Mobile Fighter G Gundam Mechas


This is the page dedicated to the show Mobile Fighter G Gundam.  Here I will list most, if not all, of the gundams that appear in the show, as well as their nationalities and pilots. Just for fun, see if you can guess the name of the gundam before you read its name.


Shining Gundam

Name: Shining Gundam
Pilot: Domon Kasshu
Nationality: Neo-Japanese
This is Domon Kasshu's first gundam.  He used it to defeat all of his opponents right up to before the Gundam Fight Tournament.  But after defeating the Devil Gundam in the Geuana Highlands, Shining Gundam was damaged beyond repair, so Domon was given the far more powerful God Gundam.  Shining Gundam's special attacks are the Shining Finger and Shining Finger Slash.

God Gundam

Name: God Gundam
Pilot: Domon Kasshu
Nationality: Neo-Japanese
Domon Kasshu's second gundam, God Gundam was what he used to win the Gundam Fight Tournament, and beat the Devil Gundam once and for all.  Domon recieved God Gundam after Shining Gundam was sevierly damaged while fighting the Devil Gundam.  God Gundam's special attacks are Bakaretsu God Finger, Bakaretsu God Finger Slash, and Sekiha Tenkyouken.

Gundam Maxter

Name: Gundam Maxter
Pilot: Chibodee Crocket
Nationality: Neo-American
Gundam Maxter is piloted by Neo-America's boxing chapion, Chibodee Crocket.  Maxter's shoulder armor can pop off and attatch to its fists like boxing gloves.  Gundam Maxter's special attacks are Cyclone Punch, Burning Punch, and Gounetsu Machine Gun punch.

Dragon Gundam

Name: Dragon Gundam
Pilot: Sia Siaci
Nationality: Neo-Chinese
Dragon Gundam is piloted by the short, energetic, martial arts expert Sai Siaci.  Its arms can extend and the dragon heads at their ends shoot jets of fire.  Dragon Gundam's special attacks are Hoka Kyoten Juzetsujin, Hoka Kyoten Goka Shichireiki, and Shin Ryusei Kochoken.

Gundam Rose

Name: Gundam Rose
Pilot: George de Sand
Nationality: Neo-French
Gundam Rose is piloted by the extremely chivalrous fencing master George De Sand.  Gundam Rose gets its name from the rose bits (little flying laser gun things shaped like roses) that shoot out of the 'cloak' on its left arm.  Gundam Rose's special attacks are Rose Screamer and Rose Hurricane.

Bolt Gundam

Name: Bolt Gundam
Pilot: Argo Gulskii
Nationalaity: Neo-Russian
Bolt Gundam is piloted by the big, quiet, ex-space pirate prisoner, Argo Gulskii.  The bulge in Bolt's left sgoulder shoots out to form a ball-and-chain.  Bolt Gundam's only special attack is Sakuretsu Gaia Crusher.

Gundam Spiegel

Name: Gundam Spiegel
Pilot: Shwartz Bruder
Nationalaity: Neo-German
Gundam Spiegel is piloted by the mysterious masked ninja, Shwartz Bruder.  The Spiegel Blades on each arm rotate 180 degrees to where Gundam Spiegel can hold them like swords.  Gundam Spiegel's only special attack is Sturm Und Drang.

Rising Gundam

Name: Rising Gundam
Pilot: Rain Mikamura
Nationality: Neo-Japanese
Rising Gundam isn't an actual fighting gundam, as in it doesn't represent Neo-Japan on the Gundam Fight.  Its pilot is Domon Kasshu's childhood friend Rain Mikamura, who's father designed Shining Gundam, God Gundam, and Rising Gundam.  Rising Gundam's left arm can transform into a bow to fire energy arrows.  Rising Gundam's only special attack is Rising Arrow.

Nobel Gundam

Master Gundam

Name: Master Gundam
Pilot: Master Asia
Nationality: Neo-Hong Kong
Master Gundam is piloted by the martial arts master and former Gundam Fight champion, Master Asia.  The wing-like structures on Master Gundam's back open up and form an armored cloak around its whole body.  Master Gundam's special attacks are Darkness Finger, Choukyuu Hoau Den'eidan, Sekiha Tenkyouken, and Juuni Ouhouhai.

Neros Gundam

Gundam Heaven Sword

Gundam Heaven Sword *flight mode*

John Bull Gundam

Grand Gundam

Walter Gundam (Attack Mode)

Walter Gundam

Ultamite Gundam *Devil Gundam: First Form*

Name: Ultimate Gundam
Pilot: Kyoji Kasshu
Nationality: It was built by Domon's father and brother, Dr. Raizo Kasshu and Kyoji Kasshu, so its Neo-Japanese, but isn't a representitive in the Gundam Fight.
The Ultimate Gundam was created by Dr. Kasshu and his eldest son for the purpose of healing the scared Earth to its origional state.  But the Neo-Japanese military had other plans for the Gundam.  When they tried to take it, the Kasshus resisted, and Domon's mother was shot accidentaly(?).  Kyoji piloted the Ultimate Gundam to Earth, but in the crash, the Gundam malfuntioned, taking Kyoji as its life source, and begining its new mission: destroy all humanity on Earth.  The new-Japanese Government re-named it the Devil Gundam.  While building it, Dr. Kasshu gave the Ultimate Gundam three special abilities: self-regeneration, self-multiplication, and self-evolution.  So if the Gundam was 'injured' in battle, it could 'heal' itself, using DG cells it could take over the bodies of people and gundams, and it evolved and took four different forms.  The picture above is its first form, when it was the Ultamite Gundam.  It's not very clear, so picture a scorpian without the tail, and the torso of a gundam where the head would be.  Look near the top to find the torso.

Devil Gundam *first evolution* full body view

Devil Gundam, First Evolution

The Devil Gundam, after infecting multiple Gundam Fighters with DG cells, took refuge under Tokyo in the Shinjuku district in Japan.  There, after infecting most of the population with DG cells and turning the civilions into DG zombies, it created its Death Army, and used the zombies to pilot them.  The army was used to protect Shinjuku as the Devil Gundam began its first evolution.  To do this, it absorbed its Death Army mobile suits to gain energy.  Above, what remained of the civilions and military fought against the army, unaware of the Gundam benieth them.  Eventualy, Domon Kasshu came too, and fought along side his mentor Master Asia against the Death Army.  But in the end, Master Asia betrayed Domon and reviled himself as an ally to the Devil Gundam.  Finaly, the Devil Gundam broke from the ground, nearly fully evolved.  But it still needed a little more energy.  This was provided by Domon when an attempt to destroy the Gundam went wrong.  The Shining Finger Slash, which Domon ment to hit its head with, (but he choked) hit the Gundam's body, which absorbed the enormous amount of energy in the attack.  The Devil Gundam was born anew, now with an even larger and more powerful body, like a giant slug with four blobish limbs, and a long neck that ended in a large Gundam's Head, from the top of which the Gundam's torso protruded.  After its rebirth, the Devil Gundam dissapeared for a while.  But every now and then another DG cell infected Gundam would appear.  Then, in the Guyana Highlands, where Domon was training, the Devil Gundam reared its head yet again.  Domon was able to master his Hyper Mode and use its power to destroy the Devil Gundam . . . or so he thought.  Prime Minister Wong Yun-Fat of Neo-Hong Kong retrieved the remains of the Devil Gundam, in hopes of using it to rule the colony nations forever.  Finally, the final battle royal on Lantau Island began to determine the winner of the Gundam Fight Tournament.  But very shortely into the bout, the Devil Gundam errupted from the ground atop the island.  Domon fought his way to the top against the Four Heavenly Kings, Gundams created by the Devil Gundam of unimaginable streangth: Gundam Heaven's Sword, Grand Gundam, Walter Gundam, and Master Gundam.  But in the end Domon used the God Gundam's Bakarestu God Finger attack to destroy the Devil Gundam and kill his brother Kyoji once and for all . . .

Gundam Head

Devil Gundam, Second Evolution *Devil Colony*

The Devil Gundam's entire upper body was destroyed by Domon's attack, so there was nothing to fear when the Neo-Japanese officials air-lifted the dead Gundam to the Japanese colony in space.  But just then, Domon's life-long friend Rain was absorbed into the Devil Gaundam, which in turn was revived yet again.  This time, the Devil Gundam siezed the entire colony, which was the size of the real Japan on Earth, making the Gundam impossibly huge. A giant torso grew from the colony, gargantuine arms swatted away collony defenses, and two wings sprouted from its back, giving it a near angel-like appearence.  But at the top of its head was the same body all the others had.  The Devil Gundam had become the Devil Colony.  It then reached out for the Earth itself.  Giant tendrills lanced toward the planet, only to be beaten back by the Gundam Fighters from the tournament.  While they defended our world, the Shuffle Alliance (Domon Kasshu, Chibodee Crocket, Sai Saici, George De Sand, and Argo Gulskii)  entered the Devil Colony in an attempt to find and rescue Rain.  When the four others were held back by the Devil Gundam's minions, Domon continued to the Gundam's heart.  There, he met his most terrible foe . . .

Devil Gundam, Final Evolution

Ironicly, the Devil Gundam's power increaded with its size, but it's most powerful for was the smallest.  Not much larger than a normal Gundam, the Devil Gundam's final evolution took on a more humanoid form.  But the worst part was its pilot: Rain Mikamura, Domon's childhood friend.  The Devil Gundam pummled the God Gundam, but Domon was too afraid that if he attacked he would hurt Rain.  But in the end, three words were all that he needed: "I love you".  Rain ejected from the Devil Gundam's cockpit and into Domon's arms.  While the dying Devil attempted to retrieve its core unit, Domon and Rain together delivered the final blow.  The Devil Gundam was gone . . . for good.

Shuffle Alliance

Black Joker

Club Ace

Queen the Spade

Jack in Diamond

Secondary Mobile Suits

Kowloon Gundam

Grand Master Gundam

Lumber Gundam

Mandala Gundam

Tantra Gundam

Pharaoh Gundam IV

Taquila Gundam

Mermaid Gundam

Zues Gundam

Skull Gundam

Viking Gundam

Zebra Gundam

Matador Gundam

Nether Gundam

Minaret Gundam

Mirage Gundam

Cobra Gundam (Snake Mode)

Cobra Gundam

Jester Gundam

Magnat Gundam

Temjin Gundam

Mobile Suit Butler *NOT a Gundam*

Arachno Gundam

This hand of mine glows with an awsome power . . .
