Careth is a native of the world known as Centrum in the 8th quantum. He grew up in a small town just outside of London. He was a bright student in high school and in college. His college majors were Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. But he applied his knowledge in the field of weaponry. Careth was one of the designers of the first working laser rifle. The problem with the rifle though was that it was less powerful than a normal pistol and could only hold enough of a charge for two shots. Needless to say it didnt go over very well. The Centarum decided not to pursue the technology at that time but instead had most scientists reassigned to work on a theoretical fringe of physics. It was known as Parachronic Physics. Careth was one of the scientists to be placed on this assignment. It resulted in a tremendous sucsess. The first known projector in any parallel. This machine had the ability to move people through diminsions, to the same time period, but a different earth, were things had happened differently. The theory goes that in every desicsion ever made, human, animal, or whatever made the decision, all options are carried out. So for example if you are faced with a decision to kill a person, or not to kill them, then both options actually happen. The world splits and in one dimension you kill them, in the other you let them live. This goes on and on and after a few hundred years the worlds can be very different, or even similar, because they could have just split moments before you arrived. When the Centarum heard of the success of the researchers they created an agency to control it. This agency is similar to the FBI or CIA in our world. Careth was one of the first volunteers to join this agency. Now there are requirements to join as an agent, but then, they were just discovering, there were no requirements. Careth wished to explore and to see what other worlds were like. He was trained as an agent and sent out to various worlds to explore, and then to report back. There were major problems on the first few assignments. Hundreds of agents were killed. The problem was that the languages that the people on the other worlds spoke was so different. (It turned out to be japanese.) The only language on Centrum was a form of old english, all other languages had been banned years before. Eventually worlds were found where English was spoken. Agents were sent to these worlds to learn other languages and to be trained to teach these languages in a school type setting. Those that learned the method of teaching returned as teachers to the rest of Centrums agents. The others advanced to other worlds, all the time mapping as they went, and keeping their secret. Eventually another world was found who had the same technology. This world called itself homeline and established the I-cops to patrol worlds. As time went by some I-cops would become rogue agents and work for themselves as pirates. Few of these pirates would join Centrums forces, but most caused far more trouble for Infinity and its I-cops than for Centrum. These rogues would be given some help to hinder Infinity even more. Careth was assigned, along with a former starfighter pilot named Griffen, to aid one such rogue agent. Under the premise of being a former Centrum agent he and Griffen approached Eliot Brock Corpus about working together as theives and Interdimensional art collectors. Corpus agreed. After years of working together, and incidently finding out that Careths former Captain was a traitor to the cause, the time hopping circuits in the groups van, the black sabbath, overloaded. Careth managed to keep them from exploding for long enough that everyone else managed to escape the blast. As far as the casual observer knows Careth died in that explosion. There have been rumors to the contrary however circulating thoughout some of Centrums agents. The end to this story has yet to written. There is more information on Careth's where-abouts for the last five years since that explosion, but that is another story. :-)