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Dr. Vladimir L. Kazenas
Head of the Laboratory of Entomology in the Institute of Zoology, Kazakhstan National Academy of Science, Akademgorodok, Almaty, 480060, Kazakhstan
e-mail: adm@zool2.academ.alma-ata.su
Born: Almaty (Kazakhstan), April 14, 1941.
The composition of the Laboratory of Entomology
Biology Faculty in the Kazakh State University (Alma-Ata), between 1958 and 1963. Degree received: Biologist-zoologist (equivalent of M.Sc.)
Post graduate studentship: Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, Russia, and Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sc., Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1965-1969. Degree received: Candidate of Sciences (equivalent of Ph.D.)
Zoological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, Russia, 1987. Degree received: Doctor of Sciences (equivalent to British Dr. Sc.). Back to top
Institute of Zoology of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan: Junior Scientist (1969-1972), Senior Scientist (1972-1986), Leading Scientist (1986-1992), Main Scientist (1992-1995), Head of Laboratory (from 1995 to the present). Back to top
Hymenoptera Aculeata, especially Sphecidae (taxonomy, biology, distribution).
Kazenas V.L.
1964. The wasp-thief // Prostor 4 (31): 44. [In Russian]
1965. The wasps annihilate locusts // Priroda. N 11. P. 108. [In Russian]
1968a. Contributions to the biology of Sphex mocsaryi Kohl (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Entomol.Obozr. 47: 805-808. [In Russian] Translation: 1969. On the biology of the digger wasp Sphex mocsaryi Kohl (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Entomol. Rev. 47: 492-493.
1968b. Materialy k izucheniyu os roda Aminophila (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) v yuzhnykh rayonakh Kazakhstana - Materials to study of the wasps of the genus Ammophila (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in southern areas of Kazakhstan. In: Materialy pervoy nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh Akademii NaukKazakhskoy SSR. - Materials of the First scientific conference of young scientists of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakh SSR. Alma-Ata. P. 342-343
1969a. The wasp - the fighter of leafhoppers (Cicadoidea). Zashchita Rasteniy. 14: 56. [In Russian]
1969b. Materials to study of digger wasps of the genus Sphex L. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in southern areas of Kazakhstan. In: Materialy I nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh spetsyalistov i aspirantov - Materials of the First scientific conference of the young experts and post-graduate students.Alma-Ata. P. 21-22. [In Russian]
1970a. A new species of the wasps (genus Philanthus F., Sphecidae) from southeast Kazakhstan. In: Materialy vtoroy nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenych Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. - Materials of the Second scientific conference of the young scientists АS KazSSR. Alma-Ata. P. 366-367. [In Russian]
1970b. The feeding of the imago of digger wasps. In: The sixth congress of the All-Union Entomological society. The summaries of the reports. Voronezh. P. 76-77. [In Russian]
1970c. On the biology of Ammophila (Eremochares) dives Brulle (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Entomol. Obozr. 49 (2): 292-302. [In Russian] Translation: 1971 .The biology of the fossorial wasp Ammophila (Eremochares) dives Brulle (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Entomol. Rev. 49: 172-180.
1971a. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of the Zailiyskiy Alatau. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR 32: 153-162. [In Russian]
1971b. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of southeast Kazakhstan (abstract of the thesis). Manuscript. Alma-Ata. 20 p. [In Russian]
1972a. A new species of the genus Cerceris (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the South-Eastern Kazachstan. Zool. Zhurn. 51: 454-455. [In Russian]
1972b. Sphecidae (Hymenoptera) of the South-East Kazakhstan. Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Entomol. Obshch. 55: 93-186. [In Russian]
1972c. A new species of the genus Dinetus Panz. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the Alma-Ata reserve "The Singing Mountain". Trudy zapovednikov Kazakhstana 3: 16-18. [In Russian]
1973. A new species of the genus Lindenius (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the South-East Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 52: 289-290. [In Russian]
1974a. New species of the digger wasps of the genus Cerceris Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from southeast Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR 35: 97-103. [In Russian]
1974b. The feeding of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR 35: 108-113. [In Russian]
1974c. Two new species of the genus Eremiasphecium from south-eastern Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 53: 1733-1736. [In Russian]
1974d. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) - the fighters of Orthoptera in Kazakhstan. In: Materials of the Seventh congress of the All-Union entomol. Society. The second part. Leningrad. P. 72. [In Russian]
1975a. Nowy gatunek rodzaju Diploplectron Fox (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) z Kazachstanu - A new species of Diploplectron Fox (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Polskie Pismo Entomol. 45: 129-132. [In English]
1975b. Sphecoid wasps of the genus Diodontus Curtis (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from south-eastern Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 54: 421-428. [In Russian]
1975c. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of southeast Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Inst. Zool. AS KazSSR. 41 p. (Manuscript dep. in AINTI on Apr. 14, 1975, N 1061-75 Dep.) [In Russian]
1976a. Nests of wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Vespidae) in stalks of a dogrose and reed in Northern Balchash region. Alma-Ata: Inst. Zool. AS KazSSR. 8 p. (Manuscript dep. in AINTI on May 3, 1976. N 1658-76 Dep.) [In Russian]
.1976b. A new species of the genus Diodontus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the south-east Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 55: 1735-1736. [In Russian]
1976c. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of the Alma-Ata reserve "Poyushchaya gora" ("The Singing Mountain"). Alma-Ata: Inst. Zool. AS KazSSR. 9 p. (Manuscript dep. in AINTI on May 13, 1976, N 1657-76 Dep.) [In Russian]
1976d. Artificial trap nests // Zashchita rast. 11: 26. [In Russian]
1977a. A new species of Dinetus Panzer (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Transcaspia, with biological observations - Nowy gatunek Dinetus Panzer (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) z Azji Srodkowej i obserwacje nad jego biologia. Polskie Pismo Entomol. 47: 363-369. [In English]
1977b. New species of the sphecid wasps of the genus Cerceris Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 56: 431-434. [In Russian]
1978a. The digger wasps of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). The determinant. Izdatelstvo Nauka Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma Ata. 172 pp. [In Russian]
1978b. New species of sphecoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from south-eastern Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 57: 661-665. [In Russian]
1978c. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Northern Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata: Inst. Zool. AS KazSSR. 34 p. (Manuscript dep. in AINTI on May 31, 1978, N 1807-78 Dep.) [In Russian]
1979a. A new species of the genus Larra (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the South-East Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 58: 130-131. [In Russian]
1979b. New species of the genus Cerceris Latr. Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from southern Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 58: 857-859. [In Russian]
1979c. A new species of Belomicroides Kohl (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Southeast Kazakhstan. Trudy Vsesoyuzn. Entomol. Obshch. 61: 172-174. [In Russian]
1979d. Digger wasps of the genus Cerceris Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the south of Far East of USSR, p. 68-89 in A.N. Kupyanskaya, P.A. Lehr, V.S. Fedikova (editors). Nazemnyie chlenistonoghiye Dalnego Vostoka. Akademia Nauk SSSR, Dalnevostochnyi Nauchnyi Tsentr, Biologo-pochvennyi Institut. Vladivostok. [In Russian]
1979e. New species of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from southeastern Kazakhstan. Ent. Obozr. 57, 3: 454-456. [In Russian]
1980a. Materials to the fauna of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Far East USSR. In: Taxonomy of insects of Far East. Vladivostok. (Тrudy Biol.-Pochv. Inst. FESC USSR). P. 80-94. [In Russian]
1980b. A new species of the genus Gastrosericus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from South Tadzhikistan. Zool. Zhurn. 59: 1103-1105. [In Russian]
1980c. A new turanic species of the genus Cerceris Latr.(Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR 39: 144-146. [In Russian]
1980d. New species of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Tadjikistan // Izv. АS Tadj. SSR, dep. Biol. Sciences. N 4 (81). P. 49-55. [In Russian]
1980e. New species of digger wasps of the genus Cerceris Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Central Asia. Zool. Zhurn. 59, 5: 793-794. [In Russian]
1980f. New species of the genus Bembix F. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR 39: 137-143. [In Russian]
1980g. Parallelism in evolution of wing nervation in digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) // In: Parallelism and direction of insects evolution. Vladivostok. P. 81-87. [In Russian]
1983. Materials to the fauna of digger wasps of the genus Cerceris Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Alma-Ata: Inst. Zool. AS KazSSR. 40 p. (Manuscript dep. in AINTI on June 29, 1983, N 3527-83 Dep.) [In Russian]
1984a. Digger wasps of the genus Cerceris of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Alma Ata: "Nauka" Kazakhskoy SSR. 232 pp. [In Russian]
1984b. A new species of the genus Crabro (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Zool. Zhurn. 63: 1271-1273. [In Russian]
1984c. Evolution of types of prey of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). IX congress All-Union entomol. Soc., Kiev; Oct. 1984. Thes. of reports. Part I. Kiev. P. 206. [In Russian]
1984d. The review of the book "Coccinellidae" by G.I.Savoyskaja. Izv. АS КаzSSR. 4. [In Russian]
1985. The prey of Laphyragogus turanicus Gussakovskij (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Sphecos. 10. P. 17. [In English)
1986a. The zoogeographical analysis of the fauna of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Alma-Ata. 35 p. (Dep. in AINTI 28.04.1986, № 3126-В86.) [In Russian]
1986b. A history of study of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Alma-Ata, 1986. 29 p. (Dep. in AINTI 28.04.1986, № 3127-В86.) [In Russian]
1986c. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of the east part of Kazakhstan. // In: Insects of east and south of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata. P. 102-171. (Dep. in AINTI 31.10.1986, № 7506-b.) [In Russian]
1986d. Rare species of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) // In: Rare animals of Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata. P. 237-238. [In Russian]
1987a. A new species of the genus Gorytes Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from eastern Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 66: 1899-1900. [In Russian]
1987b. Distribution of digger wasp species (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in biotopes, landscape zones, and mountain belts in Kazakhstan and Soviet Central Asia. Izv. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR. Ser. Biol. 6: 23-25. [In Russian]
1987c. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, their morphology, biology, distribution, systematics and economic importance. The abstract of thesis of the doctor of biol. sciences. Leningrad. 44 p. (Manuscript.) [In Russian]
1987d. Biology of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Alma-Ata. 143 p. (Manuscript dep. in AINTI. 19.06.1987, № 5061-В87.) [In Russian]
1987e. A new species of the genus Gorytes Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Southeast Kazakhstan // Zool. Zhurn. Т. 66, N. 12. P. 1899-1900. [In Russian]
1988a. A new species of the genus Harpactus (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) from South Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 67: 148-150. [In Russian]
1988b. 12 little articles about insects and spiders. In: The Kaz. Soviet encyclopedia. Т. 2. Alma-Ata. P. 109, 111-112, 243, 276, 344, 349, 354, 469, 502, 543-544, 587, 590. [In Russian]
1989a. New species of swarming wasps of the genus Harpactus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 68: 148-153. [In Russian]
1989b. Two little-known and one new species of digger wasps genus Harpactus Schuckard (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Central Asia Entomol. Obozr. 68: 775-778. [In Russian]
1989c. Materials to the digger wasps fauna of the genus Harpactus Shuckard (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata. 30 p. (Dep. in AINTI.) [In Russian]
1989d. Systematics of animals // In: Kazakh ССР. The brief encyclopedia. Т. 3. Alma-Ata. P. 446. [In Russian]
1990a. Types of nests in digger wasps of Kazakhstan and their evolutionary relations. In: Thesises of reports of X Congress All-Union Entomol. Soc. Leningrad. P. 57-59. [In Russian]
1990b. New species of digger wasps of the genus Oxybelus Latreille (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Trudy Inst. Zool. Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR 45: 59-64. [In Russian]
1990c. Fauna and biology of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in the desert Taukum (Sarytaukum) in Southern Balchash area. Alma-Ata. 17 p. (Dep. in AINTI 9.04.1990, № 1915-b90.) [In Russian]
1990d. Two little known and one new species of Harpactus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), digger wasps from central Asia. Entomol. Obozr. 69, 4: 95-98. [In Russian]
1991a. A new genus Taukumia (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 70: 156-158. [Pulawski, 1992b, synonymized Taukumia with Eremiasphecium). [In Russian]
1991b. Two new species of digger wasps of the genus Belomicrus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the south-eastern Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 70 (11): 145-147. [In Russian]
1991c. Sceliphron shestakovi. Sphex flavipennis. Prionyx haberhaueri. Prionyx lugens macula. Lestiphorus oreophilus // The Red Book of Kazakh SSR. Т. I. Animals. Alma-Ata: Gylym. P. 418-426. [In Russian]
1992a. New species of digger wasps of the genus Harpactus Shuckard (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Entomol.Obozr. 71: 640-645. [In Russian] Translation: New species of Harpactus Shuckard digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Entomol.Rev. 72: 77-82.
1992b. New species of digger wasps of the genus Miscophus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Zool. Zhurn. 71(10): 97-107. [In Russian] Translation: 1993. New species of digger wasps of the genus Miscophus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Entomol.Rev. 72: 100-110.
1992c. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Repetek Reserve. Izv. AS of Turkmenistan. 6: 24-30. [In Russian]
1993a. New species of sphecid wasps of the genus Belomicrus A. Costa (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 72:186-189. [In Russian] Translation: 1993. New species of sphecid wasps of the genus Belomicrus A. Costa (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Entomol. Review 72:25-28.
1993b. (Dec.). New species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski from Central Asia (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Russ. Entomol. J. 2 (5-6): 47-53. [In English]
1993c. A new species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from South Kazakhstan. Selevinia 1: 53-55. [In Russian]
1993d. New species of digger wasps of the genus Miscophus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Turkmenistan. Vestn. Zool. 2: 28-34. [In Russian]
1993e. Digger wasps of the genus Dinetus Panzer (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of the USSR fauna. In: Zoological researches in Kazakhstan. Almaty. P. 58-65. [In Russian]
1993f. A new species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Southern Kazakhstan. Selevinia 1: 53-55. [In Russian]
1993g. A life of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Palearctic region. Almaty. 177 p. (Dep. in KazINTI on 25.05.93, № 4270-Ka93.) [In Russian]
1993h. Hymenoptera. In: Nasekomye Uzbekistana - Insects of Uzbekistan. Tashkent. P. 205-253. [In Russian]
1994a. New species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski from Central Asia (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Russian Entomol. J., 1994 (1993). 2 (5-6): 47-57. [In English]
1994b. (Apr). New species of digger wasps of the genus Pseudoscolia (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the Kara Kum (Turkmenistan). Zool. Zhurnal. 73: 72-78. [In Russian]
1994c. New species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Izv. NAS Resp. Kaz. Ser. biol. 1994 (1993). 4: 29-36. [In Russian]
1994d. New species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Southern Kazakhstan. Izv. NAS Resp. Kaz. Ser. biol. Ser. 3: 36-42. [In Russian]
1994e. New species of the genus Oxybelus Latreille (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstans. Entomol. Obozr. 73, 4: 906-912. [In Russian]
1994f. Unusual prey of the digger wasps of the genus Palarus Latr. (Hym., Sphecidae) // Bull. Mosc. Soc. of naturalists. Biol. 99, 1: 115. [In Russian]
1995a. Little-known species of the digger wasps genus Mimesa from the group shestakovi (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Selevinia. 2: 26-29. [In Russian]
1995b. New species of the genus Belomicrus A.Costa (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 74, 3: 701-705. [In Russian]
1995c. A critical note to the R.V.Jashenko's article "About common criteria of invertebrates entering in the Red Book, published in "Selevinia", № 4, 1994. Selevinia. 2: 86. [In Russian]
1995d. Two new species of the genus Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Badkhys reserve (Turkmenistan). Vestnik Zoologyi. 29. [In Russian]
1998a. A new species of the genus Dinetus Panzer (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Kazakhstans. Vestnik Zoologyi. 2(5-6): 99-101. [In Russian]
1998b. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Kazakhstan. (Subfam. Ampulicinae, Sphecinae). Issue 1. Almaty, 1998. 377p. (Dep. in KazINTI on 7.04.1998, № 8239 Ka98.) [In Russian]
1999a. The project: The inventory of invertebrates (preparation and edition of the directory on the biodiversity of insects and spiders of Kazakhstan. In: National strategy and plan of actions on preservation and balanced use of a biological diversity of Kazakhstan. Kokshetau. P. 212-215. [In Russian]
1999b. The project: The book of genetic fund (the list of species) of insects and spiders of Kazakhstan. In: National strategy and plan of actions on preservation and balanced use of a biological diversity of Kazakhstan. Kokshetau. P. 256-259. [In Russian]
1999c. The review of digger wasps of the genus Dinetus Panzer (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Kazakhstan and Central Asia with the key of speciess. TETHYS Entomol. Research. 1: 187-194. [In Russian]
2000. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of Kazakhstan. (Subfamilies Pemphredoninae, Astatinae). Issue 2. Almaty. 320p. (Dep. in KazINTI 15.01.2000) [In Russian]
Kazenas, V.L., and B. A. Alexander
1993. The nest, prey, and larva of Entomosericus kaufmani Radoszkowski (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). J. Hymenoptera Res. 2: 221-226. [In English]
Kazenas, V.L., and A.V. Antropov
1994a. (Jan.). New species of the genus Belomicrus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the Asian part of Palearctic. 1. Species of the groups italicus and radoszkovskyi. Zool. Zhurn. 73 (l): 68-77. [In Russian]
1994b. (Jan.). New species of the genus Belomicrus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from the Asian part ofPalearctic. 2. Species of the group kohlii. Zool. Zhurn. 73 (l):78-88. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Baishashov B.U.
1999. A geological history and faunogenesis of Kazakhstan and adjacent territories in epoch of development of mammals and antophilous insects. TETHYS Entomol. Research. 1: 5-46. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Budrys E.R. (Budrys E.R., Kazenas V.L.)
1992. New species of digger wasps of the genus Diodontus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Zool. Zhurn. 71, 8: 24-30. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Janokmen K.A.
1970. To the biology of the digger wasp Ammophila (Eremochares) dives Br. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). In: Materials of the Scientific conference of the young biologists of Alma-Ata. Alma-Ata. P. 101-102. [In Russian]
1974. Chalcid wasp Habritys brevicornis (Ratz). (Hymenoptera, Pteromalidae) - the parasite of Ectemnius lapidarius (Panz). (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae). Тrudy Inst. zool. АS KazSSR. 35: 104-107. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Esenbekova P.A. П.А.
1995. Cicadoides (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha) - the victims of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in Kazakhstan. Selevinia. 3: 79-81. [In Russian]
1996a. Digger wasps of the tribe Gorytini (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) - Homoptera entomophags in Southeast Kazakhstan. Almaty. (Dep. in KazINTI on 12.03.1996, № 6786-Ka96. N.2.) [In Russian]
1996b. Digger wasps of the subfam. Pemphredoninae (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) - entomophags of homopteran insects in Southeast Kazakhstan. Almaty, 1996. (Dep. in КаzINTI on 12.03.1996, № 6787-Ka96. № 2.) [In Russian]
1997.The first find of digger wasps of the genus Polemistus Kohl (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) and their nests in Kazakhstan. Izv. МS-АS RК. Ser. biol. and med. 4: 27-30. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Zonstein S.L., Milko D.A.
1996. Superfam. Sphecoidea - sphecoid wasps. In: Cadastre of genetic fund of Kyrgyzstan. Volume III. Bishkek. P. 381-385. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Islamov Sh.D. (Islamov Sh.D., Kazenas V.L.)
1979. Fodder connections of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) with anthophilous plants in mountain areas of Uzbekistan. Uzb. biol. Journal. 4: 64-65. [In Russian]
1983.Digger wasps of the genus Cerceris Latr. (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) of mountain areas of Uzbekistan. Uzb. biol. Journal. 5: 44-46. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L., Mitjaev I.D., Jashenko R.V.
1997. Ecologo-geographical features and modern condition of the entomofauna of Aral region. In: Problems of an environment of the Aral region adjacent territories. The international symposium. Kazakhstan. Almatuy. The thesises. Almaty. P. 22-23. [In English]
Kazenas V.L., Nasyrova S.R.
1991. Digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) - the enemies of othopteran insects (Orthoptera) in the desert zone of Kazakhstan. Izv. АS KazSSR. Ser. biol. 6: 37-40. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L. etc. (Nemkov P.G., Kazenas V.L., Budrys E.R., Antropov A.V.)
1995. Fam. Sphecidae - digger wasps. In: The key (determinant) of insects of Far East of Russia in six volumes. Volume IV. St.-Petersburg. P. 368-480. [In Russian]
Kazenas, V.L., and V.I. Tobias
1968. The review. (Howard E.Evans. The comparative ethology and evolution of the sand wasps. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1966, XVI+526 pp., 215 figs.). Entom. Obozr. 47, 4: 954-956. [In Russian]
1992. Night sleeping aggregations of digger wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) in southeastern Kazakhstan. Entomol. Obozr. 71: 28-31. [In Russian]
Kazenas V.L. Autobiography:
1981, Vladimir Longinovich Kazenas. Sphecos 4: 16-17. Back to top
The composition of the Laboratory of Entomology
(The head of the laborotory is Kazenas, Vladimir L.)
Born 20.09.1938. Has about 100 papers including 1 monograph.
Born 20.12.1953. Published more 70 papers.
Born 26.05. 1946. Published more 60 papers, including 1 monograph.
Born 27.09.1944. Published about 30 papers including 1 monograph.
Born 11. 03. 1954. Published about 40 papers.
Born 18. 09. 1963. Published about 40 papers.
Born 01. 02. 1961. Published about 35 papers.
Born 04. 11. 1928. Published about 80 papers.
Born 14. 02. 1951. Published about 30 papers.
Born 1972. Published about 20 papers.
Born. 22.09. 1964. Published about 40 papers. Back to top
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