Welcome to
Moffet Airdrome
"Welcome to the Moffet Airdrome, home to the 7th Air Wing witch is more
commonly known as the Astor's Airmen. You are welcome to tour the
airdrome at your own pace and we encourage you to take one of the many
tours, but be sure to stay away from restricted areas."
Vice-Air Marshal Jason "Draco" Kinart
History of the Airdrome
Moffet Airdrome was founded in 1930 to serve as the sector headquarters
for the Upper New York City Air Defensive Zone. Named after Admiral
William Moffet who was considered by most as the father of airship carriers.
The base served well in it's short tenor as sector HQ, but in 1933 a more
modern headquarters was established in Yonkers and Moffet was mostly abandoned.
In 1935 the businessman and socialite John Jacob Astor established a new
air wing for the 1st Air Division other wise known as the Broadway Bombers.
In establishing his newly formed wing he had to find a suitable site for
construction of a homebase. Why looking for a suitable construction
site someone happened to show him the abandoned Moffet Airdrome.
It was just what he was looking for. It had large administration
buildings and a hanger already built and plenty of room to expand.
Astor started a major expansion of the airdrome constructing Hanger 2,3,
and 4 and repairing and expanding Hanger 1 and the administration buildings.
After the first couple of squadrons of aircraft arrived and the unit was
transformed into a roving air wing instead of a guardian as it was originally
designed to be, Astor managed to pull some weight around and get the 27th
Carrier Group permanently assigned to the Air wing. Witch leaves
us to modern day.
Current Status
Moffet Airdrome is currently the home of the 7th Air Wing also called
the Astor's Airmen. The base and the air wing is currently commanded
by Vice-Air Marshal Jason "Draco" Kinart. John Astor, the founder
and caretaker of the air wing, can often be found touring his favorite
unit. Although the airdrome is officially owned by the Empire States
Armed Forces Astor has managed to get permission to construct his own private
Hanger witch will house his private airship Astor's Pride.
23rd Fighter Squadron (Fanfarillo's Flyers) - The First Squadron
to enter the 7th Air Wing. This unit considered the core of the Air
Wing. The most experienced of the fighter squadrons the Flyer's are
frequently called on to do the most dangerous missions.
46th Fighter Squadron (The Wild Cards) - An experienced and well
trained unit. The Wild Cards are a product of the Moffet Training
Academy, as most of it's pilots where trained there. The 46th is
well trained at interceptions and are often called on for support from
other units.
129th Fighter Squadron (The Hellhounds) - The Hellhounds is one
of the newest squadron to enter the service of the 7th Air Wing.
Although it's roster has yet to be filled it's services so far have proven
this unit to be a well built fighting force.
12th Bomber Squadron (Bulls Eye Bombers) - A veteran unit, the Bombers
where the second unit to be assigned to the Airmen. The 12th's primary
role is attacks on ground targets and enemy airships. The fighter-bombers
that the Bombers fly are perfect for pin point attacks on engines nacelles
or gun turrets.
34th Bomber Squadron (Drake's Dragons) - The Dragons are the newest
addition to the Airmen. Although the Squadron is still in it's planning
stages, it has already been graced with one of the best commanders in the
Empire States, Captain William "Billy" Drake
Moffet Training Squadron - Moffet Airdrome is known as one of the
best Flight Academies in the Empire States. The Moffet Training Squadron
keeps a steady flow of replacement pilots to the 7th Air Wing.
27th Carrier Group (The Eagle's Airmen) - Formed in 1935 and originally
stationed at the Empire States main Air Fleet Shipyards at Lakehurst, NJ.
The Eagle's Airmen where then transferred to Moffet Airdrome when the 7th
Air Wing was transformed from a Guardian unit into a roaming.
152nd Air Marine Battalion (The Fighting Leathernecks) - One of
the most decorated Battalions in the Air Marine Corps. The Fighting
Leathernecks are responsible for the security of both the airdrome and
the fleet ships. Besides there security role the 152nd is also responsible
for the boarding of enemy airships, one of the most dangerous duties in
the service.
The Hell's Angels are a long time privateer for the Empire States.
They have recently been given quarters and Hanger space at Moffet Airdrome.
The Angels range far and wide targeting Zeppelins belonging to the Empire's
enemies. There most recent engagement was with a Nation of Hollywood
Zep witch the Angels captured with two Bloodhawks still in the zep's hanger
bay. The Angels are mostly equipped with Whittly and Douglas M210
Ravens with only a few captured McDonnell S2b Kestrels for ground attacks.
Pamphlet - An overview of the structure of the 7th Air Wing
Moffet Airdrome Aviation Museum - Visit
Moffet Airdromes famous Aviation Museum. It has a wide variety of
information from the Airmen's trophy room to a tour of the carrier Albatross.
Fighter Group - Take an in-depth look at the fighter squadrons
of the 16th air group.
8th Bomber Group - Check out the backbone
of the Airmen, the Bomber group.
27th Carrier Group - Check out the large
fleet ships of the Eagle's Airmen.
152nd Air Marine Battalion - A well trained
battalion, it is well worth a look.
Hell's Angels Privateer Group - Check out
the privateer group that has recently signed onto Moffet Airdrome.
Units and Enemies - See the many other groups that I run
and some of the enemies units that I use.
Crimson Skies
is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation.
Original Crimson Skies material
Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights
Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA
Corporation's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should
not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole
purpose of this site is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness
of Crimson Skies. I urge everyone
to go and buy the Crimson Skies
sourcebooks. They are well worth the money.
To contact the press office of Moffet Airdrome just use the link
Captain Kelly
Alderman, Moffet Press Officer
Crimson Skies Webring site is owned by
Jason "Draco" Kinart.
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