Tucker Time!
Tucker was born October 2,1998. As you can see from some of his pictures, he was born without his right thumb and radius bone. After the doctors ran some tests to see why...it was then that I got the devastating news that Tucker had Fanconi Anemia, a terminal genetic childhood disease that results in death due to bone marrow failure and other kinds of cancer including Leukemia. Children afflicted with this disease rarely live to adulthood. Average age of death approx 3 to 13 years. Please help us find a cure.
Please send your Tax deductible life saving donations to:
1801 Willamette St Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401
(The Fund's tax ID number is 93-099543)
Tucker with Santa
Tucker says
"Thank You!"
To all the Heroes working so hard to save his and other FA patients lives!
Children afflicted with Fanconi Anemia and their families would so much benefit from donated Frequent Flyer Miles for emergency flights to Children's Hospitals!
Please Help us in making this Possible for Families struggling with this Brutal Childhood Disease.
Thank You 
The National Bone Marrow number is: 1-800-MARROW-2
Please register to be a marrow donor...Tucker doesn't have a sibling donor...Tucker and other children with Fanconi Anemia that doesn't have a matched sibling donor rely totally on marrow donations to achieve a suitable match.