In the Balance
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In The Balance



We maintain balance in our lives every day. We balance our finances, time, and energy.


Take a step back from the goings on in your life and think about how much time you spend maintaining equilibrium each day. Many of us have priorities in our lives that have precedence over how and when we spend our precious time.


Work is a primary determining factor in many peoples lives. They maintain balance at work keeping track of jobs, appointments, and finances. The pursuit of pleasure is a dominant factor in many other peoples lives, scheduling social time, vacations, etc. and making sure they can spend as much time as possible having fun.


Either of these in moderation doesnt really cause a problem with balance. When we focus on either of these as our driving force or lifes goal, then problems almost always occur. When we become focused on a particular facet of our lives, another part must suffer. So we must strive for equity in our daily lives, and attempt to maintain the balance.


As we attempt to maintain a balance of our physical lives, we must also have the same consideration for our spiritual lives.


We should reflect each day on the condition of our spiritual balance. Did our thoughts, actions, and words add to one side or the other of the scale, which records our balance? Did we think good thoughts, pure thoughts, loving thoughts? Or were our thoughts clouded by misery, shame, anger, selfish desires, lust, or coveting?


Did our actions tend toward one side or the other? Were we helpful, compassionate, sharing, caring, and giving? Or were our actions selfish? Furthering our own lives and goals? Did we focus on the trappings of this world? Work, pleasure, entertainment, gossip, material possessions?


How did our words affect our balance? Were we honest, sincere, polite, and articulate? Or did our words have a mocking, slanderous, condescending, or prideful quality? We know that our words affect all who we come in contact with each day. Yes actions speak louder than words, but a harsh word can severely damage a persons ego, or cause other problems.


Scripture tells us that good thoughts, works, and deeds will gain us a great deal in the Kingdom of Yah. We can probably imagine this as a set of balances, each time our actions, thoughts, and words are from a worldly position; a small pebble is placed on the side of wickedness. When we act, speak, and think from a loving, kind, and caring disposition a small gold ingot is added to side of love. We all know that gold far outweighs ordinary rock, so we know that each time we perform selfless acts of kindness, speak well of others, and proclaim our love for The Eternal and our brethren that we tip the scale to the side of righteousness.


Do we firmly believe Scripture that teaches us that when we do well it covers a lot of sin? If we do then we should take heed that we control our balance.


We have all committed sins in our past. Almost all of us can look back to our juvenile years and think of things that we did that we regret and long to take back. Fortunately the past is the past, and our past sins are overlooked and are as if they had never been. That leaves us with the sins of the present to deal with.


Let us take stock every day of how react to the people and situations we encounter. We have the choice to make a bad situation worse or better in almost every case. Most times it is the difference of our attitudes and our words that can make the difference. If we choose for wickedness to prevail, than so it shall be. If we choose to allow a loving disposition to prevail then so it shall be.


Have you ever-encountered situations in your life that you look back on and longed to change your words and actions? Realizing how powerful our words and actions are should caution us to hold our tongue in check until we are sure that what we will say is the right thing. As an automobile is dangerous to those we drive around, we must be as cautious with our tongue. Spiritual damage is more harmful than physical damage in the long run.


We all die; therefore we should not be as worried about our physical selves as we are about our spiritual selves, and the spirits of those around us. For we will all have an accounting from the greatest to the smallest. What we say or do in this short time on Earth may make the difference between whether someone whom we have come in contact with survives or not.


We are examples (lights) unto the world; let us show the world the proper spirit. The spirit that those who are chosen for eternal life will have. The spirit of love and gentleness.


Let us forget about the world for a short time each day and reflect on our behavior, thoughts, and words. Let us change for the better, learning from our mistakes. Let us make our light shine so that those around us recognize how foolish the wickedness of the world really is.


Lets try to stay in the positive Balance.




Shalom in YHWH's Precious name




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