment that is used to cover a person in prayer.



Hebrew for ‘disciples of’ Talmid (Talmidim): Disciples of a Rebbe.



An ancient work of Jewish law.


 Talmud Chocham
   (Talmidei Chochomim):

Hebrew for Talmud sage, refers to one who is learned in Jewish legal texts.



Rabbis of the Talmud



Important chassidic work By Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi.


 Targum Onkeles:

Aramaic translation of the Torah by Onkeles



One of the major commentators on the Shulchan Aruch



thread of blue wool attached to a talis



Hebrew name for Psalms.


 Tekunei Zohar:

The most esoteric section of the Zohar



First letters from the three Hebrew words: Torah, Neviium, Kesuvim, which are the divisions of the jewish Bible. Torah is the first five books, Neviium are the prophetic works and Kesuvim are the other books.



Special boxes that contain passages of the Torah which are worn by men in daily prayer.



Hebrew word for offering


 Tisha B’Av:

9th day of the month of Av, a major fast day



Yiddish for ‘table’ Refers to a meal eaten by a Rebbe with his Chasidim



Seventh Month of the Hebrew calendar



a. First 5 books of the Jewish Bible
b. Also refers to the whole of Jewish law
c. also common term for a chassidic teaching



commentary on the talmud by the talmidim of Rashi



Hebrew word for repentance


 Three Weeks:

Period of time from 17 of Tammuz to 9 of Av



Hebrew for charity



righteous women


 Tzaddik (Tzaddikim):

lit. Righteous. Another name for a Chassidic Rebbe.



Strands that hang from the corners of a talis



Hebrew for the book of Leviticus



Hebrew for Jacob


 Yakov Aveinu:

Hebrew for ‘our father jacob’



Hebrew initials for Yaakov ben Tzvi. Name of Rabbi Yaakov Emden



Hebrew name for the book of Ezekiel



Hebrew for Joshua



Talmud that was compiled in Pales tine as opposed to the standard one that was compiled in Babylonia called the Bavli



Hebrew name for book of Isaiah



School for older boys



lit. Inclination. It is Jewish belief that every Jew has both an evil and good inclination within him, that are at ‘war’ to see which of them the person will follow.


 Yetzer HaRah:

Heb. Evil Inclination.


 Yetzer Tov:

Heb. Good Inclination



Hebrew name for the book of Jeremiah



Hebrew for Isaac



Heb. Yimach Shimoh V’Zichro : Their name should be erased Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement, the most holy day of the Jewish year.


 Yom Suf:

Hebrew ‘sea of reeds’.


 Yom Tov:

Hebrew name for ‘holiday’



Yiddish for the day of the anniversary of a death



Hebrew initials of the words: Zechorono LeVaracha (His memory is a blessing.)



See Shabbos Zachor



sefer of songs sung on various occasions



Hebrew/Aramaic Rabbinical Kabbalistical work that is one of the most important sources for Kabbalah, and was very influential with Chasidim


 Zohar Chadash:

Literally ‘new Zohar’. A section of the Zohar.



Hebrew initials of the words: Zechor
Tzaddik LeVaracha (The memory of a Tzaddik - Righteous person is a blessing.)



Hebrew initials of the words: Zechor Tzaddik veKadosh LeVaracha (The memory of a Tzaddik - Righteous man and a Kodosh - a holy man is a blessing)



Hebrew initials for Zechiso Yugan Aleini, His merit should protect us


volker doormann    -  2006.06.06