EDE Extensive Data Enterprises

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Welcome to EDE

EDE was founded in 1992 by Brian G. Black and 4 others who shared his same intrest, helping you solve your computer data needs.

Knowledge is Power

Many people today think that computers are a complexed mystery.  Most people believe they have to depend on the local teenager to come solve their home computer problems.  If you don't have the kid across the street consulting you on investments and health plans, why would you allow him access to your personal computer?  Why would you want him to design and build you a personal website?  Contact EDE today and learn about your computer in the privacy of your home.

Today, both large and small businesses are out-sourcing projects over-sea to India.  Their reason is the same reason people buy foreign products, it is much cheaper.  Yes, it is cheaper, but when you consider that a $10 pair of shoes made in China fall apart in just six months, is it really worth it? 
We can meet most out-sourcing needs.  Check out our rates they might surprise you.  Send us details and a timeframe in an e-mail today and we will get back with a quote.
We look forward to working with you.