Executive Order No. 9066
LESSON SEVEN: "That Damned Fence" (anonymous)

 - Discuss the term internment, compare the Japanese internment in the United States to
the Jewish interment in Europe and discuss what the class has learned through the unit and how 
their opinions may have changed.

 - When the class walks in have the word internment written on the board.

 - What do they think of when they hear the word internment?

 - Ask them to consider the Jewish internment in Europe and compare it to what the US Governement
did to the Japanese American people by sending them to internment camps.  (Be sure to point out 
that in America the Japanese were not killed and it was not a severe as the death camps in Europe.)

 - Pass out the worksheet to the class with the poem "That Damned Fence" and read it out loud
to them while they read it silently to themselves.

 - Ask the class to respond in their journals to the poem:
	1. What was the speaker feeling?
	2. In your opinion, was the speaker justified?
	3. What does it say about our country when something like this can happen to its citizens
	   who have committed no crime other than their nationality?
	4. Do you think this could ever happen again?

 - Have the class divide into groups and discuss their journal reactions.  How do their opinions differ?

 - Have the students go through their journals and examine what their initial reactions were before
they started the unit.  

 - As a class discuss how opinions have changed, what they have learned that they never knew before,
have students read out loud pieces from their journals that exhibited some of the changes.

 - Ask the class to give one theme or main point that they got out of the unit.

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