") --> <spacer type=block height=150><p align=center><font size=7 color="#6600ff"><limittext value="WebTV Bug ! RELOAD !!"></limittext></font></p>
WebTV Transitions
  1. blackfade
  2. spinoutin
  3. slideup
  4. slidedown
  5. slideleft
  6. slideright
  7. wipeup
  8. wipedown
  9. wipeleft
  10. wiperight
  11. wipelefttop
  12. wipeleftbottom
  13. wiperighttop
  14. wiperightbottom
  15. sandypop

See a Diffrent Transition each time you reload this page, all 15 of them......go ahead Try it... tap the Reload button..... cool ugh.... This only works with webtv..