Aurora of Rainbow Fire chapter four: Reward and Punishment 
part c.
	A Tenchi Muyo TV series lemon comedy by Nugar.  
	Email the author at with any comments.
	All characters and situations copyright their creators, 
Hiroki Hayashi and Masaki Kajishima, and AiC and Pioneer and are 
used without permission.  This is a nonprofit work only.

	Sunlight streamed down through the cloudless sky, bringing 
new life and vitality to the jungle.  The temperature rose 
steadily, evaporating much of the rain that hadn't soaked into 
the ground and giving everything a musky, sticky pall.  
	High in one of the tallest trees around, Kiyone slept 
soundly, both hands grasping the limb behind her and her feet 
crossed behind the branch that supported the other end of her 
makeshift hammock.  Her hair was tangled and matted, full of 
twigs, leaves, and dirt, as well as a broad selection of the 
native wildlife.  She could be considered a ravishing beauty, a 
being straight from the most precious of fantasies, but only to a 
trained entomologist.
	Biting insects of all sizes and shapes crawled over her 
semi-nude form, clad only in sweat soaked panties now that she 
had used the rest of her clothes to make her bed.  Neither the 
oppressive heat and humidity nor the insects disturbed her 
exhausted slumber.
	Another, more primitive humanoid shared the hammock with 
her, a medium sized monkey curled up on her chest and stomach, 
well out of reach of any possible predators and certainly in a 
better sleeping area than hanging on a limb by its own muscle 
power.  Occasionally it would scratch furtively at its mangy pelt 
and roll over in its sleep.
	A particularly raucous scream in a nearby tree caused the 
monkey to jerk awake, instantly scanning for predators.  It 
cautiously looked over the edge of Kiyone's sleeping body, 
looking for any sign of the leopard that had turned yesterday 
into such an exciting event.
	Nothing.  No sign of the leopard, nor could the most 
careful sniffing catch any except old traces.  Apparently, it had 
gotten bored and left, probably sometime during the flash 
thunderstorm the previous night.
	Chittering in delight, the monkey scrambled down the tree 
and hurried off to find its family troop.
	Several minutes later, Kiyone woke as well, groaning in 
agony as once silent muscles made themselves known to her again.  
Carefully, she brushed as many bugs as possible off and scratched 
herself all over, paying particular attention to her tangled mass 
of hair on her head, which seemed a few short steps from getting 
up and running off of its own accord.  Her thighs and crotch were 
also subjected to vigorous scratching, eliciting many small cries 
of delight as she finally stopped some of the itching.
	Or, in other words, Kiyone woke up that morning just like 
men do every day.
	Another benefit of the scratching was that it helped limber 
her muscles up; isomeric exercises took care of the ones she 
couldn't move easily, at least to the point that she was ready to 
attempt getting out of the hammock.
	Slowly, she eased herself to a sitting position, her legs 
dangling over the sides and her arms holding herself steady.  
From here she could take more accurate stock of her situation.  
	A careful examination of the tree below her turned up 
neither the leopard nor the monkey, and she grinned in delight.  
She hoped to never see either of them again, or if she did she 
wanted to have her GP blaster in hand.  Her hand and foot were 
still sore, but they were usable and the punctures were well 
scabbed over.
	It wasn't easy, but by pulling and scooting, she was able 
to get across to the limb at her feet and take all her weight off 
her clothes.
	Really, she was quite amazed that they were still holding 
together.  Between her weight and being tossed around all night, 
she half expected to plummet to her doom at any minute.  Of 
course, now she had to get them back.
	Again, it wasn't easy.  The knots had swollen with water 
during the night, rendering them all but impossible to untie.  
Several broken and bent nails later, plus climbing around to the 
other limb to get that side, Kiyone finally looped the clothes 
around her middle and tied them off with a few simple knots.  The 
bra she left where it was, deciding that it was far too much 
effort to retrieve.
	Scratching awkwardly, she planned her route down.  This was 
made more difficult by the fact that she couldn't remember the 
path she had taken on the way up, being more concerned with the 
teeth and claws behind her.
	A plan in mind, she started her descent.  At first it was 
relatively easy, just worming her way through the tangles of 
limbs set close together.  Then, about halfway down, she ran out 
of limbs and encountered the initial smooth, long stretch of 
trunk that extended from about fifty feet up to the ground.
	As big as the tree was around, she couldn't just wrap 
herself around it.  Kiyone had to spread herself out and search 
for all the little toeholds and fingertip holds she could find.  
Her lack of proper shoes had probably saved her life here, 
although if she'd only had her gun she could have just shot the 
damned cat and been done with it.
	Kiyone chuckled at the difficulty.  Her initial ascent had 
been based so much on speed she had practically skimmed up the 
tree, touching it only briefly before launching herself up to a 
new handhold.  Now she'd be a bit more careful, however.
	Strong fingers found little indentations in the bark, and 
her toes dug in and curled around every protuberance she could 
find.  She pressed against the trunk firmly; every inch on the 
tree was another inch she didn't have to hold up.
	It was about ten feet down, right in the middle of a 
particularly slick section, when she ran into another little 
	One of the things about free climbing was that it made her 
very aware of her body as muscles strained and fingers slipped.  
Very recently she had became aware of several somethings crawling 
around on her head, back, ankle, and in her pubic hair.  Perhaps 
marching would be a better word.
	She started to sweat.  It itched.  It itched badly.  And no 
matter how much she wanted to, she couldn't take a hand off the 
tree to scratch.  If she did, she would surely fall.
	Mustering up all her mental discipline, she resolutely 
ignored the sensations of her skin crawling and resumed her 
descent, albeit a bit faster and sloppier.
	And then something bit her painfully in the armpit.
	She cried out involuntarily, clamping her arm down against 
her side and briskly rubbing it back and forth.
	One heart sickening moment later, she was falling.
	Her short second scream was punctuated by several grunts 
and groans as she fought for grip, nearly finding purchase once 
but her downward momentum proved too much for it.  She ended up 
sliding almost another ten feet before she successfully halted.
	Breathing heavily and wincing from the scrapes on her 
front, she hung there for several minutes, resting and trying to 
regain her nerve.
	In her mind's eye, she could see thousands of little bugs 
moving across her skin in military precision.  Hundreds of lice 
foot soldiers kept in line by flea sergeants and beetle 
lieutenants.  Mosquitoes flew formation overhead, occasionally 
landing to bury their proboscises in her skin and refuel.
	Needless to say, her skin _crawled_.  
	As more and more beads of sweat dropped down 
Her body, she had another mental flash of gnats surfing down her 
	"AHHHH!" she screamed, unable to take it any longer.  Her 
descent was a barely controlled fall now, as she dropped from 
suspected handhold to handhold and scratched furiously whenever 
she had a free hand.
	Misjudging her speed and distance, she put a hand where a 
foot should have gone.  Suddenly she was falling again, and this 
time there was no stopping it.
	Twenty-two feet were covered in the blink of an eye, and 
Kiyone landed heavily on the ground with an "OOOF!"
	"Owwww..." she groaned, rubbing her sore leg and bottom.  
"Good thing the ground broke my fall," she said in an attempt to 
make light of the situation.  Then she started scratching.
	The accursed tree now proved its worth, as she backed up to 
it and squirmed all over, leaving a network of red marks on her 
back as she rubbed against small rough spots in the otherwise 
smooth bark.  Her hands were no less busy, tearing at her hair, 
diving beneath her panties, rubbing furiously wherever they could 
reach.  When they couldn't reach she stopped and contorted like a 
gymnast, rolling over and over on the ground as she scratched the 
middle of her back and the back of her left knee.
	Only when she was covered in so many red marks that she 
looked like she'd been beat with a freshly inked wet road map did 
she stop, and then it was to examine one of the insects that had 
been plaguing her.
	She didn't know its actual species, but it did look a lot 
like the common louse, which she knew from school.  Another one 
was immediately recognizable from the time Ryo-Ohki had been 
infested with fleas.
	"EEEWW!  Earth cooties!" Kiyone exclaimed upon realization, 
both horrified and disgusted.
	She needed a bath NOW.  Flea dip would be nice, too.
	The poor lost GP officer immediately pulled on her clothes 
and started searching for a river or lake, intending to drown her 
pests if nothing else.
	Ten minutes work, interspersed with the occasional session 
of franticly clawing at her bites, located what was probably a 
section of the very same river that had claimed her partner.
	Cooing in relief, Kiyone quickly shucked off her clothes 
and dove into the murky waters, their slow, stagnant depths as 
welcome as a soak in the finest onsen she'd ever been in.
	Kicking strongly, she swam out into the middle of the river 
and dove, staying under as long as she could before coming up for 
a breath.  Then she did it again, and again.  
	The water tasted strongly of decay and mud, and was quite 
gritty in her mouth, but it, too was welcome after almost a day 
without.  She drank deeply, filling her stomach as much as she 
felt able.  Hunger pains hadn't set in yet, but she had sweated 
out much of her body fluids in the jungle heat.
	Once back in water only about as deep as her chest, she 
lowered herself in the water and scrubbed hard, scraping away the 
filth and insects.  Swamp water would never be an acceptable 
substitute for shampoo, but she cleaned her hair with it just the 
same, combing through with her fingers to remove the litter.
	After a night in the trees and hours of running through the 
forest, the cool water felt heavenly, and Kiyone began to enjoy 
herself for the first time since she had wound up in the alien 
	"Oook ook ook."
	"Mmgh, grunt grunt."
	She whirled as fast as she was able to spot at least a 
dozen monkeys of another species sitting on the bank watching 
	They were larger, and their tails didn't look like they 
could be used for grasping like the other one's had.  Longer 
faces and bright, hairless bottoms further served to set them 
apart.  One yawned hugely, displaying a fearsome set of canine 
	Of further interest was that one of them was draped in her 
shirt, two were playing tug of war with her skirt, and another 
was climbing a nearby tree with her panties in its mouth.
	"HEY!" she yelled, startling all of them.  "You bring that 
back!  Leave those alone!" she cried, splashing toward the bank 
to retrieve her clothes.
	They scattered, all of them swarming up the trees 
overhanging the water.  Once they were safely in the branches 
they sat down to watch her again.
	Kiyone climbed out onto the bank, dripping wet and naked.  
She shook her fist at the monkeys in anger.  "Now, dammit, 
stealing the clothes of a Galaxy Police Officer is a crime!  You 
give those back or I'm going to have to bring you in!"
	One grunted and picked through her partner's pelt for 
	"Alright, you forced my hand," she grumbled, searching for 
a rock to throw.
	Unfortunately, there were none to be had.  The bank was 
made entirely of mud and tree roots.
	Kiyone compromised by grabbing up a handful of dirt and 
compacting it into a hard ball, which would probably disintegrate 
as soon as she threw it.
	When she turned back around, she noticed that her skirt was 
no longer with the animals.  It was now floating miserably in the 
middle of the river, directly below the monkeys.
	"All right, good," she said, satisfied.  "Now give up the 
rest of them."
	One chattered brightly at her, but didn't seem too 
	Shrugging, she replied, "Well, don't say I didn't warn 
you."  Then she threw the dirt clod at the one with her blouse.
	As expected, the wad broke apart immediately, peppering 
over half the group with small pellets of dirt.  The troop 
screeched in alarm and scattered, running along the limbs towards 
trees on the other side.  Fortunately, both her panties and the 
shirt were dropped in the confusion, landing with soft splashes 
close by her skirt, which was just starting to sink beneath the 
surface.  If she hurried, she could get all of her clothes back.
	Kiyone hopped into the water and started wading out, 
keeping an eye on her clothes.  The water was up to her waist 
when something long, narrow, and full of teeth rose out of the 
water, carrying her clothes along with it.  The reptilian jaws 
snapped closed, and Kiyone levitated out of the water in sheer 
	She arrived on the bank in record time, but her flight 
didn't end there.  She was crouching on the limb the monkeys had 
so recently vacated before she allowed herself to stop, panting.  
	So much for her clothes.  This planet was turning out to be 
far more dangerous than she'd originally thought.  Maybe she'd 
get lucky and one of the native predators would eat the thing 
that attacked them.
	Nah.  She wasn't that lucky.  The way things were going, 
_she_ would be the one eaten by an Earth creature.  That or 
Mihoshi, but again, she wasn't that lucky.
	And for the first time that day, Kiyone had cause to wonder 
where her partner was.
	Mihoshi twitched slightly, curled into a fetal position on 
her right side.  The ground was damp and covered in a thin carpet 
of short moss, but the occasional long strand waved its spore-
laden head in the air, and occasionally in her ear.
	By and large, though, she was comfortable.  Even more so 
than stretching out on a hard wooden floor or stone patio.  The 
ground, though lumpy, was fairly soft.  Given a bit of luck, 
she'd catch another hour's worth of sleep before she rose to 
tackle the day.
	She was sleeping so soundly, in fact, that she completely 
failed to realize that something had found her.  The great grey 
quadruped should have awakened her with its heavy footfalls, but 
the soft ground did much to muffle its heavy tread.
	This particular animal recognized the being curled up on 
the ground as a human, because it had a very good memory.  Its 
name, at one time, had been Jumbo, and many years ago it had 
traveled all over the world with others of its kind, other 
animals, and many many humans.  Now, years later, it found itself 
free in the jungle, far from its actual habitat, and staring at 
the motionless form of a human.
	It wasn't sure, but it suspected that something was wrong.  
Humans didn't belong out here.
	To really understand what happened next, you'd have to 
understand Mihoshi's full perspective. 
	The universe is a vast and wondrous place.  Very vast.  
Amazingly wonderful.  It is home to a vast and wondrous 
population.  However, it is also home to a number of, well, not 
so wondrous beings.  Demons, Evil Overlords, disease causing 
organisms, Juraians, lawyers, and many many more creatures large 
and small that should be exterminated for the good of the whole.
	Enter Mihoshi, a Galaxy Policeperson.  She had personally 
dealt with members of all the above beings, sometimes on a daily 
basis, and lived to tell the tale with her sanity intact.  She 
didn't flinch when she looked Ryoko, a demonic space pirate, in 
the eye.  She didn't cringe when Ayeka, a Juraian princess that 
would one day be Queen, asked her to pass the salt.  She had met 
them and found them to be pretty nice people at heart.  
	However, in all of her adventures, all of her travels, and 
all of her missions, Mihoshi had never met and been forced to 
deal with a perverted tentacle monster.  They were as tall as a 
person and twice as heavy, made of inhumanly flexible moist grey 
flesh and possessed of singular intelligence.  They were the 
stuff nightmares were made from, at least for Mihoshi.
	The tentacle monsters, or 'tentakajin' as they were now 
called, were originally bioengineered by the Juraians from a 
freshwater invertebrate amphibian found on Jurai's second colony 
at the height of the early biotechnological revolution, in which 
they made the transition from dead, metallic ships to the far 
more powerful living space-trees found in Jurai's first colony 
	First, they were food.  Then, it became vogue for the 
middle class to keep one as a pet; an exotic creature from off 
world always drew attention.  Upper class on Jurai being what it 
was, the hapless squid-like creatures were engineered to be 
larger and more intelligent.  They became the elite lapdog, and 
many early tapestries depicted the stereotypical Mistress 
accompanied by her two faithful pets, each bulbous head reaching 
as high as her waist.
	Later, they became a symbol of male power, always a 
controversial thing in the Juraian culture.  Some especially good 
male scientists, tired of being second-class citizens, started 
making changes in the species, making them fully intelligent, 
hermaphroditic, and increasing the sex drive they possessed.  The 
target, of course, was their very own overbearing wives.  This 
was the start of the first MenLib movement.
	Illicit sex clubs ran largely by males were rumored to have 
these mutated strains and would set them loose on lower class 
women for the entertainment of the hen-pecked men.  Some were 
even released, and soon roving packs were believed to inhabit the 
sewers and back alleys of many major cities.  As they would never 
attack men, only men were able to move freely and confidently, 
doing wonders for their self-esteem.  Tentakajin, as they were 
now called, were hunted exclusively by men, and these men 
gradually grew in political power and influence.
	Alas for the men, the women finally got sick of the 
headache, hired outsiders armed with robots to exterminate the 
menace, and squished the MenLib movement like a bug.  
	The tentakajin, fearing for their lives, immediately left 
the Juraian Empire in stolen ships, spreading their light shower 
of terror across the rest of the universe, which immediately 
blamed the Juraians, as usual.
	The Galaxy Police exterminated them whenever they could 
find them, but they had a knack for hiding in the most 
unlikeliest of places.  Every female GP officer, excepting those 
who liked that sort of thing, feared that, one day, she would be 
the unlucky one to discover a new nest.
	Knowing this, Mihoshi was unpleasantly surprised to open 
her eyes that morning when a cold, wet, flexible, grey tentacle 
nuzzled her neck and trailed down the front of her body.
	Mihoshi's shrill scream and the elephant's loud trumpet 
split the air and sent birds flapping into the sky, and the 
elephant immediately turned and ran from the painfully loud 
	Mihoshi blubbered in fear for a moment, cringing as the 
huge beast crashed through the jungle, but quickly realized that 
it was not one of the loathsome tentakajin.  Giving a little 
shrug, she rose and set off into the jungle.
	Kiyone limped painfully along a jungle path, staying alert 
and as silent as possible, although she could swear the skin 
between her legs was rubbing together with the same sound and 
texture of two sheets of sandpaper pulled across each other.
	When she got back, she was going to have words with 
whatever moron wrote a certain section of the GP textbook on 
wilderness survival.  In fact, she might just let the book speak 
for her, as she shoved it most forcefully where the sun didn't 
	Use leaves, it said.
	Broadleaf plants work fine, it said.
	Kiyone swore briefly under her breath and made mental note 
to gather up a few bundles of a smooth textured broad-leafed bush 
that grew abundantly in the area.  And when she got back to GP 
headquarters, she was going to distribute them in lieu of toilet 
paper to several people who were in charge of her field training.
	And to top it all off, the damned bugs were simply unreal.  
No planet had any right to have this many species of insects that 
fed on people.  Those Juraian 'natural evolution' people needed 
to be shot.  Or worse, dropped off in their little preserve and 
forced to live here for a few years.
	"Arg," she said out loud, the first such sound she'd made 
in hours.  Indeed, it was the second sound she'd made since her 
happy cry of discovery when she found the path full of human 
footprints.  The next, of course, had been her unhappy cry upon 
discovery that she was highly allergic to the juices a certain 
smooth textured broad-leafed bush secreted on its leaves.
	The sun beat down mercilessly through the canopy, sending 
both the temperature and the humidity into the triple digits.  
She hadn't found drinkable water since the river that morning, 
she was tired, sore, bitten, and every step was a new exercise in 
pain.  It was time for a break.
	Rather than actively search for a seat, and possibly be 
bitten by something in or on the other side of whatever she sat 
on, she simply stopped and collapsed bonelessly in her tracks.
	Kiyone sat there for many minutes, breathing heavily and 
trying to muster the strength to go on.  Never one to be 
discouraged easily, she nevertheless found herself taxed to the 
utmost; all the little problems merging together into one big 
headache and overloading her ability to cope.
	Kiyone had always prided herself on her near endless 
patience.  Hadn't she suffered through four years of being 
Mihoshi's partner?  And in that time, hadn't she faced problem 
after problem, injury after injury, and indignity after 
indignity?  Hadn't she managed to deal with the complete absence 
of a love life?  The ridicule of her peers, and worse, their 
pity?  And in that time, she hadn't killed anyone who wasn't 
actively trying to kill her, and had even made the morally right 
decision every time it _seemed_ that Mihoshi was actively trying 
to kill her.
	However, one thing she could admit that she lacked was an 
ability to shrug off the annoyances of life.  One or two little 
snags she could handle, her only outward sign of annoyance being 
a slightly sharper tone of voice.  Even three or four wouldn't 
completely push her over the edge, although it started to become 
clear to others that they had best stay out of her way.  But when 
something became a constant annoyance, she simply went berserk.  
	This mission was something else entirely.  
	She had no outlet for her frustrations, of which there were 
many, many more than normal.  No gun to shoot things.  No one to 
beat within an inch of their life.  And she couldn't even leave, 
because that was another one of the problems she couldn't seem to 
	She sighed, a deep, heartfelt movement.  "Maybe the others 
were right.  We really are incompetent."  She glanced at the sky, 
wondering what time it was.  "I wish Mihoshi was here."
	Her resolve, once like steel, wavered.  Ryo-Ohki couldn't 
find her in a place like this.  Only Yagami's sensors were that 
precise, and even then only with Mihoshi controlling them.  
Mihoshi was in the same situation she was, if she was alive at 
all.  The six-armed asshole that caused this mess in the first 
place was hunting for her, and if he didn't find her, an Earth 
predator would.
	"To hell with it," she whispered.  "I don't want to play 
anymore."  Kiyone let all of her muscles go as limp as they 
could, simply flopping back onto the ground.  The big monster 
could just come stick a fork in her, because she was done.
	Many miles away, in another part of the jungle, Mihoshi 
cowered down behind an old, incredibly huge tree, which had 
fallen and now lay on its side in a thick mass of thorny 
vegetation.  It was so thick that she had had to worm her way in 
on her belly; each plant fighting for the light that penetrated 
the large hole in the canopy.
	Somewhere outside the thicket, a huge striped feline roared 
in anger.  It wasn't hunting, but it had chased a screaming 
Mihoshi through the jungle, breaking it off only when she had 
dove into the nearly impenetrable mass of brambles.
	Really, all she had wanted to do was pet the incredibly 
cute little kitten, the one with the _adorable_ eyes and the 
soft, fuzzy fur.  It had even mewled at her and licked her hand, 
shortly before she had to run.  Some mothers were just too 
	Mihoshi sat down and listened intently, waiting for the 
animal to return to its baby.
	Why did everything seem to want to eat her?
	The heat, humidity, and her exhaustion all combined to make 
Kiyone really sleepy as she lay on the ground.  It was soft, and 
much cooler than the air.  It really wasn't half bad.  A good nap 
and she'd be ready to hit the trail again.
	Oh, she wasn't serious about giving up and sitting there 
until something ate her.  Oh, no, of course not.  She was just 
throwing a really quiet tantrum.  A stress-relieving, moral 
boosting exercise.
	That's what she told herself, anyway, and would insist upon 
had anyone witnessed it.  Kiyone never gives up, don't you know 
	Deep inside the recesses of her mind, one tiny part added, 
"At least not for very long."
	Stressed both mentally and physically, she soon fell into a 
light, troubled sleep.  She did not dream, nor did she move, 
remaining in the same arms spread position she had assumed when 
she lay down.  
	Her nap was miraculously uninterrupted for over an hour, 
until the sounds of something large and clumsy moving through the 
trail pulled her out of her slumber.
	Disoriented and groggy from her sleep, at first Kiyone 
didn't know why she had awakened.  She sat up and rubbed fiercely 
at her head, trying to clear her addled mind.  She also took the 
time to scratch vigorously.
	So it was with some surprise on both parts when a large 
naked African man stumbled out from behind a bush and nearly 
stepped on her.
	"Ahhh! Kiyone yelled, hopping to her feet and assuming a 
fighting stance.
	"Yahh!" the man replied, dropping a large leafy branch he 
was carrying and assuming an off balance, startled stance.
	"Jesus Christ, lady, you scared the shit out of me!" he 
yelled in an obscure dialect of Swahili.
	"Stay where you are and put your hands where I can see 
them!" she yelled back in the Earth dialect of Juraian, which was 
	"What?" he asked, not understanding.  He did recognize a 
martial arts stance when he saw one, and that combined with her 
obviously untrusting nature put him firmly in place.  He was 
careful not to make any fast or threatening 
	"Do you speak Japanese?" Kiyone asked, being quicker to get 
to the point.
	"Look, lady, I don't know what you're saying.  Do you speak 
English?" he asked, switching languages.  He examined her 
carefully.  She was obviously of Asian origin, but from where he 
wasn't sure.  Her facial features didn't fit any established 
pattern.  The language did, however, and he tentatively pegged 
her as Japanese.  He wondered why she was naked in the jungle, 
although he supposed it was an accident or something.  She looked 
like she'd had a bad time of it.
	Kiyone looked at him in incomprehension.  "I guess you 
don't," she muttered to herself, and sighed.  He hadn't made any 
threatening motions, and seemed concerned about her situation, if 
she read his facial expressions correctly.  It was hard to tell 
	Physically he was impressive, over a foot taller than she 
was, with clean-cut muscles standing out in his arms, legs, and 
chest.  He also had the biggest penis Kiyone had ever seen in her 
life, and it was still soft.
	(Damn,) Kiyone thought.  (If that's what they get with 
natural evolution, I take back everything bad I've ever said 
about this godforsaken planet!  Juraian men aren't half that 
	He noticed her stare, shrugging when her eyes met his 
	Kiyone blushed furiously and relaxed her stance.  "Sorry, I 
didn't mean to stare."  She guessed that he replied that it was 
okay, he was used to it, but wasn't sure.  The language barrier 
was going to be a problem.
	Seeing her relax her guard, he advanced slowly, with his 
hands held up to show he meant no harm.  "Look, I'm not going to 
hurt you," he said as non-threateningly as possible when she 
tensed up.  His English was very good, almost accent free, 
although it didn't do Kiyone any good.
	At first Kiyone thought he was going to attack, his stance 
being similar to several open-handed styles she knew.  She 
quickly calmed herself.  It was also typical of what most people 
thought was a gesture of peace.  "I'm Kiyone Mabiki," she said, 
pointing to herself.  "Do you know where we are?" she asked, 
gesturing around and hoping he would figure it out.
	(Ah, her name,) he thought.  (Mabiki Kiyone?  That's kind 
of pretty.  Better call her by her last name to keep from seeming 
too informal.)  "Miss Kiyone?" he asked hesitantly, waiting for 
	Kiyone winced at his accent, and was a little put off by 
his informality, but she supposed it was okay considering the 
circumstances.  "Yes?"
	(Hai, ah, I know that one.  Good.)  "Dretric," he said, 
pointing to himself.  "Are you with someone?"  He pointed at her, 
then gestured at the surrounding jungle and made a questioning 
	Kiyone correctly divined that he was asking if there were 
any others with her.  Hesitating barely a second, she shook her 
head.  "Nope, just me!" she replied brightly, pointing first at 
herself, then at the jungle and waving her hand dismissively.
	"Just you, then, good."  He turned and beaconed for her to 
	"A way out?  Great!" Kiyone replied enthusiastically, 
falling in behind him.
	They walked in relative silence for bout half an hour, 
following a bewildering series of twisty trails.  Dretric stayed 
in front, figuring that she'd feel safer if she didn't have to 
watch her back.  
	The fact that he had to lead the way to prevent them from 
getting lost never occurred to him.
	Kiyone held up as long as she could, not wanting to appear 
weak, but she finally had to tell him to stop.  Her rash was 
getting worse and worse the more she walked.
	"What?" he asked, turning around to see her stop, spreading 
her legs far apart.  
	Kiyone debated showing a stranger such an intimate area, 
but there was always the off chance that he could help.  
Blushing, she put her hand on the unmarked skin of her thigh and 
twisted, bringing the raw, red area into view.  
	Dretric immediately spotted the rash when she pointed it 
out and nodded in sympathy.  "Yeah, jungle rot's a bitch.  All 
that heat and humidity."  He motioned for her to sit on the 
ground, saying, "I'll be right back.  Just stay here."  He hoped 
she'd understand.
	Kiyone sat gratefully, hoping that she'd understood his 
gestures correctly.  She watched with interest as he disappeared 
into the bushes, then snickered as what was undoubtedly a curse 
floated back to her ears, along with the sounds of breaking 
limbs.  She shook her head.  Handsome, well hung, and dumb as a 
brick.  Oh, well.  It was to be expected of a civilization that 
hadn't figured out interstellar travel.
	The big black man returned several minutes later, proudly 
brandishing a fat green stalk of some succulent or another.  He'd 
already removed the leaves and roots, leaving nothing but a soft, 
springy stalk.
	Kiyone stood expectantly, glad he'd returned.  She watched 
as he squeezed the end of the stalk, getting a thick, gooey sap 
on his fingers.  He gestured at her rash with them but she took 
the stalk from him with a "Thank you, I'll manage."  The sap was 
cool on the raw flesh, stinging a little when it was rubbed onto 
places where the skin had abraded away entirely.  Kiyone sighed 
in relief as she crushed the fibers between her fingers, not 
stopping until the entire supply was a sodden wad in her fingers.  
The remainder, at Dretric's direction, was smeared on her many 
bites and scratches, doing much to relieve the itching.
	This done, he squatted and patted his back, indicating she 
should allow him to carry her.  He looked at her expectantly.
	"No, I'm fine, I can walk now," she said, shaking her head.  
"Thanks, for the offer, though."
	"Don't be stupid, woman," he grumbled, patting his shoulder 
again in irritation.  "Just get on, you can't be very heavy."
	"No, really, I can manage..."
	"Get on," he insisted.  "We don't have time for you to be a 
	Kiyone reluctantly wrapped her arms around his neck and her 
legs around his waist, allowing him to carry her.  She was 
assisted by his strong, muscular arms grabbing her thighs, and he 
seemed to bear her weight with little effort.  It was certainly 
much easier for her than walking.
	The village was a small, shabby affair.  Small, irregular 
huts were thrown up at random around a large central grass 
pavilion.  The builders seemed to have devoted little attention 
to the composition of the plants they used to make the walls and 
roofs, so long as at least most of the outside was covered by 
large, broad leaves.  Small fires dotted the ground beneath the 
central structure, which had several holes in its roof to let the 
smoke out.
	The village was populated by twenty to thirty adults, with 
a little more than half that number of naked, screaming children 
running around chasing assorted wildlife, including, much to 
Kiyone's annoyance, several monkeys.  No one seemed to be wearing 
clothes, in fact.  Kiyone guessed that it had something to do 
with the oppressive heat and humidity.  One by one, the village 
fell silent as its members noted Kiyone's arrival on the back of 
her benefactor.
	"Hey, look what I found in the jungle!" Dretric boomed, 
getting the attention of everyone, even those too slow to realize 
that they had a visitor.
	"An outsider," the village whispered as one, drawing 
together in fear.
	Dretric chuckled and continued in English, "She followed me 
home, can I keep her?"  Seeing their looks of fear and 
apprehension, he hastened to add, "Don't worry, it's cool.  She 
doesn't know a word of Swahili _or_ English.  You can act normal 
around her." 
	Resounding cheers caused several small animals to bolt in 
fright, and Kiyone broke out of Dretric's grasp and backed away 
in fright, once again getting into a fighting stance as the 
village surged toward her, arms wide.
	"HOLD IT!" yelled her friend, stopping everyone in their 
tracks.  "You're scaring her, now go away."  He shook his head 
and chuckled at the antics of his people.  They got so carried 
away sometimes.
	Kiyone stayed quiet as the big man talked, apparently 
explaining what had happened.  At his apparent insistence, most 
of them resumed their business, although they continued to watch 
her openly.  Several of the young men stayed, as did some of the 
	"YEOW!" she yelled suddenly as someone pinched her 
painfully on her rear.
	"Eh heh heh heh," chuckled a skinny old man, proof that 
some people should be required to wear clothes.  "She's a cute 
one," he said in a quavering voice, using English for her 
benefit.  "She'll be perfect for the gang bang and sacrifice!  Eh 
heh heh heh!"
	Kiyone glared at him for the pinch, but didn't understand 
what he'd said.
	"You're wasting your time, she doesn't speak English," 
Dretric told the old man.
	"I said," he said, leaning in toward the old man, "SHE 
	"Ahhh!  My ears!  Don't yell so loud!" complained the 
toothless old letch.  "You should respect your elders, boy!"
	Dretric threw up his hands in exasperation.  "Whatever, 
just leave her alone.  I wouldn't want you getting hurt."  He 
turned to Kiyone and motioned for her to find a seat before he 
left to get supplies from his hut.
	Kiyone watched him go, and was about to do as she was bade 
when she noticed the old man arguing with a large woman carrying 
both an air of importance and a bundle of cloth.
	They argued for several moments; the old man screaming his 
authority and the woman giving him a disdainful look as she 
calmly stood her ground.  
	The argument increased in volume and number of participants 
as several of the other men joined in, as well as some of the 
woman.  Many times they gestured wildly in her direction, 
possibly making some sort of important point.
	The stranded GP officer stood her ground, poised and ready 
should the crowd turn violent and turn on her.  She didn't like 
the idea of having to run back into the jungle, but it beat 
slaughtering a village full of natives.  
	Just barely, but it did.
	Eventually the argument wound down as the participants got 
bored and left, leaving only the old man and the woman.  He stood 
between her and Kiyone, putting his skinny frame, quavering 
voice, and white hair directly in the personal space of the much 
larger woman.  He gave every indication that it would take an act 
of the gods themselves to move him.
	The large woman, finally getting tired of his antics, 
brought one massive arm around and sent him sprawling in the 
	Undeterred, he jumped back up and resumed standing in her 
	She sighed, threw up her hands, and left, taking the bolt 
of cloth with her.
	Kiyone snapped her fingers mentally.  (So much for that.)  
She watched warily as the white haired man approached her, 
grinning horrendously and rubbing his hands together.
	Elsewhere in the village, Dretric was hurriedly preparing 
several types of salves and bandages, made from plants that grew 
locally.  He cursed the lack of proper supplies, but reasoned 
that the cheap variety would serve just as well.
	He loaded up his materials in a large woven basket made 
from dried grasses and looked around, wondering what else he 
would need.  She could stay the night in the village and rest, 
and then he'd escort her to the closest city and see if they 
couldn't get her back to her people.
	A high-pitched, quavering scream interrupted his musing. 
	"ARG!  My brittle old man hip!"
	Scattered applause soon followed.
	Mihoshi stumbled out of the jungle abruptly, surprised to 
discover a well-worn dirt road in the middle of the jungle.  
Tracks ran both ways, making it difficult to decide which way to 
	In the end, she did what she usually did when faced with a 
question of which where to go.  She spun around until she got 
dizzy, and went in the direction she ended up facing when she 
finally fell down.
	Kiyone sipped at a crude clay cup full of a light grey 
local brew and gnawed intently on a piece of shriveled and 
blackened meat which bore more than a passing resemblance to a 
monkey arm.  It was tough, but strangely satisfying.  Kind of 
like soul food.  Her scrapes and cuts had been smeared with salve 
and the nasty bite on her ankle was covered with a leaf wrapping 
held in place with a few twisted vines.  She'd waved him off when 
he'd started to do the same to her hand.  Her artificially 
boosted immune system was more than up to the task of keeping it 
free from infection.
	She sat on the ground in front of a small hut on the edge 
of the village, which she assumed belonged to Dretric, since he 
routinely entered and messed with this or that.  Currently he was 
seated beside her, chewing on the last of his own meat.  He had 
declined the fermented gruel she was drinking, choosing instead 
to drink water.
	Kiyone sniffed, regarding that as a curiously primitive 
trait.  She had seen what lived in the local water, and wanted no 
more part of it.  Alcohol was much to be preferred.  Still, she 
was glad he'd invited her to dine with him.
	Dretric, on the other hand, couldn't believe she was 
drinking the beer, but supposed that she had never been 
unfortunate enough to watch it being made.  He knew _he_ would 
never touch the stuff.  He marveled at her intestinal fortitude, 
although not just because she was eating and drinking without 
complaint.  She seemed happy, almost, and more or less at ease in 
the strange surroundings.  He hadn't been nearly so at ease when 
he first arrived.
	They sat in companionable silence, watching as some men and 
women dragged large branches together on top of a burnt out fire 
pit.  More fuel was added in the form of dried grasses and twigs, 
forming the basis for a good-sized bonfire.
	Kiyone was highly impressed when one of the men kneeled 
behind the pile for a few moments, then backed away quickly as 
the tinder burst into life.  She had never been so quick at 
starting a fire by rubbing two sticks together, and she'd always 
done well in primitive survival.
	She was so involved in watching the flames flicker and leap 
up that she didn't noticed the man throw a Bic to another guy 
with a word of thanks.
	Dretric looked over at her in surprise.  That was the first 
thing she'd said since what he assumed was 'thanks' when she'd 
accepted the food and drink.
	"Fire," Kiyone repeated, watching the ceremonial flames 
introspectively.  "Right up there with the pointy stick."
	He shrugged, bewildered and not understanding.
	"Fire and pointy sticks.  Always the first two things to be 
invented by an evolving species."  She sat thoughtfully, taking 
another drink of the thick, chunky brew.  "Except for that fifty 
armed bunch that came up with the aerosol deodorant first," she 
amended, and frowned at the thought of extra arms.  She glanced 
sideways, taking another big drink.
	The big man was watching her curiously, seeming to 
understand her desire to wax poetic.  He also kept an eye on the 
other villagers, but showed no desire to join them.
	"You're different aren't you?" Kiyone asked him, knowing 
that he couldn't understand.  "You're the sane one, the one that 
always knows what to do, and does it.  I can tell just by 
watching you."  She sized him up.
	He returned all his attention to her when she addressed him 
directly, giving her a questioning look.
	"You don't fit in with these people," she continued, making 
a wide sweep with her arm that encompassed the entire village, 
and perhaps the whole world, considering what she already knew of 
the human race.  "You think too much.  You don't accept things as 
they are.  You want to know _why_."  She smiled at him.  "One 
day, if you get the right opportunities, you're going to change 
the world, aren't you?"
	Dretric shrugged noncommittally and gave her a hesitant 
nod.  "Yes?" he asked.
	"Hah, I knew it," she laughed, smiling when he smiled back.
	He idly wondered how long she had been in the jungle, and 
whether or not it had affected her mind.  Never mind, just smile 
and nod, smile and nod.
	Kiyone abruptly stopped and gazed intently at him, wanting 
to fix his image in her head.  
	The light was fading, and the sounds of the jungle were 
getting quieter and quieter even as the sounds of the village 
were getting louder and louder.  Some sort of party or ceremony 
was clearly in the works, and Kiyone could only hope that she 
wouldn't be called upon to participate.
	"You know what I like most about you?" she asked him 
	His head jerked around in surprise.  He'd been looking at 
the fire again.  "No?" he hazarded.  He hated not being able to 
understand what she was saying.
	"You're not silly.  Oh, you don't know what it's like 
living with a scatterbrain, or having one as a partner.  Or 
having to deal with that crazy princess and the rest of the 
nutcases."  She threw up her hands in exasperation.  
	"Get this.  There's this princess, right?  She's one of the 
most important beings in these galaxies.  She's had all the best 
schools, had her own ship, and she's got a good chance of being 
the next Queen of the empire, finally getting rid of the man 
currently sitting on the throne."
	She stopped and snickered.  "Not that Emperor Kashi doesn't 
make a good Queen, but it's technically supposed to be for a 
woman."  She shook her head.  "But I digress.
	"Anyway, she gets here, falls head over heels for a cute 
guy, and goes completely nuts.  She's worse than a common 
schoolgirl panting after a star athlete.  Her _and_ Ryoko.  In 
fact, if anything, Ryoko is worse!  I've seen prostitutes who 
weren't that blatant.  I sometimes want to ask what she's going 
to charge him after they're through.  There's being attracted to 
a guy, and then there's obsessing."  
	She sighed.  "Not that Tenchi is that bad of a guy.  For a 
human he's downright civilized.  Serious.  Smart.  The kind of 
guy a girl could really go for."  She gave her audience a wan 
smile.  "Kind of like you, only he's a lot smaller."  She glanced 
down before she could stop herself.
	He raised an eyebrow, easily figuring out where she was 
looking, and chuckled when she turned away and blushed.
	"Sorry, didn't mean to be rude," she apologized.  "But it 
is rather prominent."
	They sat in relative silence once more, watching the sky 
fill with bats as the sun sank beneath the horizon behind them.  
There would be some light left for a little while, and then they 
would have to rely solely on the fire.
	"And Washu.  Almost the silliest one of them all."  Kiyone 
cursed lightly.  "She's a _genius_.  Supposedly the smartest 
being in the universe.  Yet she acts like a seven year old on 
Sugarsmack," she continued, referring to a popular Juraian 
breakfast cereal blend of sucrose and heroin, noted both for its 
ability to get you going in the morning and the withdrawal 
symptoms it caused when you ran out.  "She's going to 
accidentally destroy the universe one day, I just know it."
	Dretric remained silent, worried about how her mood had 
went from somber, to humorous, to morose in the space of a few 
minutes.  Then he remembered that she was a woman, as well as 
possibly drunk, and promptly wrote it off as 'one of those 
	"And then there's Mihoshi, _the_ silliest one of all," 
Kiyone said, following her line of thought to its logical 
conclusion.  "I guess I miss her.  I wish she was here," she said 
	"Hello!  Do any of you speak Japanese?"
	Everyone in the village just stopped, staring at the new 
arrival.  Even Dretric looked up in surprise, startled to hear 
someone else speaking the same language as his charge.
	Kiyone swore an oath so vile she startled herself, not 
bothering to look up.  (I guess I should have known she'd turn 
out to be like that old legend of the squid-headed god.  Don't 
say the name unless you're ready to deal with the being, girl,) 
she chided herself.
	Dretric looked down at her.  "Hey, I think one of your 
friends is here!  Come on!" he said excitedly.
	Kiyone reluctantly allowed herself to be pulled to her 
feet, reacting to the news of her partner's arrival with all the 
enthusiasm she'd give to the idea of repeating 'How to resist 
torture -3045'.  
	Mihoshi looked around at all the naked people in awe, 
feeling acutely overdressed in her GP uniform.  
	They were all _staring_ at her.
	She shifted uncomfortably.  "Ano, anyone?"
	"Yeah, I do."
	Mihoshi's heart leapt.  She'd know that flat, depressed 
monotone anywhere.  "KIYONE!" she cried, scanning the crowd for 
her friend.  
	Kiyone braced herself as Mihoshi's face lit up, knowing 
that she'd been spotted.  Wait for it, here she comes... "OOF!"  
Now, try to breathe.  "I'm happy to see you too, Mihoshi," Kiyone 
said, surprising herself with her own sincerity.  Despite her 
overly dramatic statements earlier, she had genuinely missed her 
	"Oh, Kiyone!  I was so worried!  That monster kept chasing 
me all through the jungle, I just knew it had already eaten you 
and was coming to finish me off, and there was this bug that 
boiled, and this big, mean cat, and I was almost raped by a 
tentacle monster!  I don't like this place!  Can we go home?  I 
saw Ryo-Ohki pass overhead, but they didn't hear me.  What should 
we do?"  She barely gave her partner time to shrug before she was 
babbling again.  "I see you found a native village, do any of 
them speak Japanese?  Maybe we can call Mr. Masaki and have 
Sasami get in touch with Ayeka?"  She looked over at the tall man 
standing close beside the dark haired girl.  "Is this your fri-
GOODNESS!  That's a very large penis you have there Mr. Human!"
	Dretric covered himself with both his hands, even as Kiyone 
slapped a hand over her face in embarrassment.  Such a short 
time, and she'd already forgotten how much Mihoshi could 
embarrass her.
	"And why are you naked?  Am I interrupting something?" she 
asked, the sexual implication clear in her voice and grin.  Then 
she looked around again.  "Oh, is it because everyone else is?  
Should I take my clothes off, too?  I guess I'd better, I'm 
standing out like a sore thumb..."  Mihoshi giggled in both 
relief and mounting nervousness, then started taking off her 
clothes, much to the delight of the village males.
	Dretric stared in shock.
	Kiyone noticed this and ground her teeth in anger.  "Fine.  
Whatever.  Do whatever the hell you want, Mihoshi.  Dance around, 
make a fool of yourself, maybe Ryo-Ohki will notice.  I am tired 
and I'm going to bed.  Don't bother me."  She turned on one heel 
and stalked off in a huff.
	Dretric looked back and forth between the two girls, caught 
in indecision.  On one hand, he needed to take care of the 
newcomer, who seemed to be quite insane.  On the other hand, Miss 
Kiyone was going to get lost or eaten if she wandered off into 
the jungle mad like that.  In the end, he decided that he liked 
the other girl best, and hurried to find her.  That crazy blonde 
would probably fit right in, anyway.
	Several minutes later, he found Kiyone several hundred 
yards down the dirt road leading to the village.  It was 
difficult to see this far from the light, but he was able to 
track her by the noise she was making.   Judging by the sounds, 
he supposed that she was taking out her frustrations on a tree.  
Part of him hoped that it wasn't anything endangered.
	"What do you want?"
	The sudden voice startled him when it came from his right.  
He hadn't known she was so near.  "Is something wrong?" he asked.
	"Why aren't you back there, watching Mihoshi?" Kiyone asked 
bitterly.  "Everyone else is.  Everyone always is."
	"Look, we can ask each other questions all night, but we 
can't understand each other.  Why don't you tell me all about it, 
I'll smile and nod, and you'll feel better?" he asked, 
demonstrating a practical streak.  He sat in the dirt and patted 
the ground beside him.  "Come on, sit down.  I doubt anything is 
going to mess with us."
	Kiyone had excellent night vision, which, although slightly 
fuzzy from unshed tears and alcohol, was good enough to see 
shapes.  She accepted his invitation, collapsing to the ground 
beside him and ignoring the sharp rocks digging into her skin.
	"One-"  She stopped and swallowed, then tried it again.  
"One of the things you have to understand about Mihoshi is that 
she's unbalanced.  She squeaks by on the psychological tests 
every time.  They're the only tests she almost fails; in 
everything else she's the top score.  Even," she added, "above 
	Dretric nodded in a complete lack of understanding, but 
offering his sympathy.
	Kiyone continued.  "Basically, she doesn't get it.  But she 
doesn't have to.  She's the luckiest person I've ever seen, and 
she's always got people like me around to keep her out of 
trouble.  Only, it's a full time job, and I'm getting tired of 
it.  I'm tired of the embarrassment.  I'm tired of the demotions, 
which coincidently always follow a promotion.  I'm tired of being 
looked down by my peers.  I'm just tired."
	She smiled wistfully as her companion, no, her friend, made 
a few noises of understanding.  "She has caused me more headaches 
in a week than all the alcohol I've ever drank in my entire life.  
And still I put up with it, because she's my friend and partner.
	"Ever since we met in the Academy, we've been paired up.  I 
suppose it's my fault, really.  I tried to take care of her from 
the start.  I guess I admired her spirit, her way of getting 
along with anyone, and her devotion.  I even helped her study for 
exams, because she seemed so ditzy that I thought she'd flunk out 
immediately without my help."  She chuckled ruefully.  "Little 
did I know," she said in a singsong voice.  "She did better than 
I.  Always.  Even in field tests, she always came out ahead.  I, 
of course, was clueless.  Mostly.  They don't let the cadets see 
each other's grades.
	"The instructors did notice how much I tried to help her, 
and as no one else wanted to, they put me as her partner.  I've 
been stuck with her ever since.  Except that time I was framed 
for a murder and spent six months in jail with a big woman named 
Bertha.  Mihoshi freed me, somehow.  I couldn't understand her 
explanation.  And the time I was frozen in carbonite by a super 
villain and sold on the open market as a creative paperweight."  
Her hand clenched into a fist.  "Mihoshi ended up buying me 
because, in her words, I reminded her of her old partner and she 
wanted something to remember her by.  She 'dusted and waxed me 
everyday' for four months, because she liked the ambiance I gave 
her room."  She shook her head in disbelief.  "I doubt it.  I 
figure she used me as a place to hang her panties, it's what she 
does with everything else.  Still, I suppose I should feel lucky 
that she eventually discovered the control panel and figured out 
the sequence to thaw me.  Somehow, though, I don't.
	"And then there was this last time.  Trapped aboard a 
derelict ship, left behind because she thought I was dead, and I 
finally get rescued a year later."  She paused and thought for a 
minute.  "You know, now that I think about it, I haven't really 
been her partner all that much."  Amazed at this novel idea, she 
marveled in silence before resuming her exposition.  "Anyway, 
then I had to save her this time.  What happens?  I get stuck 
here, and don't even get me started on all the crap I've put up 
with her since we started living on Earth.  I even had to find 
that damned vibrator for her.  She gets to have sex with a 
mechanical aid, and what do I get?  Pfeh," she spat.  "Guess."
	He shrugged and leaned away from her fit of anger.
	"I'll tell you.  No one.  Not one damned person," she 
finished.  "Mihoshi has run off every single boyfriend I've had 
since I was a teenager.  I haven't even had sex in five years!  
FIVE YEARS!"  Kiyone jumped to her feet and screamed at the 
heavens.  "WHY GOD?  WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO?"
	Her scream was as loud as she could make it, and hit an 
amazingly high pitch.  Coincidently, it scared the hell out of a 
bat flying directly overhead, which reacted in a manner similar 
to that of a frightened bird.  The resulting ounce of guano 
obeyed the laws of physics to the letter, falling about ten feet 
down and three to the side, landing directly on Dretric's 
	"EWW!  Damned bats!" he yelled in surprise, flinging it 
	Kiyone jumped and stared at him, blinking in astonishment 
when she realized he was scraping something dark and smelly off 
his shoulder.
	"Guano," he said, chuckling.  "You know, bat shit?"
	She smiled softly to herself, realizing what that gunk 
probably was.  She then sat down heavily, both palms flat on the 
ground.  Several deep breaths later, she cleared her throat and 
began.  "Sorry about that," she apologized hesitantly.  "I'll 
calm down."
	Dretric looked around nervously.  Most animals had long 
since learned to avoid the villages, even the tigers, but they 
could still be attracted by a scream.
	He needn't have worried.  Even a hungry tiger knows better 
than to take on something that made a scream that full of rage.
	They sat in the dirt for a while, each thinking dark, 
personal thoughts.
	Back at the camp, Mihoshi was making friends.  Unlike 
Kiyone, she had no problem making conversation with someone who 
didn't know her language.  Somehow, they understood her.  They 
smiled and nodded a lot, anyway.
	Mostly, it was males at first, but more and more of the 
women started chatting with her as she cheerfully helped them 
drag large logs around into a circle around the fire.  
	She always seemed to have an audience, especially when she 
had to bend over to pick something up, a detail she missed 
entirely.  Some of them stared openly when she performed 
impressive feats of strength, at one point lifting her end of a 
log off the ground and setting it down over a hump.  It 
unintentionally warded off would be harassers, especially the 
ones that had seen Kiyone slam the old geezer into the ground.
	Mihoshi sat on the logs with most of the rest of the 
village, choosing a seat near what she recognized as a set of 
primitive musical instruments.  She always enjoyed watching other 
people play, although she preferred to sing and dance.
	As she was unfamiliar with the music, she elected to sit 
and watch for a while.  The resulting simplistic mix of tapped 
tin cans, large hide drums, bottles with rocks in them, and a 
startling variety and range of sounds made by two young males was 
not only amazingly pleasing to the ear, but it also sounded 
familiar.  And when several others started singing, well, Mihoshi 
knew every word.  
	One of their recent temp jobs had been at a mall music 
store, a job that they had proved well suited for.  Between 
Mihoshi's looks and Kiyone's hair color, they blended in well 
with the somewhat eclectic clientele.  The store kept a selection 
of hits playing in the background, and not all of the music had 
been J-pop.  There was quite a selection from other countries, 
frequently in English or French, and often in a mix of Spanish 
and English.  The very next time they had gone to a karaoke bar, 
Mihoshi had astonished her partner by being able to sing 
perfectly all of the songs she had listened to, despite not 
knowing exactly what she was singing.
	Delighted, Mihoshi waited for another familiar song to come 
around, clapping along with the rest of the audience when 
	The loosely organized band had to pause after the next song 
while the two young men drank from nearby clay mugs.  After a 
short delay, they resumed play.  One man started tapping rapidly 
on a tin can dangling on a string tied to a stick, giving some 
rhythm.  A younger boy, perhaps around twelve or thirteen, took a 
pair of polished sticks and started beating on a set of different 
sized drums, adding to the beat with astonishing precision.
	Mihoshi's ears perked up.  There was no mistaking that 
beat, especially since it had been played often enough within her 
hearing that she knew all the sounds, even the hard to understand 
ones.  Her linguistics training had really came in handy there, 
although her skill owed more to her natural talent than any class 
she had taken.  She also noticed several of the naked village 
girls getting up and parading through the center of the 
gathering, walking with an exaggerated gait designed to draw 
attention to their most prominent features, that of their large, 
round posteriors.  It _had_ to be that song.
	She quickly stood up, drawing the immediate attention of 
all those around her.
	The villagers stood back in a loose semi-circle, waiting 
and watching to see what this funny foreign girl would do.
	Mihoshi swallowed nervously at first, but she had never 
been one to be very self-conscious.  With a sense of timing that 
had occasionally won small prizes, she seemed to cast aside her 
cheerful personality in favor of that of an 80's rap star.  
Appropriate, really.
	Slapping both hands on her own bare backside, she took a 
wide stance, drawing everyone's eyes.  "I like big butts! And I 
cannot lie!" she sang lustily in passable English, trying to 
match the original accent as much as possible.  
	Truly, she was right, that was exactly the song the band 
had started.  The crowd whooped in approval even as the bass 
drummer started his own slow beat.
	"You other brothers can't deny!" she said, sweeping her 
finger in an arc that pointed at various men, as she had seen the 
rappers do in a video.  "When a girl walks in with an itty bitty 
waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung!"  She 
crossed both wrists over her groin and thrust her hips.  
	"Wanna pull up tough, 'cause you notice that butt was 
stuck!  Deep in the jeans she's wearin', I'm hooked and I can't 
stop starin'!"  Gradually getting loosened up, she made a few 
wild gestures as she sang with the beat.
	"Oh, baby!  I wanna get with ya, and take your picture!  My 
homeboys tried to warn me, but that but you got makes-"  She 
abruptly pointed at one of the girls standing by expectantly.
	"Me so horny!" she moaned on cue.
	Gratified, Mihoshi grinned wildly as the audience cheered, 
continuing even more elaborately than before.
	Kiyone looked up as the sounds of music reached her ears, 
along with Mihoshi's voice.  She listened for a moment, then 
shook her head.  "She's doing it again."
	Dretric, who had been listening with some interest, looked 
over at her, being just barely able to make her out in the 
darkness now that his eyes had adjusted properly.  "Is that your 
	"Mihoshi..." Kiyone growled, then realized that she was 
being petty and immature.  "Ah, well.  At least she's making 
	Dretric was starting to get an idea of the complex nature 
of the relationship the two girls shared.  Privately, he 
suspected that Kiyone had an inferiority complex.  The other girl 
was friendlier, had managed to avoid getting lost, or at least he 
assumed that she wasn't lost, and had bigger breasts.  So far as 
he knew, those were matters of competition among women.
	Kiyone inhaled deeply, drinking in the heavy night air.  
Strange plants, strange animals, and one big stranger right 
beside her all perfumed the air with a musk unlike any other.  
Hesitantly, she reached out an arm and wrapped it around the much 
larger man's neck, allowing her hand to rest on his shoulder.
	Dretric flinched at the touch, not having seen her move in 
the dark, but he forced himself to relax.  
	Emboldened by her success, Kiyone leaned her head against 
his bare shoulder, liking the way his muscles moved and bunched 
when he slowly reached out and put his own arm around her.  Here, 
at last, was someone who knew what it was like to be shit on 
almost as much as her, and who took it in good humor.  Maybe she 
could learn something from him. 
	"Oooh!" she cried as the bass drummer hit a particularly 
hard beat.  "Rumplesmoothskin, you say you wanna get in my Benz?" 
she said, pointing both hands at herself, then at some of the 
girls.  "Well use me, use me, 'cause you ain't that average 
	By then most of the crowd was hip grinding or moving to the 
beat in some other way, although none of them ever looked away 
from Mihoshi, centered in the imaginary spotlight.
	"I seen her dancin', t'hell with romancin'!  She's sweat, 
wet, got it goin' like a turbo vet."  She danced over to the 
band, then whirled and faced the crowd.  "I'm tired of magazines, 
sayin' flat butts are the thing!  Take the average black man and 
ask him what, she gotta pack much back."  She grabbed each of her 
own cheeks in both hands and swayed her hips back and forth to 
the beat. 
	Following the remembered moves from the videos, Mihoshi 
suddenly pointed at the guys, who knew their lines were up.  
"So... Fellas!"
	"Does yo girlfriend got the butt?"
	"Tell'em ta shake it,"
	"shake it," 
	"shake that healthy butt!" Mihoshi cried.  "Baby got back!"
	The bass drummer started up again Mihoshi lapsed into 
momentary silence and the two young men started scatting; making 
various sounds with their mouth without actually singing.
	Mihoshi watched them curiously; she'd been wondering how 
they were going to handle this part.  "Baby got back!" she sang 
again at the right time, although she did wonder what it meant.  
Oops, it was her turn again.
	"I like 'em round, and big!  An' when I'm throwin' a gig I 
just can't help myself, I'm actin' like an animal.  Now here's my 
scandal.  I wanna getcha home, and UNGH!" she cried, balling her 
hands into fists and hip thrusting once.  "Double up UNGH! UNGH!" 
she finished, thrusting her crotch twice more in unison.
	"I ain't talkin' 'bout Playboy, 'cause silicone parts are 
made for toys!  I want 'em real thick and juicy, so find that 
juicy double, Mixalot's in trouble, beggin' for a piece of that 
bubble."  She pumped her fist several times as she'd seen others 
do, and the villagers loved it.
	"So I'm lookin' at rock videos, none o' these bimbos 
walkin' like 'hos!  You can keep those bimbos, I keep my women 
like flo jo.  A word to the thick soul sistas, I wanna get with 
ya, I won't cuss or hit ya, but I gotta be straight when I say I 
wanna-" Mihoshi paused a second to let several girls moan, "till 
the break of dawn!  Baby got it goin' on!  A lota simps won't 
like this song, 'cause them punks like ta hit it and quit it, and 
I'd rather stay an' play!"  
	Mihoshi started dancing her way out away from the band, 
getting in the group, which parted before her.  "'Cause I'm long!  
And I'm strong!  And I'm gonna get the friction on!"  She pointed 
at the girls, again following the memorized actions she'd seen 
two weeks previous.  "So...  Ladies!"
	"Do ya wanna roll my Mercedes?"
	"Then turn around, stick it out, even white boys got ta 
shout, baby got back!"
	Again the bass drummer started up louder than before, 
covering as everyone lapsed into silence, getting their breath 
back.  Mihoshi breathed heavily, but there was a near maniacal 
gleam in her eyes.  She was in her element.  To prove it, she 
shouted, "BABY GOT BACK!"
	Laughing quietly to herself, she started walking a slow 
circle around the gathered crowd, paying special attention to the 
few that seemed especially shy, singling them out for the others 
to see.  "Yeah, baby.  When it comes to females...  Cosmo ain't 
got nothing to do with my selection.  Thirty-six twenty-four 
thirty-six...  Heh heh, only if she's five-three."
	"So your girlfriend rolls a Honda, playin' workout tapes by 
Fonda, but Fonda ain't gotta motor in the back of her Honda.  My 
anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hon.  You can do 
side bends or situps, but please don't lose that butt!  Some 
brothas wanna play that hard roll, an' tellya that the butt ain't 
gold, so they toss it, and leave it, and I pull up quick to 
retrieve it.  So Cosmo says you're fat.  Well I ain't down with 
	"'Cause your waist is small and your curves are kickin', 
an' I'm thinkin' 'bout stickin'..."  Mihoshi paused, giving 
everyone a wide grin.  "To the beat," she continued as the bass 
drummer hit another hard lick, "all things in the magazines, you 
ain't in this thing.  Gimme a sister I can't resist her.  Red 
beans and rice didn't miss her.  Some knucklehead tried to dis, 
'cause his girls are on my list.  He had game but he chose to hit 
'em, and I pulled up quick to get with 'em."
	Mihoshi gathered her strength and stamina for the final 
part.  "So ladies if the butt is round, and you wanna triple-X 
throw down, dial one nine-hundred Mix-A-Lot, and kick them nasty 
thoughts.  Baby got back!"
	Mihoshi fell into silence again, breathing hard but flushed 
with excitement, allowing the scatting pair to take up the 
unusual sounds again.
	"Baby got back," she said again, watching the villagers 
dance.  Suddenly, she paused abruptly to look directly up, 
tracking some thing only she could see.
	The scatting pair also stopped immediately, as did the 
young drummer and the man with the tin cans.  Soon the entire 
village was copying Mihoshi, looking up in what they guessed was 
either a religious vision or a new dance.  Either way, they 
wanted in on it.
	Except for the bass drummer, who was lost in the rhythm of 
the moment.
	Everyone jumped back, startled as the new girl started 
jumping up and down, screaming and running back and forth waving 
her hands.
Mihoshi screamed, hopping up and down. 	
	The villagers were delighted!  It _was_ a new song and 
dance!  They joyfully took up the chant as well, screaming and 
laughing and dancing around in their best imitation of the wild 
gyrations the blonde outsider was performing.
	The silent musicians soon got the feel of it, and took up 
the beat again.  The rest of the villagers, after listening to 
Mihoshi repeat herself, figured out the loud bits and mumbled 
their way through the rest of it, in effect remixing Mihoshi's 
yelled, each person with his own slightly different version 
according to what each heard.  After a few repetitions the rough 
spots were smoothed out and they got into the groove.
	"What to do, what to do?" Mihoshi mumbled frantically to 
herself, trying to think of a way to get the other's attention 
before they left.  "I know!" she exclaimed.  "My uniform!"  She 
lost a few seconds precious time as she ducked and wove between 
the madly waving villagers, running to the disorderly pile she 
had left her clothes in.  On arrival, she snatched up her one-
piece uniform by its legs and started waving it madly in the air.
	GP uniforms were made out of a material Earth hadn't 
invented, and hopefully Ryo-Ohki would be looking for something 
like that.
	She ran around the edges of the crowd, occasionally leaping 
into the air in her enthusiasm.
	Soon the rest of the tribe, conditioned to watching Mihoshi 
for direction, was grabbing pieces of cloth from the huts and in 
some cases the hammocks strung up here and there, adding their 
own efforts to the screaming, flapping mob.
	High in the sky, Ryoko, Tenchi, and Ayeka all clustered 
around the video screen, watching the commotion below.  Ryo-Ohki 
had originally been attracted by the light and commotion, and 
when they got close one figure had leaped out at her like no 
	"Miyah!  Miyah!"  The screen shifted, zooming in on 
Mihoshi's face, then rapidly expanding outward to encompass the 
entire village.
	"Look!  It's Mihoshi!" Ryoko exclaimed unnecessarily.
	"Oh, my!  What is she doing?" Ayeka murmured in shock.
	"Dancing?" Tenchi ventured.  "I think?"
	"Look at the natives!  Look at the natives!" Ayeka hissed 
suddenly, as they all started mimicking Mihoshi again.
	"They're acting like she does!"  Tenchi's voice was tinged 
in horror.
	"Ryo-Ohki!" Ryoko barked, eminently practical.  "Prepare to 
fire!  The madness must be stopped!"
	"Miyah!" replied the cabbit in denial.  
	"Just do it!  The fate of the universe is at stake!"
	"Now, now, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for 
this," Ayeka consoled.  "They probably just think she's a mad god 
and are trying to appease her."
	The other two turned and gave her a strange look.  
	"It happens," she replied defensively.
	"No!  We have to kill them all!  Sterilize the area!" Ryoko 
	"Don't do it, Ryo-Ohki!  Mihoshi is a friend!"
	Tenchi backed away as the two girls argued, whispering to 
the cabbit out of the corner of his mouth.  "Can you set us down 
close to the village without being seen?" 
	"Miyah, yah," replied the ship, just as quietly.
	Ryoko and Ayeka's argument cut off abruptly as they found 
themselves and Tenchi dropped unceremoniously on the edge of the 
	All three winced at the din, heat, and smell of forty 
unwashed people and a large fire, and Tenchi was the first to 
recover and yell Mihoshi's name.
	"Tenchi?  TENCHI!" Mihoshi yelled in delight, quickly 
echoed by the crowd, as she picked his voice out of the multitude 
and bounded his way, dropping her uniform in the process.  She 
ignored the crowd hot on her heels, concentrating only on that 
one special person.
	She would have glomped him, too, but for Ayeka's force 
shield, which covered all three of them.
	"Nice job," whispered Ryoko behind Tenchi's back.  "I'd 
have never thought of that."
	Ayeka blushed and nodded.  "Yes, well, one does what one 
	"Mihoshi!" Tenchi exclaimed running forward to save the 
fallen police officer.  He ran right through the space previously 
occupied by Ayeka's shield, which had been turned off to avoid 
hurting him.
	"Mihoshi!  Mihoshi!  Are you alright?" Tenchi asked 
anxiously, crouching beside her.
	"Ack!" he replied as he was enveloped in a full body 
Mihoshi hug.
	"Forget the tearful reunions," Ryoko growled, pulling the 
girl off.  "Did you get the trespasser?  And where's Kiyone?"
	"Um, Kiyone is off out there somewhere," Mihoshi said 
nervously, waving in her partner's general direction.  "Don't 
worry about her."  She just knew Kiyone was in a romantic clinch, 
and didn't want her friend's private time interrupted.
	"Out there?  You mean she's lost in the jungle?" Tenchi 
asked, concerned.  "What happened?  Is she alright?"
	Mihoshi was just about to reply when Ayeka interrupted her.
	"Mihoshi, why are you naked?"  She paused.  "And why are 
all these people naked as well?"
	In that same instant Tenchi found himself blind as both 
Ayeka and Ryoko covered up one of his eyes with a hand.  "Ano, 
what?" he asked, confused. 
	"Don't worry, my pet," Ayeka assured him. 
	"Nothing to concern yourself with, Tenchi."  Ryoko did 
likewise from the other side.
	"They were," Mihoshi said, and shrugged, pointing at the 
villagers behind her, who had stopped their dancing and were 
watching the new arrivals with interest.
	One, annoyed at the interruption, snuck up and grabbed 
Mihoshi's wrist before dragging her back toward the designated 
dance floor.  
	"What the-Hey!" she protested, although not very hard.  
"Well, I guess I could do _one_ more.  But only one, okay?"
	The crowd cheered, and the party was soon back in full 
swing.  Rescues could wait.
	"She never quits."
	"What?" Ryoko asked, blinking in surprise as Kiyone walked 
	"Oh, my, you too, Kiyone?" Ayeka asked.
	"Huh? What's going on?" Tenchi asked, exasperatedly pulling 
the two girls' hands down.  Upon realization that Kiyone was 
standing near them, naked, he choked and quickly replaced the 
hands over his eyes.  Assuming a wide stance, he crossed his arms 
and waited patiently for it all to be over.
	Kiyone shrugged.  "In a way, I suppose I started it.  Nice 
to see you three here.  Did you find the monster?"
	"No, we were too busy looking for you two.  What happened?" 
Ryoko asked.
	Kiyone sighed.  "It's a long story.  Basically, we got 
attacked, separated, and we lost all our gear.  Help?"
	Ryoko laughed once, a short, harsh sound.  "You really 
messed up, didn't you?  Why didn't you call for Yagami?"
	Kiyone turned her head sideways and put her hand behind her 
ear, holding her long hair back to show them the place where her 
earring used to be.  "When I say we lost our gear, I mean all of 
our gear.  I think it ate my gun.  By the way, have any of you 
ever seen or heard of a being with four arms, two legs, and a 
nasty attitude?"
	The other two gave her level stares.
	Kiyone bowed her head in submission.  "Right, right, be 
more specific.  It's hard to, though.  Ah.  It's about three 
meters tall, very fast, very muscular, skin color is white and 
green, possibly mutable, claws about this big," she said, holding 
her fingers apart.  "It didn't speak, but that doesn't mean it 
can't.  It tried to get into Yagami, but Mihoshi stopped it."  
She noticed the confused looks she was getting and stopped.  "Let 
me guess, no, right?"
	They both nodded.  "The only beings I know that big with 
four arms and two legs are the Fruntonians.  And none of them 
would be caught dead in a jungle," Ryoko supplied.  In fact, no 
one had ever seen the race of power executives out of their 
offices in several hundred years.  It was assumed they mated 
through an office memo system, somehow.  "Oh, and by the way," 
Ryoko added, "it didn't eat your gun.  I found it."  She passed 
the blaster back to its registered owner.
	Kiyone's eyes lit up as she took it.  "Hey, great!  There 
were several times I could have used this.  Thanks!"  She glanced 
down at herself, shrugged, and tied the gun securely in her hair. 
	Everyone looked over as Dretric walked up and stood behind 
	Ayeka raised one delicate eyebrow as she gauged the 
newcomer.  "Damn he's big," she stated crudely.
	Ryoko, who had been about to whistle appreciatively, turned 
and glared at her.  "Are naked people _all_ you think about?"
	Ayeka turned away, her nose in the air.  "Quiet, you."
	"I don't want to know, I just don't want to know."  Tenchi 
was tired.  It was entirely the wrong time of day for him.
	Kiyone shook her head and looked at the ground.  "I do not 
want to deal with this right now."  She looked up.  "Guys, 
please, do me a favor.  Take Mihoshi up to Yagami and send her 
back to our apartment to get my uniform.  Wait!" she said quickly 
as they were about to ask why it was there.  "I don't want to 
talk about it.  Just tell her to get my uniform, get a good 
night's sleep, and meet me back here in the morning.  Be sure she 
gets a fix on this position, please.  We don't need to waste half 
a day waiting for her to find me.  If you'd be so kind, I'd like 
it if all of you would come with her in the morning and help us 
capture or neutralize the perpetrator.  It's a danger to the 
native wildlife and population."  She finished and waited for 
their response.
	"That's fine, I suppose," Ayeka replied.  "But why don't 
you come back with us?"  Her eyes flicked involuntarily to the 
side where the huge dark-skinned man was standing and smiling at 
them innocently.  Ryoko was smirking outright.
	"Right now, I want a little time to myself."  Kiyone's hard 
glare dared them to disagree.
	"Fine...  Fine..."
	"Good.  Now kindly take the bubblehead, and her clothes, 
and get lost.  It's dark, no one will see you.  That's great.  
Bye bye now."  Giving them a combination of rapid chatter and a 
few good shoves, she hustled everyone back out of her life for 
just one more night.
	Ryo-Ohki dropped from the sky like a stone, only faster.  
The three girls and one boy on board felt nothing of this, 
however, although they did watch with interest as the ground 
rushed up to meet them.
	"Are we going to be seen?" Tenchi asked no one in 
particular.  Dark circles hung under his eyes, and he had an 
unkempt look to him that showed how long he'd been without sleep.  
After the events of the night before, he'd had just enough time 
to get home, shower, and go to school.  Now that school was over, 
they had come back to get Kiyone.
	Ryoko shook her head.  "Nah."  She was wearing essentially 
the same outfit she'd been wearing throughout the search, a one-
piece fighting uniform she liked.
	"Possibly," Ayeka replied.  She had prepared for the 
probable upcoming battle by changing into something she rarely 
wore, a Juraian battle outfit complete with what Tenchi thought 
was war paint.  She had merely shrugged at their surprise, 
dismissing it as something no princess should be without.  
	"Huh?"  Mihoshi had been watching the screen pensively.  
She had on her GP field uniform, and had Kiyone's in her arms.
	"Oh, well that sure clears up everything," Tenchi said in 
exasperation.  Alone among the crew, he was not dressed for 
battle, having just gotten out of school before they left.
	"Get ready everyone," Ryoko announced, tensing her body.  
"Ryo-Ohki's going to set us down just out of sight of the 
village, and she's going to do it fast.  Right about...  Now."
	Less than a second later they found themselves standing on 
a wide dirt road facing in the direction that would take them to 
the village.  Ryo-Ohki changed to her cabbit form and landed in 
Ryoko's hair a few moments later.
	The sun was already over a third of the way across the sky, 
bathing the jungle in its light.  After spending the day in the 
relative coolness of springtime Japan, the heat of the jungle 
seemed that much worse, especially since they now had to walk 
through it.
	"Oh, my," Ayeka said, fanning herself with her hand.  "It's 
very hot out here, isn't it?"
	"Un huh," Tenchi agreed, sweating profusely.
	"Hot?" both Ryoko and Mihoshi asked before turning to look 
at each other and shrugging.  
	They soon arrived at the village, drawing even more stares 
and the odd hostile glance from the people who had wondered where 
they had disappeared to the night before.  It had generally been 
assumed that dealing with the newcomers could wait until after 
the party, and then they had just grabbed the hot dancing mamma 
and ran off.  Few people were amused, although everyone did wave 
happily to Mihoshi and offer a greeting, which she responded to 
	Ryo-Ohki, naturally curious, immediately hopped off Ryoko's 
head and scampered around, exploring the village.
	Kiyone met them within a minute of their arrival, having 
been waiting patiently.  The big black man was conspicuously 
	Tenchi blushed terribly and spun around when he realized 
that Kiyone was naked, staring studiously at the sky.  Even the 
other naked villagers were easier to look at than the longhaired 
woman.  For crying out loud, he _knew_ Kiyone.
	"Sorry, Tenchi," she apologized, taking her much missed 
uniform from Mihoshi.  "I'd all but forgotten."  Despite the 
apology, she made no move to cover herself more than simply 
holding her clothes already did.  "I'm going to go change, I'll 
be right back."  She disappeared into one of the huts, leaving 
the others to stand around uncomfortably.
	The village was a fascinating place to Ryo-Ohki.  Strange 
beings, even stranger animals, a plethora of new smells, the only 
thing the village lacked was the variety of electronic signals 
she was used to from any habitation.  There were a few, magnets, 
radio receivers, primitive batteries and solar collectors, all 
concealed in the mass of dry plant matter that made up the homes.  
Ryo-Ohki was used to that, however, as it seemed to be a 
characteristic that all Earth homes shared. 
	She scampered around the village unopposed, although 
several people stared at her in astonishment.  She miyahed a 
greeting at them and hopped on, wanting to see as much of this 
new place as possible before she left.
	Many of the humans were laying on sheets of cloth tied 
between support poles of a large central structure, and this 
seemed to be the most interesting area of the camp.  Ryo-Ohki 
knew better than to invade the private huts.  She eyed several 
large birds warily, deciding that they weren't mean when they 
simply scattered at her cautious approach.
	Suddenly, there was a sharp tug on her short bob of a tail.  
Ryo-Ohki shrieked in alarm as she jumped and whirled on her 
	There was nothing behind her.
	Confused, she glanced around warily, backing around in a 
slow circle to see better.  Her ears pricked up alertly, scanning 
for more than just sound.
	There!  There it was!  A soft scrabbling above caught the 
cabbit's attention.  Although completely concealed by the poles 
and leaves that made up the roof, in the infrared she could make 
out a small humanoid animal, clinging to the other side of a 
nearby pole.  As she watched, it peeked cautiously around the 
pole, quickly ducking back when it realized she was looking at 
	Ryo-Ohki was intrigued.  This was a creature about her 
size.  Maybe it would be friends with her?  She tested the 
composition of the wooden pole with one forepaw, circling to keep 
the creature in sight.  Now that it knew it had been spotted, it 
made far less effort to remain concealed.  
	Ryo-Ohki wasn't that great of a climber.  She had sharp 
claws, but they were of far more use when she was tearing into 
her favorite prey item, a domesticated carrot.  Still, she wanted 
to meet this strange creature, and as it was above her, she had 
to climb.  Or fly, but Ryoko had told her not to fly in public.
	It was actually a combination of the two that allowed her 
to scale the pole.  Her claws dug into the pole and pulled her 
upward, but it was by manipulating gravity that she was able to 
climb quickly and with little effort, much like the way she 
climbed around on her friends and sat lightly on their heads.
	The little monkey climbed just as quickly as she, though, 
jumping into the web of roof supports and then up through a small 
hole in the thatch roof.  Ryo-Ohki knew that it had stopped on 
top, however, and lost little time joining it, although some of 
the jumps she was forced to make defied the laws of physics.
	The monkey chittered in alarm and jumped backwards when she 
suddenly popped up from the hole, landing several feet away.  
This time, though, it hesitated, cheeping at her and baring its 
teeth in warning.  It knew she was different, somehow.
	Ryo-Ohki projected waves of calm and friendship, trying to 
reassure the Earth creature that she was a friend.  She extended 
one ear toward it in offering, moving slowly but steadily 
	It backed up steadily and rose the volume and intensity of 
its chattering with every step.  It clearly did not want to be 
friends.  Then, for some reason, it stopped backing up and began 
to advance.  The note of fear was gone from its voice, replaced 
by an angry confidence that it could deal with this intruder.
	Ryo-Ohki halted instantly, suddenly very aware of the 
presences now surrounding her.  The monkey's friends had arrived, 
and they didn't sound like they wanted to be friends with her 
	Kiyone emerged from the hut, fully dressed and ready to 
rock.  "You guys ready?"
	They nodded.  
	"Hey," Ryoko said slyly.  "Isn't there anyone you want to 
say goodbye to?"  She eased over and nudged Kiyone in the ribs.  
"You know, someone _special_."
	Kiyone simply looked her in the eye.  "I already have."  
	Ryoko backed away in confusion, glancing at the others for 
moral support.  This just wasn't like the Kiyone she had grown 
used to.  The other Kiyone would have blushed and stammered, or 
maybe have gotten angry.  This Kiyone didn't seem to want to 
talk, and when she did, she didn't feel a need to explain 
	Even Mihoshi noted her partner's new attitude in dismay.  
Kiyone must have had a truly rough time in the jungle to be so 
standoffish now.  She resolved to talk to her partner about it as 
soon as they were alone.  Mihoshi couldn't help but feel that she 
was somehow responsible, and one thing she couldn't stand was 
having her partner mad at her.  It made her want to cry and beg 
for forgiveness.
	"Mihoshi.  Mihoshi.  Hey, Mihoshi."
	Mihoshi's head jerked around from where she had been 
staring at her best friend to see Tenchi looking at her in 
	"Are you all right, Mihoshi?  You've got tears in your 
	Mihoshi dug the heel of her palm into each eye, forcing the 
tears away.  "No, I'm fine, really.  Are we ready?"
	Everyone nodded.
	"Wait," Ayeka said suddenly.  "Where's Ryo-Ohki?"
	"MIYAAAH!" screeched the cabbit, racing away from the 
village with a dozen monkeys hot on her trail.
	"She's ready to go, too," Ryoko assured her.
	Soon they all found themselves on the bridge of Yagami, 
watching as Mihoshi told the computer to find the alien being 
	To tell the truth, as Mihoshi always did, she couldn't have 
said what it was exactly that set the six-limbed alien apart from 
the rest of the organic life in the area.  Some quirk of its 
metabolism, perhaps, or a different composition of elements in 
its cell walls.  Regardless, Yagami's tuned sensors quickly 
picked out the alien's unique energy signature and displayed the 
coordinates on screen.
	"Found it!" Mihoshi chirped happily.  It's about three 
miles north northwest from the village, sitting very still.
	Kiyone winced.  "That's a little closer to the village than 
I'd like.  If we start shooting, someone is bound to notice."
	"Can't you lure it away?"
	Kiyone turned to look at Ryoko quizzically.  
	"Well, as Mihoshi said before, it tried to get inside the 
Yagami when it knew you were there," Ryoko explained.  "Just drop 
down a few miles farther, open the airlock doors, and wait for 
it.  There's no way that it can get past all of us, and Tenchi 
could stay onboard to close and open the doors if they need it."
	Tenchi wasn't quite able to keep his opinion of that idea 
from showing in his expression, but fortunately no one was 
looking at him.
	"Mihoshi as well, perhaps," Ayeka suggested.  "If we three 
await it on the ground and in the trees, we would have little 
difficulty subduing it quietly once it tried for the door."
	Kiyone nodded.  "Not a bad idea, but it already knows that 
we can keep it from entering Yagami.  It may come for us, but not 
take the bait.  I think it can sense our equipment, or maybe our 
energy.  It seemed to know that the ship was there long before we 
were in sight."  She turned to Tenchi.  "Tenchi, I want you and 
Ryoko to stand in the airlock with the door open.  If you see it 
coming for you, close the door immediately.  Remember, this thing 
is far faster than you might would think.  If it even gets within 
a hundred feet, close the door."
	Tenchi nodded.
	"Ryoko, I want you to stay in there with him, at least 
until I engage.  Ayeka and I will stay on the ground, and with 
Ayeka's powers and my equipment we should shine like a beacon to 
this thing.  When it tries to hit us, drop down from above.  
Mihoshi," she said, looking at the blonde, "I want you on the 
bridge in case we have to move.  Keep an eye on the scanners and 
keep us informed."  She tapped her newly replaced earring.  "Any 
	"Yes," Tenchi replied.  "Do you have anything I could use 
if it gets too close?"
	"_Don't_ let it get too close," Ryoko told him.  "If it 
does, we're already screwed."
	"Please, Tenchi, do be careful.  Don't take any unnecessary 
risks."  Ayeka lay one hand on his shoulder.
	"Well, he should have something," Kiyone admitted.  "Come 
on, Tenchi.  I think we've got a riot stick in the armory."
	A riot stick turned out to be a sword length rod with a 
prominent round guard and several strips running the length of 
the 'blade'.  When a button was tapped and the handle was 
squeezed lightly, as if being held in one hand, the blade could 
be electrified like a tazer.  A dial controlled the power, which 
could be set anywhere from a nasty shock to near-instant death 
for anything not protected or immune.  
	Kiyone showed him how to use it, then set the dial for a 
level that would stop just short of death for a human.  Just in 
case he hit himself, as they didn't have the insulated armor 
usually worn when wielding the riot sticks. 
	Tenchi performed a simple waza with the switch off, 
bringing the blade on a downward slice, then in a side block, 
getting used to the unfamiliar weight.  He glanced up at Kiyone 
and said, "Do you think this can stop it?"
	Kiyone caught a meaningful look from the other two girls 
and shrugged.  "I doubt it.  Nothing seems to have fazed it yet."
	Disappointed, Tenchi held it in a low stance, pointed at 
the floor.
	"So, are we ready?" the dark haired woman asked.  
	Mute nods all around.
	"Let's do it and be back in time for dinner," Kiyone said 
	Although hardly the most adrenaline-charged battle cry in 
galactic history, they soon found their positions and mentally 
prepared themselves.  
	Kiyone stood in the middle of a newly created clearing, 
thoughtfully provided by a few quick slashes of Ryoko's energy 
sword.  She pointed her new blaster straight up and held it in 
both hands, listening intently to her new communicator, which was 
now held on by a dab of hypoallergenic superglue.
	Ayeka stood right beside her, seemingly armed with nothing 
but a serene smile.  Dozens of little logs floated throughout the 
clearing, however, and multihued sparks danced between them, 
gobbling up the occasional insect or falling leaf.  Her power 
hummed and filled the entire area, an unmistakable, primal 
	Yagami hovered thirty feet overhead behind them, the 
airlock very visibly open.  Ryoko and Tenchi's faces looked out 
at the pair below, searching the trees as well.
	Mihoshi was the most active one, watching her screens as 
the little white blip moved steadily closer, although much slower 
than it had before.  "It's being very cautious," she informed 
Kiyone.  "It's covered the first three thousand feet in a flash, 
but it's skulking through the trees this last two.  Right now 
it's about twelve hundred feet away directly in front of you, 
moving to your left."
	"Twelve hundred feet, that way," Kiyone informed the 
princess, pointing one finger.
	Ayeka sighed and relaxed her power, allowing the leaves to 
fall unimpeded.  Abruptly she sucked in her breath, then tugged 
at Kiyone's elbow.  "I can feel it," she hissed.  "Like Ryoko, 
only weaker."
	"Mihoshi, Ayeka says she can feel it.  She knows where it 
is.  Keep me informed, though."
	Above, in the airlock, Ryoko nodded to herself.  She could 
feel it as well, using the same sense she used to know where she 
was teleporting to.
	Kiyone watched anxiously, listening carefully to Mihoshi's 
reports as she did.  It was Ayeka that slowly stretched out one 
slender hand and pointed, directing Kiyone's gaze to a large 
white head emerging from a tangle of brush.  Her blaster leveled 
out, tracking the beast's movements as it stepped into a gap in 
the trees, boldly showing itself.
	It was the first time that Kiyone had gotten a good look at 
it.  Four long, muscular arms attached to an elongated torso, two 
legs that were slightly longer but at least as dexterous, a 
bullet-shaped head with a mouth full of teeth, two staring, 
yellow eyes, and the whole package wrapped up in three meters of 
white and green patchwork skin.
	"Ugly thing, isn't he?" Ayeka commented softly.  "And 
	The alien tore a handful of dirt out of the ground with one 
taloned hand, crumbled it slightly, and used another finger to 
flick some in her direction with a snort.  In a wonderful example 
of wordless communication, it had indicated that it thought 
exactly the same of the princess.
	Ayeka's serene composure twisted into a snarl.  "That's 
it," she said, striding forward and pushing up her sleeves, "it 
	Kiyone's communicator shrieked with Mihoshi's voice even as 
Ryoko called a warning out from above.
	"Huh?" Ayeka said, immediately backpedaling and shielding 
Kiyone as well.  
	They hit from the sides and back, three equally large 
monsters running hell bent for blood, tearing through the trees 
like guided cruise missiles.  Thousands of feet were covered in 
seconds, and they dove through the circle of logs and slammed 
into the invisible shield Ayeka had immediately raised.
	Ayeka actually staggered forward, the mere physical impacts 
backed up by something more, and then the original hit from the 
front, knocking her off her feet.
	Kiyone, however, was not affected in the slightest by the 
violent impacts.  She was, however, startled by the sudden 
appearance of three more, and not nearly so fast as to be able to 
draw a bead on any of them, much less fire through Ayeka's 
	Ryoko had no such problems, and immediately teleported 
down, aiming for one that was incomprehensively trying to claw 
its way through Ayeka's shield, and nearly succeeding.
	Claws of psychic power pried and tore at the shield, 
flailing away furiously as the beasts growled.  With three of 
them pushing with all their might, Ayeka didn't dare relax the 
shield, and Kiyone could not get a shot.  In fact, Ayeka was a 
little worried about keeping up the shield period, as it actually 
gave a little under the combined push.
	Ryoko's blade materialized out of thin air with the rest of 
her right behind it, dropping like a meteor through one muscled 
torso and slamming into the ground hard enough to make a crater.  
	Four hands from two beasts slashed at her, too late to stop 
her from cleaving the alien in half, but trying hard to get 
	Just as quick she made herself insubstantial and dropped 
into the ground, surprised to feel a brief tugging at her hair.  
Not only were they as fast or faster than she could be, they 
could even hit her when she was immaterial.
	Ayeka's confidence returned in a rush.  She knew she was 
invulnerable.  They were just big ugly monsters, nothing to worry 
about.  And with one, now two of them gone, there was almost no 
pressure on her mind.  She stood back up and summoned her logs.
	The original alien had darted backwards on all six limbs 
when the first one died, its inhuman eyes darting around.  It 
knew that the flying one was underground, the other was just 
getting up, and none of the others seemed to be much of a threat.  
Even the green-haired one had done little, and now it just stood 
there, moving so slowly.  It looked up.
	The airlock was open and so, so close.
	Very close, actually.  Tenchi, caught up in the excitement 
of the moment, had forgotten to close it.  He stood in the 
doorway, brandishing his riot stick, and watching the fight 
anxiously.  He spotted the creature just as it jumped.
	To his credit, he fought back the initial impulse to take a 
stance and meet it with his blade, instead jabbing his finger on 
the close button and THEN taking a stance.  He saw right away 
that the door wouldn't close in time.
	Eight hundred pounds of muscle hit the rapidly closing door 
hard enough to dent it, and four strong hands wedged themselves 
into the crack.  With a scream of tortured machinery, the door 
was forced backwards in its tracks.
	"HAH!" Tenchi yelled, bringing the charged riot stick down 
on the monster's head.
	Enough electricity to knock out an elephant coursed through 
its body, not fazing it in the slightest.
	Undaunted, Tenchi did what Kiyone told him not to do.  He 
turned up the dial, then hit the monster very very hard on the 
	The smell of scorched flesh filled the air, and then it 
brought its legs in through the door and kicked him.
	Ryoko was just about to dart up through the ground and go 
for another when she felt a familiar tingle in the back of her 
mind.  The clearing was about to get nasty.
	Little logs floated about in a seemingly random pattern, 
not actually existing but simply a manifestation of the Jurai 
power.  The princess sent a surge of power through them all at 
once, trapping the two remaining aliens and frying them on an 
atomic level.
	No hapless moth or unfortunate gnat was ever fried so 
thoroughly between the wire mesh of a bug zapper.  The two 
monsters jerked several times, swinging their claws blindly, then 
simply ceased to be.
	"Tenchi!" Kiyone yelled.
	Mihoshi ran as fast as she could down the long corridors of 
the spaceship, wishing she was on her own long destroyed cruiser.  
It had been much smaller, and it didn't take a minute to get to 
the airlock.  Her new blaster was out, ready, and pointed in 
front of her as she ran, just as it had been when she first got 
the sensor report that an intruder had made it aboard.  
	Bulkhead doors slammed closed behind her as she ran.  The 
monster would make it no farther than it already had.
	Tenchi slumped against the wall where he had hit, dazed by 
the blow but still clutching his weapon.  He shook his head and 
looked up, then ducked quickly to avoid the foot that slammed 
into the wall where his head had been.
	Fortunately for him, the alien didn't stick around to 
finish the job, choosing instead to bounce off of that wall and 
run up the corridor towards the front of the ship.
	Mihoshi heard it before she saw it and wisely prepared to 
fire, stopping and bracing herself where she would be able to 
jump to the side if she had to.
	The corridor had a slight curve to it, just enough that she 
couldn't see the end where the alien was.  She waited until it 
heaved into view, making sure Tenchi wasn't in front of it or 
being carried, then opened fire.
	Three, four, five shots in all spanged down the corridor, 
each hitting the muscled torso with devastating force.  The first 
three stopped it and knocked it back, and the next two actually 
pushed it back, bleeding a thin, clear fluid, which splattered 
the corridor.
	Wounded fiercely, it skittered backwards out of sight.
	Mihoshi followed, gun at the ready.
	Tenchi stood up as he heard the shots, then had a brief 
flash of Ryoko and found himself standing in the clearing below.  
The bisected halves of one of the beasts lay nearby, and there 
was a faint aroma of burnt flesh in the air.
	Ryoko dumped him unceremoniously beside Ayeka and Kiyone, 
then flew back to the ship, phasing through the hull with ease.  
She emerged right in front of Mihoshi, already facing the 
	"Tenchi?" Mihoshi asked quickly.
	Ryoko glanced backwards over her shoulder.  "He's fine.  
Did you get it?"
	"Not enough," Mihoshi replied concisely.  "We need to get 
it out of the ship."
	Ryoko nodded.  "Right, will do."  She lifted into the air, 
then flew at top speed down the corridor, making herself 
completely solid as she did.  
	Her speed reached that of the creature's themselves as she 
went, both fists stretched out in front of her body.  It hadn't 
had time to claw through bulkheads to the rear of the ship, and 
was probably between her and the airlock.  With any luck, she 
would hit it and keep right on going, carrying the both of them 
out the door.
	Sure enough, there it was standing to one side of the hall 
in the lee of a corner, one hand gingerly clasped over a 
particularly well-placed shot and the other three spread and 
ready for action.  It had only backed up about twenty feet.
	Corners were nothing for Ryoko, even when she actually had 
to go around them.  She hit it squarely between the lower two 
arms, picking the surprised monster up and flying down the hall 
as fast as before.
	Luckily, she didn't have far to go before she exited the 
ship.  Unluckily, it was just barely fast enough to throw all six 
limbs out and sink its talons into the metal walls of airlock as 
she attempted to fly through it.
	Great rents were left in the metal as it slid backwards, 
stopping right at the edge of the ruined door with its butt 
hanging over the edge.
	Undaunted by her sudden stop, Ryoko drew back one fist and 
punched it.  
	Inhuman ribs cracked from the blow, and a growl of pain and 
anger flew from its mouth.  Not counting the time spent in 
cryogenic sleep, it wasn't very old, but it had never experienced 
pain like this before.  It wanted to _hurt_ this one.
	It let go all at once, allowing itself to be catapulted 
back in mid-air, but also allowing it to slam two massive hands 
on each side of Ryoko's head and two more on each shoulder.
	The first blow was so strong that despite her natural 
toughness, Ryoko was knocked instantly unconscious, and thus did 
not feel it when it brought both feet up and kicked her viciously 
in the stomach.
	Ryoko flew higher into the air, and the alien was given a 
boost of speed toward the ground.
	It needed it, too, as Ayeka was already revving up her 
power, preparing to vaporize it just as she had the others.
	It hit the trees running, and despite her quick extension 
was too fast for her, quickly disappearing into the jungle even 
as shots from Kiyone's blaster hit limbs around it.
	Which still left the problem of Ryoko's ascent and descent.
	Ayeka glanced upwards but allowed her to fall, a serious 
look on her face.  "Tenchi!" she barked.  "Catch Ryoko!"
	Tenchi was running as soon as he saw, doing his best to try 
and get her before she hit the ground. He needn't have worried.
	Ayeka's power, already spread through the area, was in the 
perfect position to intercept and slow Ryoko's descent, guiding 
her gently into Tenchi's waiting arms.
	Mihoshi's worried face looked down from the airlock.  "Is 
she all right?" she called, voicing everyone's concern.
	"Ouch," Ryoko replied, bringing both hands up to gently 
massage her head.  "Did anyone get the number of that cruiser?"
	"You're okay!" Tenchi exclaimed, breathing a sigh of 
	"Did we get him?" she asked, sitting up and allowing Tenchi 
to set her down on her feet as Ayeka and Kiyone ran up.
	"I'm afraid not," Kiyone replied quickly.  "It got away.  
We need to track it, fast."  "Mihoshi!" she yelled suddenly.
	"Yes?"  The reply floated back down from above.
	"Beam us up!  We've got to find that thing!"
	A few minutes later the Yagami had rose once again into the 
sky, out of sight of anything on the ground as it ran a search 
once again.  The outer door of the airlock was ruined, but the 
inner door was more than sufficient to maintain ship atmosphere, 
and the next two inner bulkheads had been closed as a precaution.
	"How did you miss those others?"  Kiyone gave Mihoshi a 
hard look from where she sat at the pilot's controls.
	"I don't know," she replied distractedly, typing away.  
	"They couldn't have come from the pod," Kiyone said aloud.  
"It was too small.  I think it's been reproducing, probably 
	Mihoshi nodded.  "If so, they might have more of the local 
minerals and compounds in them.  That might be why Yagami missed 
them on the last pass.  I'll have to redefine the search.  But 
right now, we've got trouble."
	"Uh oh."  The screen showed a little white blip circling 
erratically towards a greenscale shaded picture of a cluster of 
huts, and afterward none of them were sure who had said it.  
	"We hit it hard and fast," Kiyone announced, tilting the 
controls forward and giving the ship a goose of power.  "Save the 
	"Tenchi," Ayeka said hesitantly.
	He drooped his shoulders and nodded.  "Yeah, I'll stay 
	"Thanks," she said, and gave him a warm smile.  "I don't 
want to worry about you."
	"You did good, though," Ryoko added from his other side.  
"It's just that this guy is really tough."  To the others she 
said, "I'll take Ayeka in from above.  Or would you rather go?"
	Kiyone glanced at her partner, who blinked, and shook her 
head.  "No, I don't think that's a very good idea.  We've been 
messing around here too much."
	"I've got a great idea!" Mihoshi said suddenly.  "Kiyone, 
get us directly over the village, fast!"
	Kiyone had already brought the ship down in a silent arc 
towards the area, and quickly did as she was bade.  "What are you 
going to do, Mihoshi?"
	"Kidnap them!" the blonde replied gleefully, tapping a 
particular key with great relish as soon as the ship was within 
	Yagami was a higher class of ship than the average GP 
cruiser, both in size and firepower, thanks to a few lucky breaks 
and an out of court settlement on a sexual harassment suit Kiyone 
had almost filed on one of the top brass.  She had then tried to 
have her killed and had subsequently been arrested, but Kiyone 
had gotten to keep the ship.
	One of the things that the Yagami boasted was a very 
sophisticated teleporter system, which could almost instantly 
make pickup on a full platoon of field operatives, provided that 
they were all gathered in one place.  
	A village as small as the one in question counted as 'one 
	In the span of a three second pass, Yagami's spacious cargo 
hold was full of startled African villagers, most still staring 
upwards at where the giant red ship had flew into their field of 
	"So you see," Mihoshi explained to a perfectly horrified 
Kiyone, "now we can go down, arrest the bad guy however it takes, 
and not worry about native casualties."
	Kiyone stared at her mutely for a moment.  "...MIHOSHI!  Do 
you know what kind of Contact Code Break that is!?"
	"The third kind, obviously," Mihoshi replied as if she'd 
asked 'What is the best brand of pocky?' or 'What do you do when 
you get bitten by a Crepusculian flying shrew?'.
	"We could be executed by the Juraian Environmental 
Protection Agency!"
	The nearby Royal Princess of Jurai cleared her throat 
politely.  "Um, I approve?"
	Mihoshi smiled brightly in triumph.  "And it's also within 
our acting duties as resident officers.  Any action that protects 
this planet's native inhabitants from off planet trespassers 
falls under article 458-13b, section three exemptions and is 
therefore legal."
	"Oh."  Kiyone looked faintly embarrassed.  "I didn't 
remember that."
	"I looked it up last night," Mihoshi admitted.
	"Enough already!" Ryoko protested.  "Can we go kill Mr. 
Four-arms now?"
	"Right," Kiyone agreed.  "Mihoshi and I will beam down to 
the village proper and try to take it out from a distance.  
Ayeka, I want you to stay close to Mihoshi and I and make sure it 
doesn't rush us.  Ryoko..." Kiyone paused blinking, realizing 
that Ryoko was no longer visible.  "Ryoko?  Where'd she go?"
	Everyone looked around, as if expecting her to suddenly 
heave into view out of thin air.
	Coincidently enough, Ryoko did exactly that twenty seconds 
later, a six-limbed green and white alien space monster slung 
over her shoulders like a sack of carrots.
	Everyone screamed and jumped back, expecting it to suddenly 
start swinging, but it was completely motionless with a certain 
air of finality about it.
	"Found it laying in the dirt at the edge of the village in 
a puddle of clear stuff," Ryoko explained.  "Looks like Mihoshi's 
shots did more damage than we thought."
	"Are you sure it's dead?" Kiyone asked warily.  "The last 
thing we need is it suddenly coming back to life in _here_."
	"Did you poke it with a stick?" inquired Mihoshi, ever 
practical.  "My Grandfather said always poke them with a long 
pointy stick, then shoot them again if they wiggle."
	"I stuck it with an energy sword," the notorious space 
pirate replied blandly, indicating a number of scorched holes in 
the torso and limbs.  "It works better."
	Ayeka snorted quietly into her hand, suppressing a laugh. 
	Kiyone sagged in her seat.  "Whew.  I'm glad that's over.  
This has been one hell of a mission."
	"But what if there's more?" Tenchi asked.  "I mean, those 
others had to have came from somewhere."
	Kiyone nodded.  "Good point, Tenchi.  Mihoshi, see if you 
can find any more.  I'll take this thing down to the freezer for 
transport back to headquarters.  The sooner we find the rest, the 
sooner we start convincing the natives that we're just a case of 
bad beer."
	Mihoshi redefined and expanded her parameters, covering the 
entire planet in a few minutes, and finally concluded that yes, 
there were several dozen more, but they were all clustered in a 
ravine fifteen miles from the village.
	Ryoko looked at the cluster of blips and groaned.  "Oh, 
man...  I sure don't want to try to take on that many at once."
	Ayeka nodded in agreement.  "Indeed, that would be quite 
dangerous.  What will we do?"
	Kiyone grinned a wild, devious grin.  "Easy.  We simply 
position Yagami above it, like so..." she said, piloting the ship 
to hover ten thousand feet overhead.  "And tell the computer to 
target that area, like so..."
	"Wait," Ayeka protested.  "If you use the ships cannons on 
that ravine, you'll kill untold numbers of the native wildlife!"
	"Kiyone, I don't think the Environmentalists are going to 
like this very much," Mihoshi cautioned in an unknowing parody of 
Booboo, Yogi Bear's little sidekick.
	Kiyone actually hesitated.  Ordinarily, she would have 
followed the regulations to the letter, and this action was very 
expressly forbidden, even in a situation like this.
	And then, unbidden, images of big cats and monkeys sprang 
to mind.  Swarms of blood-sucking insects, broad-leafed 
succulents with stinging juices, huge trees, and thousands of 
little crawling things that bit you in private places all warred 
for position of the dominant irritant in her mind.  Crudely, 
reminded of her little lice problem, Kiyone scratched her crotch. 
Un unh, no.  This Galaxy Policewoman had just been pushed too 
	And Kiyone finally had call to voice a statement that had 
been running through her mind since the first hour she'd been 
lost in the jungle.  And, also in an unwitting parody, albeit a 
little more different, of a certain large cartoon bear, she said, 
"Bah...  FUCK the Environmentalists, Mihoshi."
	Ten thousand feet below, a plume of ionized air, pulverized 
earth, and vaporized animal matter a thousand feet across leaped 
from the jungle floor and raced across two square kilometers of 
pristine jungle faster than the eye could follow.  Every living 
thing within that area, including the bacteria and viruses down 
to a level of a hundred feet below ground, was utterly destroyed, 
especially the four nests built by the four-armed aliens and all 
the younglings within.
	Unfortunately, while this huge missing chunk of the jungle 
would later fascinate Earth scientists, now no one would ever 
discover the cluster of little blue flowers at the base of a 
towering jungle giant that contained the most remarkable chemical 
compound that, if it had been synthesized and marketed, could 
have finally cured cancer.
	But hey, you can't make an omelet without breaking a few 
	High above, everyone gazed at the barren landscape in a 
mixture of awe and triumph, with Kiyone enjoying most of the 
	She breathed in deeply, savoring the feeling.  "No," she 
said quietly, "it's not better than sex.  But the feeling lasts 
	Mihoshi patted her on the back.  "We did it."
	The dark haired woman nodded.  "Yes, yes we did."
	"Of course, now we have to put the villagers back.  Unless 
you'd rather keep them?" Mihoshi prompted.
	"One of them, anyway, eh?  Heh heh," Ryoko added, giving 
Kiyone a good-natured jab in the ribs.
	"Unfortunately, we're not allowed to keep any pets," 
Mihoshi said reluctantly.  "It's a shame, too."
	"No, no, we're carrying them back.  It's the least we can 
	Yagami darted west, where high-speed teleporters and 
computer memory put them all right back where they had been 
nabbed from.
	The frightened villagers immediately huddled together in 
the center of the village, staring up at the huge red ship they 
had begun to realize had picked them up briefly.
	On board, Kiyone manipulated the settings and database on a 
pair of BinAural Bio-ELectric Feedback Impulse Separator 
Headsets, which was a fancy term for a set of translator devices.  
They instantly allowed the wearer the ability to understand 
anything said to him or her in another language, but did not do a 
thing about speaking it.  Thus, the need for two.
	The reason she rarely wore one was that they were bulky and 
very visible, and also the pair of thin tubes that had to be 
inserted up the ear canal for the device to work properly.  They 
were usually useless in alien confrontations, too, because it was 
hard to convince anyone else to wear one, but this time she was 
confident that she knew one that would try it at her behest.
	After a few moments, she gave Mihoshi a thumbs up.  "I'm 
ready, put me down at the edge of the village."
	The heat, humidity, and clamor of anxious villagers nearly 
made her faint after the climate-controlled interior of Yagami.
	First a few villagers stopped and stared, then the rest as 
they gradually grew aware that their visitor from last night had 
	In a certain state of undress, no less.
	Kiyone tapped her red earring with one finger.  "Very 
FUNNY, Mihoshi, now beam down my clothes."
	"Sorry!  I thought you'd want to be naked like them again."
	A momentary flash of red light later, Kiyone was again 
dressed in her fighting outfit.  Forcing a friendly smile onto 
her face, Kiyone called out, "Dretric!  Hey, Dretric!"
	The large black man in question stepped forward, gently 
prying his way through the dense crowd and gawking at her in 
astonishment.  "Yes?"
	"I know you can't understand me yet, but you will soon.  
Just put this on, please?"  She offered the bulky headset to him.
	"Well, I guess you don't mean any harm..." he murmured 
	"No, I'm here to help," she said encouragingly, smiling 
when he looked up in alarm.
	He accepted the headset with all the enthusiasm of someone 
accepting a dead mouse, turning it over gently in his big hands.
	"Here, you put it on your head," she explained, pantomiming 
putting it on."
	"I know that," he replied testily, flicking one of the 
flexible tubes pointing inwards from the earpieces.
	"Stick it in your ear," she offered politely.  When he 
looked up, she pulled hers back a little way so that he could see 
the tube enter her ear, then slowly set it back, wincing at the 
tube sliding so close to her eardrum.
	Breathing deeply to gather his courage, he bravely risked a 
brain fry and possible metal control, placing the headset on his 
head and sliding the thin, flexible tubes in his ears.  He 
squirmed and clenched his eyes shut, not liking it at all, but 
resisted the urge to fling the alien device away.
	If it had been anyone but this woman, he would have never 
even took the thing out of her hands.  As a rule, fear the 
unknown.  But, well, he had to admit, after last night he 
definitely knew her.  Even in the biblical sense, and in some 
ways that would have gotten him excommunicated by the catholic 
	"Sorry about that," Kiyone apologized.  "It's the only 
thing we've got that can translate.  I can understand you when 
I'm wearing it, but you can't understand me unless you have one 
too.  Your people can still understand you, but they can't 
understand me.  I need you to translate."
	Dretric jerked, surprised to find that her former gibberish 
was now easily understood, accentless English.  "Wow," he said 
after a moment, marveling at the device.  "This really is an 
alien translator, huh?"
	Kiyone nodded.  
	"And you're an alien, right?"
	She nodded again.
	He scratched his head.  "So why is it that it's translating 
from English to Japanese, and not from English to whatever the 
hell language you speak?  I recognize Japanese when I hear it."
	Kiyone shrugged, as if it didn't matter.  "Just one of 
those things, I guess.  I speak Japanese, you speak English, 
neither of us can understand the other."  She shrugged again.
	Oddly, he began to laugh, whooping in extreme amusement.  
He laughed for several moments, greatly putting the crowd at 
ease, which had grown nervous at the one-sided conversation.  He 
slowly brought himself back under control, wiping tears from his 
eyes.  "Heh, that's funny.  You bring in all this sophisticated 
technology, and it just translates from one Earth language to 
	Kiyone shrugged helplessly, not sure what to say to that.
	He looked up.  "So, I've got a million questions for you, 
but what I really want to know right now is why you kidnapped us 
and brought us back.  Are we all the same, or do we now have 
alien parasites in us or something?"
	Kiyone smiled.  She had known he was smart, that was part 
of her attraction.  That and the fact that he was ridiculously 
well hung, but that went without saying.  "No, no alien 
parasites.  You're actually a protected species."
	Dretric wasn't sure he liked the sound of that.
	"We had to pick you up for a moment because there was a 
dangerous criminal in the area, heading for your village," Kiyone 
continued unawares.  "In order to prevent any injuries, we 
teleported you up while we subdued it.  Don't worry, we got him.  
In fact, you can thank my partner for that, she may well have 
save the lives of many of your people.  We're very sorry to have 
scared you like that, normally we would never interfere with a 
developing people."
	He blinked.  "Your partner?  The blonde?"
	She nodded proudly.  "Mihoshi.  It was her idea to pick you 
all up before the fugitive got here.  It really was a dangerous 
	He whooped and turned to the villagers.  "Hey, everyone.  
The blonde girl saved our lives from a badass alien monster when 
they picked us up just then.  They say we're under protection, 
and they're sorry to have scared us."
	Most of the villagers cheered at the news, except for a few 
paranoids who were promptly beat down for the crime of being 
different and having a different opinion.  "Bring her down!" 
suggested on, and the cry was quickly taken up by the rest.  
"Bring her down!  Bring her down!  Bring her down!"
	Dretric turned to relay this request, but Kiyone stopped 
him with a wave of her hand.  
	"Don't worry, I understand them."  She tapped on her 
earring again.  "Mihoshi?  They want you to come down so they can 
thank you."
	"Thank me?  Really?" she transmitted into Kiyone's ear.  
"I'll be right there!"
	Kiyone nodded, then suddenly something occurred to her.  
"With your clothes ON!" she barked.
	Dretric laughed and turned to the chanting crowd.  "She'll 
be right here!" he bellowed.  He looked back at Kiyone.  "What 
about those other people that came last night?  I'd wondered 
where they and your partner ran off to."
	Kiyone nodded.  "Ryoko?  Tenchi?  Ayeka?" she sent.  "Do 
you want to come down so the villagers can thank you, too?"
	There was a brief pause, interrupted by Mihoshi suddenly 
appearing and being swept away by the crowd, before Ayeka's voice 
replied in her ear.  "With all of those naked Earthlings?  We 
don't wish to appear rude, but I don't think Tenchi should be a 
part of such proceedings.  If we may, I think we'd all do best to 
go back to Tenchi's house and rest.  Poor Tenchi is already 
asleep; he's had a hard day."
	Kiyone nodded and chuckled.  "That's fine, you guys go on 
	"Have fun, Kiyone!" Ryoko's voice encouraged.  "Yeah, lots 
of fun, if you know what I mean.  Heh heh heh ouch!  What was 
that for?"  Her voice cut off abruptly.
	Kiyone chuckled good-naturedly, feeling remarkably good 
about herself.  
	Dretric was watching the crowd mob the blonde, and quickly 
deduced that they were far happier about the return of their 'hot 
singing mama' than any excitement over the first contact with an 
alien race.  Of course, if their legends were true, this wasn't 
their first contact.  
	Oh, yes.  That reminded him.  "Say," he said, getting her 
	"Yes?" she replied, mentally cataloging all the things 
she'd have to tell them to insure secrecy, among other things.
	"Does Sirius B really have an orbital period of fifty years 
around Sirius?"
	"What?" she asked, confused.  This wasn't a usual question.
	"Sirius, you know, the dog star?" he repeated.  "Oh, yes, 
you'd probably have a different name for it.  It's the brightest 
star in our sky, at night you can see it over there," he added, 
pointing at the sky.
	"Brightest...  Hmm."  She frowned, thinking hard.  "OH!  
_That_ sun.  By 'B', you mean that little blue dwarf circling it, 
right?  Yes, I think it does have an orbital period of fifty 
years."  She looked at him oddly.  "How did you know?"
	He smiled.  "_I_ didn't."  He pointed at the villagers.  
"_They_ did."
	"Heey Kiiyone!" Mihoshi called from across the village.  
"Can we stay the night?  I mean, since we're probably already 
fired and all!  They keep wanting me to sing!"
	Kiyone opened her mouth to say no, then glanced at her big 
friend and reconsidered.  Perhaps, they did deserve a little time 
off.  "Sure, why not?" she called back.  "Have a blast, Mihoshi!"
	"Thanks Kiyone!"
	Kiyone gave Dretric a full force Look, demanding attention 
and obedience.  "There are a few things I need to tell you.  
First, you must never tell anyone else what has happened today.  
You or the villagers."
	"No problem!" he lied.  "They don't talk much to outsiders 
anyway."  That, at least, was the honest truth.
	"Second, you must continue to act just like you always did.  
No graven images of the ship, no radical cultural changes, or 
anything like that."
	"Oookay..." he agreed, a little put off, idly scratching 
	"Okay?" she asked.
	He shrugged, bewildered.  "Anything else?"
	"That'll do, at any rate.  We don't have the equipment to 
do anything else.  Budget cuts, you know."  She looked 
	"Some things are universal," he agreed.  
	She cocked her head at him expectantly.  "So, ask whatever 
questions you want, if I can, I'll answer them."
	Without hesitation, he replied, "Well, I hate to ask, but 
it begs the question.  So tell me, did you or did you not abduct 
	"I thought so."
	Kiyone shook her head.  These Earthlings asked some strange 
questions.  They weren't like the ones she had been around in 
Japan.  "Anything else?"
	He thought for a moment, then shook his head.  "None I can 
think of at the moment.  I'm sure I'll come up with something, 
though.  You are spending the night, right?"
	She nodded, and a slow smile crept onto her face as her 
eyes traveled rudely up and down his body.  "That's okay, it's 
not your mind I'm interested in anyway.  Yes, as a matter of 
fact, I _was_ wondering if your hut was still open."
	He gulped, but showed enthusiasm despite himself.  "Umm...  
	"Lead the way, then," she prodded, aggressively nudging him 
	Dretric laughed suddenly.  "You know, finding out that 
you're an alien sure makes this strange.  I mean, I've heard the 
stories and seen the movies, but I never in my wildest dreams 
thought that if I met an alien, _I_, the human, would be the one 
to do what we did to you, the alien."  He paused.  "What is it 
with you aliens and sticking things up the-"
	"Not another word," she hissed, clapping a hand over his 
mouth.  "Can't you let a girl have her peccadilloes?"
	Somewhere else in the village, Mihoshi started a well-
received rendition of 'Can't touch this.' to thunderous cheers.
	"Bye!" he called, trusting his manner to get the message 
across, as none of them wore the translator helmets now.
	Birds flew across the sky, adding their voices to the 
morning chorus, and Yagami hung motionless overhead, back from 
its night in high orbit.  The heat was far less than it should 
have been, and even the usual hum of mosquitoes seemed muted.  It 
was truly looking to be a beautiful day.
	"Sayonara!" Kiyone called back, waving her hand at the 
assembled villagers and him in particular before vanishing in a 
flash of red light.  	
	"Bai bai!" Mihoshi called, waving to her fans, that is, the 
assembled villagers.  Then she, too, disappeared.
	Yagami twisted the laws of physics until they broke, then 
reformed them in some highly improbable fashion, launching itself 
at ridiculous speeds into space.  It was out of sight in seconds.
	One by one the crowd dispersed, returning to the daily 
business of feeding the mosquitoes and eating the monkeys.
	Soon only Dretric was left standing in the dusty village 
clearing, staring upward at something only he could see, and 
occasionally covertly scratching himself.  
	"All that, and she was an alien," he murmured after a 
while.  "The boys back at Harvard are never gonna believe this.  
Not only did I make first contact with an alien race, I even 
slept with her."  He shook his head at the improbability of it 
all, then scratched his crotch again, this time a little more 
	He looked down suddenly.  He'd been doing that a lot more 
often lately.  Something tiny moved slightly, catching his eye.  
He knew what that was.  
	"Aww, Christ.  And she gave me crabs, too."

	Unfortunately, that wasn't all she gave him.  Three months 
later, a mysterious sexually transmitted disease, harmless to 
alien races but virilent in a human host, swept the tiny, 
amaxingly promiscuous village, devouring each of the villagers 
from within and sending them to their painful deaths.
	Alas, but not before Dretric left the village, returning to 
Harvard with his numerous handwritten reports.  Thanks to a 
number of friendly encounters in airport bars, several old 
flings, and a stop at a New Amsterdam brothel, the disease found 
itself spread over a wide range of prolific partners and in the 
perfect position to sweep the planet.   Dretric infected over a 
dozen people before he finally choked to death on his own fluids 
in a New York hospital, and they, in turn, infected far more. 
	With so many people having been exposed, it soon spread to 
the rest of the world, turning into a planetary epidemic that 
doctors were powerless to stop.
	All told, the disease eventually claimed over three million 
people before mutating into a less harmful form that later caused 
the extinction of the last remaining goldfinches.
	But hey, these things happen far more often than you'd 
	The moral of this story?
	Use protection, especially when in Africa.
	Mihoshi: Next time in Aurora of Rainbow Fire, spring 
vacation finally arrives.  Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka all leave for 
planet Jurai, leaving Sasami on Earth.
	Kiyone: Tenchi's father and Grandfather promise to take 
care of her while she's on a little vacation, and Mihoshi and I 
will be doing our part as well.
	Sasami: We're going to the beach!  Yay!
	Kiyone: But when Sasami finds a cursed glass bubble 
containing the spirit of a little girl, can even a young Juraian 
princess bring herself to free her?
	Mihoshi: So, um, stick with us for A Prison of Glass, okay?  
	Sasami: It's completely pure and innocent.