--Alan <ChrOtaku@xoommail.com>--

Hey, a new story. Never thought you'd see one of these, huh?

Evil Patch
By Alan
A black comedy

The rain shook the leaves in the green, flowing trees, causing a
torrent or two of water to fall on Tyleet's head. "Darn weather!"
she exclaimed, "Why is the holt always wet around this time of

The forest about her kept its silence. Only the chilly, plain-
speaking breeze called out an answer: it was fall. It was the
season for the leaves, the rain, and the temperature to fall.
So did Tyleet. As she walked along the tree-lined path, she
stumbled over a log.

"Darn, darn, darn!" she muttered, "All I want is capnuts. I came
here to get snacks--snacks! So what do I get? The worst weather in
five seasons. Blast the luck." In an uncharacteristic fit of
anger and angst, she stomped her way through the brush.

The evening sky filled up with bark-black clouds. No elven voices
called out, except for Tyleet's quiet remarks. The scene was a
painting of a primitive world, undisturbed by the thoughts of

Suddenly, Tyleet heard a scream. It was a shrill, unfamiliar voice.
The voice of a baby. She caught the scent on the wind--the scent
of diapers. "Humans!" Tyleet said, speaking the word harshly, "Woe,
woe unto them all. What destruction they have wrought. Shall there
be fear in the countryside and the humans have not caused it?"

The baby screamed again--loud enough to interrupt her ranting. Tyleet
got off her soapbox, and ran towards the source of the scent. "Fate!"
she whispered, for she was keenly aware of the role of fate in all this.

At last, she found the clearing. The baby lay in a small wooden box,
one that could have been used as an animal's trough. The child waited.
Though quite damp from the precipitation, it did not cry. It knew
who had arrived.

"It seems I have found you," she told the baby, "I'm gonna take you
home and dress you all nice and call you Josephine and--"

At that instant, the child cried.

"Then again, maybe not," Tyleet added, interrupting her own thoughts.

Will this be continued? Perhaps.

I don't intend to make this an ongoing story. A few installments here
and there should do it.

Please send any and all e-mail to
<ChrOtaku@xoommail.com>. I appreciate your help.

-Alan (Febuary 13, 2000)

Elfquest site: eq_addiction.tripod.com
Nega-Hell: fanficoutlet.tripod.com/negahell
Anime humor: members.xoom.com/ChrOtaku

"Elfquest" and everything related to it are
copyright 1978-2000 Warp Graphics. Feel free to
distribute this fanfic, but don't remove my name
from it.