


 Web Coding
   Image Gallery
   Frame Sizing
   Link Rollover
   Image Rollover
   Menu Tree
   DN Watcher





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Web Coding

In the course of designing my web site, I've had to learn a fair bit about HTML, Javascript, Cascading Style Sheets, and UNIX Scripts. This section lists the more significant projects, giving a simple explanation, a demo (to view, and for download), and a link where it is employed in the web site, when applicable. Feel free to use the demos for your own purposes, as well as to examine my pages' source for another example. If you make any interesting changes to these scripts, please let me know.

HTML Normal HTML code (Go back)
JS Javascript (Go back)
CSS Cascading Style Sheets (Go back)
SH UNIX Shell Script (Go back)
View Demo The 'live' demo
See it in Action Shows how this site employs the technique
Download Downloads the demo code and all images

Dynamic Image Gallery JS
This creates three frames in a window: one for navigation, one for the thumbnail gallery, and one for displaying an image with caption. The viewer can go through the images sequentially via prev/next buttons, or by selecting specific images from the thumbnails. It is trivial to add, remove, or rearrange the images displayed. I wrote it for use as a photo-album, but it would serve wherever a changing set of pictures was to be displayed.
View Demo See it in Action Download (33 kB)

Resolution-based Frame Sizing JS
This writes FRAMESET code dynamically, setting the relative sizes of the frames according to the user's screen resolution. Because the frames sizes for one screen resolution may not be adequate for a different resolution, this is quite useful for ensuring the user sees your pages the way you intended.
View Demo See it in Action Download (1.4 kB)

Hyperlink Rollover CSS
It can be nice to have a bit of 'splash' in your site, and this is a simple way to add it. This shows how to make hyperlinks change appearance when the user positions the cursor over them. Also, if your hyperlinks are similar in color to your regular text, this can help the user identify the hyperlinks more readily.
View Demo It's in action in all my links Download (1.5 kB)

Image on Rollover JS
Another way to add some zest, this illustrates a few ways to make images change appearance when the user positions the cursor over them (or moves the cursor away from them). It can be used to provide context-sensitive information, or provide visual clues about the action that links may take.
View Demo It's in action in my menu links Download (38 kB)

Tree Menu JS
The Tree Menu is a general purpose object hierarchical object, sometimes called a Category Tree. It is essentially an outline where each sub-level can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the information within. Each visible item can be labeled as well as given an action to perform which selected. It uses icons and font colors to indicate the status of each item and sub-tree. The original code came from the Netscape Developer Site and it is a quite complicated program. I don't understand it all, but in the process of fixing several serious bugs, figured out a few key parts and I've added some comments. Despite its complexity, it's quite simple to employ. Follow the demo code as a guide and you can view source on my site menu you will see a more complicated implentation. Currently, I believe it to be bug-free, at least using Internet Explorer 5.0 and Netscape 4.08. If you find any bugs, great or small, please notify me (especially if you fix them :).
View Demo See it in Action Download (20 kB)

Domain Name Watcher SH
This is a UNIX shell script for automated monitoring of domain name availability. It is meant to be called by the cron function but can be run from the command line. It is called with arguments giving the current day of the year, the number of days between "Still Alive" messages, the notification email address, and then the domain names to watch. When called, it checks each of the domain names via "whois". If the "whois" output contains "No match", a message stating that domain name is available is emailed to the notification address. If the given number of days have passed since the current date, a "Still alive" message is emailed, as a reminder, stating which domain names are being monitored. Finally, it updates the crontab file with the current day, if the "Still Alive" message ran, and exits. Be sure to read the initial comments in the file before using it. If you make any interesting modifications, please send them to me.
No Demo Available Not in action here Download (3 kB)