Star Trek: Voyager
Second Chances
Disclaimer:  Star Trek: Voyager and its characters* belong to Paramount, and we make not profit--except your feedback-- from writing this Fan Fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.  This piece of Fan Fiction may not be sold but copied for personal use and must include all notices of copyright

*Allison, Amber, and Six of Eight are our characters.  Paramount has no rights to them.

This story has been written by me.  But the ideas are a mixture of mine and Nicole_15's so both of us get equal credit.  We would appreciate all feedback from you.  Enjoy!

Picking Up where SIX left of
*** =/\= ***
In sick bay The Doctor paced anxiously awaiting his captain's arrival, when the captain finally entered an empty sick bay The Doctor let out a sigh of impatience.

"Something wrong Doctor?" Kathryn asked observing his distressed look.
 "Yesterday" he began, "the ...uh... confrontation between Lt. Torres and Six of Eight brought a...rather..." he was searching for the appropriate word, "um...interesting discovery."

"Go on" Kathryn said intrigued.

"Well when I entered engineering after their little fight, I noticed Six of Eight was bleeding from her nose.  Naturally I thought nothing of it, and focused my attention towards Lt. Torres, upon realizing, aside from a sore jaw, nothing was permanently wrong with--"

"Yes I know this Doctor, please get to the point" Kathryn butted in.

"Yes, yes.  Well I was about to leave when I noticed Six had left behind some of her blood on the floor in main engineering, so I seized the opportunity to run a DNA test, in hopes that perhaps I could find the human identity of our Borg Princess.  So I ran her DNA through Voyager's database, I know she must have been very young when she was assimulated, so I figured it would be more likely to find some one who matched her DNA, i.e. a parent."


"Well the results came back much faster than I had anticipated..." he stopped unsure how to reveal what he knew.

"Doctor, don't make me guess, tell me, what were the results?" Kathryn was growing impatient.

"Well...uh...I found a match...her human name was..." he stopped again.  Kathryn gave a look of annoyance.

"Out with it!" she ordered.

The Doctor took a deep breath "her human name was Allison Janeway...her parents: the late Justin Tighe and...Kathryn Janeway" he said in one breath.  Kathryn's eyes widened.  "I ran it through the computer several times, I ran a full computer diagnostic, the results remain the same.  Is the possible?" The Doctor felt confused, and began to fidget.

Kathryn felt her chest tighten, and breathing became difficult.  Her legs failed and she grabbed hold of the computer console behind her.  Her mind was racing, and for a moment she thought she would faint.  But she didn't.  Only managing to choke out the words "Oh my god."  She stood trying to compose herself.

"Captain is this possible?" The Doctor repeated.

"Yes Doctor it is possible" she began to make her way towards the door.

"Captain, how?  How is it possible?" he called.

"I'll explain it to you later Doctor, but right now I have to find her.  I can't let her leave!" Kathryn ran out the door and through the halls.


*** =/\= ***

Six was making her way towards transporter room 2.  She recalled her discussion with Naomi Wildman, it was bothering her, the actual conversation was fine but Six was bothered by her own reluctance to leave Voyager, and the only friends she had ever made.  As she continued to think about this issue the collective mind summoned her back.

"Six! Six! Wait!" called a voice from behind her.

Six spun around to see Captain Janeway running to catch up with her.

"Captain Janeway, I am on my way to your transporter room, then I shall return to my vessel" Six said matter-of-factly accompanied by a hint of annoyance.

"No, don't go...I mean, stay" Kathryn was fumbling words, unsure which to use and how to use them.  The fact that she her own daughter was standing before her after so many years overwhelmed her and put Kathryn into a state of shock.

"Captain Janeway?  I do not understand...the only reason you allowed me to stay on Voyager was because my mother, the Borg Queen threatened you with assimulation, correct?" raising an eyebrow in curiosity, as Seven often did.

"Yes, but--"  Kathryn had no chance to finish before Six cut her off.

"Now Voyager is free of any threats, but you wish for us to stay?  Explain" confusion took over the young Borg Princess.

"Well, I want you to stay, not the rest of the borg, just you."

Six caught on to what Kathryn was suggesting.  "You wish for me to stay here, and live amongst humans?" she laughed at such a thought, and the fact that some one as smart as Captain Janeway would entertain such a notion.

-Okay think Kathryn...asking her to stay won't work...revealing your identity as her human mother will only infuriate her...- Kathryn thought to herself, then quickly an idea hit her.  "No I don't want you to live here, I want you to finish your research, I know that you are interested in individuality, it may not have been why you came on board in the first place, but you did end up learning and I could see it was information you wanted to possess.  Besides it would give you a chance to make up with Seven, she is still angry but I know she still wants you as her friend"  Kathryn was amazed at herself, and quite proud of the way she handled that one.

"I do not understand, I thought you wished to leave here and resume your voyage back to the Alpha quadrant, you have already lost 8 days of travel."

"Yes well we do...I was thinking, perhaps the borg could leave and you would stay, so we could get on our way, you would take a shuttle craft from Voyager when your 'study' is complete and return to the collective"

"What do you have to benifit from such an arrangement?" Six asked suspiciously.

"Your company of course" Kathryn answered with a sly grin, Six returned the smile. -Gods how her smile hasn't changed- Kathryn thought.

Six stood unmoving for a moment, Kathryn thought it was because she was considering the offer, but it was really because Six was communicating with the borg collective.  She looked back at Kathryn, Voyager began to shake a little.

"Captain, I have considered your offer."


"I accept.  The borg will return for me when I have completed my examination of individuality."

"Well, now that we have got that settled, why don't you go fill Seven in?  And we can adapt an alcove just for you."  Kathryn couldn't help but keep smiling as she and Six, who she now knew to be the daughter that was stolen from her so long ago, walked down the corridors of Voyager, and the borg ships left the area and returned to Unimatrix 1.


*** =/\= ***

The next few days past like the ones before, except there were no more fights between B'Elanna and the Borg Princess. Seven was stubborn and did not make it easy for Six to make up with her but after a day or two they were best of friends again, Seven realized that she herself would have done something similar 2 years ago, so Seven knew she could not remain angry at Six.  The two never again worked in engineering--a safety precaution Captain Janeway had to take--they worked either in Astrometrics or in Cargo Bay Two.  Kathryn frequently dropped in to see how the two were working, Seven questioned the captain's unusual drop ins but the only received little explanation.  The Doctor was under ordered not to tell anyone what he knew, so Seven could get no answers from him.  Six didn't seem to mind the captain much anymore, they had conversations about many issues, Kathryn found Six had quite an open mind on most subjects, except humans which Kathryn had learned that fact the hard way.

On the 12th day of Six' stay on Voyager, Kathryn and the young drone were discussing the days events.  When Kathryn's curiosity got the best of her.

"So Six, tell me; why is it you dislike humans so much?" she blurted out.

"Humans are irrational--" Six started.

"Comon now, why don't you tell me the real reason, I know humans aren't perfect, and I know you know the borg aren't perfect as well.  You may get away with telling The Doctor and Seven that, but don't expect me to buy it, because I won't, now be straight with me."

Six hesitated for a few moments but finally began, "My experience as a human, were...unpleasent."

This hit Kathryn off guard, "Oh?"

"I cannot remember my past as a human, but what I do recall is being alone in the corner of my room.  I was shouting to be freed but I was not rescued...I remember the emotions...fear...lonelyness" Six revisited her memories of the event as if it were happening all over again.  "My human mother abandoned me, no doubt to save her own life.  The borg saved me.." Six explained with a high amount of bitterness in her voice.

"Why do you think she abandoned you?" Kathryn asked trying to ignore the pain in her heart.

"The borg queen told me so" she answered.

"And what makes you believe her?" Kathryn questioned.

"Why would she deceive me?" Six was becoming suspicious as to where this conversation was going.

"Well for starters she is the Borg Queen--"

"I will be Borg Queen one day as well" she snapped.

"Yes well, you didn't let me finish.  She wants you to become Borg Queen one day, Six.  She needs you for that assignment.  Don't you think that she went to extreme lengths to get Seven back to the collective, to assimulate a species.  How far do you think she would go for the future Borg Queen?"  Kathryn challenged.

Six was about to lash out at the star ship captain, but realized that she may have a point. -Could she be correct?- Six asked herself, -No, she cannot- she shook away such a notion.  "You are incorrect!  The Borg Queen would not lie to me, even-so I remember being alone!  The borg rescued me, I was reborn with a greater purpose" Six declared.

"Six, I know you are intelligent, you're open minded, you accept suggestions and opinions well.  Why are you so narrow-
minded when it comes to this subject?  Can't you see it, the borg stole your human life as a child and your future!" Kathryn pleaded for her to listen.

"I am not narrow-minded, Captain Janeway!  I witnessed these events, you did not!  Do not make a judgment based on ignorance!" Six shouted, then stormed out of the room.  Kathryn called to her, but Six didn't come back.

It was at that point Kathryn remembered her own relationship with her mother as a teenager, yelling and storming out of rooms was a constant, as it were with most teenage girls and their mothers.  But Kathryn's mother didn't miss most of her life, Kathryn wasn't raised to believe her mother was an evil person.  Kathryn knew it was best she keep her identity as Six' birth mother a secret until Six was ready to hear the truth, no matter how long it took.  She also knew it would take a long time before Six would believe anything other than what she been told by the Borg Queen, and to undo the damage.


*** =/\= ***

Six avoided Kathryn for the next day or so, but Kathryn apologized for her accusations, saying "I just can't imagine a parent who would leave their child behind."  So Six and Kathryn and Six' relationship had but little strain on it again.  Six was now getting along with the rest of the crew that had worked with her.  Her grudge against humans subsided when Seven pointed out after Six had told Seven her story, it was irrational to hold the whole human species responsible for a single person's actions.  Six rarely questioned Seven and knew she would not mislead her.

*** =/\= ***

On the last night of Six' stay on Voyager Seven went to the Captain's ready room.  Kathryn instructed Seven to sit, and she did, she sat attentively as usual.  Kathryn replicated herself a coffee, and began.

"What is Six doing? Regenerating?" Kathryn asked taking a sip.

"No, assisting Ensign Kim in Astrometrics" Seven reported.

"And how well do they get along?"

"They are efficient..." Seven went on, "I have a request, Captain."

"Yes" she answered, not as a question but as an answer.


"You are going to request that Six to permanently stay on Voyager, my answer is yes" Kathryn explained and took another sip of her coffee, while looking over the report on her desk.

"Captain?" Seven repeated unsure if what she heard was not just what she wanted to hear.

"Seven, I don't want her to go back to the borg either."

Seven was shocked.  The captain's behavior was now becoming too strange.  Her drop ins while Six and Seven were working could be explained.  Seven believed Captain Janeway thought if she had shown Six of Eight--a high power in the borg collective-- humanity and how it deserved to live on, that perhaps the borg would stop trying to assimulate it.  It was the only explanation Seven, and the rest of the crew, could come up with.  But now, there was no explanation.  She expected the Captain would definitely shoot down the idea of another borg on the ship, but she didn't, and that puzzled the former borg.

"Now, I want you to ask her to stay on Voyager, who knows maybe she'll accept" Kathryn said with a clever smirk.

"And if she does not accept?" Seven wasn't trying to be pessimistic, she was being logical.

"We'll have to take a more aggressive approach."


"We'll terminate her link to the collective as we did with you."

"Captain, Six of Eight would resist, aggressive action towards Voyager's crew may be attempted" Seven predicted.

"I know, but it will be your job to help her through it, I'll help as best I can, but you will know how to handle it.  Well lets not get ahead of ourselves, like I said maybe she'll welcome the idea" Kathryn smiled and returned to her report, "if that's everything?" she said distantly as she gazed into the PADD.

Seven turned to leave but paused, "Captain,"

"Mmm?" she answered not looking up.

"I wish to understand your concern regarding Six of Eight" the question had been sitting inside for so long.

Kathryn's focus on the report she was studying remained unchanged for a brief instant as she read one more line, but then she slowly looked up and gave off a warm smile, "We all deserve a second chance, Seven" she answered.

Seven wasn't buying it and her face told the captain so.

"When the time is right, Seven, I'll tell you, but now isn't the time.  Go, ask Six and report to me her answer."

Hesitantly Seven complied, exiting the captain's office and made her way towards Astro metrics.  She couldn't help her thoughts being fixed on the captain's interest in Six as she walked through the corridors.

*** =/\= ***

She reached Astrometrics, and opened the door to see Six standing over a computer console, she was staring into it.  Had it not been for the angle Seven was standing at, she would not have noticed the unmistakable resemblance between Six and Captain Janeway.  Seven gasped -They're almost identical- she thought.  Immediately the answers to her previous questions were answered.

"Seven, are you okay?  You look sick" Harry asked stepping out from another computer terminal.  "Seven, you don't look so good, why don't I take you to sick bay?" the concern ensign offered.

"No, that will not be necessary, your concern has been noted, but your duty shift on the bridge will begin shortly" Seven answered but her mind was occupied, which was easy for Harry to see.

"If you're sure you're okay?"  Seven nodded, Harry turned in Six' direction, "Bye Six, always a pleasure working with you" he shouted to her.  Finally Six took her attention from the beeping console, and flashed a smile as a response to the departing Harry.

Six looked just as Kathryn had moments before, any doubt that remained in Seven's mind disappeared.  -Six of Eight was the captain's daughter- she thought, and another thought occurred to Seven...She had been the drone that took Allison Janeway, or now; Six of Eight from her life a human, so she had assimulated her best friend.  Seven felt again guilty for her actions.

She was brought out from her thought by Harry once again asking her is she was all right.  Seven answered the same as she had done before; with a nod.  And she watched Harry exit Astrometrics.

"He is, as humans say; in love with you" Six said, still working on the computer console.

"We must return to Cargo Bay Two" Seven answered ignoring the statement that brought a shade of red to Seven's face.

As they walked down the halls of Voyager Six could not help but continue on the subject of Ensign Kim.

"You return Ensign Kim's feelings" Six implied.

"That is not correct" Seven muttered, again turning red.

"Seven of Nine, I possess all your memories, your attempts to deceive me will fail, I can always access them" she was about to continue but noticed Seven's discomfort, and decided to change the subject.  "I shall be leaving tomorrow, I only require a shuttle craft."

"Six of Eight, Captain Janeway is willing to allow you to remain on Voyager permantley, I request you stay."

"Stay on Voyager?" Six laughed.

"Yes, do not return to the collective."

"Seven of Nine, I will not stay on Voyager, I will be leaving to return to the collective tomorrow" the amusement in her voice was gone, after realizing Seven's seriousness.

"Please, I wish for you to stay...I value your friendship above all others, please stay" Seven pleaded.

"It would be impossible for me to live outside the collective, the borg are my family, it is where I belong, it is my home."

"I believed that myself when I was first disconnected from the collective, but I have discovered it is not true, it is quite possible to live as an individual."

"I have no desire to reside with humans."

They entered Cargo Bay Two, Six went over to the alcove that she had been using. It was beside Seven's, not the one which ONE had used while on Voyager.

"Are you not going to regenerate?" Six asked watching Seven standing at the console.

"I will regenerate once I have completed this assignment."

"I shall assist you"  Six said advancing towards Seven.

"No" Seven said sharply, "Your assistance is not required, I will be finished shortly."

Six gave Seven a suspicious glance but turned back to her alcove, started the cycle and stepped in.  Once Six was regenerating Seven tapped her comm badge and paged the Captain.

*** =/\= ***

Kathryn entered the cargo bay to find Seven at the computer terminal, and Six regenerating.  Kathryn smiled at the tranquility of the room, and the sight of her now grown daughter, but her regenerating made Kathryn's stomach turn.  Seven followed Kathryn's gaze.

"You did not have to keep it from me" Seven said turning back.

Kathryn misunderstood for only for a second, before catching on to what Seven was referring to, "Did the Doctor tell you?"


"Then how did you know?" Kathryn asked walking over to the computer console, and stood on the other side facing Seven.

"Six of Eight's physical features are nearly identical to your own.  She was brought into the collective at the same time as your daughter, I assumed..."  Seven paused "How does the Doctor know?" she thought out loud.

"He was the one who told me in the first place, he ran a DNA scan on a sample of blood Six left behind after the "encounter" with B'Elanna in engineering, he's the only other one who knows" she explained.

Seven nodded, "She did not accept our offer" Seven said referring to Six.

"Umm, you were right, not that I expected anything different, but I had hoped she would have agreed to stay.  Well let's terminate her link to the collective" Kathryn said walking around the terminal and stood beside Seven.

"Six of Eight will not be pleased when she discovers what we have done" Seven pointed out breaking the silence.

"I'm aware of that, but as I recall you weren't too thrilled about the whole idea yourself, and look at the progress you've made.  Besides she'll have some one who has been through it to guide her"  Kathryn placed a comforting hand on Seven's shoulder.

"I doubt my ability to do so..." Seven muttered.

"Seven, I have every confidence in you, and I am counting on you as well.  It's not everyday you get a second chance at being a mother."

What did you think?  Email BorgChild & Nicole_15 and tell us what you think.
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