Thalia's Childhood:

Aridana Thalia Miranda Sodi Pallares was born on 10/ 26/ 71 in the Spanish Hospital of Mexico City. Thalia was a very lively girl . She didn't like to go to school and she always arrived late although it was infront of her house.

At the age of 5 Thalia lost her father after a sickness . That cause that she didn't speaked for a year until she was 6 .

Mr. Ernesto Sodi Pallares was a famous chemist , penalist lawer , writter , T.V persenter and discoverer of the "Azquetina" the drog that obtein extend the life of Jose Stanlin.

But most of all was a great father for Thalia

"From him I have the most tender remembrances , my first pair of ear rings that he gave me when I was born , they had a very little ruby and a brilliant . He called me "Yuyita" like a bird of the region of Yucatan that sings all the time".

Thalia always liked the arts , but when she was a little girl she wished to be an olimpic artist. She studies from the 6 years to 9 .

She made the elementary school in the "Liceo Franco Mexicano"