Aurora of Rainbow Fire chapter four: Reward and Punishment 
part a.
	A Tenchi Muyo TV series lemon comedy by Nugar.  
	Email the author at with any comments.
	All characters and situations copyright their creators, 
Hiroki Hayashi and Masaki Kajishima, and AiC and Pioneer and are 
used without permission.  This is a nonprofit work only.

	There are some situations that no one really understands.  
It's not the situation itself, rather, it is the events that led 
up to that situation which defy comprehension.  These phenomena 
occur more frequently for those who wake up after a night of 
drinking massive amounts of alcohol.  Often, these situations can 
be broken down into five distinct categories based upon the 
person's first comment upon realizing that they are in that 
situation, with a possible sixth category added later.
	"Who is this ugly naked person asleep beside me?"
	"What is that awful taste in my mouth?"
	"Where am I and where are my clothes?"
	"Why am I suspended from a streetlamp?"
	And, of course, the ever popular, "How did I get rug burns 
on my forehead?"
	Then, if the person feels the need for the optional sixth 
category, "When did I get pregnant?!" may be used.
	Tenchi's particular situation did not result from the 
consumption of mass quantities of alcohol.  In fact, all he did 
was walk through the door of his home one day after school on a 
Tuesday.  Nevertheless, the series of events that followed defied 
all laws of physics and conservation of energy as Earth 
scientists know them.
	You're walking along, minding your own business, entering 
your own house with a load of schoolbooks in your arms, and WHAM!  
Next thing you know you're naked and chained upright on your own 
	Thanks to his choice of words, Tenchi's situation may be 
placed under the fifth category.
	"How did that happen?!"
	With any luck, he would be spared the dreaded sixth 
	"Oh, that's easy," Ryoko replied, stepping back and looking 
at him.  "I teleported you here as soon as you walked in the 
	It took several moments of swallowing and deep breathing 
exercises to calm himself sufficiently, and regain control.  
"So," he said finally in a  conversational tone of voice.  "Just 
how much control do you have with your abilities?"  
	Ryoko shrugged.  "I'm not real sure.  All I know is that I 
can do whatever I need to."  Unlike Tenchi, she was still fully 
dressed, although in a baggy sweatsuit that didn't do her body 
justice at all.
	"Well, I'm impressed," he replied seriously.  "I didn't 
know you could teleport me directly out of my clothes and 
directly into these chains like this."  He tugged on the velvet 
lined cuff around his right wrist to emphasize his point.  
	"Well, I did have to move your arms into position.  Really 
though, it was nothing."  She looked apprasingly at him.  Then, 
appearing to come to a descision, she walked over and climbed 
onto the bed to straddle his bare chest.
	Tenchi glanced around the room again.  It was clearly one 
of those days, and he was feeling quirky and humorous, so he 
tried to think of a way to put her off guard.  "I like what 
you've done with the place.  Are these new?" he asked, tugging at 
the chains again.
	They were both in Tenchi's room, which had been slightly 
redecorated for the occasion.  Dark, heavy cloth drapes had been 
hung over the window, creating a sutably gloomy atmosphere, and 
the bed had been stripped down to a single sheet and thin pillow.  
Tenchi lay on that with his arms outstretched and his legs 
shackled together at the center of the foot of the bed.  Black 
metal chains snaked up from undeneath the bed, presumably 
attached to either the frame or some central link, and connected 
to a rod spanning the distance between his wrists.  From there, 
red velvet-lined cuffs encircled his wrists and ankles, leaving 
him unabled to move his wrists more than an inch, and that from 
the slack in the three links going to the cuffs.  On closer 
inspection, however, despite the otherwise unmarked finish, the 
cheap black paint on the links was starting to flake off where 
the links rubbed each other, indicating that this was their first 
	Ryoko smiled in amusement, then sighed melodramaticly.  
"Oh, you know Ayeka.  She insisted.  You should be thankful, 
though, those ropes chafe!"  She rubbed her wrists as if they 
	"Ah, so this is about Sunday," he continued, still in the 
light conversational tone he had been using.  
	Ryoko knew better though, his heart was pounding so hard in 
his chest she could feel it through her thighs.  "You did skip 
out, you know, and Ayeka...  Ah, Oujo-sama, doesn't approve of 
skipping out on punishment."  Then, seeing his expression, she 
softened.  "It's okay, Tenchi-chan.  I'm not supposed to tell you 
this," she said, leaning in close and whispering into his ear.  
"But she said she wasn't going to use the newspaper."
	Ryoko's weight shifted as the tension left Tenchi's body, 
forcing her to put one arm on each side of his head to support 
her weight.
	She leaned in again.  "Don't worry.  I think you'll like 
this.  She did say something about reward and punishment, and 
then laughed a lot."  
	Tenchi opened his mouth to reply, but Ryoko promptly stuck 
her tongue in.
	The sensation was...  Better than he rememebered.  First 
really good kiss of the day.  Fantastic.  Incredible.  Tenchi was 
already having the best day he'd had in a week, and the night had 
barely started.  Blood rushed from his head, leaving him 
wonderfully dazed and flushed.  The chill air on his growing 
erection brought sanity back to his thoughts but did little to 
cool his growing fire.
	He sucked demandingly at her lips, thrusting his own tongue 
against hers, straining at his bonds and bending his neck forward 
to increase the intensity of the kiss.  The bed creaked and the 
mattress hissed as his well-toned muscles pulled as hard as they 
could, gaining inches of slack as the mattress compressed under 
the pressure.  Try as he might though, his chains held firm, 
leaving him trapped and at Ryoko's mercy.
	Tenchi strained until his muscles burned in agony, yet 
Ryoko would now only allow him teasing kisses, just touching his 
lips with the tip of her tongue, then, when he extended his own, 
she trapped it between her teeth, nipping and sucking hard.
	 Ryoko rode his chest as it heaved and fell, feeling her 
own breath quicken and gasp as well.  She pressed one hand 
against the back of his head and curled her fingers in his short 
black hair, pressing her mouth against his, hard.  She probed his 
mouth as deeply as she could, sliding her body back and rubbing 
her breasts against his chest.
	Tenchi moaned in abject pleasure, arching his back to the 
point Ryoko was actually raised off the bed.  Heightened as his 
senses were, he could actually feel the two spiraling trails her 
hard nipples left on his chest were they rubbed through the thick 
	Ryoko's head snapped up and turned to the doorway even as 
Tenchi squirmed and sought her anew.
	Ayeka stood framed in the doorway, clad in a thin, 
sleeveless white t-shirt and short purple skirt.  She gave Ryoko 
a meaningful look and beckoned her to come hither.
	With a slightly apologetic shrug directed at the princess, 
Ryoko quickly clambered down from her bucking bedpartner and 
hurried thither.
	"Whaaa?" inquired Tenchi, temporarily unable to speak.
	"Gotta go, Tenchi-chan, sorry.  You just sit tight for 
right now," Ryoko called back as she followed the princess.
	"Wha?  Nnngh!" he protested, yanking futilely on the 
chains, but the just closed door was unsympathetic to his 
	Hours passed.  
	Tenchi was just working up his time of anticipation to the 
highly exaggerated unit 'decades' when he finally noticed that 
his two lady loves were standing just inside the door, looking at 
him expectantly.
	And then he did a doubletake as he realized what they were 
	Ryoko was first, crouched on all fours and turned to the 
side so he could see her taught, well-toned profile.  She wore a 
thin white collar, and her wild hair was held a little neater by 
a plastic band which sported fuzzy white cat ears.   Her skin was 
velvet smooth and looked freshly washed, and was readily visible 
as her clothes were practicly non-existent.  Only a few square 
inches of snow leopard fur covered Ryoko's modesty, each tuft 
being infused with a light dusting of fine glitter that teased 
and dazzled the eye, and an extremly short, simple pleated skirt 
of light blue cloth dangled around her hips, giving plenty of 
peeks at the fuzzy treasure contained within.  The feline effect 
was heightened by the tail curled up over her shoulders, lifting 
the rear of the skirt and causing it to bunch at the small of her 
back, and a shiny golden bell was tied on the tip with a wide red 
ribbon.    The french cut two-piece bikini was politically 
incorrect for no less than six different reasons, the least of 
which was the material.  Ryoko looked like a great hunting cat; 
powerful, sensuous, graceful, yet somehow tamed and collared by 
the equally powerful woman standing over her.
	Ayeka stood in a picture perfect example of good posture.  
No sensuous arch of the spine, no hipshot stance, no bent neck, 
nothing but hard, rigid discipline from her head, tilted slightly 
back haughtily, to her toes, encased in pointed, glossy black 
leather boots that extended up to her knees.  She wore an outfit 
reminiscent of a one-piece bikini that laced up each side, only 
it too was made entirely of shiny black leather and complimented 
by black fishnet stockings that covered her legs.  Its curves 
hugged and accentuated her hips and breasts, making them stand 
out all the more and demand attention, and the strip between her 
legs was so tight it did little to conceal and actually made the 
soft flesh bulge outwards around it from the pressure.  On her 
hands were elbow-length black gauntlets, stiff and new and 
slightly resistant to being curled around her whip as her right 
hand was currently doing.  The whip itself grabbed the eye as 
well; purple leather from the handle, past the large, bright red 
bow, to the sinuous braids that coiled in three loose circles 
from her extended right pinky finger.  Her left hand held a thin 
white nylon cord which trailed down to a loop on Ryoko's collar.  
	Tenchi took his time studying them; in his limited 
experience with women he had come to realize that there just 
_might_ be a test later. 
	Finally, he said, "Wow.  You two look great!  But where did 
you get those clothes?"
	Ayeka smiled widely at Tenchi's bound form and made an 
elaborate gesture towards the woman at her feet as she answered.  
"Oh, these?  Why, we've had them for some time now, but never had 
the occasion to really use them as they were meant to be used.  A 
proper mistress should have the proper attire, and I am _always_ 
very proper.  And little Ryoko here makes the perfect pet kitty, 
don't you think?" she asked, reaching down with her leash hand 
and jiggling Ryoko's tail to make the little golden bell ring.
	"Mrroww," agreed Ryoko, nuzzling the side of Ayeka's 
stocking clad leg.
	"_Her_ furbelow isn't just some gaudy trinket," Ayeka said 
lewdly, raising one eyebrow and winking suggestively.
	Tenchi groaned in theatrical pain even as Ryoko glanced up 
at her mistress in confusion.
	"Shhh, my pet.  Don't worry about it."
	Ryoko shrugged and turned back to Tenchi, then sighed in 
resignation and allowed the thus-far unseen Ryo-Ohki to hop up on 
her back and present herself for Tenchi's inspection.
	"MiYAHhhh!" said the cabbit with a flourish, rearing up on 
her back legs and spreading her forepaws wide.  She was so happy 
to finally be included in the games her big friends played.  And 
she finally had the occasion to wear the thick, agressively 
spiked black leather collar Ryoko had bought for her at the mall.
	Were it not for the chains and the fact he was laying on 
his back, Tenchi would have facefaulted.
	"Go on, Tenchi, tell her what you think," Ryoko encouraged.
	"Yes, isn't she just the most domaneering little thing 
you've ever seen?" Ayeka seconded, although her expression, 
unseen by Ryo-Ohki, betrayed the sense of awkward embarrassment 
she was feeling.
	"She was feeling a bit left out and lonely lately, so I 
finally gave in," Ryoko added.  "Ah, I mean, she finally forced 
me to submit," she corrected for the cabbit's benefit.
	Tenchi shrugged helplessly and somehow found his voice.  
"What can I say?  This is the single kinkiest, most perverted 
moment of my life," he said frankly, "despite the best efforts of 
my father.  And I have no doubt that you are solely responsible 
for it, Ryo-Ohki.  Ah...  Thank you."  (I think,) he added 
	"Miyah."  Ryo-Ohki waved her paw dismissively and beamed 
	(I'm going to need therapy,) Tenchi thought wonderingly, 
feeling momentarily detached from the scene.  (I've often 
wondered, but now I know.  I'm going- to need- therapy.)
	Ayeka pulled her contingency plan out from behind her back.  
Scooping the cabbit up in one hand, she deposited both Ryo-Ohki 
and a large carrot on Tenchi's desk together.  "Here, Ryo-Ohki.  
I have more practice with the whip, so why don't you supervise?  
I'll consult you when I need a second opinion."
	"Miyah!" the cabbit agreed happily, trapping the carrot 
between her forepaws.  "Miyorr, miyow."
	Abruptly, Ryoko snapped her fingers, then jingled her bell 
a few times.  "I get it!"
	Both Ayeka and Tenchi turned to look at her, eyebrows 
	"Furbelow," Ryoko repeated patiently.  At their ohs of 
understanding, she continued.  "That was really bad.  I mean, I 
already chauffeur, and soon I'm going to be driving you all 
around space..."
	Tenchi groaned again, this time much louder. 	
	"Okay, let's get started, shall we?  Ahem."  Her expression 
hardened and she turned a very angry glare at Tenchi, who's 
enthusiasm wilted accordingly.  "Tenchi-chan, you were _very_ bad 
the other night.  When your mistress says stay there and take 
your punishment, you had BETTER do as she says!" she raged, 
stalking forward and towering over the cowering boy, dropping 
Ryoko's leash in the process.  She abruptly turned and stalked 
away angrily, Ryoko skittering out of her path.   Ayeka calmed 
herself with visible effort, pulling the whip taught between her 
hands so that the leather creaked.
	Tenchi hung his head in shame at his transgression, but all 
the same he couldn't help but notice the skinny V of leather 
pulled almost painfully taught between the cleft of Ayeka's butt.  
His erection began to grow again as he thought about just what 
the punishment might entail, and despite his best efforts his 
mouth made a goofy, horny grin.
	Ayeka suddenly whirled and snapped her whip in a complex 
underhand move that sent the coils flying at him, the tip 
reaching supersonic speeds as it uncurled an inch above his thigh 
before cracking perfectly through the tuft of curly hair to the 
right of his member.
	Tenchi jumped so hard the bed bounced.  His startled scream 
hit the upper registers of his voice for a split second before 
cutting off just as abruptly, and his wide, frightened eyes did 
not miss the severed hairs that danced in the air before him.
	Ayeka walked forward and stepped on the bed as she recoiled 
the whip, stamping her right foot outside his thigh and placing 
her left in the center of his chest.  The hard sole of the boot 
bit into his flesh as she placed all her weight on it, leaning 
forward to look him directly in the eye.  She used her left 
forearm to brace against her thigh, leaving her right free to 
tilt his face to a better angle with the thick bend of whip close 
to the handle.  
	"Do.  I.  Make.  Myself.  Clear."  Her voice was low and 
menacing; nothing but complete and absolute obedience would be 
	Tenchi gulped and nodded franticly.  "Yes, Oujo-sama!  
Forgive me!" he begged, afraid of her displeasure.  "I'll never 
run from your punishment again!"
	She smiled, baring her teeth slightly and leaving him with 
the impression that there was far more in store for him.  Ayeka 
allowed her fingers to relax slightly, letting the coils of 
leather pool on his stomach.  "Run from punishment.  Tsk, tsk.  
Honestly, I can't imagine why you would want to do that," she 
said, idly moving the whip in circles so that the rough braid 
brushed against his now-straining manhood.  "Punishment can be 
quite the...  Pleasure..." she continued, her voice deep, 
throaty, and oh so sultry. 
	Tenchi's eyes dialated to the extreme, causing his vision 
to blurr as he stared at the beautiful, hard woman above him.  
Most of his attention was devoted lower, as two supple coils of 
whip spiraled around and against his member.  Much to his 
astonishment and pleasure, it actually throbbed.  Once, anyway, 
as the sensation caused the muscles in his groin to spasm and 
make it jerk.  His attention was quickly diverted by the sound of 
a jingling bell, and he looked between Ayeka's legs at Ryoko, who 
was stealthly creeping forward on all four, her attention rapt as 
she stared at his leather adorned genitals.  His apprehension 
grew as she crouched at the edge of the bed and wriggled her 
behind, adding a fresh jingle, and he tried to climb the wall 
behind him when she suddenly lunged at his crotch.  Each hand 
landed around his penis, trapping the end of the whip.  He 
squirmed in pleasure as she pulled the coil up the shaft to the 
top and bent her head down, placeing her mouth down over the whip 
until she closed in with her teeth just below the flared rim of 
the head.  He then gasped as she firmly dragged her moist lips 
up, the warmth and slick saliva sending a continuous rush of 
pleasure through him until her lips left his flesh, taking the 
whip with them.
	Ryoko paused and looked upwards at him, her chin about an 
inch from his swollen member, which attempted to grow even larger 
in the wake of the sensation.
	Ayeka stared back down at her between her own legs, 
pressing the hand holding the whip directly into Tenchi's face 
and forcing it back into the pillow as she used that arm for 
support.  Her face bore a slightly irked expression.  
	Ryoko kneaded her hands around Tenchi's groin and staring 
back in wide-eyed innocence, even as she chewed on the whip.  "I 
jush c'dn' help it?" she offered by way of an excuse.
	Finally, Ayeka sighed, greatly put upon.  "Spit it out," 
she replied in an mildly exasperated tone.
	Ryoko complied in her own special way.  That is, by 
lowering her head between Tenchi's legs, allowing the whip to 
fall the last millimeter to the sheet, and giving Tenchi's 
manhood a long lick from the bottom base of the shaft to the very 
end of the flared glans.
	Muffled groaning accompanied it as well, as Tenchi 
expressed his pleasure vocaly.
	Ayeka snapped the end towards her with a jerk, binding it 
into a tight bundle and sticking it under her arm as she raised 
back up and stepped off Tenchi's chest to the floor.  She waggled 
one finger at Ryoko, shaking her head in emphasis.  "Naughty, 
naughty Ryoko.  You know better.  No touching," she said, 
enuncuating the last two words with distinct clarity.  "Them's 
the rules.
	"Aww...  Mrrow?  Meow?  But you touched!" she accused. 
	"But not directly," Ayeka replied patiently.  Now get down 
from there and come here."
	She slid sensuously off the bed as well with her leash in 
her hand, pausing for a brief moment with her hands on the floor 
and her knees on the bed so that her skirt fell forward around 
her stomach and gave Tenchi an unobstructed view as she flicked 
her tail back and forth, making the golden bell ring.
	Tenchi, having raised his head again so he could see 
better, obligingly stared longingly at the lovely curve.
	Ryoko arched her back and turned on the charm, moving 
gracefully despite the awkward posture as she rubbed against 
Ayeka's knee length boots.  She used her powers to float briefly, 
allowing her to roll over in Ayeka's direction mid-air and curl 
around to stroke against her side and back, maximizing body 
contact.  She continued her circle, lifting her tail to brush 
through the laces on Ayeka's side, giving particular attention to 
just underneath her arm where she was most ticklish.
	For her part, Ayeka withstood this assault with frozen 
dignity, not even flinching at the teasing of her ticklish spots, 
or the sporadic jingles.  The whip was bound to her waist with a 
handly leather thong dangling there for that purpose, and Ryoko 
was completely ignored.
	Ryoko finally halted on her knees in front of Ayeka, her 
left profile presented to Tenchi, who she favored with a 
mischeivious grin.  Then, head bowed, she stretched out both 
hands and ceremoniously presented Ayeka with the end of the 
	Ayeka accepted it with all due pomp, slipping the white 
nylon loop up her arm to the elbow where it caught in the folds 
of leather, contrasting nicely with the black glove.  "You are 
forgiven," she said, obviously addressing both of them from the 
way she looked back and forth between them.  "See that you behave 
yourselves in the future."  So saying, she grabbed low on the 
leash and tugged it to the side Ryoko was facing, gently pulling 
her around.
	Ryoko dutifully complied, crawling forward and twisting to 
the right in accordance with Ayeka's wishes.  She would have 
continued but for Ayeka's hand grasping her tail.
	Tenchi watched in silence, as he hadn't been told to speak.  
His attention never wavered, and Ayeka rewarded him with a frank 
	"See, Tenchi," she began, pulling up sharply on Ryoko's 
	Ryoko meowed in protest before resorting to speech.  "Ouch, 
hey, that hurts!" she complained.  
	Ayeka simply increased the pull, raising the tail straight 
into the air in her vicelike grip.  
	Ryoko had little choice but to straighten her legs, using 
even her toes to raise her bottom higher into the air.  Her skirt 
had long since been raised by her tail and had fallen forward 
once more, leaving the narrow strip of fur bared in Tenchi's 
	Ayeka stopped at that point, holding the tail taut.  "You 
see?" she asked, directing the question at Tenchi.  Her free hand 
was used to gesture to Ryoko's rear with a florish as she bent a 
little at the waist, putting her face closer to the same level.
	"Yes, Oujo-sama," he replied, nodding, having barely 
remembered to add the appelation.  Indeed, the image of Ayeka 
lifting Ryoko's tail so he could have a look was one that would 
stick with him a long, long time.  Speaking of long, if he didn't 
get some relief soon he was going to scream.
	"She thought that just because I forgave her, she got away 
without punishment.  Now, just as I'll always forgive you no 
matter how angry I get, punishment will always follow 
disobedience.  And Ryoko broke the rules."  Here she halted and 
glanced back over her shoulder.  "How about it, Ryo-Ohki?  Should 
I do it?"
	"No!" Ryoko replied, bending to one side to look backwards 
at Tenchi's bound form.  "Tell her not to, Tenchi!  Ryo-Ohki!  
Don't do this!"  
	Ryo-Ohki miyahed enthusiastic affirmative, still clutching 
the forgotten carrot in her forepaws.
	"Ready or not," Ayeka said, her voice rising as she drew 
her hand back, "here it COMES!"  
	Ayeka's hard, gloved hand impacted squarely palm first on 
Ryoko's bottom, just over her nether regions.  The impact stung 
bare flesh and covered alike, turning the whole area red and 
making the bell jingle in her grasp.  A wave of sensation 
traveled up Ryoko's spine and the impact jarred a burst of breath 
from her lungs.  
	"Bad girl!" Ayeka admonished, leaving her hand on the spot.  
She rubbed gently, pressing one finger into the material, forcing 
it into the cleft of outer labia and drawing it back and forth.
	Ryoko pressed back strongly, enjoying the feelings as Ayeka 
traced the line between her cheeks.
	Tenchi's eyes bugged out and a thin trickle of blood 
started pouring from his nose.  
	Ayeka noticed right away.  "Wow, Tenchi," she said.  "That 
almost never happens anymore.  I take it you approve?" she asked, 
raising one eyebrow.
	"Uh ugh!" he replied urgently, if not coherently.
	She smiled and giggled at some private amusment, then 
turned to Ryo-Ohki.  "How about it, Ryo-Ohki?  Should I give her 
another one?"
	"Miyah!  Miyah, yaah!" the cabbit replied, tossing the 
carrot aside.
	"I'll take that as a yes?"
	"Rrrr, mi-meyow, meyah meroooOOOllll," she replied 
	"You little pervert..." Ryoko growled, glaring at the 
cabbit, only to gasp as Ayeka hauled roughly on her tail.
	"Well, you heard her," Ayeka said, drawing back her hand.
	"Oh, yes Oujo-sama," Ryoko agreed, forgetting her annoyance 
at the cabbit.  "I was very bad, I deserve two more at the very 
	"Only two?" Ayeka asked.
	"Or more as my mistress wishes."  Ryoko nodded, stretching 
her toes to the fullest in order to better present her rear.
	Ayeka brought her hand to her mouth and bit the end of one 
finger thoughtfully, as if tasting it for herself.  Her delicate, 
red tongue flicked out and touched the dark leather breifly 
before she removed it.  "Now my little kitten, I want you to stay 
as still as possibly.  Do you understand?"
	"Oh, yes, Oujo-sama!"
	"Nng!" Tenchi contributed, straining against his bonds with 
all his might.  For a moment he thought he might actually break 
the thin links, but they proved to be tougher than he thought, 
leaving him to pant heavily on the bed.  
	"Now, Tenchi-chan, you're not going to get away this time 
no matter how hard you try.  Why, even if you escaped me you'd 
have Ryoko after you.  Don't be fooled by this cute little kitten 
routine, under these fuzzy nothings lie the desires of a furious 
huntress.  I might even let her play with you a little before 
bringing you back for your just punishment."
	Tenchi nodded enthusiasticly and yanked repeatedly on his 
bonds.  He liked that idea.
	To Ryoko she said, "Remember, don't move."  Then she let go 
of her tail and moved to Tenchi's side.  Much to her 
gratification, Ryoko's tail remained rigid and erect.
	Tenchi stared hungrily at the beautiful woman that had him 
completely in her control, completely giving in to his desires.  
Of course, they were restrained quite well by forces external to 
his will.  Maybe, just maybe, that was why he liked it.
	He pressed his face against her hand when she caressed his 
cheek, rubbing it like a cat would, or as Ryoko had earlier.  Her 
soft, satisfied smile lifted his heart and regions farther south; 
he was happy that he pleased his mistress.  Perhaps his mistress 
would see fit to please him?  
	He didn't ask that, of course, or even really think it 
consciously, but it was as plain to Ayeka as if he'd drawn an 
explicit diagram.  And she was pleased.  His naked body was taut 
in the chains, every inch filled with raging tension, but he 
would do as she said.  He was hers.  Just as Ryoko was hers.  
_Hers_.  No one elses.  And she would do with them as she 
	Her hand lightly trailed down his chest and across his 
tight stomach, only to pause at his waist.
	Tenchi watched with naked interest.  Gone was the shy boy 
that ran from situations like this.  In his place was an 
altogether different person, one driven mad by lust and denial, 
and fighting in vain to regain his place on top.  
	"Ah...  I like the lines of your muscles when you strain 
like this, Tenchi..." she murmured softly, tracing his abdominal 
	His efforts increased, hardening his stomach into a tight, 
firm wall.
	"Yes, yes, strain all you wish, my love," Ayeka encouraged, 
brushing his pubic hair with light, teasing strokes.
	He held his breath as she came _sooo_ close, then gave a 
pathetic moan of disappointment as she turned and walked back to 
Ryoko.  Several tears leaked from his eyes and he blinked 
furiously to clear his vision.
	Ayeka squeezed Ryoko's left cheek hard enough to leave 
finger marks, then grabbed her tail in both hands, pulling and 
pushing with her alternate hands so that she forced her clenched 
fist down to the very junction where it separated from her 
	"Ow," Ryoko hissed under her breath, resolute in her 
determination to suffer through it.  Her discomfort remained as 
the now forceful and possibly angry princess left her hand where 
it was, bending her tail uncomfortably far.  Without any verbal 
warning whatsoever, Ayeka struck with all her might, laying the 
first of several nasty slaps across the already pink skin.
	"OWW!  Hey!" Ryoko protested, only to bark a short, cut-off 
scream as the next followed immediately after.  The third sent a 
wave of intense pain through her, and the fourth brought a wild 
look to her eyes and a note of real fear to her voice as she 
pleaded for Ayeka to stop.  The fifth, the fifth wasn't the blow 
Ryoko expected, but rather a grab as Ayeka jammed her fingers 
beneath the material of the bikini bottom for a hold and jerked 
them down her legs.  While there, Ayeka grabbed her knee, using 
the combination of her grip on the tail and the leg to jerk Ryoko 
painfully off her feet for a moment and push her off balance, 
sending her roughly to the floor.
	Ryoko sprawled on her back, dazed by the impact and barely 
hearing Tenchi's gasp.  She looked up in time to see one black 
leather knee impact the floor beside her and a shiny boot slam 
the ground on the other.  She stared in shock and fright as Ayeka 
straddled her midsection with her right leg raised; the bottom of 
the dominatrix outfit  between her legs, already tight, cutting 
into the soft flesh of her mound in a way that had to be 
extremely painful, but Ayeka seemed not to care.  Ryoko flinched 
visibly as Ayeka leaned forward and jammed her hands under 
Ryoko's fur covered breasts, pushing up hard and all but ripping 
the bikini top off as she revealed her breasts.
	Her right hand squeezed hard, pinching and squashing the 
tender mound between her fingers as her left curled in the top of 
Ryoko's hair and jerked her head forward so that she was face to 
face with her mistress.  Ayeka stared deep into the wide, 
frightened eyes, feeling the other girl's hands hesitate in their 
reflexive push against Ayeka's stomach.  Ayeka smiled a slow, 
dangerous smile, relishing Ryoko's reaction.  "All mine..." she 
murmered crypticly, and forced Ryoko's face in for a hard kiss.
	Tenchi reacted typically, that is by slamming his head back 
and forth into the bed beneath him, furious frustrated in his 
attempts to join in, his Grandfather's edict long since 
forgotten.  If nothing else, he wished for at least a hand free 
to help himself.  This was pure torture! 
	Ryoko, beweildered by this sudden change in the otherwise 
mischievious and playful princess, didn't know what to think as 
the other woman's tongue forced its way past her lips and twined 
with her own.  Ayeka seemed to swallow her moan as Ryoko uttered 
it, shivering and making sounds she'd never before made as Ayeka 
let go of her breast and reached between her legs, the thick 
glove adding a whole new range of sensations as the princess's 
fingers wormed their way past outer labia and inner labia to 
stroke the slick, dry leather through even slicker petals.
	Ayeka sucked on Ryoko's tongue hard enough to hurt, biting 
it hard and pulling demandingly on her pouty lips.  Her palm 
pushed firmly over Ryoko's mound, the middle finger curling in 
and entering the feverish pirate even as the leather dragged 
agonizingly across the dry, hypersensitive nub farther up.  Her 
kiss rose in intensity along with the motions of her hand, 
leaving Ryoko shuddering and helpless beneath her.  Ayeka caught 
both her and Ryoko's lower lips between her teeth, biting and 
chewing on both with equal abandon, delighting in the taste of 
fresh blood in her mouth; whose she didn't care.  But it wasn't 
	The pain lancing through her lip and the hard pinches and 
inconsiderate probes below robbed Ryoko of both her strength and 
will, yet she pushed feebly at the hard mistress above her.  Her 
pleading changed all the while, until she was begging for the 
release she knew she didn't want from the princess.
	Without apology, warning, or any other signal, Ayeka 
released her pet, allowing her to thump back to the floor.  Once 
again, her attention turned to Tenchi.
	Tenchi stared back in mute dismay, attracted to yet 
powerfully frightened of the wild, unhinged look in Ayeka's eyes, 
the severity of her dress, and the trickle of blood leaking from 
the corner of her mouth down her chin.  
	"What's the matter, Tenchi?" she asked, a maniacal look in 
her brown eyes.  "Don't you want some, too?"
	"...yes..." he squeaked, throughly dismayed by how aroused 
that made him.
	"What was that?"
	"Yes, Oujo-sama!" he exclaimed.  "Please!"
	She stalked forward; so much tension to her limbs that she 
appeared almost ungraceful as she climbed onto the bed and sat 
roughly on his stomach.
	He grunted slightly as some of the air was forced from his 
lungs, but he barely noticed.  All his attention was on her as 
she leaned forward and bit him quite hard on the nose.  Tears 
sprang to his eyes, yet he strained to reach her farther.  His 
pectoral muscles tensed painfully as her cruel fingers dug in, 
yet he begged for more.  His eyes closed as she turned his head 
to the side, and he moaned urgently as she bit the underside of 
his jawline.  Then, and only then, would she allow him a kiss, 
and then only so that he might lick the salty blood from her 
	She sat up and rode his chest, slowly rocking her hips back 
and forth on his torso.  "Tenchi, Tenchi, Tenchi," she said, 
looking down at him.  "Whatever am I to do with you?"
	"Anything you wish, Oujo-sama!" he replied in a tone of 
rapturous bliss.
	She laughed at that.  "Yes, yes, it is good to hear you say 
that.  But your grandfather says differently.  What do you say to 
	"Who?" he asked, temporarily unable to remember who she was 
talking about.
	She laughed again, a peal of mocking, triumphant humor.  
"Good answer!  You're rapidly making up for your earlier 
transgression, Tenchi-chan.  But, you see, that was a grave 
offense.  You do NOT run from your mistress no matter how angry 
she is.  Have I made myself clear?"
	"Yes, Oujo-sama!  I'll never run again!" he swore 
	"Good.  And I suppose your punishment is complete.  Now, if 
you had been a good boy and stayed, you might have got what you 
so desperately want."  One hand reached back and encircled his 
member roughly, leaving no doubt about what she meant.  "But 
since you weren't, and since we do owe a great debt to your 
family, we will honor your grandfather's rule."
	Tenchi nearly broke down into tears, his hopes dashed.
	"Before I say goodnight, I wish to impose my own rule on 
you," she continued.  "You are not to give yourself release until 
I say otherwise.  Only I or Ryoko have that power, and Ryoko will 
not until I give her leave.  Well?"
	Tenchi looked frightened.  "Umm..."
	She frowned at him.  "The correct answer is 'Yes, Oujo-
	Frowning and slightly resentful, he replied with the 
dutiful "Yes, Oujo-sama."
	She softened at his expression of hurt.  "Be good for just 
a little longer, Tenchi.  I promise, the rewards for good 
behavior are great."
	Still crestfallen, he nodded.  Besides, if nothing else 
there were his dreams.  He had little doubt of what he was going 
to be dreaming of tonight, and if the other night was any 
	Ayeka watched as his penis jumped at the thought.  "Well, 
then.  Now that that's settled."  She produced a simple key from 
somewhere in her costume and unlocked all of his chains, allowing 
him to rub feeling back in his hand and feet as she drug them 
from under the bed and piled them neatly in a corner.
	Tenchi swung his legs around and sat on the edge of the 
bed, watching both the princess and the dazed pirate on the 
	Her tidying up complete, she paused near Ryo-Ohki and 
whispered, "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?  Thank you very much 
for your assistance.  I'm sure you'll have that little Ken-Ohki 
begging at your feet in no time."
	"Miyah!" exclaimed the cabbit, happy at the thought.
	Ayeka giggled.  "You can be his Cabbit in Fur."
	"Rowl," she replied.  But something still needed taking 
care of.  "Miyah, meyow, yow," she said distinctly, pointing at 
Ryoko with her paw.
	Ayeka glanced at the bruised beauty on the floor, then back 
at the cabbit.  "True.  I'll see what I can do.  Why don't you 
take your carrot and run on back, I'll finish up here."'
	Ryo-Ohki looked at her heretofore forgotten carrot in 
surprise, almost asking how that had got there.  She quickly 
scampered off with it, straight through the wall behind her.
	Ayeka returned to Ryoko, bending down and tugging the 
bikini bottom the rest of the way off from where it had bound 
around her ankles.  She tucked it around the whip for 
safekeeping, then simply grabbed the teal-haired woman's 
shoulders and picked her up, toting her across the room with her 
feet just above the floor.  
	Tenchi watched in dull interest as Ayeka walked over to 
him, turned, and set the pirate back down, propping her more or 
less upright on her own two feet.  
	Then, turning her head sideways to watch him out of the 
corner of her eye, she reached down with her right hand and 
gently prodded Ryoko's rubbery legs apart.
	Ryoko gasped, awareness returning to her eyes as she felt 
Ayeka's hand resume its earlier work, only this time it was more 
considerate, almost businesslike as it hit all the right spots in 
just the right order.  Ryoko emitted a soft 'huf' and she leaned 
forward, jutting out her chin and resting it on Ayeka's shoulder 
as her arms loosely wrapped around the princess's own below her.  
Her eyes squinched close and her mouth grimaced, bareing teeth, 
but this time she was in anything but pain.
	Tenchi was roused from his silent contemplation at this 
display, and he stopped his half raised hand.  He sighed; 
apparently the torture wasn't over yet.  Still, he watched 
closely, not missing a detail.
	Ayeka watched him over her shoulder with a grin, paying the 
barest amount of attention to the girl on her arm.
	Ryoko's breath came in short gasps.  "Huf huf hunnngh 
nnnnNG..." she cried as Ayeka stroked her clit several times, her 
voice becoming a plantitive whine.  Then, "ah!" as she was once 
again pried open.   "aAh!  Huf huf huf HUF HUF  OH!  OHH!  Oh, 
god!  Please!" she begged, her knees giving way and all her 
weight settiling on Ayeka's arm and shoulder.  Her hips bucked 
repeatedly, out of her control as she dry humped Ayeka's hand.  
	Ayeka reguarded this with pseudo-clinical detachment, but 
Tenchi did not.  His mouth was dry and his eyes wide and glazed, 
and his penis bobbed repeatedly from his involuntary muscle 
	Ryoko cried out, a wordless expression of feeling, and 
gnawed furiously on her own hand in an attempt to stifle the 
sounds being ripped from her mouth.
	Ayeka staggered from the force of Ryoko's movements and was 
nearly borne to the ground as Ryoko clamped her legs on Ayeka's 
hand and wrapped her arms around the arm, trapping it where it 
was as she convulsed to the ground.
	Poor Tenchi couldn't take it any longer, and he spent 
himself down his thigh, nearly collapsing to the floor himself as 
his vision went white.
	Ayeka nearly missed it, but reguarded the result with grim 
satisfaction.  After Ryoko was little more than an inert, dead 
weight on her arm she pried her off gently and avoided thinking 
about what she had just done.
	She also watched in complete astonishment as Ryoko simply 
fell straight through the floor, no doubt surprising the hell out 
of anyone who happened to be below, although it wasn't likely 
this time of night.
	Ayeka stared in mute shock at where her little plaything 
had been mear seconds earlier, then glanced over at Tenchi's 
insensate form.  "Well, umm..." she began, mostly to herself.  "I 
guess... you are all dismissed?"

	To be continued in part b...