Many rumors are started about the Pokemon world. Some are true, some are not. The purpose of this section is to bring to light *truth*. These little-known facts are 100% nonfiction! (Note: most of the names are in Japanese because the episodes have not been aired yet in the U.S. of A.)

-Brock leaves the group in episode 83. (Aw. Shucks.) He meets a woman named Professor Uchiko in Daidai island. Uchiko also studies Pokemon breeding. Brock decides to stay with her. Two episodes later, he is replaced by a young guy named Kenji. Kenji's dubbed name is Tracey. I don't really think the name Tracey suits him very well, but that's MY opinion, and those of you who are offended by that can go screw themselves ^_^. Note: Eric Stuart, voice actor of Brock and James, is slated to be Kenji's voice actor...) Kenji is a Pokemon observer, which means he goes around watching Pokemon...He owns a Pikablu and a Scyther, as well as a Venonat (thanks to for this information!). In my opinion, he's *really* cute, and best of all, HE HAS EYES!!

-Ash finally does earn Charizard's trust. Ash stays up all night nursing it back to health after it gets hurt in a Pokemon battle.

-Ash captures a Snorlax, several Tauros, and a Lapras!

-Butch and Cassidy make a second appearance in Japanese episode 86, making a total of two episodes. They have a Drowzee in this episode (You know the dancing Drowzee in the "What Kind of Pokemon are You?" music video? That's theirs.). At the end, they're arrested again. How come that always happens?

-Pikachu and Meowth, bonding? It's true. In the episode "Pikachu vs. Meowth", the two rivaled Pokemon are forced to become close. They're connected by a rope (Thanks to another one of Jessie and James' ingenius plans), and a Pidgeot picks them up. It drops them off in an unknown place, far from where their masters are. After spending a while together, they actually become *friends*. Isn't that cute?

-Ash's mother's name is Hanako.

-In the manga, Gary has an older sister named May, whom Ash has a crush on.

-Togepi has *amazing* fighting abilities, mostly psychic.

-Misty's Psyduck never evolves.

-I figured that everyone knew this, but I may as well add it in anyway. Yes, Misty *is* in love with Ash. The lyrics in "Misty's Song" include "I wanna tell you how I'm feeling but I don't know how to start... blah blah..I want to tell you how I'm feeling and to say that I love you..." etc., etc... Ash's feelings for Misty are unclear, but I'm sure he likes her just the same way...(it's obvious that he thinks she's cute) when he can think about loving anything but Pokemon, that is ^_^...

-Ahhh, the mysterious Mondo. He does, as I have learned, actually exist, but only in the Team Rocket CD Drama (released exclusively in Japan...). He's a kid from Team Rocket who's a little younger than Jessie and James. He practically worships them, and he follows them around in admiration, helping them whenever he can. He loves Meowth and treats him like a pet. He also has a huge crush on Jessie...

-In the episode 96j, Meowth lands on an island in the middle of nowhere. The Pokemon and people there all think that Meowth is a god and that he will bring them happiness. They treat him like royalty. When Jessie and James arrive on the island, Meowth tells them to leave. This upsets Jess and Jim, but they decide that Meowth would be better off there, and decide to leave him, and of course, Meowth decides to stay. Later on in the episode, though, everyone has a change of heart. Meowth realizes that his friends are the only thing that can make him very happy, and he returns to them. It's a big bonding experience for Team Rocket. ^_^

Heard any good rumors? Wanna know if they're true? Got any interesting facts for me?E-mail me!