Population Summary Report
1/5/03 -- Lakeland, WI School Board
6 districts, 9 members
Web site for Lakeland School District redistricting maps
District Population Deviation % Deviation AmIndian % AmIndian 18+_Pop 18+_AmIndian % 18+_AmIndian DualRace18+ % DualRace18+ Members
1 1956 -45 -2.25% 1505 76.9% 1233 859 69.7% 866 70.2% 1
2 1979 -22 -1.10% 286 14.5% 1654 178 10.8% 179 10.8% 1
3 2059 58 2.90% 6 0.3% 1664 3 0.2% 6 0.4% 1
4 6289 286 4.76% 80 1.3% 4989 52 1.0% 68 1.4% 3
5 3810 -192 -4.80% 50 1.3% 3035 31 1.0% 41 1.4% 2
6 1916 -85 -4.25% 1 0.1% 1636 1 0.06% 3 0.2% 1
Total 18009 1928 10.7% 14211 1124 7.9% 1163 8.2% 9
Deviation 9.56%
**The term "Indian (dual-race)" includes single-race Indian population figures (both Hispanic and non-Hispanic) plus those census respondents who identified themselves as American Indian plus one other race (e.g., American Indian and African American; American Indian and white).