This site is dedicated to raising awareness of our
human interconnectedness in both our schools
and communities. It is strongly urged that we
rethink education from a more unified and
humanitarian learning-centered perspective.
If a man's education is finished, he is finished.
(E.A. Filene)
Students are ailing
With site managers failing;
Instructors consider bailing
With reforms still trailing.
Thomas James Darling
Treating students — or faculty as an underclass does not elevate administrative power — it diminishes it.
Only when administrators work closely with students and faculty
can the benefits of organizational unity be realized.
Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and injustice.
(Robert F. Kennedy)
Computer technology itself clearly demonstrates that there are many different means and diverse applications which may be tapped to reach agreed upon goals. Our own human diversity is enhanced by exploring technological options with our uniqueness as individuals in mind.
Musings on Information Technology Use
HOMESCHOOLING OUR HEART ensures that love guides information technology use decisions. When our choices originate from below the heart — institutions are hard-pressed to ensure a degree of civil sanity and become "stressed out" themselves — administrating between and among inevitable conflicts.
Without education occurring at the heart — and higher levels — educational advancement becomes less intuitive and more formulaic — often closely tied to simply where the money is. This contributes to the politicizing of educational trends — leaving love and higher intuition increasingly "out of the loop." With the truest education increasingly co-opted, subverted or marginalized — education as an industry can expand while deeper truths are ignored and real educational community is imperiled.
Does resistance to heartfelt innovation within our institutions persist from our having unlearned love to the point of no return? Too often our hearts are the lonliest educators of all. Our hearts "all-ways" belong in the information technology loop, for in following our heartsong we are more likely to make earth-friendly decisions as well.
We must learn to live life so that our heart maintains a very bright core in it. Through love we can all have a starring role in humanity's continuing education. Information technology (IT), alone, will leave our heart hungry, and our humanity imperiled.
Our hearts do not have a monopoly on love — but they can let us know whether love is in our communication or left out of IT! What IT serves is up to each of us . . . down to the last mouse-click.
"Action is the anecdote for despair —
especially action we all can live with."
Can a chancellor of a large community college district be
responsive to
individual students who address issues and refuse to be brushed off or ignored?
Breaking the code of denial is the first step toward a more amazing education!
Only those who will risk going too far
can possibly find out how far they can go. (T.S. Eliot)
These pages were updated 26 April 2015. Google the words accompanying links if any links are on the blink.
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