[The Dope Show Lyrics|Mechanical Animals Lyrics|Main Lyrics Page|Something Beautiful, Something Free]
>the drugs they say
>make us feel so hollow

non-drug users say that drugs empty your mind leaving you hollow drug users say that drugs empty you of your problems and your worries leaving you ignorantly blissful

>we love in vain
>narcissistic and so shallow

narcissistic basically meaning to be full of yourself and to have a high opinion of your own capabilities, we love ourselves because we're on drugs and we feel invincible and it's actually a childish way to deal with things

>the cops and queers
>to swim you have to swallow

there's a lot for this one
-from societies point of view, to be politically correct, they have to put up with law enforcement and homosexuals.
-also i think cops represent drugs that give you a power trip, queers are ones that make you feel "fruity" and to get high or have your head "swim", you have to swallow the pills.
-cops and queers are both groups that are hated whether they deserve it or not. as a group, i don't believe it is right to hate. i know cool cops and cool fags and dick head cops and dick head fags. for them to get along in life, they have to accept "swallow" the fact that people hate them irrationally.

>hate today
>no love for tomorrow

a lot of people do drugs b/c they hate the world and their life and they need the drugs to avoid committing suicide, kinda like manson on the ACS tour.

>we're all stars now in the dope show

there's a lot for this one too
-it relates to the narcissistic thing about how the drug users feel like stars and greater then everybody else b/c of the dope.
-society sees all the celebrities as drug users and as "dopes" .
-manson sees fame as the "dope show" b/c it's so fake and shallow, like drugs, and they are on center stage in the spotlight of the show.

>there's lots of pretty, pretty ones
>that want to get you high

-there's a lot of people who you have an attraction to, not always just physical, and they want to get you on drugs
-the pretty ones are the attractive seeming drugs and they can get you fucked up.
-the pretty ones are magazine companies (SPIN), television (David Letterman, MTV), and other companies that promised him fame and/or stardom "to get him high".

>but all the pretty, pretty ones
>will leave you low
>and blow your mind

-the people who want to get you high, will do so, but when they've used you and they're done laughing at your dumb drugged up ass, they bail on you.
-the drugs will leave you feeling like shit when you come down or go thru withdrawals.
-all the promises of the companies are empty and they debase and belittle manson when they decide not to feature him b/c they find out it might hurt their image and it "blows his mind" b/c several of these companies are supposed to be "cutting edge" and "non-conformist" and they buckle under pressure just like the metaphorical bible belt.

>they love you when you're on all the covers
>when you're not then they love another

people want to be your friend when your famous or when its sociably acceptable, but as soon as it's not kosher, then they detach themselves.

>the drugs they say
>are made in california

in this drugs stand for a lot of things : drugs, drug users, celebrities
-california is said to be drug heaven by most of uninformed america.
-drug users are said to be 'manufactured' in california.
-people feel inferior to celebs, so they watch movies to live vicariously, so the celebs are drugs to make average people feel better, sort of like Jim, in "The Glass Menagerie".

>we love your face
>we'd really like to sell you

-the companies pretended to be his best friend for their own financial gain.
-people love drugs and to sell drugs and buy drugs and take drugs and trade drugs and sing/write about drugs, etc..

>the cops and queers
>make good-looking models
-cops are supposed to be good role models
-queers are supposed to be bad role models
-a lot of male models are homosexual or at least fit the stereotypical format of it (the word queer seems to be used more often to describe homosexual men than homosexual women).
model could also mean a stereotype
-most people have a stereotype of the dick head cop stuffing his fat ass full of donuts and being a little bitch.
-most people have a stereotype of queers (male) as being very feminine and weak and talking in a higher tone of voice.
-most people have a stereotype of queers (female) as being very masculine, muscular women with short hair and "male" clothing.

>i hate today
>who will i wake up with tomorrow?

he hates today so he does drugs and after the point of blackouts, he's not sure who he will wake up as tomorrow or who he might make up with tomorrow. it's kinda blatant.
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