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Mercury is the first planet in our solar system. From the Earth, Mercury is seen as a slightly pinkish disk or at times as a crescent.

It has a diameter 0.38 times that of Earth (= 4,880 km), a mass of 0.055 that of the Earth's and a density of 5.43g/cm3. It rotates once on its axis in 58.65 days.



Mecury has a surface temperature that varies the most, ranging from 90 K to 700 K. It has no permanent atmosphere since the atmosphere consists of air molecules that move fairly fast. However, traces of hydrogen and helium gases could be detected.

These gases are captured from the solar wind and are able to remain on the planet for a few weeks before escaping into interplanetary space. Earth-bound astronomers have also found an extremely tenuous envelope of sodium and potassium around Mercury.



Caloris BasinThe surface of Mecury resembles that of the Moon most. There are cratered highlands such as those in the Discovery quadrangle, the Bach area and the Shakespeare quadrangle, but few maria. Thus it resemble the Moon's far side and the cratered highlands.

There are escarpments (up to 1.5 km high and 100 km long), ridges, mountain ranges, circular basins, plains and rift valleys. There is a very large circular basin, the Caloris Basin, which has concentric mountain ranges that has a diameter of about 1350 km. In the picture to the right, half of the Caloris Basin is in the shadow on the terminator.

Like on the moon, there are no signs of rivers, clouds and dust storm. There are also no traces of water. However, a few months ago, astronomers reported the possible presence of water-ice in the craters at the polar regions of the Moon, which are shielded from the sun's radiation.


Special Features

Mercury has no permanent atmosphere as compared to other terrestrial planets. This is due to the lower escape velocity of Mercury.


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