If you know of any others that you think should be added...feel free to email me with the list.
AFAIC - As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AISI - As I See It
AKA - Also Known As
AMBW - All My Best Wishes
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF - Be Back In A Few
BBL - Be Back Later
BBN - Bye Bye Now
BCNU - Be Seein' You
BFN - Bye For Now
BRB - Be Right Back
BRT - Be Right There
BS - Big Smile
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTW - By The Way
BWDIK - But What Do I Know?
CSL - Can't Stop Laughing
CUL8R - See You Later
CWYL - Chat With You Later
CYL - See You Later
DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read
DRIB - Don't Read If Busy
EG - Evil Grin
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYI - For Your Information
FYM - For Your Misinformation
GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out GL - Good Luck GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GR8 - Great
GTG - Got To Go
IIIO - Intel Inside, Idiot Outside
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IRL - In Real Life
J/K - Just Kidding!
KWIM - Know What I Mean
L8R - Later
LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
LMK - Let Me Know
LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- Lots of Luck (or Love) LTIC - Laughing 'Til I Cry
LTNS - Long Time No See
MYOB - Mind Your Own Business
NAK - Nursing At Keyboard
NMP - Not My Problem
NT - No Topic
OBTW - Oh By The Way
OIC - Oh, I see
OMIK - Open Mouth, Insert Keyboard
OT - Off Topic
OTOH - On the Other Hand
PITA - Pain In The Ass
PLS - Please
PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
RTK - Return To Keyboard
THX or TX or THKS - Thanks
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TMI - Too Much Information
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
TTYL - Talk To You Later
WB - Welcome Back
WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
WG - Wicked Grin
WTG - Way To Go!

Some Pregnancy related definitions
(m) - More text in body of message
(nt) - No text in body of message (subject line only)
AF - Aunt Flo(w), your period (menses)
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Baby dance, sex
BMS - Baby-making sex
CB - Cycle Buddy (someone who shares the same menstrual cycle/ovulation dates)
CD - Cycle day
CF - Cervical fluid
CL - Corpus luteum
CM - Cervical mucus
CP - Cervical position
DD/DS - Dear (dearest, darling) Daughter/Son
DH - Dear (dearest, darling) husband
DI - Donor Insemination
DP - "Dancing" partner; spouse or significant other DPO - Days past ovulation
DTD - Doing the dance, sex
EW - Eggwhite (re: consistency of cervical mucus)
FTTA - Fertile Thoughts To All
FWIW - For What It's Worth
hCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HTH - Hope That Helps
IF - Infertility
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
LH - luteinizing hormone
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LP - Luteal phase
MC,- m/c, misc Miscarriage
MIL - Mother In Law
O - Ovulation
OPK - Ovulation predictor kit
OT - Off-Topic
PG - Pregnancy, pregnant
SO - Significant Other
TCOYF - Taking Charge of Your Fertility (by Toni Weschler)
TTC - Trying to conceive

ADDRESS - The unique location of an information site on the Internet, a specific file (for example, a Web page), or an email user.  

Browser - A browser is what enables you to see a website. On the internet you need a browser to see anything on a website. Netscape or Microsofts Internet Explorer are the two most popular brands.

Clipboard - A section of a computer's memory where you can temporarily copy chunks of text, data, graphics, or pictures. Once in the clipboard, the item can be pasted into another part of a document, or transferred to any other application. The clipboard normally holds one object at a time.

Cookie - The most common meaning of Cookie on the Internet refers to a piece of information sent by a Web Server to a Web Browser that the Browser software is expected to save and to send back to the Server whenever the browser makes additional requests from the Server. Depending on the type of Cookie used, and the Browsers settings, the Browser may accept or not accept the Cookie, and may save the Cookie for either a short time or a long time. Cookies might contain information such as login or registration information, online shopping cart information, user preferences, etc. When a Server receives a request from a Browser that includes a Cookie, the Server is able to use the information stored in the Cookie. For example, the Server might customize what is sent back to the user, or keep a log of particular users requests. Cookies are usually set to expire after a predetermined amount of time and are usually saved in memory until the Browser software is closed down, at which time they may be saved to disk if their expire time has not been reached.Cookies do not read your hard drive and send your life story to the CIA, but they can be used to gather more information about a user than would be possible without them.

DOWNLOAD - To copy a file from one computer system to another. From the Internet user's point of view, to download a file is to request it from another computer (or from a Web page on another computer) and to receive it.
E-mail - electronic mail. An e-mail address consists of a user name, followed by the @ sign and a domain name. An example: (Not an actual address-Made up)

Extensions Files are identified by a three or four letter or number code, called an extension. This comes after the full stop following the filename. Common types include .doc and .txt for word-processor documents. Files ending in .gif and .jpg generally contain images. Files ending in .exe and .com usually contain executable programs which load into memory and carry out a set of instructions.

FAQ - shortcut term for Frequently Asked Questions.

FLAME - Originally, flame meant to carry on a fierce honorable debate. Flames often involved the use of flowery language and flaming was an art form. More recently, flame has come to refer to any kind of derogatory comment used in public forums such as newsgroups and discussion lists.

FLAME WAR - When an online discussion degenerates into a series of personal attacks against the debators, rather than discussion of their positions

GIF - Most of the graphics you run across on the Web will be in the GIF format (these files are just called "GIFs" for short), a file-type that is readable by most graphics programs. You can tell a file is a GIF by looking at its extension. If its name is something like "filename.gif," then you guessed it, it's a GIF. The pronunciation of this word is the subject of some debate. Purists insist on pronouncing it "jiff" (don't ask us why), while folks who don't know any better are applying common sense and pronouncing it the way it looks (i.e., like "gift" without the "t"). We suggest you do whatever makes you happy. Alphabet Soup Watch: GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format. Compare with JPEG

HTML - It's more computerspeak for the language the browsers understand. You'll never see it unless you learn to write web pages from scratch! Don't worry about it unless you want to learn Hyper Text Markup Language. The coding language used on all web pages; abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language

HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol. Think of it as just the beginning of a web address and leave it at that. If you look at your "location" at the top of your browser window, you will see that all page addresses begin with this. If you ever see HTTPS you'll know you're on a "secure" server and can use your credit card online or feel comfortable providing information that you don't want broadcast to the world.

Hyperlink - A highlighted word or a picture that, when clicked, takes you to another place within the document or to another document. (Also: "link", "hot link")

ICON - A picture.

Internet - the network of computer networks, connecting millions of people in more than 70 countries

ISP - stands for Internet Service Provider - an organization that provides access to the Internet and World Wide Web

JPEG - While GIF is still the dominant graphics format on the Web, JPEG is gaining ground fast. Many browsers (including Netscape) now can read JPEGs, and Web page designers have started using the format extensively. The advantage of JPEG is that it uses compression to make graphics files smaller (which means you spend less time waiting for them to load). However, there is some image quality lost to the compression, so don't expect to see GIFs going away any time soon. The format extension for JPEG is Filename.jpeg or more commonly filename.jpg

Link - A link will take you directly to something. When you click on a link you will be whisked to a particular place or section of a website or another website. Whenever you see a word that is in colored letters AND underlined and when you hover the mouse over it, it changes to a hand from a I shaped charachter... that is a link to a specific place or section.

Lurk - To read messages in a newsgroup or chat area without ever posting or replying yourself.

Modem - lets your computer talk to another computer using the phone line

NETIQUETTE - Rules or manners for interacting courteously with others online (such as not typing a message in all capital letters, which is equivalent to shouting). And not participating in spamming. Also not posting a personal attack on the person rather then a subject.

Search Engine - a web site that lets you search the Internet by subject and/or keyword.

Spam - It is the internet equivalent of junk mail. The most common "spamming" is done by get-rich-quick-schemes and scams that send unsolicited e-mail to literally hundreds of thousands of or even millions of email addresses. Spam is also putting the same information over and over on multiple an attempt to solicit business, scams, or just gain traffic at a particular site...for hidden or obvious gain.

Upload - An upload is a file (audio, video or text) that you attach to an e-mail or that you attach to a website. The person you are uploading to via email must have the same program you are uploading in order to see/hear that file. In other words... If you design a birthday card in Microsoft Publisher and upload to someone who doesnt have Microsoft Publisher.... they will not be able to open that file. Most images uploaded to a website are viewable if done correctly.

URL - URL is just a fancy name for the address of a website. The address of a site is what you type in your browser to get to a site. EX: is an URL.

WWW - term used for World Wide Web, the part of the Internet that uses graphics and hypertext links to exchange information. Also called "the web" or W3.