5/1/2002- Hahahaha! Look! An update! lol. Just wanted to let you guys know that yes, I'm still doing the makeover, so that's why there haven't been any updates ^_^ In the meantime, I added a new link, and took out a broken one.
10/8/2001- Happy Columbus Day! I added a new Fanfiction by Lauren called Ice Cream. It's a really cute post break up fic, go check it out! I also fixed some minor errors all over the site. Also, if you requested to be added to the list of narcs or to get a doll and still niether of those things have happened for you, please hang on for a little while more, I'm directing a play with a bunch of little 6-9 year olds right now, and the show is next Saterday, so right now, I have to focus on that, but once that's over, I should be able to get your stuff done! Oh yeah, one more thing....
7/20/2001- Hey guys! I'm back and have a Fanfiction update! It's called Rory and Dean. It's a really good read. Go check it out! I have a lot of other updating to do, particularly dolls and fanart, so I try and get to that this weekend.
7/4/2001- Happy 4th of July everyone! Happy 225th Birthday America! (I'm pretty sure it's the 225th....) There's another holiday coming up too...Jared's birthday! All of us Jared fans are gonna do somthing special for him, so click on the banner below to find out how you can pitch in too! Thanks to Abby for putting this all together!
7/3/2001- New Fanart by Jessica and Little Critter,. Also, I want to thank all of you who voted for this site, because today it is #1 on the Gilmore Girls Top 10 site lists!! Yay!!! Please keep voting! I really appreciate it!
7/2/2001- I updated The Narcoleptic Dictionary. and added our new banner to the main page. I also added a new top site list to the main page. Please vote for the Official Narcoleptic Site! All you have to do is click on the button on the main page! Thanks! I'll probably do some more updates today.
7/1/2001- New Fanfiction by anonymous called Interrogation Night, about what would happen if Dean went to dinner at Emily's! Go check it out! Also, I'm no officially opening the Official Narcoleptic Site's Image Gallery and Resource Center! It's an off server branch of this site that has all of the images/fanart/banners on this site, only the server that it's on allows outside image posting, so you can use the images at the new gallery in your posts on message boards! It also has a section with all of the things you need if you start a new Narcoleptic thread on ff.
5/30/2001- New Fanart by Jessica and I'll probably update the fanfic section a little later today if I can find the time.
5/28/2001- I added a Link Me page, and a Buttons page, where you can take some cute R/D support buttons to put on your site! I also added a new Fanart by Dramaqueen...me!
5/9/2001- I added a link to a new Jared site: Jared Fanatic it's really cool. That's where I got all of the new Jared buttons you see flying around, also. I added some new R/D pics to Even MORE R/D Pics! and a new Fanart by FallenPrincess. Also, I'm will be updating "the list" soon, and I swear that I will get that fanfic up somtime this year! :) And of course, for those of you who don't know, it had been (I think officially) confirmed that Jared will return as a regular Dean next season! Yay!!! If I don't update before then, everyone enjoy the season finale! R/D forever!
5/2/2001- I added a new R/D pic that Sabrina posted on the board...it is soooo cute! Go see it! I also added a banner for "Websites Against School Violence" to the awards page. Go check it out and lend a hand in the effort to stop violence in schools!
4/29/2001- I added a couple new R/D pics to the More R/D Pics! page. Also make sure you guys are posting on fanforum! The thread is moving really slow! And I'm serious when I say, subscribe to our mailing list! Please!
4/25/2001- I added 3 new R/D pics to the More R/D Pics! page. Also, if any of thesee pics look familiar, it's cause I get a lot of them off of the fanforum thread. If any of you see any of your pics and don't want them up here please e-mail me at dramaqueen174@yahoo.com and we'll work it out. Thanks. Oh yeah, I also added Qt to our list of The Narcoleptics! Be sure to e-mail me if you want to be on the list and aren't already
4/24/2001- Yay, this site got accepted into WB programas, a club type thing. Remember those Nike adds for sneakers about things like "Orange Monk" and "Rabid Panda?" Well, if you do (or even if you don't) run over to the awards page and check out this really funny club I found for people who are fans of those Nike adds! hehe. ANYWAY, yes, I'm going to actually update somthing narcoleptic today, just not at 10:00 in the morning, so check back a little later for some REAL updates! Oh yeah, I don't know about you guys, but I'M in a state of mourning for the character "Alex" on the show "Roswell." He died last night! :(
4/23/2001- I moved the webring on the main page so you can see it better, I added a bunch of new clique-things I joined, and I added a new page listing the upcoming projects this site is currently working on. You can see it here: The Future of Narcos... I also added a new page for the award a won (and hopefully, more that I'll win :) ) and don't forget to join the Official Narcolept Associatiom (sign up next to the pic of R/D on the main page) hehe I'm gonna keep writing that in the updates section until you all join!! :)
4/21/2001- Wow! I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated for a few days, I was in NYC on a class trip. *sniff* I missed GG! Anyway a lot happened on our happy little thread on fanforum while I was gone, so I'll try to catch up. Hoorah for our fourth thread! Also, we know have our official Narcolept Mascot! Colonel Clucker!! Yay!
Anyway, I added a couple new R/D pics, updated "the list" and added a pics section for Col. Cluck himself!! Hehe. I also added a new yahoo groups feature, where you can subscribe to our mailing list. The mailing list will be used to share narcolept stuff like fanfiction, fanart, pics, etc. as well as to notify members when this site is updated. It's called the ONA (Official Narcolepts Association) and you can subscribe on the side bar of the homepage. Please join if you love Rory and Dean!) Also, make sure you send in any fanart or fanfiction you have for the site to dramaqueen174@yahoo.com ...happy narcolepting!
4/18/2001- A new fanart/wallpaper by Narnia was added.
4/17/2001- Hey guys, I added a new fanart by Bryana. Enjoy!
4/14/2001- I added a new Soulfire fanfic, updated "the list," put up a couple more R/D pics and added ViolaGirl to our happy family! Plus I put up a bunch of Dean, and Dean/Rory suport buttons that I got at Gilmoregirls.com.
4/13/3001-I added 2 new R/D pics and a new webring I applied too. You can find it on the side bar of the main page. Also, everyone please sign the guesbook! It's getting lonely!
4/12/2001- It's my birthday today! Yay! And, I'm home sick, so I'll probably be updating a lot. But, to start us off, I added a new Fanfiction called Kiss Before Crying which contains a really sweet reunion scene between you know who!
4/11/2001- I added two new fanfics..go check them out, they're great! Also, show some Narco Spirit! Sign the guestbook!
4/10/2001- I added a couple new Dean/Rory pics, a new fan art by Electro-Kat, and a few new things to our list of reasons that Rory and Dean rock! I also added a new feature which allows you to recieve an e-mail when this site has been updated. You can find that on the side bar on the home page.