Eagles in Flight

From a thick branch high above all harm one eagle, a male,

 lifts off, spreads his massive wings and begins his hunting flight.
He soars, and dips,
careening on the jet stream.
Eyes sharp, he searches the sky, he tastes the air for scent.

His eyes narrow into slits in deep concentration as he glides and circles high. Something familiar in the air tells him he has found what he seeks.

His wings stretch out proudly, He begins to circle, wider and wider, Until he hears a piercing cry. Off in the distance, but a speck which makes his heart jump with joy. Closer and larger it becomes until a shape is clear.

It is a she-eagle, mate of his heart Gracefully, she circles, cautiously, she comes closer, ever closer.

For an hour or two the eagles dance on the winds flying sometimes side by side, sometimes near, sometimes farther.

Suddenly the male dives down grips the female by the talons, Locked they mate in mid air, plummet together for a while and when it looks like they are about to crash to their deaths, they separate and soar and dance in flight with each other. They do not hold one another as captives. They fly together separately.

They allow one another the freedom to hunt, to explore,
to do whatever eagles do. They sit their nest as equal partners.
They teach their young to fly by kicking them out of the nest.
Yet stay close to catch the fledgling lest it fall.
They share the great sky, it is their playground.
They nest high above all predator's reach.
They fish in rivers and larger lakes,
streams are too small for their largeness.
We fly far apart.
You are but a speck in the distance of my sky.
Yet I see you and sense your nearness.
I begin my mating flight Waiting, watching, just for you.

Copyright ©  "Eilis", 1999. All Rights Reserved
Image "Eagles Mating.gif""
Image from an Alabaster 3D MATING EAGLES PLATE from
"Classic Wildlife Collection"
 www.homeandgardengifts.com/ images/31049.jpg
Background and Header Created by "Eilis"
Artist Unknown
Music: "Flute1.mid"

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