"Airport" (UK Program) - December 1999


[Added Sept 2000] Matthew has given me permission to post here the transcript and screen captures he just made of a segment of the British TV program "Airport". [I haven't seen it, so I placed the captures where it seems appropriate to do so, and edited some of the text.]

Kate on Airport!
Transcript and Photos by Matthew (xxmatthewxx@mailcity.com)

Narrator:  Steve and Russell are following another lead. They are hoping to intercept a famous British film actress.

Steve and Russell are standing in the airport.

Steve: We've got Kate Winslet flying out for the premiere of her new movie called Holy Smoke. The premiere is in Los Angeles.

Russell: I think out of all the stars we do she is probably one of the most laid-back, it seems to be excessive to her less than a lot of the others.

Steve: She's still very ordinary, isn't she?

Russell: Yeah, she's not ordinary, she's just natural. I think she's very confident in her own work I guess. She never kicks up, or throws her toys on the floor like most of them do.

Steve: Well, we hope she doesn't.

Russell: Yeah, now that I've said that she will probably go mad at us, but no. She's generally very good.

They are standing outside the airport where people get dropped off.

Russell:  I think that's her. Yeah that's her.

Steve: The one in the leather coat.

Kate is standing about 20 meters away from them and she waves.

Steve: I hope she was waving at us.

Russell: Yeah she was.

Steve: She's probably over there telling the driver to get rid of us.

Kate walks up to them.

Steve:  Hi Kate.

She stands still while they take a photo.

Kate: Hang on. (She straightens her Jacket and laughs) Oh look, it's only me, it's only me.

Steve: How are you, anyway?

Kate: I'm fine.

Steve: You're um.. is it Holy Smoke you're doing?

They walk in through the doors.

Kate: Yeah, I'm just going over to L.A, just for a few days just to do a few stuff towards that [Holy Smoke].

Steve: Is it your first nude scene in Holy Smoke?

Kate: Oh no, no, I've done a few bits of nudity before, but only when it's justified.

Steve: And this is justified?

Kate: Oh my god, yes. Absolutely.

Kate stops for another photo.

Russell: We want you walking.

Kate: You want me walking. Well let me straighten my trousers.

Steve: Thanks a lot, Kate.

Kate: OK. Bye.

Steve: Bye.

Narrator: Kate has her own views about Steve and Russell.

Steve and Russell are gone, but Kate continues talking to the camera that is filming the show, Airport.

Kate: If it's really early in the morning, you just know that they will still be in bed, so you sort of think, 'Oh that's quite good. I don't need to worry about making sure I've got my concealer on or anything like that,' um, but it's always so rushed, to be honest with you, because traffic is usually bad getting out here and you just have to barrel along through.

Kate is gone now, and its back to Steve and Russell.

Steve: Oh, she is good as gold, isn't she?

Russell: Lovely lady.

Steve: Oh, she is smashing. She really is.


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