
if only i deserve

You float inside my head all day,
But why can't I draw you?

Am I afraid that making you real
Will make you... disappear?

Or is my talent not enough
To capture you in full?

But I cannot let my mind restrict
The desires of my heart.

This is my Elly art gallry. Upon witnessing my own creation of dear Elehayym, I cringe and can utter no more than gasps or groans at my feeble attempt at capturing her body on paper. I can see her in my mind with such sharp clarity, but yet, my hand cannot even begin to record that image in my head onto any sort of medium with which I can share with others.

Nonetheless, I cannot discourage myself from attempting. Eventually, my dear Elly will be able to look back at me from a piece of paper. And Elly will smile back at me and say, "I'm happy that you've tried to draw me, but I am even happier that I have taught someone something that they didn't know before."

And so, on this page, you will witness my attempts at drawing Elly. I have had little formal art training, and so all I have here are simple attempts at line drawings, tracings, and other doodles. Who knows, maybe knowing that someone else out there can't draw, but yet is trying, will help you draw too.

First Attempts: Traces and Sketches
Elly's Beautiful Face
The attempt to capture Elly's face on paper.
Elly's Beautiful Body
A study of Elly's proportions.

Second Attempts: Elly
Elly kneeling
This is my first real Elly attempt. It's nothing big to look at.
Elly sits and smiles
It's my second attempt, and it looks MUCH better than the first.


Dreamer of Elly (E-Dreamer)