Star Trek: Voyager
Waking Fear
Disclaimer:  Star Trek: Voyager and its characters* belong to Paramount, and we make not profit--except your feedback-- from writing this Fan Fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.  This piece of Fan Fiction may not be sold but copied for personal use and must include all notices of copyright

*Allison, Amber, and Six of Eight are our characters.  Paramount has no rights to them.

This story has been written by me.  But the ideas are a mixture of mine and Nicole_15's so both of us get equal credit.  We would appreciate all feedback from you.  Enjoy!


Six of Eight woke from her regeneration cycle and emerged from her alcove.  She looked around the cargo bay to notice she was not alone, Six was surrounded by Seven of Nine, Captain Janeway and several security officers lead by Lt. Cmdr. Tuvok.  At first she didn't understand why they were present, Six had not done anything these humans would consider wrong since the incident in engineering with Lt. Torres.  Six ponder this until she heard the empty echo of  one voice in her mind.

Her eyes grew large, and her hands flew to the side of her head. "The voices, I cannot hear the voices!" Six cried.

"Six, we've severed your link to the collective, try to calm down" Kathryn said offering a comforting hand on her shoulder, but Six jerked away angry.

"You will return me to the collective!" Six ordered.

"No, you're staying here" Kathryn told her in a tranquil tone.

"I will not!" Six yelled, as she pushed away one of the security officers and stole his phaser.  But before she had a chance to use it, Tuvok shot her.  Six fell to the floor.

"Captain, I will take her to the brig" Tuvok said.  He and another lieutenant picked Six up and carried her out of the brig.

"Seven, will you go with them and stay with her until she wakes?" Kathryn requested.

Seven nodded in agreement, and they left.

*** =/\= ***

Seven stood working at the computer in the brig, Six remained unconscious; it had remained that way for the entire time Seven had been there--which had been half the day--.  The only time she left was when The Doctor took Six in order to remove some of  her exo-plating.  Seven began to recall the time when she was confined to that same cell over two years ago.  She remembered feeling alone, small and above all else afraid.  How her own mind tormented her, and Seven knew it would be the same for her friend.

The doors opened behind her, Seven didn't turn to see who it was approaching, she figured it would be Captain Janeway.  Everyone else wanted to stay as far away from the brig as possible.  Seven listened closely to the steps growing louder and realized it was not the Captain.

"Ensign Kim" Seven addressed when she identified the owner of the familiar walking pattern.  She turned to see him holding two meal platters and walking up to her.

"Hey Seven," he said in a half whisper not wanting to wake Six.  "I...uh...thought you might be hungry" he said, "and thought you might be able to use some company, you've been in here the whole day."

"You were correct, on both accounts" she admitted, "your concern is appreciated," Seven added, while a smile made it's was to her lips.  "You were mistaken on one account Ensign, I have not been in here the whole day.  I was in sick bay for 2 hours 14 minutes and 29 seconds, while The Doctor extracted some of Six of Eight's exo-plating" Seven corrected.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at Seven's precision in even the most trivial things.  "How long until she wakes up?" he asked looking for a place to set the food he had brought.  Finally he put the plates on top of the computer console.

"She should wake in an hour, perhaps longer.  However, it would be safe to assume she will not be pleased with what we have done."

"I imagine not," Harry agreed and he took out forks, "but, as I recall you weren't too happy about staying on Voyager, and I had the bump to prove it.  I think she'll adapt to it, besides she's got you to help her through it" Harry said as he dug his fork into the food infront of him.

"Perhaps," Seven answered, following Harry's lead she also took a bite of her own food.  She didn't know what the particular dish was, and she didn't bother to ask; if Harry found it acceptable, it was good enough for Seven.

They stood--due to the lack of chairs--eating in silence.  Seven found the food to be pleasant, she knew she could trust Harry's judgment.  Once they finished, they talked for a half hour, then Harry had to take the food dishes back to the kitchen and get to the bridge for his duty shift.

So again, Seven was left alone in the brig awaiting Six to regain consciousness.  Seven went over the possibilities of how Six would be once she woke, and Seven went over how difficult it was for her.

Moments later Six began to stir.  Soon she was standing, a hand on her forehead, she looked over at Seven.

"Release me!" Six ordered.  Six' borg exo-plating was gone in some parts of her body revealing patches of flesh.  Seven paid no attention to her demands and continued to work.  "You claim to have been my friend, you deceived me" Six said knowing such a statement would grab Seven's attention, then she turn her back to Seven.

"I am your friend, Six of Eight.  It is for that reason I can not allow you to return to the collective."

"You have taken me from my home!  Friends do not take their friends from their homes," Six snapped.

"I would not be a good friend if I let you make the wrong decision" Seven countered.

"Seven of Nine, I do not wish to stay!"

Seven felt extremely guilty for taking Allison from her home and now helping in removing Six from her life she had built as a borg drone.  But Seven also knew that Voyager could give Six a better life than the borg ever could.  Again Seven dismissed Six' continuous shouting and focused on the assignment Captain Janeway had given Seven.

They didn't talk after that, Six paced in her cell, angry.  Seven worked.

*** =/\= ***

The silence of the brig that lasted the remainder of the day, was only broken by Kathryn entering.  Six had an uncontrollable hatred towards humans when she came on Voyager, and now it had grown stronger.  The presents of the captain only aggravated Six.

"Good evening, Six" Kathryn said approaching Seven at the computer.  Six didn't answer, she continued to pace angrily in the cell, casting an ice cold glare at Captain Janeway.  She watched the two women talk, no doubt discussing her.

Six could have easily walked through the force field that confined her to the small space, using her borg shielding it would take little effort.  Knowing she would have to fight her way through the Voyager crew, she could not bring herself to harm them, no matter what they had done to her.  Her thoughts echoed through her mind, -One voice, one mind, insufficient!- Six repeated in her mind, but instead of growing angry she felt fear.  The walls of the cell seemed to close on her, moving closer and closer.  Six' mind raced, the world around her began to spin.  Six tried to push the fear down as she swallowed, but it didn't work, it only increased.  The frightened young girl concentrated to hear what Seven and Kathryn were saying.

"I'll send for some one to take over so you can go regenerate" Six heard Kathryn saying to Seven.  Seven nodded hesitantly then glanced over at Six, whose back was turned to the two, while the young half drone listened in on their conversation.

"Will you leave her like that?" Seven asked Kathryn.

"Like what?" Kathryn questioned, "Oh, the implants.  The Doctor will remove the rest of them in the morning, I think it's best she calms a little."

"That would be a wise decision" Seven agreed then went over to bid Six good-bye for the evening, but when she came in few of the the cell, Six was no longer standing.  As Seven got closer she seen Six crouched in the corner rocking from side to side.  A vision of little Allison doing the same 12 years ago right after the borg drones beamed into the little girl's room.  Seven snapped out of her recollection state.  Quickly Seven ran over and deactivated the force field, believing that possibly leaving Six in a confined space could cause her to remember some unpleasant memories.  Kathryn followed Seven and they picked a trembling Six from the floor.

"She may require a night of regeneration" Seven concluded.

"Agreed, I'll have a security team escort her to sick bay in the morning."

"No!  I will not become weak, I will not be small.  I am the borg, I will not allow you to do this to me!" Six tried to break free of the women's hold but she found herself weak, and fell unconscious.

"Janeway to sick bay" Kathryn tapped her comm badge as her and Seven dragged Six out of the brig.

**"Doctor here, Captain.  What can I do for you?"** came The Doctor voice over from sick bay.

"Prepare a biobed for Six of Eight, her human immune system has begun to reject the borg technology" Kathryn explained.


*** =/\= ***

"She'll be fine Captain, we should have removed all her implants at once" The Doctor said to concerned Kathryn and the weary Seven, whom had decided not to regenerate quite yet.

"Maybe, but removing them in two different procedures may have been better on her mentally" Kathryn answered.

"Well, I have removed most of the borg implants left in her" he reported.

"How about that left arm, was there any way of salvaging it?"

"No, there was no human tissue inside.  It looks like her original arm was removed approximately 5 years ago" The Doctor explained.

"And the ocular implant?"

"Actually, its not an ocular implant, her eyes are her own, the ocular enhancer you see here" he pointed to the spot around Six' left eye, "it's mainly an external implant, observe," he fiddled around with the implant.  After he had finished a clear green plastic like object covered Six' left eye.  "It increases her sight range, its functions include; night vision, magnification, even a target system for phaser firing.  Very practical" The Doctor explained while he played with the implant.

Kathryn leaned over the sleeping Six, "you know I would watch her sleep for hours when she was a baby" she said softly.

"To serve what purpose?" Seven asked bluntly.

"None really, there's just nothing like watching a baby sleep, their so peaceful and innocent.  I don't think there is anyway to describe it, alot of parents do it...maybe when you have children of your own you'll understand."

Seven didn't respond, she had never given any thought to having children of her own.  She asked herself why most humans expected each other to reproduce.  While Seven thought about it, The Doctor stood in shock. Captain Janeway had given him specific orders not to discuss Six' identity with anyone, so how and why did Seven know?  He came up with a few possibilities, but thats all they were; possibilities.  If he wanted to know the real reason, he would have to ask, but now was not the time.  The Doctor made a mental note to inquire later on.

"Captain, I think you and Seven should get some rest.  I won't wake Six until the morning so there's no reason for you to stay here" The Doctor watched the two tired women hesitate, "this is not a suggestion, it's a direct medical order.  Now run along" he ordered.

Unwillingly, Seven and Kathryn complied, finally leaving The Doctor to monitor his patient.

*** =/\= ***

Kathryn tossed and turned for hours, unable to fall asleep.  Her mind kept wandering back to how happy she was to have her daughter back, and how ironic it was to have her brought back by the same person who had taken her in the fist place.  Kathryn was tormented by thoughts of her child a borg, being taken away from her life to be turned into a cybernetic creature that assimulated species.

**"Doctor to the Captain"** The Doctors voice filled Kathryn's quarters.

Kathryn shot up and quickly responded "Yes Doctor?"

**"I will be waking Six of Eight in one hour.  I thought you would like to know, and want to be--"**

"Did you wake Seven yet?" Kathryn butted in.

**"No, family members first, remember?  She was here earlier any ways, I shoo'ed her out, I believe she went to the mess hall.  Would you like me to inform her?"**

"No, I'll get her myself.  I could use a coffee when I get there any ways.  Janeway out" she answered.  She changed back into her uniform, then made her way towards the mess hall.

*** =/\= ***

"I still don't get why Janeway wants to keep another drone on board.  One's enough for me," B'Elanna said to Tom who was beside her, and  Harry and Seven who sat on the other side of the table in the mess hall.   Seven and B'Elanna had been getting along alot better since the incident in engineering.  B'Elanna had a new found respect for Seven.  "I mean the kid's a brat!" B'Elanna added.

Seven wasn't listening to the conversation, she seemed deep in thought as she starred at the uneaten food infront of her.

"I dunno B'Elanna, I've worked with Six and she actually pretty nice" Harry said then took a bite of his breakfast.

"Harry, if it weren't for Seven, that kid would have broken my jaw, or worse!"

Tom watched Harry looking at his food about to respond -No Harry don't!- Tom thought desperately hoping Harry wouldn't say it, but Tom wasn't telepathic nor was Harry.

"You did punch her first, B'Elanna..."

B'Elanna blew up in rage "She started it!  She was asking for it Harry, what was I supposed to do, stand there and let her insult me?   I don't think so..."

-You just had to say it, now didn't you Har- Tom thought to himself then went to give a 'good job' look to his friend but Harry was starring behind B'Elanna, he then gazed back into his breakfast hiding his laughter.  Tom looked over his own shoulder but soon followed his friends lead and tried to hide his own amusement.

"She's a little know-it-all borg, who loves to destroy everything and everyone.  If she had the she'd destroy Voyager and assimulate us all.  Janeway's stupid to think--"

"Captain," Seven greeted, cutting B'Elanna off.

B'Elanna's face turned white and she stopped talking.  She spun around to see Captain Janeway standing directly behind the lieutenant.  The captain's expression was an unhappy one.  Tom looked back at his captain and soon saw the look on her face, quickly he gathered his utensils.

"I think I'll get a head start and report for my duty shift on the bridge," Tom quickly said.

Harry followed Tom's lead, "Right behind you buddy" the two ensigns hastily rushed for the mess hall door.

"Seven, The Doctor will be waking Six in an hour" Kathryn finally spoke, in an ice cold voice.

"Understood" Seven answered rising from her seat.

B'Elanna let out a sigh of relief when she watched Seven walk away.  Soon she felt a hand on her shoulder.  Kathryn leaned down to the lieutenants ear.  "I'll see you in my ready room in two hours Lieutenant"  Kathryn said quiet and harshly then turned away.

*** =/\= ***

"I took the liberty of stimulating her hair follicles, she has your hair color, Captain" The Doctor said to Kathryn and Seven who stood on opposite sides of Six' biobed.  Six looked as a full human with traces of her borg indenity limited to a few implants on the side of her face.  The Doctor had put her in the gray skin regeneration attire.  Six' had long auburn hair, as she had before she met the borg.

Kathryn watched as The Doctor administered the unconscious girl a hypo spray.  Within seconds, Six opened her eyes, they were no longer metallic, but a natural blue.  As she came to she was much more composed than she had been when her regeneration cycle had finished the day before.  She sat up looking over her hand and the rest of her foreign body free of borg technology.

No matter what Six told herself to the contrary, becoming a human again was something she had always secretly wanted, now was her second chance.  She felt as if she were waking from a never ending nightmare.  Six was clam, confident, but at the same time afraid of what lie ahead in the transition of becoming an individual in a human environment.  As most difficult things it would be worth the hardship in the end.  But of course, Six would deny how she felt to everyone around her.



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