Free State of French Louisiana
The Free State of French Louisiana was created from the old state of Louisiana
which originally was part of the Confederation of Dixie but broke away
shortly after the Outer Banks nation joined the Confederacy. Soon
thereafter the French Louisiana was born and an alliance was established
between the Free State and the Republic of France.
Name - Free State of French Louisiana
Capital - Baton Rouge
Government - Republic
Head of State -
Land Mass - 51,843 square miles
Population - 2,363,880
Prohibition Status - Wet
Major Exports -
Minor Exports -
Major Imports -
Minor Imports -
Aircraft Companies
Higgins Aircraft, Inc. - New Orleans
Air Militias
Dervish Air Unit, French Foreign Legion
Chapeau d'Or Squadron
Lyon's Lions - Perrie "Lion" Lyons
Pirate Groups
The Bayou Bastards - John "Bushwhacker" Jacobs
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