What if there were 6 sets of duplicate sliders.
What if they all slid out at the same time as Quinn from the television show,
and What if YOU controlled what they did, and where they slid to next.


Well Here is your chance just pick one of the groups below.

Remember the show it's self went in some weird ways, it just goes to show that anything is possible in alternate universes. The only rules are that if it's to crude to be on the show don't put it here, and if you have one group meet another write the occurrence in the other area also, if you don't want to then make them meet a different group not listed here. I will be updating the summaries periodically to reflect the changes in the story line. Also if you create a good group I may add them to the story list. I'll make a foot note on what addition they first appeared and the author whom made them.


Sliders Group 1
Quinn, Wade, Arturo slide out from Quinn's basement, Maggie's Jet gets caught in traveling slide wave. Rembrant doesn't slide.

Sliders Group 2
Quinn, Wade, Arturo, slide out from Quinn's basement, Rembrant's car get caught in traveling slide wave. (same scenario as show, different slide locations)

Sliders Group 3
Quinn, and Colin were left in same dimension as brothers. They slide out with Wade, and Colin of this earth's girlfriend Jessica. It's not known if Arturo or Rembrant Slides.

Sliders Group 4
Colin is left in a modern world. Wade is HIS friend. He and Arturo co-invents sliding. Rembrant's car is caught in traveling slide wave. Quinn is yet to be found.

Sliders Group 5
Quinn, Colin, Maggie, Wade, Arturo, and Rembrant all are rebels against the Krommag Dynasty. They steal sliding technology from them, and are looking for a weapon to defeat the Krommags

Sliders Group 6
On this earth the Krommags are the good guys and the Human Dynasty is Evil. Quinn, Colin, Magie and Rembrant are all Krommags, and are trying to find other good Krommags to save there world.