Faith as a mustard seed
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Faith as a mustard seed

Faith is a powerful force. By our faith we allow the set apart Spirit to reside in us, teach us, and guide us.


Without faith the Spirit cannot reside in us to any large degree, we would be as the people of this world, instead of people of the spiritual world.


Do we as believers in this age require more faith than those who have come before us?


Looking back through the ages, we find that many, or most of the people were of shallow faith. Not trusting in The Eternal, but following their own desires, placing their trust and faith in themselves, and the gods of the land they were given. As a good Father does, he chastised and disciplined his children. Not once but many times. He tried to teach his children the error of their ways.


Even when The Eternal was present with the people of the Earth, they rebelled against him. YHWHs (Gods) prophets were persecuted and slain for proclaiming that mans ways were leading them to destruction. These few proclaimers of YHWHs word, were endowed with the spirit. As it is today, the few have the large measure of the set apart spirit.


Let us reflect on the past. Are our lives not a mirror of the past? Is the world not blessed with prosperity and knowledge?


Just as the people of Y'sra'El were blessed and became complacent, is it not the same today?


The Almighty finally had to show his children the error of their ways; by allowing them to be taken away from the land they were given.


This opened the eyes of many; unfortunately this caused a swing from one extreme to another. Most of the Commands of YHWH (God) were twisted by men, and made into burdensome rituals, and observances. The letter of the Law was being observed, more than the intent. This is something The Eternal never wanted from his worshipers. This error progressed to the point where it was necessary to teach His followers the true intent of his Commands.


The Eternal Creator sent Yahshua (Jesus) to Earth to correct the legalistic attitudes that had become prevalent in the priesthood. Yahshua taught how the letter of the Law was not as important, as the attitude of the Law observer. He also showed how pride and vanity had infiltrated the priesthood, and taught against this wickedness. Yahshua (Jesus) was also sent to change the future; He brought New Hope, and showed that Love is the key to all things good.


By giving his life for all mankind, Yahshua brought changes that could not have taken effect without his awe-inspiring sacrifice.


The legal aspects of the Commands were done away with by his act of Love. All of the Commands The Creator had given us became magnified by the teachings of Yahshua (Jesus). His death did away with the sacrifices, which would no longer be necessary or wanted. The ultimate sacrifice had been made.


The Spirit of Yahweh (God) was also allowed to come to man as a result of Yahshuas (Jesus) sacrifice. For those who truly committed their lives to Yahweh (God), the precious gift of the set apart Spirit was given to guide and teach. Many wonderful miracles, and healings were accomplished by those of the faith. Imbued with the set apart Spirit the people of YHWH (God) were truly blessed.            


Where is this Spirit today? Has it been withdrawn from the world? Does the Spirit require faith in order for it to enter and bless a person? The followers of the teachings of Yahshua (Jesus) seem to have been given the Spirit through faith and a loving disposition.


History tells us of the adversary persecuting the true followers giving them the choice of converting to the mystery Babylon religion, or dying.


Has there been a large following since the time of persecution? Not since the time of Yahshua (Jesus) and the apostles has the Spirit been as prevelant. Is the Spirit awakening in these near end times to fulfill prophecy?


It seems more and more people are heeding the call, turning away from the mystery religion, and the legalism of some sects of Judaism.


Many are being called from Babel, but as always, most are heeding the call of this world. The adversary has them deceived using vanity, lust, greed, fear, and pride. The wickedness abounds in this world, and the adversary is walking about like a lion devouring the masses with his deception.


The more we put out the things of this world, the stronger the Spirit grows within us. The set apart Spirit is not gone; it has been dormant until the time of the end.


Fast approaching us are trials and tribulations. May we stand strong in the faith of the Almighty Yahweh (God), and his first begotten, Yahshua (Jesus).


May our faith not be shaken.


Hallelu Yah!!!


Shalom in YHWH's Precious name




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