Star Trek: Voyager
Disclaimer:  Star Trek: Voyager and its characters* belong to Paramount, and we make not profit--except your feedback-- from writing this Fan Fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.  This piece of Fan Fiction may not be sold but copied for personal use and must include all notices of copyright

*Allison, Amber, and Six of Eight are our characters.  Paramount has no rights to them.

This story has been written by me.  But the ideas are a mixture of mine and Nicole_15's so both of us get equal credit.  We would appreciate all feedback from you.  Enjoy!


"Six of Eight, Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-One.  Unlike other drones, Six of Eight was not put in a naturation chamber.  She grew in the collective from a child to what she is now.  Six of Eight has an individual state of mind used entirely for the collective, and she has  been assimulating knowledge in preperation for the day when she will become a Borg Queen" Seven stood infront of the console in the briefing room, displaying a scimatic of Six of Eight, as she explained to the senior officers who this little drone was.

"A Borg Princess?" Tom Paris suggested.

"In a manner of speaking" Seven replied raising a brow.

"Okay, some explain to me again why exactly are we are letting her come on board our ship?" B'Elanna asked for the third time during the briefing.

"From what Six of Eight told me; she has always believed that assimulation is desired, individuals resist until they experience the collective mind" Tuvok said to B'Elanna.

"So when Seven didn't want to go back to the collective, Six was confused" Harry added, and Tuvok nodded in agreement.

"And why in the galaxy did you agree to let her come on board?" the angry and confused chief engineer shouted.

"Well she did save our lives...and there is the small matter of assimulation hanging over our heads...So I suggest we do not anger her, it wouldn't be such a great idea" the captain answered.

"Great!" B'Elanna still shouted in sarcasim.

"Well she'll be here in about two hours, so please I can't stress it enough try to co-operate, if you don't it could lead to the assimulation of Voyager.  And afterall the borg are enhancing our shields and weapons, so lets try to 'enjoy' this pampering.  I think that's all for now.  Dismissed" Kathryn finished and she watched the senoir officers exit the briefing room.


*** =/\= ***

Seven was pacing back and forth in cargo bay two.  She was extreamly excited, but she didn't know why exactly.  Seven wanted to answer the borg princess'--as Ensign Paris and others were now refering to as--questions.  She wanted to help the Six and not the borg but she knew teaching Six would be helping the borg...she was confused as to how she should handle such a delicate matter.  After pacing for several more minutes Seven decided that for now she would answer any questions Six asked, not answer any that weren't asked.

**"Chakotay to Seven of Nine"** sounded Voyager's first officer over the COMM.

"Yes Commander?" Seven replied.

**"Six is going to transport onto Voyager now, meet her in transporter room two."**

"Understood, I am on my way" Seven answer walking out of what had become Seven's living quarters over the past two years and headed towards the transporter room.  Seven contemplated as to how she could have wasted a good two hours pacing and thinking.  -An inefficent use of my time, I must remember to effective with my time in the future- Seven thought to herself as she walked through the halls. -It would have been much more efficent to have prepared for this 'diplomatic mission', as the Captain refered to it as, instead of endulging a human emotion, which I know to be irrelivant- Seven thought, -but The Doctor has said human emotions are indeed relivant...It has been two years since I became an individual, and yet I still do not understand why emotions are in fact can I answer questions about something I am still learning about?- Seven began to doubt herself.  She was brought out of her deep thought when she reached the transporter room, the fact that one could be lost in thought and end up somewhere else without even knowing it, was disturbing.

Shaking away her previous conversation to herself Seven entered.  When Seven walked in Six had already materialized and was now stepping down off the transporter pod.

"Your vessel's transporters are inefficent..." Six said to Seven, who was expecting the remark.

"Perhaps, welcome to Voyager...again...I regret my absence from your previous visit." Seven said as the two exited the transporter room, Seven wearing a half grin.

Seven thought she seen Six smirk as well but any trace of one were gone by the time the two were in the halls.  Seven observed that Six was quite tall for 17, approximately the same height as Seven (without her heels), either the young drone was naturally a tall height or the borg modified her to a more efficent height.  Her two eyes were metalic like the Borg Queen's, they were blue like Seven's, they told of a child trapped within a borg's body, crying to be set free; that Seven could see but she did not make a comment on it.  Six didn't have a ocular implant like other drones, only an implant above her left eye, which resembled Seven's, but Six' was a bit larger.  It held within an external ocular enhancer, it was plastic-like and covered the borgchild's left eye completely, it was used for different levels of light, magnifacation, and phaser targeting, when not in use the enhancer retreated back into the implant around the eye.  Other then the enhancer and the artifical left arm Six looked pretty much like Seven did as a drone.

"Where are we going?" Six asked not responding to the looks the two recieved from crew members as they walked down the halls.

"Cargo bay two, where we will..." She stopped and looked at Six "what excatly are we going to do?"

"You will explain to me why you desire individuality above perfection."

"There is no one answer, there are many reason why I wish to remain an individual" the two entered the turbo lift, "Deck 10" Seven ordered.

"An example?" Six questioned

Seven stood for a moment trying to think of an answer.  Finally she turned to Six and was about to answer, but was interupted by the turbo lift coming to a stop, and the doors opened allowing two male ensigns to enter.  Silence took over the turbo lift and Six and Seven could feel the ensigns were uncomfortable, and Six couldn't help but grin at the men's dismay.  Seven also found herself smirking at the situation.  As the turbo lift stopped again at the ensigns' desired deck.  They couldn't hold it any longer, Six and Seven glanced at each other, and nodded knowing what the other was thinking.

"Existance as you know it, is over, we will add your technilogical and biological desintivness to our own...Restance is futile!" Six and Seven said together in their most solemn borg voices.

The two poor ensigns looked at eachother, fear taking over them, and ran out of the turbolift and down the corridors.

The doors closed and the turbo lift resumed to deck 10, and Seven burst out laughing; something she had not done since she was a little girl.  She was laughing so hard she fell over, and tears began to form in her eyes.  Six remained standing with a look of satisfaction written on her face, and let out a laugh.

"I do not remember ever laughing" Six stated.

"I have not since I was a child"  Seven answered pulling herself up and wiping away the water that had formed in her eyes.

"I believe I enjoyed it"

"I believe I did as well" at that moment Seven knew she had found one of the best friends she could ever have.

The turbolift dorrs opened agian and the two walked out as if nothing had happened.  They wore their borg faces but inside they were still laughing.

*** =/\= ***

On Voyager's bridge Kathryn and Chakotay are talking.

"How do you think, Six and Seven are getting along?"  Kathryn asked her first officer.

"I bet they are okay now, but by the end of the day they won't be able to stand each other.  Their personalities, or well lack of in Six' case will clash"  Chakotay predicted.

"No I don't think so Commander, I think they'll become friends"  Harry said from behind his ops console.

"No way Harry, I bet all they'll do is disagree!"  Tom called from the helm.  "Okay, Okay, let's get a betting pool going."

"What are we wagering?" B'Elanna asked from her engineering station.

The room went quiet as they all began to think.

"5 hours of holodeck time!" Harry cried out.

"Alright, I'm in for they will hate each other.  Har, your in for they get along" Tom confirmed while copying the infromation on a PADD.  Harry nodded in agreement.

"Count me in for they don't get along" Chakotay said.

"Me too" B'Elanna added.

"Well Kathryn, what are you in for?" Chakotay asked his captain.

"Chakotay you know I don't bet..." she paused for a moment then smiled "but since you forced me to, I'm with Harry, I believe in Seven's social skills, unlike some senior officers I know!"

"Okay, Tuvok that leaves you" Tom said as he put in the captain's vote.

"It would be a logical assumtion the two will not get along, they both wish to be correct all the time.  Which will lead to constant arguements."

"Oh thank you so much Tuvok, now I feel reassured as to how I bet" Kathryn joked.

"Sorry Captain, no changing bets" Tom teased.

"I know, I know, I have every confidence in Seven so--"

"So your going to lose 5 hours of holodeck time!" B'Elanna shouted. "You know they will drive each other crazy.  They'll end up killing each other!"  B'Elanna began to laugh.  "So Chakotay how are you going to use your holodeck time?"


*** =/\= ***

Six and Seven entered the dark cargo bay.

"You did not give me an answer" Six stated as the door closed.

"Regarding?" Seven turned to face the young drone.

"An example of what makes you desire indivduality above perfection" she answered.

"If I were to give you an example, you would no doubt be unable to understand"  Seven said as she proceeded to the computer terrminal.

"You doubt my ablility to understand?" Six asked sounding a little offended.

"No, I doubt my ability to explain.  The best way to understand would be through experiencing it.  Verbal explaination is insufficent"  Seven explained as she began to work on the computer.  Then she got an idea.  " could stay on Voyager, learn through observation, which would be much more effective than explaination."

Six stood a moment considering Seven's suggestion.  "14 days" she agreed.

Seven nodded.  "We require the captain's consent."


"We shall speak with Captain Janeway after I complete my work" Seven said while she worked at her station.

"I will assist you" Six declared, and walked around the work station, the two began to work.

Seven couldn't help but smile as they worked, for the first time she was working with some one and neither felt uncomfortable.  When she worked with Ensign Kim he was always nervous and intimidated.  Anyone else she worked with were reluctant, resentful and sometimes down right mean.  Even working with Captain Janeway was difficult for Seven.  Although Seven loved the Captain as a mother and mentor, Seven was always trying to hard, as a part of Seven's struggle for superiority.  But working with Six proved to actually be pleasent.  They worked as equals, there were no arguements and disagreements, though two had very different opinions they respected each others.  Seven found Six was more human-like than any other drone in the collective--Seven would never say it of course, that would make Six extreamly offensive--Six had a sense of humour much the same as Seven's and the two were not shy about expressing it.  They had a fun time working together, the two finished an hour before Seven would have normally, so they proved to be an efficent team.  Once they were done they left cargo bay two, heading in search of Captain Janeway.

*** =/\= ***

Kathryn was going over report after report in her ready room, other then the fact Voyager was surrounded by 8 borg ships, and the betting pool, the day had been paticularly slow.  She heard the door chime.

"Come in."

Six and Seven entered the room.  The two stood in perfect borg posture.  The sight almost made Kathryn laugh.  It was easy for the captain to see Seven was happy and was enjoying having Six on board.  Six on the other hand, displayed no emotions.

"What can I do for the two of you?" Kathryn asked after a few seconds of silence.

"We have come to request Six be permited to remain on Voyager Captain?" Seven began.

"Temporialily" Six added in her cold borg voice.

"We believe the best way for Six of Eight to learn about individuality would be through observation."

"For how long?" Kathryn inquired as she took a sip of her coffee, then glanced at Six, her expression remained the same.

"14 days" Seven answered.

"2 weeks, Seven I don't know, how do you think th crew would react?"

Seven's face turned sad, the captain could see Seven desperately wanted Six to stay.  But as a captain Kathryn had to consider the rest of the crew as well.  But she remembered the Borg Queen's threat: If Six did not have the answers she needed, the borg would get them by assimulation.  So again Kathryn had no choice.

"Two weeks...I guess we can work something out"  Kathryn was hesitant but it was the answer Seven wanted to hear.

"Thank you Captain" Seven responded with a slightly excited voice, and a grin washing over her face.

Six remained silent throughout the conversation.  She tilted her head to the left indicating a message from the collective.  With that she faced Seven.

"I must return to my vessel."

"I will see you tomorrow then?" Seven asked disapointed.

"0600 hours correct?"

"Correct" Seven answered forgeting the Captain was also in the room.

"Understood"  Six began to input commands into her left arm.

"Six of Eight" Seven called, Six looked up.  "Thank you" Six looked puzzled for a moment then nodded, and beamed off Voyager.

"I thought you were supposed to be helping her?"  Kathryn asked confused.

"Six of Eight assisted me in my work."

"Is that it?  Looked to me as if you were thanking her for something more"  the captain knew because she observed Seven was thanking Six from the heart.

"I found Six of Eight to be...somewhat different than I expected.  She is...different from other drones, she is not like a regular drone, she states emotions are irrelivant, but it is obvious she does not believe it to be true..."

"Sounds like some one else I know..." Kathryn smiled, but it soon left her, "but Seven don't get to attached she is just a drone."

"Six of Eight and I are friends Captain" Seven snapped angerly.

"You know Seven, Six is only using you for information, she has no interest in a friendship, I doubt she feels emotions, there is a good chance it's all an act Seven, to get you back in the collective. She's a heartless drone" Kathryn explained knowing it would hurt Seven to hear the truth, but Kathryn had to protect her.

"No, Six of Eight is not like other drones Captain she is not heartless!!" Seven raised her voice.  Then starred at Kathryn for a minute.  Kathryn could see the hurt in her eyes.

"Seven--" Kathryn began but Seven gave her a cold glare then stormed out.  Kathryn called for her to come back but Seven didn't comply.


*** =/\= ***

In the briefing room, once agian, the senior officers began to arrive and take their seats.  All the seats filled except Seven of Nine's.  Captain Janeway was last taking her seat, once she did they began.

"Alright lets get started" she said pulling her chair up to the table.

"Wait, where's Seven?" Harry asked confused.

"I'm afraid she won't be joining us this evening.  She's a bit angry with me at the present moment."

A surprized, yet confused feeling swept over the senior staff.

"Ahh yes that reminds me, I believe Mr. Kim and I are owed some holodeck time.  Seems Seven and our guest of honor, the Borg Princess, got along great"  Kathryn said as a grin began to play on her lips.  "Well that will be taken care of in all due time, but right now lets get down to business."

"The borg have finished the enhancements to our shields and weapon systems.  They have begun to transport off Voyager" Tuvok reported.

"Great, now we can get the smell of borg off our ship" B'Elanna comment.

Tom laughed.

"How is the propulsion system?" Kathryn asked ignoring the chief engineer's comment and Tom laughing.

"Never been better, Captain.  We can leave anytime we want."

"Not so fast lieutant, looks like we have to remain here for another two weeks.  Our Borg Princess wants to observe Seven's life on Voyager for a while."

"What!?!  And you said yes!?!" B'Elanna shouted.

"Well, B'Elanna it's either that or the entire crew spends the rest of their lives as drones" Chakotay butted in defending his Captain.

Kathryn flashed a smile at her first officer, then added, "so we will spend the next two weeks with the Borg Princess on board, and I suggest we be...uh...tolerant, seems Six of Eight doesn't like humans too much" Kathryn continued.  "Anything else?" she looked around the now quiet room, the crew gave an indication that there were no other matters to discuss.  "Okay then, dismissed."

The unhappy crew got up and exited the briefing.  But The Doctor stayed behind, he started towards Kathryn.

"Yes Doctor" Kathryn asked upon noticing him approaching her.

"There is something I believe I should discuss with you" he said calmly but with a hint of urgancy.

"Go on" Kathryn answered.

The Doctor walked towards the computer console.  "Well this afternoon Ensign Foreman and Ensign Baxter came into sick bay after Foreman took a nasty fall, hitting his head."  Kahtryn gave a look of concern "Oh don't worry, it was nothing serious, a bit of a goose egg, but when I inquired as to how he came about his injury Ensign Baxter informed me they were running out of the turbo lift, and Ensign Foreman tripped.  He also said the two had been threatened by Seven of Nine and another borg drone."  Kathryn's eyes widened in surprise, The Doctor went on, "I took the liberty of investigating, I looked at the turbo lift servalence system, and this is what it revealed"  The Doctor pushed some buttons on the console.

The view screen displayed Seven and Six in the turbo lift talking, and it showed the two ensigns boad it.  The Doctor and Kathryn continued watching as the four stood in silence.  Then the turbo lift came to a stop and they observed Six and Seven's little practical joke.  Kathryn was shocked and thought Seven to be serious untill she seen the young woman break down laughing.  And she seen Six giggle.  She continued to watch wide-eyed in amazement, and Kathryn found herself smiling at, as she looked on as Seven fell to the floor taken over with laughter.  -It is was kind of funny...if you think about it in a borg sence- Kathryn thought.  Kathryn watched as Seven wipped away her tears of laughter and listened as the two exchanged only a few words regarding their 'prank'.  Kathryn turned to The Doctor in amazement.

"I also looked over the servailence in cargo bay two" he said changing the picture on the view screen.

It showed Seven and Six work together, they talked and giggled, the two discussed many topics; from the borg to humans.  They talked about Seven's experieces on Voyager and her emerging humanity.

"I've never seen Seven so...happy" Kathryn said as The Doctor deactivated the view screen.

"Yes well I think Seven enjoys having some one who can understand her more.  And some one who looks up to Seven as a mentor, I think having Six on board may do Seven some good."

"Maybe...but let's hope she doesn't enjoy it too much that she will leave Voyager for the collective" Kathryn pointed out.


*** =/\= ***
The next day Seven finished regenerating early.  She couldn't stop thinking about what Captain Janeway had said.  Seven wouldn't allow herself to even consider it; but why was she thinking about it so much?  Why was it bothering her if she didn't believe it?  She questioned herself.  -No the Captain is wrong!- she told herself again.  -But it is possible that she is not mistaken- Seven argued.  -Contemplating this will not give me an answer, I will ask Six of Eight when she comes aboard Voyager today- Seven decided.

Seven went over in her mind what she had planned for Six and her to do.  Seven planned the two would work in cargo bay two for the majority of the day, they would spend an hour or two in Astrometrics and perhaps if they found nothing else to do; pay a visit to The Doctor.

Seven hadn't realized the time when Chakotay called her over the COMM system to tell her Six was ready to be transported onto Voyager.  Seven hastely left cargo bay two and headed towards transporter room two.

Seven reached the transporter room before Six had beamed on this time.  But she was only early by a second or two.  She watched as Six stepped off the transporter pod.

*** =/\= ***

Over the next few days Six and Seven spent most of their time in Astrometrics, with Ensign Kim; who Six had became some what friends with.  Six didn't mind the ensign because Seven thought him to be a friend, and if Six were to dislike him it would prove to make them less efficent in their assignemnts.  Harry thought Six to be quite...different, but Six had alot in common with Seven.  When Seven and Six were not in Astrometrics they were either in cargo bay two, or with Naomi Wildman.  Naomi and Six also had become friends, Six even learned to play Catiscate, and had actually become quite good at it.  Seven and Six also spent time in sick bay with The Doctor.  Six and the EMH had become friends, although he looked like a human, he wasn't so Six was just fine with him.  The Doctor found Six' personality and behaviour to be alot different than that which Seven had exibited two years ago; Six had likes and dislikes, and was unusually polite, and most surprising of all: she had people skills, even though she never displayed them to the rest of the crew.  Which brought him to the question of Six' grudge against the human species.  He asked her once and her responce was:

"Humans are irratic, conflicted, disorganized.  Every decision is debated, every action question, every individual entitled to their own small opinion, they lack harmony, coheision...greatness!"  The doctor asked several times and it was the same answer each time, but he believed her hatred towards the humans was most likely triggered by a paticular incident.


*** =/\= ***

Nothing paticularly eventful happened until the 8th day Six had spent on Voyager:  B'Elanna had paged Seven to come help in Engineering.

The two hastely made their way to engineering.  Upon their entrance B'Elanna noticed Six and rolled her eyes.

"Glad you could find time in your busy schedual to come down here Seven"  B'Elanna sarcstically called from a computer console.  "Did you have to bring her royal pain in the--"

Seven cut B'Elanna off before she was able to finish.  "Six of Eight will assist us."

"We don't need help from her!"  B'Elanna spit back.

"You requested Seven of Nine's assitance, obviously you knew I would be accompanying her as I have the past 8 days"  Six pointed out.  "You require our expertise?"

"I requested Seven's help because there aren't enough people working down here, I know what I am doing!" B'Elanna said defensively.

"I disagree, you requested our assitance because your knowledge is insefficent and limited.  You require our knowledge which is superior to your own"  Six was now purposely taunting the short tempered half Klingon.

"You little borg snot!  I'll show you superiority!" B'Elanna yelled, and her fist flew to the unsuspecting borg's face.  Six' head jerked to the right.  B'Elanna's fist hit Six between her nose and left cheak,--just missing the vision enhancer above her eye--it hit with a loud 'crack' which could be heard throughout all of engineering.  Six slowly turned back to face the chief engineer.

"Your not so big now are you kid!  The only reason Janeway is letting you stay on board, is because mommy the Borg Queen has threatened Voyager with assimulation,  you're nothing without your borg collective.  You're all mouth kid!"  B'Elanna was now dishing out the insults.

Six now stood face to face with B'Elanna, the calm, tranquill look in the young drone's face quickly changed into anger.  Six shot her own left hand up to B'Elanna's face, but Six didn't punch her; Six clutched B'Elanna's jaw in her hand, with her thumb and index finger digging into each side of B'Elanna jaw.  Six starred into her prisioner's eyes, and blood began to escape the drone's nose.  Three pahsers were shot at Six but her borg shields left her unharmed.

"There you are incorrect.  Trust me Lieutenant, my mother is far more forgiving than I"  B'Elanna tried to squirm free of Six' hold but, Six only tighted her grip in responce.  "To the borg you are now considered a threat Lt. Torres, now we are face with a decison; shall we assimulate you or distroy you?"  Six said coldly, and turned to look at Seven for an answer.

"Neither!  You will release Lt. Torres immediately!" Seven ordered.

"Perhaps you should choose your confrentations with better judgement next time Lieutenant" Six said ignoring Seven's command.

"Release Lieutanant Torres now!"  Seven repeated her order.

"I should snap your neck right now, Lieutenant, it would avoid any future comfrentations"  Six continued to ignore Seven.  Lt. Torres winced in pain.

Seven took a phaser from a ensign standing by her and quickly began punching in commands into it.  Once she finished she pointed the phaser at Six.  "I have remodulated this phaser to penitrate your shielding!"  Seven said, Six shot her head around to face Seven, Six' face had betrayal and misunderstanding written all over it.  "Release Lt. Torres immediately, or I will fire!"  Seven threatened.

"Why you protect this human, who has only made you transistion to an individual difficult, is beyond my understanding" Six said angerly.  Then she tossed B'Elanna to the floor.  Many officers ran to B'Elanna's aid, Seven looked at Six, then turned away to check on B'Elanna.  The Doctor arrived running past Six, with her nose still bleeding, he went to B'Elanna's side.  Six watched for a moment, she wipped the blood that was trickling past her lips and onto the floor, and walked out the door.  After The Doctor examined B'Elanna he concluded there was nothing really phsically wrong except for B'Elanna's Klingon temper that would be aserting it's self all too soon.  He went to exit and notcied the tiny puddle of blood where Six stood before she left.  The Doctor walked over and took a sample.


*** =/\= ***
 Seven entered cargo bay two to find Six starring at the computer console.  Her nose was still bleeding as she looked onto the console.  Seven walked towards her.

"Was it your intention to come on Voyager and attempt to befriend me in hopes to make me wish to rejoin the collective.  Then I would program the nano-probes to assimulate Earth?"  Seven said it before she could think of the accusation she was making.

Six lowered her head.  "Yes..." she answered with a guilty voice.  "That was our original intention..."

Seven was only half expecting a yes."You had no desire to learn the ways of individuality?"

"No, I did not."

"Captain Janeway was correct than, you were 'using' me."

Six didn't answer.

"You have been deceiving me!"  Seven said angerly.

"No, that is not entirely correct.  Yes I did board Voyager with the intention to act as your friend.  An equal as you have always desired, a friend Voyager has not given you.  But I did not predict that I would value your friendship as I do, I have not been acting as I believed I would" Six explained.

"Leave Voyager"  Seven answered coldly.

"I do not wish to terrminate our friendship" Six pleaded.  Seven remained angry and did not give in.  "But as I have said I value our friendship, if you wish for me to leave, I shall.  You are the first and only friend I have Seven of Nine...Do not forget that, as I will not"  Six turned away.  "I shall inform Naomi Wildman that I will be leaving...Good luck in your travels"  Six approached the door "Seven Of Nine, I am sincerely sorry for not being truthful...Goodbye" and with that Six walked out the cargo bay doors.  Seven stood still angry at Six but deep down she did not want her to leave.


*** =/\= ***

"Borg Princess or no Borg Princess, if she acts out like that again, she will have to leave Voyager!"  Kathryn said bitterly to Seven who was standing in her perfect borg posture in the captain's ready room.

"Your concerned is not required"  Seven declared bluntly.

"Well I think it is, when she starts threatning members of the crew I think there is a cause for concern Seven!"  Kathryn was surprised at Seven.

"Six Of Eight will no longer be coming on Voyager, the borg will be returning to Unimatrix One shortly, after Six of Eight has said goodbye to Naomi Wildman."


"You were correct, Captain.  Six of Eight deceived me, it would have been best if I had taken your advise"  Seven admitted sadly.

Kathryn now understood, and lended a sympathedic look.  "I'm sorry, Seven"

**"Doctor to the Captain"**  The Doctor's voice interupted over the COMM.

Annoyed Kathryn tapped her comm badge "What is it Doctor?"

**"Please report to Sick Bay, immidetatley"** he emphyais the urgancy.

"Ackknowledged" Kathryn responded "Sorry, we'll have to continue this discussion later."

"Understood" Seven answered and the two exited the ready room.


*** =/\= ***