Collegium liberum est prima causum causatum!
(From OMCL Credo)

Full Name: Orden Magnum Collegium Liberum (OMCL)
Shortened Name: Collegium Liberum (CL)

The Orden Magnum Collegium Liberum, or Grand Order of the Society of the Free, is a fraternity of freethinkers/freeworshippers, formally launched as such on the 22nd of May 1996. It began as a college fraternity, the Colegium Liberum (CL), on the 22nd of May 1976, after five (5) students from the University of the Philippines decided to constitute a civic club that served as a militant vehicle to catalyze student dissent against the Martial law regime of the dictator Marcos. It rapidly spread to around ten (10) campuses in the Metropolitan Manila, with the strongest chapters established in the University of the Philippines, Adamson University, Philippine School of Business Administration and University of the East. It embarked on a career of militant advocacy early in its life, even as it sponsored fora that formally launched youth campaigns against the dictatorship. However, by the early 1980s its organizing efforts began to flaunder, and by 1984 no more recruitment took place. It rested for over a decade.

Until around the 1st Sunday of January of 1994 when the Brothers Four--Bros. Erle Argonza, Jaime 'Jim' Maza,  Pedro 'Jun' Melgar, Tony 'Ambet' Santos--convened in Bro. Tony Santos' house to decide finally to revitalize the brotherhood. In later brainstormings sessions, it was decided that the fraternity be converted into a major fraternal Order at par with the wisdom brotherhoods, that it be declared as an international fraternity, and that its system of initiation shall be one of seven degrees. It declared its Five Pillars as: Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Universal Brotherhood & Freedom. Its motto: liberum semper!

Its Philippine section was thus constituted, with a Grand Lodge as the center of operations. A national secretariat was first constituted as the countrywide steering body in 1994. This secretariat took charge of the reorganization work, notably the formation of the Oak & Jasmine prefects in Manila in 1995, for more than two years. Than on the 22nd of May 1996 during its re-organization Congress, held at the mystical Geocafe in Manila, the Supreme Cabinet was formed, replacing the secretariat, and serving as the first unit of the Grand Lodge. Student study groups have been formed since then, and professional lodges are in the offing for constitution. The prefects at the University of the Philippines-Manila (Oak & Jasmine)and the Polytechnique University of the Philippines (Redwood & Heather) have been the most active youth lodges, and have since initiated dozens of students. The philosophy of libertosophy was evolved as a profound result of the theoretical-reflective engagements of the fraternity, which crystallized around the late 1990s. Many of the initiates of the Order are very active in non-government organizations either as working staff or volunteers or both.

The most intense and determined initiatives at driving the Order to where it is has fallen on the hands of Bro. Erle, Grand Premier since its reconstitution in 1994. Bro. Erle was also elected as the Vizierum Magnum, the head of the policy directorate (Senate) upon its constitution in 1999. [A senator is a 5th degree Initiate in the Order.] Being involved with the 'inner schools' of mystique & guru circles, Bro. Erle was instrumental in bringing the Order closer to the orbit of the wisdom brotherhoods and the Great White Brotherhood, the community of Ascended Masters or great rishis and their disciples who serve as guides to mankind in shis (his/her) overall evolution back to the spiritual realm.

The OMCL operates the Collegium Liberum Publications which it formed in 1999. This department had since published occasional papers and the foundational books for the initiates.  The Order also maintains a library or resource center, with a substantial collection of esoteric and related books gathered from among its initiates alone. It is about to embark on ambitious programs of socio-civics, with initial conceptualizations defined in the following areas: health & ecology, community development, and NGO assistance. Toward such end, the Order has become instrumental in forming the Klub Experto (club of social development experts) and a couple of other non-government organizations. It had also linked up with other formations, such as the Earthlite network, esoteric and psychic circles, and civil society coalitions in fulfilment of its missions. It had also begun to link up with international groups. Among its regular activities are (1) scheduled discussions in the grand lodge, which is located in Quezon City, (2) continuing recruitment and processing of Initiates, (3) research on the 'higher mysteries' and related topics, and (4) fellowships at the grand lodge (sometimes coupled with soirees).

Its youth section had configured a variety of very exciting. Among these are: soirees, rock & world music concerts, mountain climbing, theoretical discussions, literary writing, campus-level advocacy campaigns, campus-level electoral campaigns, photoexhibits, community service, book sales, food sales, symposia & fora, outdoor retreats, and youth fellowships. The most mystical mountain, the Mount Banahaw, which is famed for being the spot of the planetary chi for the entire duration of the Aquarian Age, is a regular climb venue for the youth-students of the Order.

For those who may be interested in establishing correspondence with this family of freethinkers, freeworshippers, and civil society advocates, please refer to Bro. Erle's contact addresses for the purpose. Should you be interested in joining the family, then by all means communicate this to us.



I believe
In the light of Truth, Knowledge and wisdom
In Universal Brotherhood  where Justice prevails
In Freedom as the ultimate journey for all

Collegium Liberum est prima causum causatum

 [Note: The readers/surfers are enjoined to recite these lines along with us, preferably every 3:00 p.m of Sundays. The words in the credo are mantrams, akin to prayer invocations. Reciting with us can assist us spread the vibration of oneness, of a free world, peaceful and just. Please recite the entire credo in 7 rounds. Thank you very much for the participation.]