This is what a straight ethernet cable looks like.
This is what a crossed ethernet cable looks like.
Here are some other pictures for inhouse T1 stuff, thanks to Rick Schutlz!
Where the heck is pin 1?
Note: CAB-OCTAL-ASYNC, the 8-port RJ-45 adapter that is used with the Cisco 2509, 2510, 2511, and 2512, is the same as a rolled cable.
Note: You can change a DCE style (non modem) to a DCE style (modem) by moving pin 6 to pin 8.
RJ-45 DB25 TO ATTACH PORT: CABLE: STYLE: TO A: -------------------------------------------------- AUX/Console Rolled DTE TERMINAL AUX/Console Straight DCE non-modem TERMINAL AUX/Console Rolled DCE modem MODEMThese are the only setups that will work. If you don't have the components you need, use the chart below to order them.
STYLE CATALOG PART # CATALOG DESCRIPTION LABEL SHIELDED? ----- ----- -------------- ------------------- ------------------- --------- DTE CAB-25AS-FDTE= CABLE CONN-FTDTE 29-1026-01/TERMINAL yes DTE CAB-500DTF= DB-25 CONNECTOR, 29-0810-01/29-DTF-01 no DTE FEMALE DTE CAB-500DTM= DB-25 CONNECTOR, 29-0811-01/29-DTM-01 no DTE MALE modem CAB-25AS-MMOD= CABLE CONN-MODEM 74-0458-01/MODEM yes TO RJ45 SHLD modem CAB-MMOD= ADP,RJ45/DSUB 29-0881-01/29-MMOD-01 no DCE CAB-500DCF= DB-25 CONNECTOR, 29-0809-01/29-DCF-01 no (non modem) DCE FEMALE DCE CAB-500DCM= DB-25 CONNECTOR, 29-0808-01/29-DCM-01 no (non modem) DCE MALE NA Rolled Cable CABASY,RJ45 ROLLED, 72-0876-01/CAB-500RJ NA MODULAR NA Straight Cable -not in catalog- 31-0756-01 NA
Console/Auxiliary Port (DTE) ---------------------------- Pin Signal Input/Output ---------------------------- 1 RTS Output 2 DTR Output 3 TXD Output 4 GND - 5 GND - 6 RXD Input 7 DSR Input 8 CTS Input
Cable RJ-45 Pins DTE style DCE style DCE style (modem) (non modem) ------------------------------------------------ 1 4 5 5 2 20 8 6 3 2 3 3 4 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 6 3 2 2 7 6 20 20 8 5 4 4This chart shows suggested DB-25 to DB-9 adapter pinouts, if you need a DB-9 connector.
DB-25 Pin Signal DB-9 Pin ----------------------------- 2 TXD 3 3 RXD 2 4 RTS 7 5 CTS 8 6 DSR 6 7 GND 5 8 DCD 1 20 DTR 4