MARCH 11, 2001




Kate made the first award presentation of the evening, along with Best Actress nominee Laura Linney:


[Announcer] Please welcome nominee for Outstanding Female Actor in a Leading Role, Laura Linney, and Outstanding Female Actor in a Supporting Role, Kate Winslet.

Laura: An evening of awards is always a special event. But a night like this also brings actors together, actors like Kate and myself who have never had the chance to meet or work with one another.

Kate: As our first assignment, we're delighted to present the first award of this evening. Subtlety, strength of conviction and a dash of the devil - these were just a few of the enticing qualities that surfaced in this year's performances by a male actor in a supporting role. The nominees are... [Clips of performances by Jeff Bridges, Willem Defoe, Albert Finney, Gary Oldman, Joaquin Phoenix] ...

Laura: And the 'Actor' goes to...

Kate [As Laura opens the envelope] Da, da, da, DA...

Laura: Albert Finney... Albert Finney could not be here tonight... [Funny moment, as the orchestra begins to play as Laura and Kate are speaking, so Kate hurries to finish her sentence!]

Kate: So we are proudly accepting this award on his behalf.




Go on the the next page - Best Supporting Actress award presentation