
Welcome to my site everybody!  It's doubtful anyone is reading this, but if you are... dear god, why?  I mean... hi.

I hope you're amused by all my dirty jokes, pick-up lines, and, of course, the silly innuendos. It's not like you have anything better to do on a Saturday night.  Oh, look at porn say you?  Yeah, you could do that... but is porn FUNNY?  Oh, it is?  Well... enjoy your stay anyway.

Why, you ask, am I bothering to make a web page when all the other web pages I've made were crap and have probably been deleted by the hosts? Well, basically because I'm insanely bored.  And why, after 4 years of ignoring it, am I suddenly updating again?  Because I found it in my favorites and read what I'd written and I was SO incredibly obnoxious that I had to change it.  But the jokes and shit are all the same.  What, it's not like I have time to acquire new material.  I have things to do... like... um... *cough*  Let's move on. 

Woman in a Corset
I drew this in pencil from a random picture off the 'net

Hey, guess what, my site still exists. Woot.


Well, after years of not even recalling this site, turns out it's still in my Yahoo profiles.  So I figured I might as well sort of update.

I'm 20 now and slightly more mature (though, bless my heart, I still find this kind of crap humor funny), so I figured my homepage should at least not be brutally retarded.  Just mildly retarded.

As far as my personal life goes, I'm looking forward to attending Humboldt State University come August.  So that should be fun.

If anyone wants to contact me, the e-mail remains the same:  scullyismyhero@hotmail.com.  But if you spam me I'll cut you.

Here's the guestbook that I will most assuredly read.  Granted, it may be three years from now.  But by George, I'll read it.

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