FEATURED ZOMBIES (in order of appearance)

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Corral captives: Mark Tierno, Debra Gordon, Barbara "Holmes".

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Logan's specimens: Bub (Sherman Howard), Eviscerated corpse (Mike Trcic), Cooper (Barry Gress)

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Corral attack zombies: Miller Biter (Barbara Russell),  Priest/Miguel Biter (David Kindlon)             

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Cave zombies: Shovelhead (John Vulich, doubling for Bruce Kirkpatrick), Hippie/2x4 zombie (Deborah Carter),  John's splatterface (Don Brockett)

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Steel Attack Zombies: Hat Puller (Jeff Monahan), Neck Biter (William Andrew Laczko)       

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Silo Zombies: Winnie Flynn, Gene A. Saraceni

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William Cameron   Susan Martinelli

Let's see some of those uncredited zombies.

Puppet Zombies:

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Dr. Tongue, Ben Franklin, Nemo, respectively